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Flight A Conversation / Connected, But Alone

Sherry Turkle


In the video that I watched and the article that I read was actually same thoughts they
both lectured and discussing how powerful was those little devices is. And how can affect it to
our daily lives. In the way like we can’t live without those gadgets. Sherry Turkle says that
“They was not change what we do, but what we are, “Why is this matter?” I think because we let
our self to adapt the attitude of most used of gadgets anywhere, and anytime. It is not actually
bad, but we must to know our limitations somehow. We should let our self and our friend’s talks
to us face to face. The article flight a conversation shown the different way of how addicted we
are on devices even in work while we are eating. We don’t have time to our friends and family
because we are busy of using gadgets.


After I watched the video and read the article this two makes me realized how really
powerful those little devices was is. And I remember how long I took time of using my phone
everyday it just like my life is half of using my gadget. I choose to chat, my friends except of
having a date with them and talk them face to face. The most we are using devices is the highest
changes, can lose our friends and more bad is our family. We let our self to be alone but actually
we can be not alone. I guess none of us want to be alone, because even me I hate being alone
even if the time comes that I must to be alone I can’t, that’s why I chat, text, and call my friends
to have some problems sharing and chichats. Maybe being alone is hard we must to teach our
self first and teach others to let themselves alone sometimes. This video and article really catch
my attention, I found it so interesting I see how well Sherry Turkle is. I understand what she
want to say. By that I still continue what a way of life that I have and probably learn to love
being alone.
How Social Medial Can Make History

Clay Shirky


In the video “How social media can make history.” By Clay Shirky tells us the has a
transformation of media landscape, he says that it is for anybody who has a message that they
want to get out to anywhere in the world, it means how huge is the affection of media to us.
Media everywhere. He gave an example of using social media it was the presidential election last
November, they used social media to know the ratings of those finalist for presidential election. I
think it works because as Clay explanations many people are response on it. He also says that
media migrate on internet, we can message our loves ones or anyone by the use of social media
such as in Facebook, twitter or on instagram. That’s how huge was the social media is. Before he
finish his lecture he asked one question “How can we make best use of this media? I think just
always remember our limitations of using this.


I think social media can make a history because we see how fast the changes of it
and how it changes us. I was surprised by this changes but I believe that it can helps us. We can
able to communicate with other anywhere in the world by the use of social media I can say that
it is really a useful invention. As I have watched in the video presentation the topic was
explained well and those example was really effective to audiences. Nowadays social media is a
big part of our life just like math social media is universal we can use it anywhere or anytime. I
am looking forward for more improvement because it is really helps me specially in studying.
Some of us take social media disadvantage but I think they should look back and remember what
social media helps them. And use it with limitations always think first.

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