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Types of Text Structures in Informational Texts

Text Structure Definitions Critical Words Graphic Organizer Middle School Examples of Texts

Russia is one of the world’s largest

Descriptive countries in land area. It is nearly 6.6
Descriptive details
adjective and words million square miles and is spread across
Description about characteristics,
like: on, over, two continents with the majority of the
actions, etc.
beyond, within population living west of the Urals where
the climate is mild.
America suffered various setbacks under
the Articles of Confederation. They soon
Propose, conclude, realized a new form of government was
Sets up a problem and a solution, the necessary for the success of the states.
its solution reason for, the The United States Constitution was
problem or question created, a president was elected, and a
supreme court and representative
congress were formed.
Immigrants began to arrive in Texas to
First, second, farm cotton. Then Robert Munger
Time/Order Gives information in
before, after, finally, developed a new cotton ginning process.
Chronological order of occurrence
then, next, earlier Soon after the railroad system became a
major transport of cotton.
The federal system divides powers
While, yet, but,
between the national and state
Looking at two or more rather, most, same,
Comparison/ governments. Both can borrow money,
items to establish either, as well as,
Contrast enforce laws, and establish courts but
similarities/differences like, and unlike, as
only the national government can declare
opposed to
war and establish post offices.
As a result of the Law of April 6, 1830,
Because, since, issues of states’ rights, the Battle of
Give if/then, due to, as a Gonzales, and the colonists feeling their
Cause/Effect reason/explanation for result, for this rights as individuals were infringed upon,
happening reason, on account Mexico and the Texas colonists engaged
of, consequently in a revolution that changed the course of

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