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The Primary Data

No. Kinds of English Pronouns Kinds of Indonesian Pronomina

1 Personal Pronoun Pronomina Persona Pertama
a. I can not eat all this food (as a a. Hal ini sudah kuberitahukan
subject) kepada Bu Nyono
b. We should run faster b. Kami akan berangkat pukul enam
c. She read a book pagi
d. He gave you the book c. Handi membantu kami
e. Give her the pen (as an object) membersihkan ruangan
f. She told us some lies
2 Possessive Pronoun Pronomina Persona Kedua
a. The book is hers a. Pukul berapa kamu berangkat ke
b. He stood at the door with his hat sekolah, Nak?
in his hand b. Pakailah sabun ini, kulit Anda
c. Mary has broken her leg akan bersih
d. Don’t lose your balance! c. Yang kurindukan hanya dikau
e. They have changed their minds seorang
again! d. Kalian mau ke mana liburan
3 Reflexive Pronoun Pronomina Persona Ketiga
a. He lost himself a. Dia setuju dengan pendapat kami
b. We hurt ourselves b. Ia pandai sekali
c. She cares for nothing but self (as c. Memang, saya terpaksa memukul
an object) dia
d. Surat ini untuk-nya
4 Demonstrative Pronoun Nomina Penyapa dan Pengacu
a. That is my father (Pengganti Pronomina Persona)
b. These are lovely flowers a. Bagaimana pendapat Saudara
c. Which tie do you want? I want Daryanto?
the black one b. Antarkan surat ini kepada Bapak
5 Interrogative Pronoun Pronomina Penunjuk Umum
As a subject a. Ini rumah saya
a. What happened at the meeting? b. Bu Wies memberikan itu kepada
Nothing happened in the saya
b. Who told you that?
c. Which is the largest city in
As an object
a. What do you want? I want my
b. Whom do you want to see?
c. Which do you like more, tea or
6 Relative Pronoun Pronomina Penunjuk Tempat
a. I met Calvin who had just a. Barang-barangnya ada di situ
returned b. Dia mengatakan begini
b. It is a problem whose solution I c. Memang kemarin dia mengatakan
don’t know demikian
c. This is the boy whom he like d. Camat wilayah itu, yaitu Pak
most Sitepu, masih berkerabat dengan
d. The dog which I bought saya
yesterday is an Alsatian
e. He is the man that has won the
7 Indefinite Pronoun Pronomina Penanya
a. Both of us came to the meeting a. Apa dia sudah datang?
b. Nobody should talk to her (as a b. Pak Tampu memelihara apa?
subject) c. Siapa yang dia pukul?
c. Did anyone ask for me? d. Ibu mencari siapa?
d. I know somebody there (as an e. Mengapa Angi tidak masuk?
object) f. Kapan keluarga Ahmad akan
g. Bagaimana orang tuamu
h. Berapa harga minyak goreng
8 Distributive Pronoun Pronomina Possessiva
a. Each of them got a price a. Ia mengambil bukuku
b. They each got a price
c. Neither of them was present at
the meeting
9 Reciprocal Pronoun Pronomina Penghubung
a. John and Mary like each other a. Yang buta dipimpin
b. They cheated one another in b. Yang lumpuh diusung
their business c. Ia berkata kepada sekalian yang
Source: The data processing from literatures

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