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Flight from Conversation / Connected, But Alone?

Sherry Turkle


The video and the article cite same thoughts. Wherein they tell the advantages and the
disadvantages of technologies and other innovated way of communication. And how this affects
us on how we communicate to other people. Specially, the generation now commonly known as
the millennials. We are often like to be alone, because we feel liberated in a way that no one is
watching, we can do what we want. No one is around we can talk nonstop with a person, even
miles away. We can deal with someone using our internet connections, mobile phones,
computers, and others. This instances is called “ Connected, But Alone”. But the but effect of it
is we gradually forgot the true essence of communicating which is talking face to face without
the use of the gadgets.


After I read the article and watched the video. A sudden realization hits me. That we people
are already slaves of the gadgets when it should be the other way around. Unconsciously this
innovated way of communication consumes a lot of our time day by day. Some of us didn’t
know how to communicate. We prefer to just isolate ourselves in a four corner of our room,
chatting, texting, calling using our mobile phones. We eat together with our loved ones facing
our gadgets. And now I am picturing this scenarios at the back of my head I conclude that these
are the unhealthy effects of those things the some of us are unconscious about it. Yes we are
together physically but our focus and interest are not them. There is no pure relation. We can’t
build a strong foundation on it. We must learn how to converse face to face to build a real
relationship without the use of editing. Specially for the families forgets the real meaning of
Family Time. We must know and learn to do a communication with or without the use of gadgets
and others innovated ways of communication.
How Social Media Can Make History

Clay Shirky


It tells about the major innovations of technologies throughout the past two hundred years. And
how this innovation make a history specially the social media by means of internet which is
everyone can be a sender and there are lots of receiver, unlike before. The example of this are the
face book, twitter, instagram and others. As longs as you have social media account you can be
any of the two the sender or the receiver. Because of this innovated technologies specially the
internet we can spread news and updates even at the moment. It can be seen of your friends or
even friends of your friends if you want to. It can make a history because using internet is like
documenting events of your lives or other people life, event and other that can make a history.


I believe that social media can make a history. Because using this, we can post and capture some
important events of the country, overseas or even the world. Even miles away we can share news
with other people using our social media accounts. It is like documenting special, tragic, happy
events of anything and anyone. We can update anywhere at the moment if we like to. Anyone
can make a history. We never know that it can be real big help in the future to next generations.
Somehow it has also a flaw especially now that anyone can spread information and some are not
true which they call the fake news we must be careful in collecting data because some are not
reliable source so we must seek for one. We need to be aware that there are lot of fake in the
world of social media so we need to be a smart netizen. Because using the internet, we need to be
responsible of what we share specially important things like giving information or instructions of
anything we need to be extra careful and responsible as always. Think before you click.

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