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Question 1 

(a) Based on the Boeing statistical summary of August 2014 as illustrated above, what
are the ​two most critical phases of flight​? Why do you think the percentages for
these two phases are significantly higher than the rest?
Use percentages to support your answer.

- According to the boeing statistical summary of August 2014, it can be seen that
the two most critical phases of flight are during cruise and final approach with
percentage of total fatalitites 40% and 45% each.


- The percentage of the fatalities onboard and accidents which are 40% due to the
risk of the passengers onboard during cruise where their action are limited as
they are up on the air. Failure of the components or system in the aircraft
onboard able to cause a higher risk of accidents to occur.
- The percentage of the final approach which are 45% also higher can be caused
due to unable to its control of the aircraft.

The two most critical phases of flight are during initial climb and final approach. The
percentage at initial climb is 14% which is significantly higher than the rest. This is due
to the physical of flight as aircraft is at its heaviest because the fuel load is at its peak.
Also, at this stage, if control surfaces are not properly set, the aircraft takeoff might fail.
The percentage at final approach is 12%. At this stage, the aircraft load is at its lowest,
hence the aircraft has the tendency to overshoot the runway and causes accident. These
two phases are significantly higher than the rest as during these two stages, the aircraft
is close to the ground and in a more vulnerable configuration than during other phases.
Hence, flight crews have to deal with high workload and reduced maneuver margins.
The two most critical phases of flight are the take off and landing phase which is
13% and 48% respectively. These two phases are higher than the rest because
there are a lot of external and internal factors that could potentially affect the
aircraft and cause incidents and accidents. An example from both factors would be wind
shear as an external factor and pilot fatigue as an internal factor. Also include bird’s
strike, tires explosion, snow/ice on the runway, ATC oversight, fuel exhaustion (during
landing), airport incursion etc

(b) Based on the above diagram (middle section) where the exposure (percentage of
flight time is estimated at 1.5-hour flight) – the onboard fatalities & fatal accidents
shows a 57% figure ​during CRUISE​. In your opinion why the figure is very much
higher than the rest of other flight phases!

- The figure are higher because anything can happened during the flight when on the
air. The action for the passenger and the crew are limitless and unable to do much.
During cruise, the risk are higher as such components failure, or bird strike can occur
during flight.

Normally at busy airports like USA, Europe the distance from one airport to
another is between 1 to 1.5 hours of flight time, thus aircrafts will fly lower
at lower altitude to save fuel which will reach destination faster. The
airspace will be too congested with so many aircrafts flying at lower altitude,
many private jets, flying school conducting flights to new students – all are
flying below 30,000ft.


(c) Complete the below task elements by giving examples​:
i)Not performed when required – ​error of omission
example ​alarmed system
ii)Performed when not required – ​error of commission
​ example ​landing gears deployed inflight
iii)Performed incorrectly – ​error of substitution
​example​ shutting down wrong engine
iv)Performed out of sequence – ​error of not performed task by checklist
v)Performed late - ​delay

Question 2.

(a) Explain:
i. what is ​Free-Flight?​ and what are the expected results (benefits)when there is
increased flexibility of Free​ Flight?

–​concept that takes place the current ai traffic management methods through technology where no
longer restrict airways

- ​decrease user cost
- ​safe fuel
- ​Reduce delay

(b) What are procedures and what are checklists?

Procedure : ​step by step sequence of actions or activities

Checklist : l​ ist of actions or steps to be taken in a specific order

(c) i. why is it important for ​employers ​to be involved in a safety program?

- ​Management's accident prevention attitude and safety cultures are typically reflected in the
attitudes of the supervisors which in turn are reflected in attitudes of operators and
the rank-and-file employees

ii. list down ways to involve ​employees​ in a safety programs

o Implementing safety programs;
o Ensuring that staff receives safety training;
o Ensuring that staff has, and uses, safety equipment;
o Enforcing safety rules;
o Including safety in performance reviews;
o Providing safety coaching to staff;
o Monitoring staff safety performance; and,
o Conducting incident investigations.

(d) (i) In your opinion, why the graphic representation below is called
“bathtub-shaped”​ curve?

o As the graph resembles the shaped of a bathtub and show the structure of the
failure pattern


(ii) The ​“bathtub-shaped”​ curve is associated with ​MACHINE​ as one of the
5M Models in examining the nature of accidents. Use aircrafts as examples.
Please elaborate further how accident investigators would conclude the
cause of the accident by using ​“the bathtub-model”​ below?

- The investigators first identify the failure rate of the components of the aircraft
during the early period which are burn in period. Due to the early used of the
components, the failure rate is low.
- As constantly the aircraft are being used, failure rate also constant and random
failure are identified.
- Once the components has reached its wear out period or wear out life , the
components started to increase of its failure rate due to their wear out usage for
a long time and constant maintenance.
- The investigators able to reach a conclusion by referring to the problems that
have occurred on the aircraft before it reached its wear out life limitations.

Question 3.

(a) In your own words explain the ​six (6)​ characteristics of a ​Successful Incident

TRUST – the person who is reporting must have trust to the person who received the report
to ensure the information are not used to against them
INDEPENDENCE –incident reporting system should be run by an organization apart from the
federal agency that is also responsible for the enforcement of aviation regulations
EASE OF REPORTING – the procedures of reporting must be easy as possible for reporters
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – the report must be acknowledge properly
PROMOTION AND MOTIVATION – incident report must be available to the community to
encourage people to report incidents
FEEDBACK - procedures and channels for forwarding hazard to authorities.

(b) As Airlines, safety compliance at airside operations is key to avoiding costly incidents and
damaging accidents.Design a training/awareness programme to your employees:

- Potential hazards on the apron


- Risk assessment
- Understand fundamental procedures to protect the aircraft from damage and
ground staff from harm
- Improve overall airside safety performance and operational efficiency
- Be aware of potential hazards and how to eliminate and control them
- Identify and manage “human factors” with the greatest influence on airside safety
- Airport environment terminology and layouts
- Introduction to SMS (ICAO framework)
- Human factors in airside operations
- Ramp safety procedures
- Potential hazards on the apron
- Risk assessment
- Hazardous substances and dangerous goods
- Introduction to airside safety audits
- Airside accident reporting
- Accident causation and prevention
- Accident investigation

(c) After the September 11- 2001 incident that happened in the USA, the Transportation
Security Administration (TSA) of USA had taken control all aspects of Airport
Securities throughout the USA – Likewise, Malaysia Airports Berhad under MAB had
revamped all its airport security procedures by amending rules, regulations, policies
and procedures as required by Acts/Annexes introduced by DCA/ICAO.

Briefly outlines ​the 6 (six) areas​ where tighter controls have been introduced and
implemented by the airport authorities ​across the world​?

● Passenger screening
● Checked baggage screening
● Employee identification
● Controlled access
● Biometrics
● Perimeter security

In your observation – do you think air travel today is a lot safer? Support your arguments by
quoting improvements made by certain airports.

YES . The Transportation Security Administration or TSA which helps guard U.S. airports have made
recent changes include:

Identification requirements: ID must be presented, name must match ticket

Shoe removal: Most travelers must remove shoes at checkpoints
Baggage: All baggage whether carry-on and checked must be screened
Liquid ban: No liquids allowed through security in containers larger than 3.4 ounces
Special items: Most travelers must remove toiletries and laptops from bags
Jackets: Most travelers must remove outerwear during screening
Enhanced pat-downs: This extra screening is sometimes administered
No welcome committees: Only ticketed travelers are now allowed at airline gate areas
Cockpit doors: These have been reinforced and stay locked during flights


(d) List down the ​5 names of the Special Forces​ of Malaysia that will be ‘activated via
MKN’ (Majlis Keselamatan Negara) should Airlines of Malaysia is being hijacked with
hostages onboard:

- Unit lawan keganasan (ULK)

- Group Gerak Khas (GGK)
- Pasukan Khas Laut (PASKAL)
- Pasukan Khas Udara (PASKAU)
- Unit Gempur Marin (UNGERIN)

Question 4.

(a) If you are the Management of an airline, ​how do you construct​ your management’s
roles in ​Leadership and Commitment by demonstrating ​visible interest ​in
ensuring safety is top priority at the work place?

- Establish a written safety policy that clearly defines managements philosophy on

- Consistently enforces policies, procedures and programs
- Emphasize that operations and safety are of equally important for an efficient
- Set good examples if personal protection is require in certain areas, than
managers must wear such protection
- Regularly review department safety records and worker’s compensation data with
department heads
- Publicly recognize good safety practices and results.

(b) List down at least 6 (six) Biometric measurement variables used by Airport Security
for identification purposes

Retina scan
Iris scan
Facial recognition
Hand geometry
Signature scan

(c) The medium or environment (from 5-M Model) includes two parts – the​ ​natural
environment​ ​and the​ ​artificial environment​.

(i) Explain the differences between the two by giving examples?

- Natural environment refers to the natural phenomena that happened such

as weather,topography
- Artificial environment can be physical and nonphysical such as air traffic
control,airports,software systems,SOP.

(d) (i) Safety compliance in airside safety operations is key to avoiding costly


incidents and damaging accidents. As operators of airlines, management must
ensure ​continuous training and awareness​ be given to all level of employees
If you are the management, list down at least ​10 Corporate Safety Compliance ​initiatives​ ​in
airside safety operations.

(ii) Describe how the 5 types of ​aircraft stopping system works​?

o ANTISKID – used in slippery and short runway

o FUSE PLUGS – used in the wheels that allow the tires to deflate before
severely heating and exploding

o AUTOBRAKES – enables automatic brake application on landing or

during refused takeoffs (RTO)

o SPEED BRAKES - the use of wing spoilers (speed brakes) to increase

download on the main wheels increased their

o THRUST REVERSERS – B737/B727 -most airline customers consider a

must to have it especially landing on slippery runaways

Question 5.

(a) In your own words explain the ​six (6)​ characteristics of incident reporting

o TRUST – the person who is reporting must have trust to the person who
received the report to ensure the information are not used to against
o INDEPENDENCE –incident reporting system should be run by an
organization apart from the federal agency that is also responsible for
the enforcement of aviation regulations
o EASE OF REPORTING – the procedures of reporting must be easy as
possible for reporters
o ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – the report must be acknowledge properly
o PROMOTION AND MOTIVATION – incident report must be available to
the community to encourage people to report incidents
o FEEDBACK - procedures and channels for forwarding hazard to

(b) Define the following:

i. AEP (Airport Emergency Plan)

integral part of ACM – in compliance of Part 139 that must be extremely detailed and provide
sufficient guidance on response to all emergencies and abnormal conditions that airport is
likely to encounter


ii. AOC (Airport Operating Certificates)
serve to ensure safety in air transportation

iii. ARFF (Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting

high risk job leaving individuals exposed to a wide variety of safety hazards such as dealing with
fire, smoke, chemicals, blood, and other body fluids and lifting awkward postures

iv. Deicing
freezing or near-freezing conditions are likely to be present, the aircraft should not be allowed to
take off before being sprayed with deicing fluid.

v. A Collision Hazard
any condition, event, or circumstance that could induce an occurrence of a collision or surface
accident or incident (e.g., a pilot takes an unplanned or evasive action to avoid an aircraft,
vehicle, object, or person on the runway)

(c) To qualify as a ​runway incursion​, an aircraft must encounter ​BOTH​ of the

following conditions – namely:

(i) occurrence at an airport involving an aircraft, vehicle, person, or object on the

ground that creates a collision hazard
(ii) results in a loss of separation with an aircraft

(d) List down at least ​6 (six) Biometric measurement variables​ used by Airport
Security for identification purposes

▪ Fingerprint
▪ Retina scan
▪ Iris scan
▪ Facial recognition
▪ Hand geometry
▪ Signature scan

Question 6.

(a) Explain:
i. what is ​Free-Flight?

-​concept that takes place the current ai traffic management methods through technology where no
longer restrict airways

ii what will be the ​expected results (benefits)​ when there is increased

flexibility of F
​ ree Flight?

- decrease user cost

-safe fuel
-Reduce delay


The benefits of free-flight are:
· Decrease user costs
· Fuel saving
· Reduce delays
· Improve airspace flexibility
· Remove flight restrictions
· Increase airport acceptance rate during rush periods
· Utilize runways and ramps more efficiently

(b) i. why is it important for employers to be involved in a safety program?

- ​Management's accident prevention attitude and safety cultures are typically reflected in the
attitudes of the supervisors which in turn are reflected in attitudes of operators and
the rank-and-file employees

ii. list down ways to involve employees in a safety programs?

o Implementing safety programs;

o Ensuring that staff receives safety training;
o Ensuring that staff has, and uses, safety equipment;
o Enforcing safety rules;
o Including safety in performance reviews;
o Providing safety coaching to staff;
o Monitoring staff safety performance; and,
o Conducting incident investigations.

(c) i. list down some of the ​biometric​ measurement variables

 Fingerprint
 Retina scan
 Iris scan
 Facial recognition
 Hand geometry
 Signature scan

ii. What is the difference between ​EDSs​ (Explosive Detection Systems)

and ​ETD​ (Explosive Trace Detection) equipment?

- EDS, it is used for primary screening of checked baggage while ETD

machines are used for secondary screening of checked baggage to help
resolve EDS alarms.

(d) i. Describe the differences between ​what is Safety & what is Security



Safety is condition of being safe from Security measures that created to protect
undergoing or causing hurt to protect against people and property from injury
accidental accidents,damages,events
Happens by accidents Happens on purpose

Question 7. 

(a) Define the following:

i) AEP (Airport Emergency Plan

are ​integral part of ACM – in compliance of Part 139 that must be extremely detailed and provide
sufficient guidance on response to all emergencies and abnormal conditions
that airport is likely to encounter
ii) AOC (Airport Operating Certificates​)
serve to ensure safety in air transportation
iii) ARFF (Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting
​high risk job leaving individuals exposed to a wide variety of safety hazards such as dealing with
fire, smoke, chemicals, blood, and other body fluids and lifting awkward
iv) “​Bath-tub Model”
​model used in the machine factors from 5M that explains the rate failures
v) “Piggy-backing”
​is a violation to the security policies whereby an authorized person opens the door for unauthorized
person which allows them to enter the door

(b) Annotate the ​correct ICAO Annex​ ​to the corresponding definition:

i) Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air is ​Annex 18​?

ii) An aerodrome is ​Annex 14​?
iii) Aircraft Accident Inquiry is ​Annex 13​?
iv) Search and Rescue is ​Annex 12​?
v) Personal Licensing is ​Annex 1​ ?
vi) Air worthiness of Aircraft is ​Annex 8​?

(b) Below are the ​four most common hazards when flying long duration, high altitude and
high-speed flight which can be significantly impacted by many diverse atmospheric
phenomena. Briefly explain the following hazards:

(i) Turbulence - ​Turbulence is caused by the relative movement of disturbed air through
which an aircraft is flying and induced the aircraft roll,pitch and yaw
(ii) wind shear - ​ Wind shear is a sudden, drastic change in wind speed and/or direction over a
very small area. Wind shear can subject an aircraft to violent updrafts and
downdrafts, as well as abrupt changes to the horizontal movement of the
(iii) volcanic ash – ​Volcanic ash is hard and abrasive, and can quickly cause significant wear to
propellers and turbocompressor blades, and scratch cockpit windows, impairing


(iv)ice and precipitation – f​ ormation of ice and crystals on the components of aircraft such as
aileron and flaps which can affect the functionality of the components​.

(d) Briefly explain the ​three (3) types​ of models used in the accident causation models:

a. OTA – Office of Technology and Assessment Model

o The OTA model outlines measurable potential safety factors/indicators that usually related
to accidents, fatalities, or injuries
o Have three indicators which are
● Primary safety factor : Personnel (pilots, controllers) capabilities,Air Traffic
Environment,Aircraft Capabilities Weather
● Secondary safety factor: consists of FAA operations, commercial aviation
and commercial aviation manufacturers that influence the
primary factors such as Airline operating, maintenance,
and personnel training practice Federal air traffic control
management practice
● Tertiary safety factor : federal policies and commercial aviation industry policies
reflect the values of a society and its economic philosophy
(e.g. deregulation)

b. The 5-M Model

o The 5M Model examine the nature of accident by 5 factors:

● MAN - Include all human involvement in aviation : flight crew, ground crew, ATC,
meteorologist, aircraft designer, construction, maintenance, operation and
● MACHINE – trace error in conceptual design and development phase
-repetition in critical components or system must employed and design
- use bath tub model
● MEDIUM – physical environment ( weather, topography,etc) and artificial
environment ( atc, airports, navigation aid,software,SOP)
● MISSION – purpose of mission
● MANAGEMENT- important a it controls the allocation resources documents

c. Reason’s Model or Cheese Model

o Traces the root causes of accidents

o Occur in the higher management levels of organizations
o Swiss cheese model- model that shows error started from the top management and
drag until cause an accident to be happened.

(e) The medium or environment (from 5-M Model) includes two parts – the natural
environment and the artificial environment.

(i) Explain the differences between the two?


- Natural environment refers to the natural phenomena that happened such as
- Artificial environment can be physical and nonphysical such as air traffic
control,airports,software systems,SOP.




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