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Take and Give Method in Effecting the Student’s Speaking Skill

English Education Department – Postgraduate, Muhammadiyah University of Parepare

Amaluddin, Sri Nur Asti Addas

English Education Department – Postgraduate, Muhammadiyah University of Parepare


In recent year, every people pay attention to globalization that happens around the world.
Globalization demands a high capability in every sector, one of them is to master English well. It
makes an augmentative number of schools in Indonesia have stepped up English education even at
undergraduate levels. Our English teacher has big homework to educate the generation. However, the
teacher has the role as the nation builder. This research sets for essential reasons where the students in
Indonesia very difficult to adapt to the English pronunciation, very hard to produce English that can
be accepted and comprehend whether for native or non-native speaker. Speaking skill needs advanced
brain and emotional intelligence. Consequently, the teacher necessitates applying an interactive and
fun learning method in presenting the material in order that students can master the speaking skill
well. This paper provides the method which can be used to lead the students more speakable in
sharing information, notably for their classmates. Take and Give Method is a process of sharing
information in a pair of students. Student one hands the ‘take card’ and other hands the ‘give card’,
where the card's content is related to the learning topic. This paper aims to stimulate students’
cooperative and supportiveness. By applying Take and Give Method, it is expected to form the
students’ speaking skillfulness.

Keywords: English Education, Speaking, Take and Give Method.


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Hamsidar was born on December 30, 1991 in Takkalasi, South Sulawesi. She was
graduated from the English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of
Makassar, now she is postgraduate student. She is interested in sociolinguistics,
psycholiguistics, and TESOL. Email
Amaluddin is a lecturer of Muhammadiyah University of Parepare. He is interesting
in linguistics, applied linguistics, teaching and learning practices. Email:
Sri Nur Asti Addas was born on June 24, 1988 in Ujung Pandang, South Sulawesi. She is
interesting in literature and now she is studying at University of Muhammadiyah Pare-pare
for the postgraduate program. Email:

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