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How to Make 2-4 grams of Edible Cannabis Hash Oil

(Rick Simpson Oil)

NOTE: This method will teach you how to make a small batch of edible cannabis oil extract (Rick Simpson Oil,
hemp oil, edible hash oil) for personal use. You will make about 2-4 grams of oil from an ounce of cannabis buds, or
1-3 grams out of an ounce of cannabis trim (leaves, stems, etc from a harvested medical cannabis plant)
Please note that while the doctor in the video mentions that Rick Simpson oil is often used for cancer
patients, it can also be used to provide relief for epileptic seizures, chronic pain, nausea, and many other
The method to create cannabis oil as described in this video is very safe, but it’s important to note that the
safety comes from following the instructions exactly. ALL solvents, like alcohol, are highly flammable and
MUST BE treated with extreme caution and care.
Supplies Needed
 1 ounce of medical cannabis buds – very dry & ground up – 2-3 ounces of medical cannabis trim can be
 1 gallon Solvent (High Proof Alcohol) – 1 large bottle of Everclear is the recommended solvent for this
cannabis extraction (Everclear is a very high-proof drinking alcohol that is suitable for human
consumption). If Everclear is not available for sale in your state, other natural high-proof drinking
alcohols made for consumption by humans can be substituted. The higher the concentration of alcohol
(proof), the better. For this method, never use alcohol that was not intended to be consumed by humans
(like rubbing alcohol)! Anything besides alcohol in your solvent may be left over in your cannabis hash oil,
so higher proof spirits work best since nearly everything will be evaporated away, and anything left over is
safe to eat. The solvent will be used to extract the essential resin and oil (the “good stuff”) from the
cannabis buds or trim. After all the solvent (alcohol) is evaporated away, you will be left just the pure
cannabis hash oil extract.
 Medium-sized Mixing Bowl – Mixing bowls made of Pyrex glass or ceramic are best – avoid
using plastic or metal mixing bowls.
 Large Spoon – a large fork will do – wood works best, used to stir your cannabis around in your mixing
bowl with the solvent
 Straining Device – Used to strain your cannabis alcohol mixture and remove the solid plant matter. This
leaves you with just the liquid containing the resin and cannabinoids from the cannabis.
o Muslin bag (often found in the pots and pan aisle)
o Grain-steeping bag (made of muslin with wide weave – use 2 or 3 bags inside each other)
o A clean stocking
o Cheesecloth (often found in the pots/pans cooking section of a grocery store) & strainer
o Thai tea filter
o Coffee filters (don’t usually work well) combined with a strainer
 A separate container to catch strained liquid – A 2-quart mixing bowl works great, or you can get creative.
The doctor in the video uses a tall, wide cup she found around the house. As you strain out the plant
matter from your mixture, this container will catch the liquid that comes out the bottom.
 Double-Boiler Setup (or a pot and pan that stack neatly on top of each other) – A double-boiler is a type of
pot and pan setup that can be found at any home improvement or super store. A double boiler allows
your top pot to sit in a “bath” of water, so that the pot with your solvent never directly touches the stove’s
heating element. The top pot should be made of “non-stick” material and needs a lid that will close over it
tightly. If you don’t have a double-boiler, you can use a pot and pan that happen to fit together nicely. It
will work as long as the bottom pan is full of water and the top pan sits comfortably on top.
 Silicon spatula – You probably have one in your kitchen already, this is used to scrape away the oil from
your pan as it gets thick at the end
 Plastic syringes – These are often used for kid’s liquid medicine, and can be found at the drug or grocery
store. Because you are making such a concentrated form of cannabis extract, you will need to use these
in order to dispense tiny amounts of cannabis hash oil.

Your Preparation Area

 Heat Source– An electric stove in your kitchen would work well. It is more dangerous to use a gas stove (if
that’s what you have) since a gas stove uses an open flame – you must use extra caution with a gas
stove as the flame can ignite your solvent – keep anything containing alcohol at least 3 feet away from
the flame of a gas stove at all times. A portable electric burner or a large tea warmer also work well.
 Fire Extinguisher – you should already have one near your stove, but double-check to make sure it’s
there and not expired
 Ventilation – your preparation space should be a large open area with excellent ventilation. Open any
windows and have at least one fan moving the air around. Turn on the fan above the stove if it’s available.
Solvent fumes in the air can catch fire, so the best thing you can do to protect yourself during this process
is to ensure there is good ventilation in your preparation space.
Make sure you read all the important safety precautions before getting started!
Time Needed
 Cooking time is about 30 minutes, and total preparation is 1 hour – After you’ve gathered all your supplies,
it should take about an hour to make your edible hash oil. The first time you make edible hash oil will
probably take longer. I recommend blocking off at least 2 full hours for your first time.
Step 1: Gather supplies
Preparation is key! Make sure you have all the proper supplies ready BEFORE you get started. Make
sure you have your double-boiler, your extra flat surface 3+ feet away from the stove, you cannabis
(ground up), your bowl and a bottle of your chosen solvent.
Step 2: Place ground cannabis buds or trim into the first mixing bowl
Dump the very-dry, ground cannabis flowers or trim in your first mixing bowl. Make sure you have at least
few inches of space above the cannabis material, as you will be soon pouring a liquid into the bowl with
the cannabis.
In the video, the doctor uses a giant ceramic mug as a mixing bowl and adds an ounce of dried and
ground medical cannabis buds.

Step 3: Add enough Everclear to cover the cannabis completely, plus a bit extra
Cover your cannabis material completely with your solvent (Everclear), and add about an extra inch worth
of additional solvent over the top.

As you can see, the cannabis material has been completely covered with solvent, and there’s a little bit
extra solvent poured over the top so there’s room to stir everything.

Step 4: Mix Everclear and cannabis together for about 3 minutes

Work the cannabis material immersed in the solvent, using your mixing spoon, for about three minutes.
This moves the cannabis material around and allows the solvent to dissolve all of the oils/resin from the
cannabis material into your alcohol.

Mix it around, mash it down, and generally make sure that all the herb is being moved around so the
alcohol has a chance to dissolve all the resin from the cannabis.
Step 5: Strain the Everclear-cannabis mixture into your other container
Carefully pour the cannabis solvent oil mix through your muslin bag (or whatever you’re using to strain the
mixture) and allow the strained liquid to pour into your other clean container. This strained liquid contains
all the extracted resin from the cannabis, which has been dissolved into the alcohol.

You may want to work the bag so you get a much liquid out the bottom as you can.

The strained mixture should be a very dark liquid with a greenish tint.

Step 5b (optional but recommended): Put cannabis material back in mixing bowl, then repeat Step 3, 4 & 5 to
extract oil from the cannabis a second time
Put your cannabis material back into your original mixing bowl, so you can wash it again with the solvent
to dissolve any remaining cannabinoids into the alcohol.
Again add fresh solvent to the starting material until it is once more immersed in the solvent, then work it
for three more minutes with the wooden spoon you have been using.

Strain this additional solvent oil mix into your other container (that is holding the solvent oil mix from the
first wash you did) just like you did before.

At this point, if you started with a large bottle of Everclear, you will likely be almost completely out of
alcohol, as you used it for the first two washes.
Trying to do a third wash on the plant material would produce very little oil and it would be of little or no
benefit as a medicine. The first wash dissolves 70 to 80% of the available resin off the starting material,
the second wash then removes nearly all the remaining resin that is of benefit.
Step 6: Pour dark green liquid into top pot of the double-boiler
Pour the solvent oil mix from the first and second washes into the top pot of your double-boiler.
Your bottom pot should already be filled with water.
The purpose of using a double boiler is to create an extra layer of water between the heat and the top pot
with the alcohol mixture. This makes everything safer, and allows you the boil off the alcohol slowly and
evenly, without burning off any of the cannabinoids.

Everything is now ready to evaporate/boil off the alcohol, and you will soon be left with just the extracted
pure cananbis hash oil.

If you don’t have enough room for all your mixture in the top pot, it is okay. As the level in the top pot
drops in the next step, you can continue to carefully add any remaining part of your liquid mix, until you
have nothing left.
Step 7: Turn heat on high until the liquid in the top pot begins to bubble, then turn off heat immediately. The
heat from the water bath will continue to heat the top pan until the Everclear is evaporated away.
Make sure there are no sparks or open flames or red hot elements in the area while you are evaporating
the solvent off, because the fumes produced from the solvent are very flammable. Avoid breathing in the
fumes that solvents produce.
Double-check that you have all windows open, and a fan blowing across the room. Make sure the fan
above your stove is turned on if you have one.
Now turn the heat on high, and watch closely until you see the dark green mixture in the top part of your
You will notice that the top mixture will begin to bubble, almost like it is boiling. This is actually happening
at a very low heat; what you are seeing the alcohol evaporating away.
Once you see that the dark green mixture is bubbling, immediately turn off the heat.

The heat left in the water will generally be enough to evaporate all the alcohol. However, if you are
making this in a cold room, if you are cooking more at a time, or if you have a more narrow pan, you may
need to turn the heat on low a few more times if you notice the top pan stops bubbling.

Once the top pan is bubbling, it usually takes about 15-25 minutes before you’re ready for the next step.
I recommend checking back every few minutes and mixing everything with your silicon scrapper. When
you mix the liquid, it is helping the alcohol evaporate away.
When checking on the liquid, you are looking for bubbling in the top pan which means the alcohol is
cooking away. The bubbling will begin to slow down as the alcohol gets cooked off, but you should still
see bubbling along the edges.

If the liquid has stopped bubbling but is still runny, you may turn the heat back on low for a moment until it
starts bubbling again. You are keeping the heat on low (at max) because you want to avoid letting the
mixture get too hot, which will boil away some of the potency of your medicine.
Heat is not as important at this point. Even if this mixture cools to room temperature (which is unlikely
even in a cold room), the alcohol will all eventually evaporate away as long as you continue to stir.
Step 8: You are done when the liquid has become thick and no longer bubbles – it should look like this

Everything you started with has been reduced to this. You washed the cannabis with alcohol to get the oil,
and then strained away all the plant matter. Now you have evaporated the alcohol so you are left
with just the cannabis oil.
While the oil is relatively soft now, once it cools down it will become thicker, almost like putty. You should
work quick and steady to place this mixture into a plastic syringe, which will make it easy to store and
dispense your medicine. Remember, this is a lot of medicine, and the starting dose is half the size of a
grain of rice.
Step 9: Use a plastic syringe to draw up the oil – this will allow you to easily create individual portions in the

Quick Tip: Mix the warm cannabis oil with coconut or olive oil if you need to make less potent doses, or if you plan
to use this topically on your skin.
For edible doses, you are using plastic applicators or syringes with no needles. These are often used to
dispense medicine for children, and can be found at the drug store or grocery store.
Use the plunger of the syringe to slowly draw up the warm cannabis oil. The first few syringes will be easy
to fill, but as you have less and less liquid remaining in the pan, it will become harder. That’s totally
normal; just take your time and do your best.
If there is some amount of cannabis oil left which you cannot fit in a syringe, you can put the remaining oil
in any sort of small closed container, and you will be able to use a toothpick to get tiny rice-sized pieces
for individual portions after it cools.
The semi-runny oil will become much thicker after it cools – if the oil becomes too thick to push out of the
syringe, simply run hot water over the syringe to soften the cannabis oil.
Store the cannabis oil in a cool, dark place such as a cabinet.
What you finish with:

A special thank you to T. H. Hunt DNM for uploading this amazing training video!

Important Safety Precautions:

1. When making Rick Simpson oil, choose a large area with excellent ventilation. Open any windows and
make sure have at least one fan moving the air around. Turn on the fan above the stove if it’s available.
This is absolutely essential for safety, as alcohol fumes can ignite.
2. If you have sensitive lungs or respiratory problems, it is also suggested that you get a mask to protect your
air passages from being exposed to the fumes from the alcohol evaporating.
3. Be sure to have the proper setup equipment. You MUST use a double-boiler type pot and pan setup,
where the solvent pan sits on top of a water pot – NEVER PLACE THE SOLVENT PAN DIRECTLY ON
THE STOVE’S HEATING ELEMENT!!! This applies to both electric and gas stoves.
4. “Plan for the worst, work for the best” – while the risk is very low using the method in this video, the fact
remains that solvents are flammable and can catch fire, so BE PREPARED! One simple safety item to
have is a lid that fits tightly onto your solvent pan. If a fire somehow started in the pan, simply put the lid
snuggly on the pan and the flame will quickly expire. You should always have a fire extinguisher handy
(not just for safety with this project, but for safety in your kitchen/home in general!)
5. The most danger in this method comes from using a gas stove – this is simply because there is an active,
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER have your solvent pan anywhere near the gas stove while the flame is on!!! I
can’t stress this enough – your solvent pan will catch the open flame very easily … even when it’s many
inches away from the flame!! Double check to be sure the flame is off before bringing your solvent pan
back to the stove!
6. Do NOT make your oil when you’re in a hurry or have distractions going on around you. Being in a hurry
or having your attention distracted will create unexpected hazards.
7. No matter how many times you have to reheat your water pot before the solvent burns off, do NOT grow
impatient with this water method. The entire process takes about an hour and really does go quickly. It’s
the safest method and keeping things 100% safe is worth the extra time – again, NEVER EVER set your
solvent pan directly next to or onto the heating element of your stove!
8. After bringing your water pot to a full and rapid boil, check and double check that you’ve turned off an
open flame heating element BEFORE placing your solvent pan back on top of the water pot!

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