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Pahwa et al

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, February 2010; 9 (1): 81-90

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Review Article

Validation Aspects of Water Treatment Systems for

Pharmaceutical Products

Rakesh Pahwa1*, Mona Piplani1, Prabodh C Sharma1 and Arun

Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra-136119, 2Department of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak-124001, India

The goal of conducting validation is to demonstrate that a process, when operated within established
limits, produces a product of consistent and specified quality with a high degree of assurance. Validation
of water treatment systems is necessary to obtain water with all desired quality attributes. This also
provides a framework to establish a total control over the process which monitors safety, efficacy and
ultimately, the process outcomes. The present overview is an attempt to discuss various aspects of
validation including different approaches, components of water treatment systems, equipment
qualifications, phases of performance testing, documentation and post-validation monitoring.

Keywords: Validation; Water treatment systems; Quality attributes; Pharmaceutical products.

Received: 29 June 2009 Revised accepted: 30 October 2009

*Corresponding author: E-mail:; Tel : +91-9896250793

Trop J Pharm Res, February 2010; 9 (1): 81

Pahwa et al

INTRODUCTION assurance programme. Validation is legible

through the documentation establishment
Water may be referred to as ‘the elixir of life’ - and it guarantees a manufacturing process
This term is most apt to the pharmaceutical with assured product quality and
industry for which the quality of water is homogeneity. Validation of water treatment
critical and a high priority. It is an essential systems is mandatory to obtain water with all
ingredient of various pharmaceutical the desired quality characteristics [4].
preparations and is also used to clean Pharmaceutical water production, storage
process equipment and hence, plays a and conveyance system should be validated
pivotal role in pharmaceutical processings [1]. because end-product testing alone is not a
It is, therefore, important that water should sufficient evidence to confirm with a high
meet set standards given in different official degree of assurance that the system
texts; furthermore, the water treatment operates as it is purported. In order to cater
system constantly provides the specified for the ever escalating quality needs of the
quality and quantity of water so as to ensure pharmaceutical industry, water treatment
that there is no contamination of the product systems, which are highly dynamic in nature,
or equipment. United States Pharmacopoeia must be validated, closely monitored and
(USP) describes several grades of this raw controlled. This article is intended to discuss
material (i.e., water), based on various quality the effectiveness, consistency and
parameters such as conductivity, total reproducibility of a water treatment system
organic carbon (TOC), microbiological along with its validation aspects.
values, and presence of contaminants
including endotoxins, nitrates and heavy VALIDATION APPROACHES
metals. Water must be continuously tested
and should comply with well defined quality Validation studies constitute the quality
attributes [2]. assurance programmes associated with a
particular product or process. They are
In the last few years, there has been an designed to establish a total control over
intensive focus on validation methodologies process outcomes. To accomplish this
in the pharmaceutical industry. Its real objective, there is a need for comprehensive
importance within a productive process is documentation with all necessary information,
recognised in relation to a product’s quality guidelines and evidence. Depending on how
attributes such as purity, safety and and when the data are generated and
effectiveness. The Food and Drug utilised, validation is said to be prospective,
Administration (FDA) has published retrospective or concurrent [5,6].
guidelines pertaining to the general principles
of process validation and has also defined Prospective validation
process validation “as an established
documented evidence which provides a high Prospective validation includes considera-
degree of assurance that a specific process tions that should be made before an entirely
will consistently produce a product meeting new product is to be introduced or when
its predetermined specifications and quality there is a change in the manufacturing
characteristics” [3]. process which may affect the product’s
quality characteristics, such as uniformity and
The term, validation, is used generically to identity. These studies are conducted,
cover the entire spectrum of current good evaluated and the process and equipment
manufacturing practices (cGMP) and systems are certified prior to initiation of
therefore, it is also an element of the quality routine production.

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Concurrent validation reactive and corrosion-resistant nature along

with ease of sanitisation. It can also be
Concurrent validation studies are based on employed over a wide range of temperature.
information generated during actual Plastic piping systems such as polypropylene
implementation of the process. This is and polyvinylidene fluoride can also be used,
generally performed by carrying out in- especially in certain biotechnology-based
process testing and/or monitoring of critical applications. Glass or polycarbonate resin
operations during the course of actual normal may be used where transparency is needed.
process. Polyvinyl chloride is generally utilised in
ambient temperature systems but not when
Retrospective validation ozone is used as sterilant. All pipe joints
should either utilise sanitary fittings or be
Retrospective validation of a process is butt-welded. Piping systems should be
carried out for a product already in compatible with frequent sanitisation, thermal
distribution. This approach is based upon cycling and must be specified for drainability.
information accumulated from production, They should be designed for reliability,
testing and control data. It involves trend pressure control, and avoidance of
analysis (using control chart, etc) of historical extractable contaminants [8-10].
manufacturing and quality control data of the
product. This type of validation approach may Holding tanks
not be possible if there is inadequate or
incomplete documentation and lack of Stainless steel is the preferred material for
consistency in manufacturing and test water storage tanks and it must be verified for
records. Data from different batches of the resistance to chemical sanitisers. Storage
product produced using the same stable tanks vary in size, depending on need;
manufacturing process should be analysed to however, 7500 - 15000 litres are commonly
demonstrate the performance and used sizes. Suitable insulation is required to
consistency of the process over time. store the water at high temperature which
conserves energy as well. Storage tanks
DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS must be provided with a vent to tolerate
fluctuations in water levels, and thus prevent
Design considerations include general any possibility of collapse. Vents should be
information regarding various components or fitted with a hydrophobic air filter to prevent
parts of water treatment systems. The microbial contamination from outside air.
systems should be constructed using Vent filter must be located in a position on the
modular, off-the-shelf purification holding tank from where it is readily
components to control cost and maximise accessible [11,12].
validation efficiency, which ultimately
complies with official/pharmacopoeial Valves
requirements [7]. These considerations
should be designed properly so as to prevent Commonly used valves in water treatment
microbial growth; also, materials of systems are gate, ball, butterfly and
construction must be selected carefully. The diaphragm types. For the removal of
various parts of water treatment systems that dissolved solids, diaphragm valves should
should be validated include the following: preferably be used downstream from the
main unit. In ozone process water systems,
Piping ozone-inert polymers, such as teflon, should
only be employed as valve seats [11].
Stainless steel is generally the material of
choice for pipe network because of its non-

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Filters treatments should be carried out on RO units

so as to keep a control on bacterial growth
Filters are used at various sites of water [7,11].
treatment systems for the purpose of
removing undissolved solids and bacterial Carbon beds
contaminants. Granular or cartridge filters are
used for pre-filtration. Filters, commonly used These are commonly used to remove organic
downstream from carbon beds, should have chlorine compounds and low molecular
10 - 50 µ pore size while membrane filters weight carbon compounds dissolved in feed
used to remove bacteria should have a pore water. Required design features include
size of 0.2 µ. Control measures for the filter selection of proper particle size, avoiding
include pressure and low flow monitoring, hydraulic channelling and assuring proper
back washing and replacing filter media. For adsorption capacity. Carbon beds can act as
maintaining the efficiency of water treatment a source of bacterial and endotoxin
systems and avoiding any sort of endotoxin contamination when improperly maintained,
contamination or bacterial growth, filters must as organic material generally gets
be maintained properly. Design and concentrated and accumulated in beds,
operational issues that may impact which then becomes breeding ground for
performance of depth filters include bacteria. Carbon beds should be periodically
channelling of filtering media, blockage from heat-treated using steam to get rid of these
silt, microbial growth and filter media loss [9]. bacteria [9].

Deionisers and reverse osmosis (RO) Ultraviolet (UV) lights

Their prime function is to act as a surface
Their primary function is to remove dissolved disinfectant as well as for the removal of
solids from feed water. Deionisers use ion ozone from ozone process water systems. To
exchange resins to remove charged particles. be effective, the absorbed ultraviolet dose
Resins must be periodically regenerated must be sufficient to kill microorganisms. UV
using strong caustic and acid solutions as energy penetrates the outer cell membrane,
they loose their ability to remove charged passes through the cell body and disrupts its
particles. Cationic resins are regenerated DNA, preventing reproduction. The most
with either hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, commonly used wavelength for microbial
which replace the captured positive ions with reduction in pharmaceutical water treatment
hydrogen ions. Anionic resins are generally systems is 254 nm. Special low pressure
regenerated with sodium or potassium mercury vapor lamps produce UV radiation at
hydroxide, which replace the captured 254 nm, the optimal wavelength for
negative ions with hydroxide ions. RO system disinfection and ozone destruction. These
includes an additional integrated lights must be sized properly for required
pretreatment cartridge pack with activated water flow and UV lamps should be
carbon, a 0.5µ prefilter, and a calcium monitored as well as replaced whenever
hardness sequestering compound. necessary. UV dose is computed using three
Sequestering agent is a solid, long chain independent variables such as lamp intensity,
polyphosphate that weakly binds calcium ions residence time distribution and water
and minimises calcium carbonate transmittance. To ensure that UV dose (lamp
precipitation. Combination of pretreatment output) is effective, each of these process
protects the RO membrane from damage due variables should be properly measured.
to fouling from particulates, chlorine oxidation Validation of UV light systems are necessary
and formation of mineral scale on membrane to ensure that sufficient disinfection
surface. Periodic chemical sanitisation performance (dose) is achieved under given

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flow rate and water quality conditions [11,13]. minimal connections. Connection points need
to be smooth and should offer minimal space
Distillation stills to harbour bacteria. No-flow or low-flow of
water, particularly through water distribution
Distillation equipment is used to remove piping can be a cause of microbial
nearly all impurities from water which proliferation and development of a biofilm.
includes sodium, hardening compounds such Biofilm formation is affected by the surface
as calcium and magnesium, other dissolved topography and chemistry of piping system
solids (including iron and manganese), that varies for different materials of
fluoride and nitrate. When operated properly, construction. Dead legs in sanitary piping
it effectively inactivates various systems are areas of piping, generally
microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, associated with an instrument sample valve
protozoan cysts, etc. It can also remove connection point, where the branch section of
many organic compounds, heavy metals, piping exceeds a defined length. Dead legs in
chlorine, chloramines and radionucleides. distribution piping provide a place for
Selection of a distillation unit should be based microbial growth, as they can cause no-flow
on analysis of various parameters of water. conditions. Therefore, stagnant areas should
Also, regular maintenance of the unit is a be minimised wherever possible in both
critical factor in maintaining its effectiveness sanitary and non-sanitary systems.
[14]. Recirculating loops keep the water circulating
through carbon filters, resin beds, RO units
Ozone and heat sterilants and storage tanks which are often equipped
with UV lights to curtail microbial count to as
Ozone is a very strong oxidising agent with low a level as possible [11,16].
powerful disinfecting properties and can be
easily removed from water by exposure to UV SPECIFICATIONS FOR VARIOUS GRADES
light. It is an effective bactericidal, viricidal, OF WATER
fungicidal as well as sporicidal agent in water
treatment systems. It directly attacks the USP has stipulated the specifications and
outer surfaces of microorganism and definitions of the various grades of water
destroys their cell walls and membranes. In suitable for pharmaceutical use. It classifies
contrast to other oxidants and disinfectants, pharmaceutical water as (i) purified water,
the use of ozone results in far fewer toxic used for the manufacture of oral preparations
disinfection byproducts. Its production rate and other formulations, and (ii) water for
can be controlled by process parameters in injection (WFI), used for injectables,
order to avoid incorrect dosing and to ensure parenterals and intravenous fluids. USP also
optimised efficiency. More commonly, heat is specifies that purified water and WFI must
also used to control microbial growth in water adhere to the Environmental Protection
treatment systems. While circulating through Agency’s (EPA’s) Part 141, National Interim
distribution loops, treated water is heated to Primary Drinking Water Regulations [2,11].
80 ºC in the storage tanks [15]. Various Table 2 presents the principal standards for
components, along with their desired features purified water and water for injection.
and/or functions generally used in water
treatment systems, are summarised in Table EQUIPMENT VALIDATION
Validation of water treatment systems follows
Continuous flow, absence of dead legs the same basic sequence as does the
and biofilms validation of other pharmaceutical manufac-
turing equipment. It is necessary that the
Sanitary systems for pharmaceutical waters system should be checked and certified as
imply the use of smooth surfaces with properly installed, equipped and properly

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Table 1: Summary of components employed in water treatment systems and their desired
features / functions

Component Desired features/functions

Pipings Selected material: stainless steel; should be designed for

reliability, pressure control, nullifying presence of extractable
Holding Tanks Optimal size/capacity: 2000-4000 gallons,
Hydrophobic air filters: restrict entrance of microbes in tanks.
Valves Generally used types: Gate, Ball, Butterfly and Diaphragm.
Filters Removes undissolved solids and bacterial contaminants,
Control measures: Pressure and low flow monitoring, back
washing, sanitizing, replacing filter media etc.
Deionizers and Reverse Osmosis Removes dissolved solids, resins must be periodically
Carbon Beds Removes organic chlorine compounds and low molecular
weight carbon compounds, required design features:
selection of proper particle size, avoidance of hydraulic
channelling etc.
UV Lights Biocidal wavelength: 254 nm; UV dose variables: lamp
intensity, residence time distribution and water transmittance
should be properly measured
Distillation Still Deactivates bacterial endotoxins and removes dissolved
solids not otherwise removed by RO units and deionizers.

Ozone and Heat Sterilants Strong oxidizing agent, effective at low concentration.
Both are used as biocidal.

Table 2: Specified limits for purified water and water for injection

Parameter Purified water Water for injection

Conductivity < 1.3 µs/cm at 25 °C < 1.3 µs/cm at 25 °C

pH 5.0-7.0 5.0-7.0

Bacteria < 100 cfu*/ml < 10 cfu/100ml

Total organic carbon < 500 ppb** < 500 ppb

Endotoxins N/A < 0.25 EU***/ml

cfu* = colony forming units; ppb** = parts per billions; EU*** = endotoxin units

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functioning as per its design [11,17]. low and high ends of the
Equipment validation has the following steps: ranges.
• Verification of valves, controllers and flow
Installation qualification (IQ) rates.
• SOPs should be written to describe start
It is the process which ensures and proves up, shut down and sanitisation
that the system has been supplied and procedures.
installed correctly, and meets the • Sanitisation of holding tanks and
predetermined specifications of the users. It distribution parts of water treatment
usually involves the generation of an IQ systems including periodic regeneration
protocol, a test and inspection plan for the of resin beds.
system. All installation parameters must be
• Evaluating pumps for proper functioning
documented and certified prior to operational along with the replacement of any
qualification of the system. For an IQ of water defective valves or seals.
treatment system, the following would be
typical key elements [11]: Performance qualification (PQ)
• Utilities requiring verifications includes After each major component of the water
electricity, compressed air, steam and treatment system has been operationally
feed water. Each should be checked verified, the next step is performance
properly at the time of installation of qualification. This phase includes various
equipment for water treatment tests designed to verify the satisfactory
systems. performance of the system. It should be
• Calibration of all process controlling carried out using real process materials and
instruments according to written tests intended to demonstrate accurate and
procedures and certification that they reliable performance over the full range of
meet the specified tolerance limits for expected operating conditions. PQ is the
accuracy, precision, and also in terms stage which documents that the product
of selectivity or specificity. quality continuously and consistently meets
• Verify documentation on system the required specifications. The major
design specifications including objective of this step is to demonstrate that
materials data and calibration the system produces and maintains
certificates. recirculating water, which meets the
compendial requirements for purified water
Operational qualification (OQ) over a suitable time period [11,17].

This consists of tests and inspections to TESTING PHASES IN VALIDATION

verify that the equipment, system alerts and
controls are operating reliably. It is a To complete the validation of water treatment
documented verification that the system or systems, it requires as long as one year
subsystem performs as intended throughout because of operating problems, equipment
all anticipated operating ranges. This failures and maintenance errors expected to
process not only corrects the operation of a occur during the validation period. Also, it
system, but also assesses the adequacy of takes one complete year to determine the
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). For seasonal variation in the microbiology of feed
an OQ of water treatment system, the water as well as to demonstrate the
following key parameters would be typical effectiveness of system sanitisation
[11]: procedures against resident organisms [11].
Successful and complete validation
• Testing of heat exchangers and stills at programme of water treatment systems can

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also be categorised into various phases: Phase III testing

Phase І testing It is a confirmatory step in which frequency

and number of sampling locations are less
This preliminary and investigational phase of than in phase I and II. This phase
validation requires a test period of 2 - 4 demonstrates that the system exhibits
weeks for monitoring the system intensively extended reliable performance and is under
[18]. In this phase, initially the system is control over a long period of time. It requires
operated continuously without failure or a span of around one year after the
performance deviation. Frequent and satisfactory completion of phase II. Water can
extensive sampling along with testing at be used for manufacturing purposes during
numerous locations of operation is also this phase. Seasonal variations of the feed
carried out. Chemical and microbiological water are also evaluated in this phase [18].
studies are performed on the samples in This final phase should be initiated only after
the requirements mentioned in the protocols
accordance with a defined plan [17]. This
for phase I and II testing have been satisfied.
phase also involves the development of
Moreover in this phase, complete chemical
appropriate operating ranges along with the
and microbiological analysis must be
finalisation of cleaning, sanitising and performed and results should be presented
maintenance procedures. At the end of this graphically using various computer
phase, systems are simulated to perform simulations. Complete validation report must
under stress conditions such as start-up after be written, reviewed and approved according
power failure or emergency shut downs. On to the firm’s procedures. Validation project
the other hand, the system is also tested can not be considered accomplished until the
under normal maintenance situations such as final reports get approved by appropriate
start-up after resin regenerations, filter authorities. Maintenance and operating
changes, etc. If the system uses ozone, a personnel must also be trained to do their job
failure of ozone generators should be flawlessly and may be required to
simulated. Lastly, SOPs for the water demonstrate proficiency.
systems should be developed.
Phase II testing
Post-validation monitoring consists primarily
It is a continuation step following phase І and of routine checking of water treatment
generally includes the same sampling systems against the validated cycle, routine
scheme as in phase I. It should further sampling and ongoing equipment
facilitate intensive monitoring of the system maintenance. Each phase must be monitored
for a test period of 2 - 4 weeks. Deployment to ensure that all the desired conditions were
set as specified. These checks should be
of all the refined SOPs is done in this phase
documented in the processing records. The
after satisfactory completion of phase I.
requirements to perform monitoring should be
Water can be used for manufacturing
a detailed written procedure referenced in the
purposes during this phase. This step validation protocol. Deviations from defined
demonstrates that the system is under control processing conditions must be documented,
within established ranges. Testing at this investigated and assessed for compliance
phase also ensures consistent production with the protocol. In order to ensure that the
and delivery of water of required quantity and equipment and support systems function
quality when the system is operated in consistently within the validation protocol
accordance with SOPs [18]. specifications, there should be a written
programme for the ongoing maintenance of

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