Speed, Agility and Power in Football

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Is muscle power related to running speed with changes of direction

Based on the study by W.B.Young,R. James, I , Montgomery (2002), the purpose is to

identify the relationship s between leg muscle power and sprinting speed with changes of
direction. This investigate that when the foot is planted to one side of body to change
direction to the other side,the leg extensor muscles would be expected to initially lengthen.
Then,an active push-off or leg extension would follow due to shortening of the same muscle.
If athlete want to change of direction fastly,it could must with a rapid stretch shortening cycle
of the leg extensors. This may cause to produce a powerful concentric action and may be
important for change of direction speed. The author suggested that this relatively complex
agility task could be influenced more by motor control factors than the strength qualities of
the muscles. Other studies correlated that agility of leg musle power more significant. The
author said drop jump is the best exercise and more effective for change of direction running
in sport. However there were some moderate and significant relationships between leg
reactive strength and change of direction performance. Plyometric training methods that
target reacitive strength particulary with lateral movements that are biomechanically similar
to specific sport.

Comparison of effect of static and dynamic core exerices on speed and agility performance in
soccer players

This study by Ozan Sever & Erdal Zorba(2018) is to investigate compare the effects of
dynamic and static core training programs on soccer related speed,agility,anaerobic power
tests, core stability tests and body compositions measurements. Although this study does not
involve maximal strength exercises, it was hypothesized that different contraction types could
reveal dismillar muscle adaption in terms of neural effects. Core exercise applications can
rarely take place in isolation. They rather represent a part within a whole physical fitness
program routine. In general, complex exercise programs including core,balance,strength had
a positive effects on various performance characteristics. Due to the low level of relationship
between core exercises and performance,it was concluded that these exerices could not form
a main focus for strength and development. In another study of the relationship between core
stabilization,functional movement and performance it was concluded that core stabilization
could not be accepted as a performance indicator of functional movement screening test. The
study also shown and suggest that the core stabilization improvement does not affect
performance test. Anaerobic performance findings which is jumping,speed and agility are not
change after core program experiments. This is because the first one is method just use to
evaluare core strength and second is body weight core stabilization training does not have an
affect to performance. An improvement in the endurance of the core muscle was proved by
stability test.
Speed synchronization,physical workload and match to match performance variation of elite
football players.

The study by Bruno Goncalves & Diogo Coutinho (2018) to examine whether the speed
synchronization and physical performance of an elite football team changed between the first
and second half,using match time blocks of 15 minute and explore the match to match
variation of players speed synchronization performance. The analysis of tactical performance
or the integration of physical and tactical behaviour to understand the emergent team
performance is still scarce. In general,it was revealed that match to match variations in
technical parameters and in high speed running workloads. During the match progression,as
the local information about the opponents performance builds up,players may adapt their
behaviour accordingly. In fact, the results found in the match to match variation of players
speed synchronization seems to support these findings. However, the match progressed it can
be displacements synchronization between teammates. The results showed the different
dyadic speed displacements synchoniza was found considering different speed categories
between halves. This study also found higher dyadic speed synchronization during the first
half which is jogging and running a high speed categories while the second half player
showed higher dyadic synchronization while walking.

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