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“With the present study for the first time we found a real
restructuring of stretch marks in total absence of side effects.
The most important aspect certainly is the consistency of results,
which allows us to declare how they are absolutely replicable on
any subject as the working protocol is respected.”
A. Artigiani1, G. Cervadoro2, B. Loggini3, A. Paolicchi 4

(1) Clinica Dermosifilopatica, Università di Pisa

(2) Scuola di Specializzazione in dermatologia e Venerologia
U.O. Dermatologia Chirurgica, fisioterapica e follow-up ustioni, Università di Pisa
(3) Istituto di Anatomia Patologia III, Università di Pisa
(4) Clinica radiologia I, Università di Pisa

Scuola di Specializzazione in Dermatologia e Venereologia

U.O. Dermatologia Chirurgica, Fisioterapica e Follow Up Ustioni
Università di Pisa – Direttore Prof. Gregorio Cervadoro


he evolution of knowledge requires ever great- activities and metabolic regeneration of the dermal,
er attention to diagnosis and classification of epidermal and subcutaneous structure. These activities
both diseases and situations of austerity. These are highly related to constitutional factors, endocrinol-
must also be considered all those imperfections that al- ogy and metabolism of the organism. This study began
ter the quality of life. more than ten years ago and was the basis of the perfec-
Like a scratch in a beautiful painting, stretch marks tion of Biodermogenesi® project, a new solution that was
ruin the look of young women and young men, in such born from consolidated knowledge and experiences in
a way as to constitute a reason for reflection on the part cosmetic dermatology, sports medicine, physiotherapy
of the medical world. and phlebology.
In fact, more and more often these young people avoid The proposal that was made in 2005 to consider a new
exposing their bodies and limit their social life, trying non-invasive solution that would have replaced invasive
to correct the stretch marks with all the possible solu- and therapeutic treatments for stretch marks, initially
tions, including the ones only supported by commercial left us perplexed. However, its preliminary views made
media campaigns and advertising without any scientific us understand that it was an opening of a new route,
validation. which made us to reconsider and re-study the patho-
To limit the visibility of the skin scars, dermatology physiology and etiology of stretch marks. It especially
and aesthetic medicine have tried and proposed many made us re-evaluate and understand better the impor-
solutions with interesting studies and with significant tance of hypoxia, cellular toxemia, electromagnetic en-
improvements, but always based on invasive methods. ergy and physiotherapy.
We should thank to “Expo Italia” for the careful and Personally, this adventure impressed me, because it
meticulous overhaul on stretch marks etiology in its was also perfectly in line with some thoughts that I em-
various forms and different stages, that made possible phasized in my studies on cellulite, on lipolymphedema
to rethink about the oxygenation action, nourishment and aging but above all for the fact that imperfections

should always be considered real aesthetic diseases, es, including those that alter the appearance. Some of
which need a diagnosis, an interpretation and patho- these like wrinkles, cellulite, swollen legs, acne, alope-
physiological classification. cia, overweight, capillaries, pigmentation, localized fat,
This new methodology indeed was not created to tissue failure and stretch marks that, by themselves,
cancel the old methods, but to propose a new way per- constitute the most widespread and poorly-tolerated
fectly compatible with the new knowledge. Basically it imperfections: a proper aesthetics pathology.
is all about using every effort of tissue vascularization, Besides the undoubted scientific value and therapeu-
achieving the increase of blood velocity and a greater tic significance of the Biodermogenesi® method, I be-
oxygenation possibility, a tissue purification from those lieve that the point to understand is that this technique
toxins that block the ionic activities of the cells, the mi- has allowed all of us to revise important pages of bio-
tochondrial energy production and tissue regeneration, chemistry, biophysics, pathophysiology, anatomy, der-
and finally to a reduction in acidity and oxidative stress matology, endocrinology and clinical medicine, thus
of tissue. expanding our knowledge on the latest in regenerative
The proposal for a non-invasive method based on the medicine.
association of a partial vascularizing vacuum with a Biodermogenesi® is not a revolutionary nor a mirac-
particular electromagnetic stimulation applied directly ulous therapy. Instead, it is an intelligent and serious
to the energetic cellular activity, was taking again the application of pathophysiological knowledge and tech-
knowledge and experience already known in medicine. niques, with results that, within the limits of its possi-
In this way, we have a new therapy that in a synergistic bilities, are able to give satisfaction to a high percentage
way reverses the conceptual schemes of stretch marks, of patients who ask to smile again with non-invasive
making the treatment pleasant and well accepted by pa- methods.
tients, without imposing limitations in social life, and
even asks for exposure to the sun.
This new strategy, together with aesthetic results,
formed at that time a very useful tool for those who
were suffering from stretch marks, but also for those
who dedicated themselves to the study and research of
new therapeutic solutions.
Our first clinical observations, supported by focused
studies and biopsies, were then successfully demon-
strated and completed in several university centers and
clinics under the coordination of Professor Cervadoro
from Pisa University, with the realization of a huge
number of scientific studies that have finally gained
our method the recognition of the Italian Government
Agency for Innovation.
Biodermogenesi® constitutes an important innovation
and a serious non-invasive treatment for stretch marks,
for burn scar and tissue laxity, but it also represents a
real demonstration that all the imperfections should
never be considered as vanity, but as signals sent by our Pier Antonio Bacci
organism that want to say something is not working Head of Surgery in Maria Teresa Hospital in Florence
correctly in our body. Lecturer in the Master Aesthetic Medicine at the Uni-
Today, more and more we are able to get inside the versity of Siena, Pavia and Barcelona
structure of the cell, understand the biochemical and Professor of Aesthetic Surgery in the School of Surgery,
biophysical changes that are the basis of all diseas- University of Siena (93-11)

Patient burdened by dense and complex stretch Young patient of 16 years burdened by stretch marks,
marks before and after 20 Biodermogenesi® ses- which start from the plica of the buttocks and reach
sions in 2 months period with 2 cycles of tan. We see until malleolus. The onset of stretch marks are due to
a perfect filling and the subsequent tanning of the an intense cortisone therapy, some of which are al-
stretch marks, which became hardly visible. most two cm. wide. After a cycle of 16 Biodermoge-
nesi® sessions, we obtained the clear filling of striae,
Archive Dr. P.A. Bacci - S. Frappi – Roma
which have leveled and became chromatically similar
to the surrounding skin.
Archive Dr. P.A. Bacci - S. Leonardi – Arezzo



Materials and methods These assessments were made at the beginning and
end of the program of the provided treatments. The
The present study is an objective verification of the sampling points of the biopsies correspond to the cen-
effectiveness of Biodermogenesi® in the treatment of ter of the stria, which is the place of maximum atrophy.
stretch marks. In a similar way, ultrasound probe was pointed at the
We have treated 18 patients, aged between 21 and 55 center of the stria, with measurements taken just before
years, 13 subjects with skin phototype II and III and 5 the first and the last biopsies.
subjects with skin phototype IV and V, all of whom had In light of the existing documentation about Bioder-
stretch marks, ranging between 7 and 35 years, in dif- mogenesi®, it is already possible to demonstrate that this
ferent parts of body areas. The treatments were carried method is able to revitalize and gradually fill the furrow
out with a device called Bi-one® which then we adopt of the stretch marks (P.A. Bacci 2008/2010, R. Triola
official Biodermogenesi® protocols. 2010), with a stable result at more than six years after
In the course of the sessions, together with Bi-one® de- the end of the cycle of sessions.
vice, we used synergistic cosmetics “Bi-one® step 1”, “Bi- With the analysis of biopsies we were able to docu-
one® step 2”, “Bi-one® step 3”, “Bi-one® breast” and the ment definitively and without any lingering doubts the
specific abrasive disposable sponge for peeling phase. real consistency of regeneration and reorganization of
During the experimentation patients did not have the stria, with particular attention to the thickness of
any other cosmetic, cosmetic medicine or dermatologi- the stratum corneum to the basal membrane and its re-
cal treatments of any kind nor used cosmetics for home shaping and restructuring of the dermis.
use. The research was subjected to prior approval by the It’s very important to state that the confrontation
Ethics Committee competent, which had followed the with biopsies already presented during the conference
development of the scientific research. (P.A.Bacci, La Magra 2008) in which the anatomical
pathology showed a bland increase of collagen and
elastin, revascularization and a cellular hyperplasia,
was achieved after only two applications of Biodermo-
genesi® made in two days distance. From this study it
Clinical evaluation will be noticeable how the reorganization of the tissue
becomes strengthened even further, making it similar
The evaluation on the outcomes of treatments was per- to that found on normal skin where there is no sign of
formed by using biopsies and ultrasounds (Esaote Tech- stretch marks.
nos ultrasound MTX, LA probe 523 to 13 Mhz), aimed at In all documented cases biopsies have focused on the
analyzing the following parameters: stratum corneum and its thickness, on the reorganiza-
tion of the basement membrane and the structure of the
Ecography at 13 MHz: dermis.
• evaluation of fibrosis induced by stria In the case histories relating to Biodermogenesi® it
Biopsy: was noticeable that the labrum of the stria tends to soft-
• evaluation of the stratum corneum en, reducing the perception of fibrosis. Wishing to doc-
• evaluation of the basal membrane ument this aspect, we have looked for a replicable in-
• evaluation of the collagen fibers, elastic and orga- strumental test that had already proved its worth in the
nization of the dermis clinical literature in the analysis of fibrosis, although

related to other phenomena or diseases. Then we chose of matrix and sufficient supply of oxygen.
echography, which is used to detect various forms from As we have seen, old stretch marks are characterized
fibrosis to cirrhosis or muscle injuries. The fibrosis, for with local ischemia which causes a more pronounced
its particular rigid structure, determines a strong reflec- white color (remember that one of the factors that de-
tion to the acoustic wave (hyperechogenic area), leading termines the color of the skin is given by the light re-
to the reading of the white area, generally clear, under flecting on red blood cells). Moreover, the excessive
which determines a shadow cone, constituting an an- thickening of the stratum corneum, which limits, if not
echoic area . The more that fibrosis presents clear and rig- completely inhibits, the cutaneous transpiration. The
id, the greater will be the reflection of the signal sound, overall reduction in oxygen supply is therefore not ca-
consequently looking darker below the cone. The eventu- pable of supporting any higher activity of the fibroblast
al regression of fibrosis leads to a smaller reflection of the in the generation of new collagen.
ultrasonic wave with a gradient shadow. In light of these Furthermore it is important to underline that dated
experiences, it was decided to adopt ultrasound value at stretch marks are also characterized by a pearly white
13 MHz (Esaote Technos model MTX probe LA 523), in coloring typical of a skin with rich of toxins. It is known
order to document if the fibrosis in the furrow of the stria that toxin in the matrix acts as an insulater, consequent-
at the start of the cycle of treatments of Biodermogenesi® ly impoverishes the quality of matrix and slows down
is subject to variations or not. the mobility of sodium (Na+) and potassium(K+), so re-
duce cell nourishment in the tissue with stretch marks.
The combination of reduced tissue oxygenation and
poor cellular nutrition that characterizes the skin with
Purpose of the work stretch marks, makes us understand why the “philoso-
phy of damage” most of the time gives, in this specific
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Bio- field of application, marginal and not always massively
dermogenesi® in the field of stretch marks regeneration, replicable results against the stretch marks, with partic-
also in relation to skin type being treated. This work ularly limited effects on the pearly white colored stria.
is distinguished for the utilization of echography and However the synergy produced by Biodermogenesi®
for making high number of biopsies. Therefore it is the has proven the ability to reduce the corneous layer of
most extensive work ever carried out not only in sub- the stria, reorganize hypodermis and dermis, regen-
stance of the study of Biodermogenesi®, but rather in the erate progressively and re-vascularize the tissue. From
general knowledge of altered physiology of the skin that this study, we appreciated that the choice of the biocom-
characterizes with the presence of stretch marks. patible electromagnetic field was the correct energy to
In contrast to other methods known in the state of the adopt. In fact electromagnetic field is able to determine
art, Biodermogenesi® has a different approach to stretch a calibrated thrust, in order to allow sodium and potas-
marks problems. For the first time, a comprehensive sium ions to surpass the increased resistance induced
balance of the treated tissue was obtained without caus- by toxins present in dermis and consequently reactivate
ing preventive damage, which is the classic strategy the pumping action and nourish the skin cells and fi-
adopted by other methods that were confronted with broblast adequately, favouring a greater regenerative
the theme of stria until today. In fact, previous propos- activity.
als, from derma-abrasion to peeling treatment or vari-
ous techniques related to lasers, have always created a
damage, generally considered essential to encourage a
self-reparative action. Biodermogenesi®
A careful reading of the pathophysiology of stretch
marks, especially if they are white colored and dated, Biodermogenesi® is performed with a device named
leads us to find the constant lack of two essential ele- BI-ONE®/BI-ONE® MD together with some synergistic
ments to achieve the restorative action: a good quality cosmetics.

Biopsies taken before and after 15 Biodermogenesi® sessions performed in 8 weeks (N.C., skin pho-
totype V, 52 years – Abdomen)

Biopsies taken before and after 20 Biodermogenesi® sessions performed in 9 weeks (C.P., skin pho-
totype II, 34 years – Abdomen)

Biopsies taken before and after 20 Biodermogenesi® sessions performed in 9 weeks and after 3
months of break 5 sessions in 2 weeks (R.E., skin phototype II, 35 years – Hips)

Biopsies taken before and after 20 Biodermogenesi® sessions performed in 10 weeks (A.S., – skin
phototype IV, 45 years – Abdomen)

Biopsies taken before and after 20 Biodermogenesi® sessions performed in 9 weeks (D.M., skin pho-
totype III, 21 years – Breast)

Biopsies taken before and after 20 Biodermogenesi® sessions performed in 10 weeks (D.M., skin pho-
totype II, 27 years – Hips)

This method, already widely tested for over 4 years number of hydrophilic channels. The induced action, to
for the treatment of striae, uses the combination of bio- be effective on the stria, cannot be separated from an
compatible type electromagnetic fields with the vacu- activity aimed at increasing blood flow inside the der-
um effect and the electrical stimulation square wave mis.
frequency of 5 Hz, supplied at low intensity (max 3.5 To achieve this target, Biodermogenesi® has combined
VPP). the action of the electromagnetic field and vacuum that
Clinical observations and studies conducted in the are effective to reactivate a superior activity by the ar-
past by Professor P.A. Bacci have demonstrated the effi- terial capillary of the skin, thereby preserving its in-
cacy and the absence of complications on over 2000 pa- tegrity. Therefore, the pumping action of sodium and
tients in more than 25000 sessions. The treatment pro- potassium, combined with re-oxygenation of the tissue,
tocol is based on four stages of work: the first consists of allows it to reactivate the fibroblast, ignite cell mitosis
a scrub destined to reduce the thickness of the stratum and promote the capillarity of the stria, stabilizing pro-
corneum and to allow a better cutaneous transpiration, gressive improvement of the esthetic problem. Lastly,
effectively using a disposable abrasive sponge; the sec- there is the fourth phase, in which, once again, a square
ond phase is the application of electrical stimulation of wave stimulation is adopted and permits, thanks to the
square wave at low intensity, with which it is intended to synergy given from a specific cosmetic, restoration to
vehicle the specially formulated active ingredients and normal hydrolipidic barrier and the physiological pH,
reactivate the lymphatic circulation of the skin, thanks thus preventing any posthumous treatment limitations
to the particular shape of the adopted probe and the ac- to the patient. A very important point of this passage is
tion of a series of AISI 304 steel balls that mechanically that we obtain the autonomy of physiological defenses
stimulate the microcirculation, thereby promoting the of the skin and at the same time we do not deflect the
recovery of toxins present in the matrix. The third phase energy and nutritional factors of the skin but leave them
is the heart of the treatment, where the combination of aimed for maximum regeneration of the stria.
vacuum and biocompatible electromagnetic fields allow
the increase of sodium / potassium pumping through
the intrinsic protein and water-soluble gates constituted Conclusions
from precursors of amino acids, transforming the ki-
netic energy into thermal energy, so as to stabilize the This study makes possible to identify serious factors
temperature of the dermis between 39 and 40° Celsius. and results that are clear and constant on all treated pa-
Alternating the polarity of the magnetic field creates an tients, by revealing a new data linked to the skin type
interaction with sodium and potassium. With a signal of the patient that is subject to the Biodermogenesi®
at positive charge, movement of sodium and potassium treatment. The literature and documents existing until
is reactivated along the hydrophilic channels of the cell were all based on patients with skin phototype I, II and
membrane into the interior of the cells, promoting their III. As we verify the results on patients with skin pho-
nourishment; varying the polarity of the signal creates totype IV and V (five out of eighteen) after treatments,
a strong attraction towards the same ions, which tend we observed a faster and more evident response to the
to accelerate the normal action of rebalancing, thereby treatment of Biodermogenesi® on all of them. Analyzing
returning them to the outside of the membranes and the results obtained on ample cases reported in this pa-
detoxifying the cells. This phenomenon, consolidated per shows the echography answer is clearly sharper on
by over thirty years of clinical literature in the regen- the skin phototype IV and V, like patient N.C. than the
eration of muscle injury (diathermy and derivatives), in skin phototype II and III, like patient D.M., although
Biodermogenesi® was calibrated in frequency in order N.C. is older than D.M. (52 years versus 21 years) and
to work within the skin, avoiding the involvement of has made a minor number of sessions. (N.C. 15 sessions
deeper tissues. It is important to recall that this action D.M. 20 sessions) This fact is also confirmed also from
presents itself particularly interesting against the fibro- biopsies, with particular reference to the restructuring
blast, whose cell membrane is characterized by the high of the basal membrane, which we found to be generally

Echography taken before and after 20 Biodermogenesi® sessions performed in 10 weeks present on the
abdomen of (A.S., skin phototype V, 45 years – Abdomen)

Echography taken before and after 20 Biodermogenesi® sessions performed in 9 weeks (D.M., skin
phototype II, 21 years – Breast)

Echography taken before and after 15 Biodermogenesi® sessions performed in 7 weeks (N.C., skin pho-
totype IV, 34 years – Abdomen)

better on patients with skin phototype IV and V. and assessed the improvement in visual and tactile as-
After analyzing the details of the biopsy results, we pects. The subjective evaluation of the patients by ask-
confirmed once again what was already proven in the ing the level of satisfaction on a scale of 0 to 100. The
work of P.A. Bacci: skin regeneration. We observe a average value of the satisfaction result of the patient was
consolidation of this phenomenon, where the deficits 85,83%, which is very high and in line with previous
that characterize the stria in some cases are complete- data processed by P.A. Bacci, who had found the aver-
ly eliminated, thereby restoring the skin to its original age satisfaction level of patients undergoing treatment
state as it was before the onset of the imperfection. Stra- for Biodermogenesi®, determined on the same parame-
tum corneum appeared in all pre-treatment biopsies to ters, to the value of 88.46%. The evaluation carried out
be up to ten times higher than the normal parameters, by our team is based rather on assigning a score relating
which is the reason of poor skin perspiration and con- to various aspects that are visually and tactilely verifi-
sequently reduced oxygenation. With this treatment, able such as the rigidity of the labrum, depth, color and
stratum corneum tends to visibly normalize. From the opacity of the stria. The choice of these parameters is in-
biopsies we see the basal membrane restructured, villus tended to provide an evaluation as objective as possible
are more evident and there is the presence of neo-me- and not linked to the emotional impact of the obtained
lanocytes, the elements that make stretch marks able to result. Therefore we have given value of “0” to the con-
get tanned by sunbathing naturally or artificially once dition of stria before the start of the cycle of treatments,
treated with Biodermogenesi®. We also see the restruc- considering the improvement obtained up to a maxi-
turing of the dermis, which before treatment appeared mum of 100, which corresponds to the total regenera-
to be compressed parallel to the corneum, as a conse- tion of stria and its uniformity with the surrounding
quence of the alteration of collagen. After the Bioder- intact skin tissue. The average value of improvement we
mogenesi® treatment, there is a noticeable improvement recorded on 18 patients was 83.55% with an attenuation
in the quality and quantity of collagen and elastic fibers, of the stria minimum of 72% (C.P., age 34, skin pho-
protagonists of a general restructuring of the dermis, totype II, treatment area: abdomen), and a maximum
which becomes very similar to the intact tissue. attenuation of 100% in two cases (EMC, age 41, skin
The preliminary echography examination showed a phototype IV, treatment area: abdomen) - (SA, age 45,
clear fibrosis on the furrow of the stria, while the test skin phototype V, treatment area: abdomen). It is con-
carried out at the end of the treatment showed a reduc- firmed that the dark skinned patients have a better and
tion of fibrosis, which is strongly attenuated until dis- faster response than white skinned patients. However,
appearing in some patients. The ecography diagnosis it has been noted on a girl of white race an improve-
confirms what already is evident to the touch, demon- ment of 98%, even though we worked on a zone gen-
strating objectively as Biodermogenesi® is able to reverse erally more difficult to treat and slower to react (MD,
the superficial skin fibrosis. The most important aspect age 21, skin phototype II, treatment area: breast). We
is that results of this research are collimating and giving appreciated the system for assessing the difficulty level
evident improvements on all patients undergoing the of the stretch marks under the protocol that allowed us
experimentation. We confirm that the main difference to predict how many sessions would have been neces-
we found in applying Biodermogenesi® is not in the re- sary to obtain significant results. This tool has proved
sult that you get, objectively the results were satisfactory trustworthy in the projection of the number of sessions
on all treated patients, but rather in the number of re- required and the duration of treatment. We have also
quired sessions. In fact, in the 18 documented cases, in checked the predisposition to tanning of stretch marks,
which we have performed from a minimum of 15 to a with voluntary exposure to ultraviolet. To this optional
maximum of 25 sessions, we obtained a clear regression test submitted one patient with skin phototype IV and
of fibrosis, a filling of furrow and the reactivation of the thirteen patients with skin phototype II and III. The vi-
normal tan by exposure to ultraviolet rays. sual inspection carried out has revealed that all four-
In addition to the above-described instrumental eval- teen patients obtained tanning in the furrow of stretch
uations, we interviewed patients at the end of treatment marks, confirming what has been shown by all of the

biopsies, demonstrating the significant presence of

neo-melanocytes context of an adequately reorganized
basement membrane.
We notice that pigmentation of the furrow of the
treated stria presents itself usually less evidently than
the surrounding intact skin, except in the case of DM
(age-21 - treated area: breast). In this case the patient,
residing in a seaside town, has had the opportunity to
be exposed to two cycles of tanning, getting a similar
color inside the stretch marks as in the adjacent tissue.
This difference is known to the state of the art, as it al-
ready occurred in the past. For example, for the scars
from an abrasion, where, with the new solar exposure,
is obtained a less level of tanning compared to intact
tissue, precisely by the action of regeneration obtained
inside the cutaneous alteration. In such cases the subse-
quent exposures usually allow you to uniform the color
of skin.
Of 280 Biodermogenesi® sessions we have not regis-
tered any side effects nor have the patients had any un-
desirable consequences. With the present study, for the
first time we found a real restructuring of stretch marks
in the total absence of side effects. The more relevant
aspect certainly is the uniformity of results, such that
lead us to state that these are definitely replicable on any
subject, provided they comply with the operative proto-
col of Biodermogenesi®.
The absolute absence of side effects and limitations
of the Biodermogenesi® treatment make an appropriate
21 years old patient with skin phototype II with white,
and interesting answer to the problem of stretch marks,
deep and opaque stretch marks present for more than
because it determines a real regeneration of the dermis 7 years. After Biodermogenesi® 20 sessions made in
acting exclusively accelerating the normal metabolic 9 weeks, it is clearly visible the improvement of the
functions, severely slowed down within the stria. striae, filled and leveled but also perfectly tanned and
became quite similar to the surrounding tissue.
(Archives of Dermatology School - University of Pisa)

A. Artigiani1, G. Cervadoro2, B. Loggini3, A. Paolicchi 4

(1) Clinica Dermosifilopatica, Università di Pisa
(2) Scuola di Specializzazione in dermatologia e Venerologia
U.O. Dermatologia Chirurgica, fisioterapica e follow-up ustioni, Università di Pisa
(3) Istituto di Anatomia Patologia III, Università di Pisa
(4) Clinica radiologia I, Università di Pisa

31 years old patient with skin phototype IV with stretch 45 years old patient with skin phototype IV with white,
marks older than 17 years on breasts. After 15 ses- deep and opaque stretch marks, which are present
sions of Biodermogenesi® in 8-weeks, we can see the for more than 20 years, due to pregnancy. After 20
regeneration and the filling of striae, which became Biodermogenesi® sessions in 10 weeks it is perfectly
almost similar to the surrounding skin. visible improvement in the stretch marks as they are
filled and leveled, which became very similar to the
(Archives of Dermatology School - University of Pisa)
surrounding tissue.
(Archives of Dermatology School - University of Pisa)


La Medicina Estetica 2012 No. 1 January-March

Andrea Artigiani, Gregorio Cervadoro, Barbara
Loggini, Alessandro Paolicchi
Biodermogenesi®: The non-invasive solution for the
treatment of stretch marks – pp. 41/49

The follow-up has been the subject of publication on: dermo - year VIII No. 5 - September / October 2013

P.A. Bacci -Treatment of striae distensae with
Biodermogenesi® - pp. 29/36

For the first time, Prof. P.A. Bacci presented Biodermo- right after the end of Biodermogenesi® treatments.
genesi® to the press on May, 8, 2008 at the press circle in During this follow up, this team reviewed and reana-
Milan. After five years Bacci presented at the XXXIV Na- lyzed thirty patients.
tional Congress of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medi- The checked outcomes have shown continuous im-
cine (Rome 10-11-12 May 2013) a work (Biodermogenesi® provement and good stabilized results in time, without
Follow up at five years) that analyses the performance and the presence of side effects. In this way it was showing to
stability over time. us that this non-invasive method may become the elec-
The study is conducted and documented in collab- tive treatment for stretch marks because in contrast to
oration with Prof. A. Artigiani of Pisa University and other invasive possible solutions, it allows the patients
explains five years follow up of thirty patients. to give the possibility to have a normal life without any
The conclusions of follow-up are the followings: limitations such as sun exposure.
The results showed that some stretch marks are no
longer visible to the eye and the labrums appear flat-
Five years later tened and stay together. Striae is always filled and dif-
ficult to perceive to the touch. The skin complexion is
Five years after its inception organizing committee brighter no more opaque, more likely to pinkish intact
of the project wanted to verify the results and possible tissue, often resulting re-tanned on those who sunbaths
side effects of Biodermogenesi® in order to improve the or expose to solar lamp.
method and technique of treatment. Prof. A. Artigiani from the Department of Dermatol-
Initial sensations were evaluated with current infor- ogy of Pisa University analyzes the results of the five
mation. It is noted that the stretch marks smaller than years follow-up:
6:00 to 7:00 millimeters, are almost eliminated since “We re-contacted 30 patients treated in 2008 with Bio-
they are completely filled and they are no longer per- dermogenesi® and we noted that, 5 years later, they have ex-
ceived to the touch, except it is visible a whitish line on pressed positive opinions on the aesthetic result, for the fact
the place of the stretch marks if the patient was not ex- that stretch marks are not visible, they are no longer iden-
posed to the sun. In those medium sized stretch marks tifiable neither to the eye or to the touch, they are perfectly
an improvement and a reduction in visibility are ob- filled and the color is very similar to the surrounding skin.
tained, thanks also to an acceptable increase in the col- I should say that at the beginning I found a clear attenua-
oring of the skin, while the stria of a greater amplitude tion of stretch marks, both to the touch and the eye, with an
from six-seven millimeters are filled, but remain less important level of satisfaction of patients in the absence of
dense to the touch compared to the surrounding tissue. side effects. The same patients, 5 years later, have expressed
For the large stretch marks we recommend a second positive opinions on the aesthetic result with improvement
cycle of treatments at least a distance of three months of the skin continued in the time. All this may suppose that
from the first treatment, during which the difference the reorganization induced by Biodermogenesi®, document-
generally attenuates. ed by tens of biopsies, may be functional to the reactivation
Thanks also to the collaboration with Prof. A. Arti- of the normal metabolic processes, since the completion of
giani of Pisa University, Dr. Calonzi of Rieti and our the cycle of sessions, perhaps will continue to operate as if
physiotherapists in Arezzo and Rome center, Serena the stria was never been formed in that area. Certainly it’s
Leonardi and Sabrina Frappi, it was possible to compare the opening of new frontier in the esthetic and medical es-
the current state of the skin to its condition in 2008, thetic field”.

37 years old patient of with stretch marks dating back 26 years old patient with 10 years old stretch marks.
to the puberty period on lumbar region. Pictures tak- Pictures taken before and after 12 Biodermogenesi®
en before and after 15 Biodermogenesi® sessions in sessions in one month and after 5 years after the end
7 weeks and after more than 5 years of follow-up. At of treatment. Stretch marks, originally white and deep,
the end of the treatment program, stretch marks are at the end of the sessions became filled but not yet
filled but still partially visible. After the follow-up per- tanned. During follow-up, we appreciated the new-
formed after 5 years and a few months after the end found ability of stretch marks to tan, which allowed
of treatment sessions, stretch marks appear invisible, the total harmonization of the imperfection with the
perfectly integrated with the surrounding skin tissue, surrounding tissue.
thanks to repeated sun exposure that have standard-
ized the skin color. Patient is recognizable with 4 spots (Archive Prof. A. Artigiani - Pisa)
in the photographs.
(Archive Prof. A. Artigiani – Pisa)


e have known Biodermogenesi® in 2009 as learned how it is possible to diagnose an objective the
the first non-invasive method that offers therapeutic treatment.
the patient a safe and effective solution We really appreciated to have a technology that allows
against stretch marks and we presented in Spain in the an effective revascularization of the tissue to increase
same year in XVII Jornadas Mediterráneas de Confront- blood flow and permits to obtain tissue oxygenation.
aciones Terapéuticas and at the Annual Course of our Consequently, we saw that all these actions induced by
Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía Cosmética Biodermogenesi® activate a purification of the skin by
(SEMCC). removing toxins that block the necessary ion exchange,
We already knew the positive experience acquired by energy production in the mitochondria and skin regen-
Professor Pier Antonio Bacci, that today we confirm to- eration and permit to reduce the acidity and the local
tally the effectiveness and safety of Biodermogenesi®. oxidative status.
Furthermore we were also the first to introduce Bio- The knowledge of the protocols and experience accu-
dermogenesi® in Spain at our clinic in Barcelona. mulated until now allowed us to open new horizons to
Following a modest communication among our pa- Biodermogenesi® such as skin aging, hypotonia of the
tients and in some magazines we had a strong interest body and breast, scars and more.
in the treatment beyond what we imagined, mainly by This and the large quantity and quality of scientific
women, but also men, who lived a strong discomfort for works that we received, confirm our clinical observa-
their stretch marks. tions and open a long and bright future for Biodermo-
Many of these patients had previously tried other genesi®.
treatments in other clinics and quitted having treat-
ments because of poor results, serious side effects or for
the high cost.
We obtained, quick and very significant results, no-
ticeable from the third, fourth session without any side
effects for the patient, (neither during nor after the treat- Dr. J. Víctor García
ment). We also observed the ability of stretch marks to Presidente della Sociedad Española de Medicina y
tan. In most cases we provided a preliminary session Cirugía Cosmética - SEMCC
of bio-stimulation with PRP, as we are traditionally the Co-Direttore del Máster di Medicina Cosmética,
precursors and enthusiastic defenders of this therapy. Estética y del Envejecimiento Fisiológico della
We are extremely pleased to have this method in our Universidad de Barcelona
therapeutic proposal, because we learned to appreciate Co-Direttore della Cátedra UAB*-SEMCC di Gestión
all kind of methods that have solid basis: starting from del Conocimiento en Medicina del Envejecimiento
the knowledge of pathophysiology of stretch marks, we Fisiológico


n November 2013, University of Pavia activated a 3 burn scars. The same patients were called for follow-up
study in its Interdepartmental Research Center after six months. During the follow up check, the team
“TAMe.Ri.CI” to document the effects of Bioder- of the experimentation examined and documented with
mogenesi® treatment method against cutaneous scars, photos the evaluation of the scars both from the clinical
with particular attention to post-surgical and burn scars. and instrumental point of view.
The objective of this study conducted by the Unit of Plas- At the end of 24 sessions, on all the scars we registered
tic Surgery was to document how Biodermogenesi® acts improvement, both for the clinical and instrumental as-
on scars by adjusting their thickness to the surrounding pect: better elasticity, less roughness, more uniform color
intact tissue, reduces fibrosis and attenuates the color dif- with the surrounding skin, reduction in brightness and
ferences between the intact skin and the scars. thickness. The best results were obtained on surgical
Instrumental tests conducted by the Department of scars, particularly hypertrophic ones.
Pharmaceutical Sciences evaluated the composition of The volunteers during the follow up after six months re-
the cicatricle tissue before and after the treatment pro- ported the maintaining of all the improvements achieved
gram, documenting qualitative and quantitative regen- with the treatment; these clinical observations were also
eration induced by Biodermogenesi® and reorganization confirmed with the instrumental evaluation.
action against various skin layers. The study was approved
by the Ethics Committee of the University based on pre-
liminary results obtained with Biodermogenesi® exactly
in the treatment of scars, some of which are shown below.
First documented cases in the treatment of stretch marks
showed how Biodermogenesi® was able to replicate the
regeneration already amply demonstrated against stretch
marks even in the context of scars opening new therapeu-
tic perspectives.
The attenuation of fibrosis, typical characteristic of
scars, their leveling and reducing color difference with the
surrounding tissue are of course obvious and clear results.
However, the best thing is that they don’t only represent
an aesthetic advantage, but also in many cases increase
the quality of life of patients.
The study was made on 20 volunteers divided into 2
groups and were treated for a total of 26 scars: 21 surgi-
cal, 2 resulting from healing by secondary intention and

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 1 - Echographies of the healthy tissue near the

scar (on left) and an abdominal scar (on right) before
Biodermogenesi® treatment (T0).
Picture 2 - Echography of the scar after 24 Biodermo-
genesi® sessions (T1).
The structural organization of new collagen fibers
“For the burn scars, there was a good response to the
production in the scar tissue takes the same image of
treatment from the aesthetic point of view but above all
healthy skin (absorption, refraction, light reflection).
from the functional point of view, here below a case of
(Archive University of Pavia) a volunteer patient: headache caused by muscle tension
given by the burn scar extended from jaw until the end of
the neck. The patient confirmed the total disappearance of
pain starting right from tenth session. The scar is consid-
erably softer and more elastic to the touch, consequently
the neck has a greater extension for to move and the skin
appears uniform to the surrounding healthy tissue.”

Professor Angela Faga

Director of the TAMERICI Center - Head of Research
Professor in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the
University of Pavia
Chief of the Master in Aesthetic and Wellness Medicine
- University of Pavia

Patient with relevant and extensive scar that is partly 47 years old patient with post-surgical scar of 7 years
hypertrophic and partly hypertrophic, combined with old after 20 Biodermogenesi® sessions executed in
stretch marks and relaxation of gluteus. In 20 ses- two months. The keloid is fully regressed that linea
sions, stretch marks were filled and scar is consider- alba is once again visible. The scar is pigmented with
ably reduced. Furthermore, buttocks were remodeled sun exposure and has a color very similar to the sur-
as well, which looked much more compact and raised. rounding skin.
Both scar and stretch marks, exposed to the solar ray
(Archive Dr. P. Castellacci – Milano)
and pigmented, reaching a color similar to the sur-
rounding tissue.
(Archive Dr. F. Malatesta - Firenze
and Dr. A. Brafa - Siena)



36 years old patient burdened by stretch marks due to White and deep stretch marks treated with 20 Bioder-
pregnancy, which are present for more than 3 years. mogenesi® sessions in two months, checked after a
The patient reacted particularly so well that in just 8 series of solar exposure. We see the perfect filling of
sessions showed a nearly complete regeneration of stretch marks leveled with the surrounding tissue and
stretch marks. We see also stretch marks tanned, as the tanning of the same imperfection, as they became
the patient used sunlamps for few times. almost invisible.
(Archive Dr. C. Calonzi - Rieti) (Archive Dr. G. Alberti - Palermo)

Evident and important stretch marks before and af- Patient burdened by deep and opaque stretch marks
ter 20 Biodermogenesi®. From photos, we can see an that cover the buttocks completely; after 20 Bioder-
excellent result against striae, while treatment area is mogenesi® executed in 2 months and the simulta-
more compact and elastic, also visible from the navel neous exposure to the sun we can see the complete
and the abdominal folds. regeneration of the striae, filled and perfectly tanned
and became very similar to the surrounding tissue.
(Archive Dr. Ş. Saraçoğlu – Istanbul)
(Archive Dr. C. Urbani – Roma)

42 years old patient with white, opaque and deep 30 years old patient burdened by stretch marks that
stretch marks of more than 20 years, after a 10 Bio- start from the nipple and radiate throughout the
dermogenesi® made in a month, we see a perfect fill- breast. After 20 Biodermogenesi® sessions executed
ing of striae, appearing leveled up to the surrounding in two months, we can appreciate the complete re-
tissue and starting to get color with a first sun expo- generation of the striae, appearing perfectly integrat-
sure. At the same time, we can confirm the firming ed with the surrounding tissue, while the breast has
and modeling of the treatment area. become even more harmonious and compact.
(Archive Dr. D. Pirrottina - Milano) (Archive Dr. A. Reale - The Medical Care - Campobasso)

Stretch marks on the shoulder of a young man due to Young man burdened by large stretch marks, still red
intense physical activity. After 15 Biodermogenesi® though older than 2 years. After one treatment pro-
sessions made in 7 weeks and a series of solar expo- gram with Biodermogenesi® stretch marks were per-
sures, we obtained the regeneration of stretch marks fectly regenerated and aligned with the surrounding
as we see a perfect filling and the subsequent tanning skin.
of the same, which became hardly visible.
(Archive Beauty Blu - Firenze)
(Archive Dr. P.A. Bacci - S. Frappi - Roma)

26 years old patient with evident stretch marks after Patient with stretch marks and remarkable skin sag-
an intensive weight loss. Photos taken before and ging prioblems on the lower part of abdomen. Photos
after 20 Biodermogenesi® sessions executed in 2 taken before and after 20 Biodermogenesi® sessions
months period. Besides the complete filling and tan- executed in 8 weeks period. Here we appreciate an
ning of stretch marks, we see a real reshape of the important improvement on all abdomen area , which
breasts, which are more compact and harmonious. is exteremely compact and tightened, while the na-
vel area had an incredible transformation. Moreover,
Text taken from: La Medicina Estetica, 2010, October/ stretch marks are perfectly regenerated and uni-
December pag. 543/553 formed with the surrounding tissue.
La Biodermogenesi® applicata al trattamento delle (Archive Beauty Medical Center – Milano)
Roberta Triola, Emanuele Bartoletti, Carlo Alberto Bar-
Biodermogenesi ® is an exclusive patent of Expo Italia.
Bi-one® and Biodermogenesi ® are two registered trademarks of Expo Italia.


Via Segantini, 34 - 50142 FLORENCE - ITALY
Tel. (+39) 055 7875341
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