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Our case study focussed on the child who was born blind in one eye with a small white cloud
or cataract covering the pupil in one eye. Described as a vision development disorder in which an
eye fails to achieve normal visual acuity, even with prescription eye glasses or contact lenses.
Amblyopia begins during infancy and early childhood. In most cases, only one eye is affected.
Anything that blurs a child’s vision or causes the eyes to cross or turn out may result in lazy eye.
The most common cause of laze eye is an imbalance in the muscles that position the eyes. It is
the most common eye impairment in children, it affecting the 2 to 3 out of every 100 children.
The eye may look normal, but the brain favour’s the other eye. Amblyopia has factors
resulting the infant, toddler and child at significant risk for visual impairments this includes the
abnormalities in the development of the eye or injury to eye structures from things like
prematurity related retinopathy or infections or smoking or by developmental problems or injury
to the parts of the brain responsible for vision. The scientists discovered that this condition is
hereditary and that is fairly common in children.
A family history of condition is often identified as risk factor. Sometimes the order maybe
reversed where it may be present at birth of might occur later on. The condition is curable if it is
prevented at the very young age, scientist don’t know the success rate of treating amblyopia in
adults. During the first seven to ten years of life, the visual system develops rapidly. Important
connections between the eye and the brain are created during this period of growth and
development. Scientist are still exploring whether treatment for amblyopia in adults can improve
The treatment involves correcting the vision in the weaker eye and then placing a patch on the
stronger or the normal one so that the brain is forced to start using the visual information from
the amblyopic eye. Our eyes are our body’s most highly developed sensory organs. In fact larger
part of the brain is dedicated to vision than to hearing, taste, touch, or smell combined. We
perceive up to 80% of all impressions by means of our sight. It is the eyes that best protect us
from danger. Amblyopia is curable if we prevented it by treatment as soon as possible.

The goal of this study is to determine the cause of Amblyopia or Lazy Eye. We will determine
if the condition is hereditary and curable or it may lead to total blindness.


Amblyopia or Lazy Eye

No Amblyopia
During pregnancy the mother must keep herself healthy and away from any kind of sickness.
We found out that if the pregnant women became sick and take medication without prescription
or without consultation with the doctor, it will harm and has an effect to the child. The mother
should be in good condition during pregnancy.
This condition is curable if it is treated immediately. Because once you became old the
condition will be hard to cure and there is no possibility of success.
Continuous feedback from the respondent and through research it shows that amblyopia or lazy
eye is not an offspring of heredity and can’t cause of total blindness. But a result of unawareness
to this case.

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