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midas GTS ver.

251 - Release notes

01. Pre-Processing
02. Elements
03. Analysis
04. Post-Processing
05. Other Enhancements and Improved Functions
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

01. Pre-Processing
1. Enhancement in Material Model Dialog Box

All the input boxes, where material properties are defined by the user, used to be activated
with default values. GTS now automatically inactivates unnecessary parameters depending on
the selected material model. For example, properties in the elastic model, such as cohesion
and internal friction angle, which are not used for calculation, are inactivated.

Figure 1.1.1 Modified Material Dialog Box (Elastic Model)

2. Generalized Space Function

The Generalized Space Function now has the ability to define a spatial function where the
applied pressure load can vary independently in three-dimensional space. Functions were
usually defined with one independent variable at a time. GTS now defines functions with three
independent variables that are applied in three-dimensional space.

This function can be used for instance to specify the grout pressure acting on a TBM tunnel
lining with variation simultaneously in X, Y and Z directions. 1
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

‹ Method

z Choose ‘Model > Generalized Space Function’.

z Enter the name of the function and choose the ‘Global Rectangular’ coordinate
z Enter the function value in each direction X, Y, Z.
(To define the function, the independent variable or function value can be
directly entered into the left table. Moreover, a formula can be directly
entered into the corresponding dialog box. In both cases, the values of the
independent variables will be calculated by linear interpolation.)
Note: This option is limited to the application of pressure loads only.
z The resultant three-dimensional distribution corresponds to the product of the
three functions defined by the user: F(X,Y,Z) = f(X) * g(Y) * h(Z)
z Note that the values defined in the Generalized Function dialogue are unitless.
It is therefore advised to define a normalized function for each direction
(maximum value =1) and then enter the actual maximum pressure value (stress
unit) in the “P” input box of the Pressure Load dialog.

Figure 1.2.1 Generalized Space Function Input Dialog

Figure 1.2.2 Example of Generalized Space Function 2
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

3. User-Defined Coordinates for the post-processing of Plate Results

3.1 Outline

Theoretically, plate element results (stress, force/moment per unit length) can be expressed
in any coordinate system as long as the z-direction is perpendicular to the plate element. So
far in GTS, plate results could be expressed in the element coordinate system or in the global
coordinate system. None of these coordinate systems were satisfactory when post-processing
results in a curved plate meshed with triangular elements, e.g. tunnel linings. The Plate Output
Coordinate System function allows the user to present the plate element results in a more
convenient coordinate system.

‹ Method

z Select ‘Model > Coordinate System’ and specify a user-defined coordinate

z Select ‘Model > Property > Property’ and then select ‘Add’.
z Select ‘Plate’ next to Type, in the Plane tab, and choose ‘User Supplied
Coordinate’ next to Output Coordinate System.
z Results in each plate will then be expressed in the local projection onto the
plate of the specified Output Coordinate System.
z Note that the specified Output Coordinate Systems can be changed by the
user at any point during pre- or post-processing. Plate results will be updated
(rotated) automatically without any need to rerun the analysis.

Figure 1.3.1 Dialog for Selection of an Output Coordinate System for Plate Elements 3
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

For tunnel lining, specify the X axis aligned with the tunnel axis and make sure that
the Z axis is not coplanar with any of the plate elements. In this case, plate force
results will have the following meaning:
Fxx = axial force, Fyy = circumferential force, Fxy= in-plane shear force
Qzx = out-of-plane shear between rings, Qyz = out-of-plane shear in ring
Mxx = bending moment along tunnel axis, Myy = bending moment in ring

3.2 Coordinate System Projection

Output coordinate system is not necessarily required to have a specific orientation with
respect to the plate element. In this case, the x-axis of the output coordinate system can be
projected onto the element and used for post-processing.

z Output coordinate system


z Element coordinate system

projection y

Projected x- axis

Figure 1.3.2 Coordinate System of the Plate Element

Direction of the projected axis will be displayed as ‘Model>Element>Display Output

Coordinate System (Plate)’. 4
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

4. Interface wizard

4.1 Outline

Previously the user had to define manually the interface properties for each interface mesh
set using the Property dialog box. The interface wizard now allows automatic assessment of
interface properties based on a virtual thickness, a strength reduction factor, and the local
properties of soil elements (connected to interface elements).

‹ Method

z Select ‘Model > Element > Create Interface…’ and select ‘Attribute Wizard’.

Figure 1.4.1 Dialog for assigning interface wizard

Input parameters of the interface wizard:

- Virtual Thickness Factor (tv)

This parameter is used to derive the interface elastic stiffness from the soil stiffness.
Interface stiffness must be large enough to produce negligible relative displacements before
plastic slip or tensile debonding occurs. However, increase in interface stiffness value compared
to the surrounding soil’s stiffness can result in numerical instability in the analysis. The wizard
estimates the associated interface stiffness (N/m3) that would be equivalent to the stiffness of
a soil column of a width equal to a given virtual thickness (Tv), which is deduced from the
specified virtual thickness factor (tv) and the element size (le) in the following way:
Tv = tv x le
It is advised to specify a virtual thickness that is about 10 times smaller than the average
element size of the soil in the considered region, i.e. tv = 1/10. 5
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

- Strength Reduction Factor (R)

This parameter is used to derive the cohesion and friction angle of the interface elements
from the strength properties of the soil (See Figure 1.4.2). The interface strength parameters
are equal to the neighboring soil strength parameters if R=1. For the interface between soil and
a smooth structural element (steel or precast concrete) it is generally assumed that the
reduction factor is in the order of 0.65. For the interface between soil and cast in place
concrete, the reduction factor may be as high as 1.

Figure 1.4.2 Schematic representation of the parameters in use

Parameters for manual input (Normal Stiffness Modulus, Shear Stiffness Modulus) are
automatically calculated by using the following formulae.

Normal Stiffness Modulus (Kn) = elastic modulus of ground (E) X 10 / (Ie (element size) X
virtual thickness factor)

Shear Stiffness Modulus (Kt) = elastic modulus of ground (normal value) / (Ie (element size)
X virtual thickness factor)

Note: By default, the option Consider Element Size is unselected. In this case the value for
element size (Ie) in the formulae above is set to 1.0 m. 6
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

02. Elements
1. Pile Tip Bearing Capacity

1.1 Outline

In the previous version, the newly introduced pile elements based on line-to-solid interfaces,
while considering the non-linearity due to pile shaft friction (slip), failed to consider the non-
linearity due to soil failure at the pile tip (i.e. pile toe). As a consequence, the previous pile
elements were mostly appropriate to model long piles where the contribution of the tip to the
overall pile capacity is negligible. In the present version, the creation of pile element is
complemented by adding a point-to-solid interface element at the pile tip such that a limit for
pile tip bearing capacity can be specified by the user. Therefore, the new pile element
considers non-linearity arising both from pile shaft friction and from soil failure at pile tip.
When creating pile elements using the ‘Create Pile (3D)’ dialog, the user can choose to
activate the ‘Pile tip spring’ option. In this case, a point-to-solid interface element is created
at the tip of each pile, connecting the end node of the pile beam to the surrounding 3D soil
elements. This point-to-solid interface element has an internal orientation allowing the user to
define a non-linear behavior between the beam and the soil in the axial direction of the pile.
This non-linear behavior can be based on either perfect plasticity (high elastic stiffness and
limited bearing capacity), or on a user-defined multi-linear force-displacement diagram.

‹ Guide to the Functions

z ‘Tip Bearing Capacity’ is the maximum bearing force allowed at the pile tip.
z ‘Tip Spring Stiffness’ is the initial elastic stiffness used before pile tip failure.
If this option is chosen, the pile tip will behave elastically until reaching the
specified bearing capacity where it then behaves in a perfectly plastic way.
Note that it is advised to specify an elastic stiffness at the tip which is large
enough to produce negligible displacement but smaller than the shear
stiffness modulus of the shaft over the pile length in order to increase the
robustness of the numerical analysis.
z ‘Function’ is an alternative option to consider ‘Tip Spring Stiffness’. It allows
the user to define a function relating the normalized tip reaction force to the
relative axial displacement between the pile tip and the soil elements.
Ultimately, the point-to-solid interface element will use a multi-linear force-
displacement diagram resulting from the multiplication of this normalized
function (unit insensitive) by the specified tip bearing capacity (unit
sensitive). 7
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

‹ Method

z Select ‘Model > Element > Create Pile’ and select ‘Add’.
z Select the “Pile Tip Spring” option and enter Tip Bearing Capacity and Tip
Spring Stiffness values.
z Or select the function input and enter a user-defined normalized force-
displacement diagram.

Important Note: Pile tips will be created at the extremity of maximum X coordinate
according to the orientation of the local element coordinate system (CSy) of the pile elements.
Therefore, users are advised to check that the X axis of the element coordinate system of all
pile beam elements point downwards before creating soil-pile interfaces.

Figure 2.1.1 Dialog for Pile Tip Element Input 8
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

Figure 2.1.2 Example of Pile Elements

1.2 Constitutive Equation

The pile tip spring is an additional option of the existing pile element. The original pile
elements are based on the insertion of line-to-solid interface elements along the pile shaft.
The option of the pile tip spring adds a point-to-solid interface element at the pile tip.

Pile tip spring

Figure 2.1.3 Point-to-solid Interface Element

With the pile tip spring option, a spring element orientated in the axial direction of the pile is inserted
between the tip node of the beam element modeling the pile and a fictitious node defined inside the
volume of the surrounding solid element. This fictitious node has its displacements fully constrained by
the displacement field of the solid element (defined by the nodal displacements and the shape
functions of the solid element). This allows the pile beam to end at any arbitrary position inside the
volume of the solid element. 9
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

y x

Axes of pile tip bearing

Pile tip spring

Figure 2.1.4 Pile Tip Bearing Element

Pile elements with pile tip spring can be created in solid elements of any shape or order:

Pile tip spring

Pile tip spring

Figure 2.1.5 Types of Pile Tip Bearing Elements

The coordinates of the pile tip in the global coordinate system are:

X = {X 1 X2 X 3} (2.1.1) 10
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

The coordinate system attached to the point-to-solid element (i.e. pile tip spring) can be
expressed as a set of three unit vectors, with the x axis in the axial direction of the pile:
⎡ X 11 X 21 X 31 ⎤
⎢ ⎥
x = ⎢ X 12 X 22 X 32 ⎥ (2.1.4)
⎢X 3 X 23 X 33 ⎥
⎣ 1 ⎦

Nodal coordinates can be expressed in the local element coordinate system:

{ (
x = x1 x11 , x 12 , x 31 ) (
x 2 x12 , x 22 , x 32 ) (
x 3 x13 , x 23 , x 33 )}
⎡ X 11 X 1
X ⎤ 1

{ ( ) ( ) ( )}
2 3
⎥ T
= ⎢ X 12 X 2
2 X ⎥ x1 X 11 , X 21 , X 31
3 x 2 X 12 , X 22 , X 32 x 3 X 13 , X 23 , X 33
⎢X 3 X 3
X ⎥⎦3
⎣ 1 2 3

The shape function of the point side of the point-to-solid interface element is equal to 1.0:

N = 1.0 (2.1.6)

Let’s assume that a are the coordinates of the pile tip expressed in the local isoparametric
coordinate system of the surrounding solid element.

Solid Element Coordinates

a = {a1 , a2 , a3}
a = {a1 , a2 , a3}

Figure 2.1.6 Coordinates of the Pile Tip

The coordinates of the pile tip in the isoparametric coordinate system of the solid element are:
α = {ξ ,η , ζ } (2.1.7)

The shape functions of the surrounding solid element are noted:

N (2.1.8)
Here, II denotes the value of the shape function at coordinate α. 11
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

The strain-displacement matrix of the point-to-solid element can then be written as:

⎡ − II N1 0 0 L − II N k 0 0 N 0 0⎤
⎢ ⎥
B =⎢ 0
− N1
0 L 0 − II N k 0 0 N 0⎥ (2.1.9)
⎢ 0 0 − II N1 L 0 0 − II N k 0 0 N ⎥⎦

Here, k is the node index of the solid element.

The global stiffness matrix for the point-to-solid interface element is:

K t = ∑ B l TB lWl det J l (2.1.10)

l =1

Here, K t denotes the element stiffness, Wl represents the weights of the integration scheme of
the solid element, and T is the matrix that defines the relationship between the relative
displacement and the bearing force (deduced from the user-defined diagram).

2. Elasto-plastic Truss and Plate Elements

2.1 Outline

The constitutive behavior of truss and plate elements was previously restricted to linear
elasticity. In this version, non-linear elasticity is made available for truss elements and elasto-
plasticity based on Von Mises perfect plasticity is made available for truss and plate elements.
This new feature is aimed at considering the ultimate limit state of structural elements. Please
note that while in trusses the entire cross-section becomes plastic at once, and for plates
subjected to bending the cross-section becomes plastic progressively, starting from the extreme

‹ Method for non-linear elastic truss elements

z Select ‘Model > Property > Property’ and select ‘Add’.
z Choose the Type as ‘Truss/Embedded Truss’ in Line tab and choose the
‘Nonlinear Elastic’ type. 12
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

z Select the Nonlinear Elastic Function input and define the nonlinear stress-
strain behavior.

Figure 2.2.1 Non-linear elasticity for Truss Element

z Nonlinear elastic behavior of truss elements is defined by a multi-linear

stress-strain diagram. Please note that since the formulation is based on non-linear
elasticity, no unrecoverable strains are produced upon unloading.

Figure 2.2.2 Input dialog of the Nonlinear Elastic Function

z The structure of attributes, properties and materials in GTS requires that the user
assigns a Structural Material for all trusses even if in the case of non-linear elastic
truss all necessary parameters should have been entered in the Property dialogue.
In the ‘Add/Modify Structural Material’ dialogue select model type ‘Elastic’ and
enter an arbitrary Young’s modulus (these settings will not be used in the

‹ Method for elasto-plastic truss elements

z Select ‘Model > Property > Material’ and select ‘Add > Structure’.
z Select ‘von Mises’ for Model Type. 13
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

z Input Yield Stress.

Figure 2.2.3 Elasto-plasticity for Truss Element

z Note that this elasto-plastic model produces unrecoverable plastic strains upon
z In the ‘Add/Modify Property’ dialogue select truss type ‘Linear Elastic’ to make
sure to deactivate the non-linear elastic constitutive behavior.

2.2 Von Mises Yield Criterion

The von Mises material model is based on the assumption that the value of shear stress
(octahedral shear stress) cannot surpass the yield stress ( σ y ), as shown in the formula (3.2.1).
The adopted model is perfectly plastic, i.e. no hardening is considered.

F = 3J 2 − σ y = 0 (3.2.1)

Where J 2 : second stress invariant

σ y : yield stress of steel

Figure 2.2.4 The Elasto-Plastic Diagram 14
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

3. Shell interface Element

3.1 Outline

Shell interface elements are a new type of elements primarily aimed at modeling the non-
linear behavior at the joints of prefabricated lining segments. This is particularly relevant for
TBM tunneling. Joints between segments are the weak points of TBM linings and concentrated
translational and rotational deformations are among the main factors which should be
considered. Inserting shell interface elements between plate elements (i.e. used for modeling
the lining segments), allow capturing these concentrated translational and rotational
deformations. The shape and formulation of shell interface elements is similar to standard line
interface elements, however, rotational degrees of freedom are added to each node to ensure
full compatibility with adjacent plate elements. In GTS, the constitutive behavior available for
shell interface elements includes Coulomb friction for sliding displacements and Janssen’s law
for hinged rotations.

3.2 Material behavior

‹ Definition Method

z Select ‘Model > Element > Create Interface’ and select the type ‘Shell
z Add Attribute.
z Enter the modulus of elasticity (E), Poisson’s ratio (ν) and the thickness of the
adjacent plate element (b).
z To consider nonlinear behavior in rotational mode, select ‘Janssen’s Law’.
z To consider nonlinear behavior in sliding mode, select ‘Coulomb Friction’ and
enter the cohesion (c) and internal friction angle (noted by α in equations in
Coulomb Friction section).

Figure 2.3.1 Input Properties of the Shell Interface Element 15
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

3.2.1 Linear elasticity

In the case of elastic deformation, the following stiffness matrix (2.3.1) will be considered:

⎡E 0 0 0 ⎤
⎢ E ⎥
⎢0 2(1 +ν )
0 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
SE = ⎢ 0 0
0 ⎥ (2.3.1)
⎢ 2(1 +ν ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢0 Eb 2 ⎥
0 0
⎢⎣ 12 ⎥⎦

The interface tractions are then deduced elastically from relative displacements:

⎧ nx ⎫ ⎧ ∆u x ⎫
⎪t ⎪ ⎪∆u ⎪
⎪ y⎪ ⎪ y⎪
⎨ ⎬ = SE ⎨ ⎬ (2.3.2)
⎪ z⎪ ⎪ ∆u z ⎪
⎪m y ⎪ ⎪ ∆φ y ⎪
⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭

In this equation the following notation is adopted:

- nx is the direct force in N/m, i.e. traction normal to the contact surface
- ty is the mode I shear force in N/m, i.e. shear traction in the plane of the plates
- tz is the mode II shear force in N/m, i.e. the shear traction out of the plane of the plates
- my is the hinging moment in N.m/m, i.e. the moment about the axis of the joint
- ∆ux is the gap opening displacement
- ∆uy is the in-plane sliding displacement
- ∆uz is the out-of-plane sliding displacement
- ∆φy is the rotation about the axis of the joint

3.2.2 Nonlinear Behavior: Coulomb Friction and Janssen’s law

The formulation of the non-linear constitutive behavior is based on the paper “Tragverhalten
von Tunnel bauten mit Gelenktübings” by Janssen (1983). This model is based on four

(1) The joint cannot transmit any direct tensile force. Gap opening at the joint will result in
complete stiffness loss in shear and bending.
(2) Linear elastic deformation is assumed under compressive direct force and within a given
range of moments and shear forces.
(3) Nonlinear elastic rotation is assumed for moments causing debonding at the extreme fibers
and thus reducing the contact surface.
(4) Perfectly plastic sliding following the Coulomb friction law is assumed for high shear forces. 16
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

z The non-linear moment-rotation relation depends on the value of the direct force:

If nx ≥ 0 (tensile),

m y = 0 , nx = 0 , t y = 0 , t z = 0 (loss of contact) (2.3.3)

2n x
If n x > 0 (compressive) and, if ∆φ y ≤ ,

Eb 2
my = ∆φ y (Linear elasticity behavior) (2.3.4)

2n x
For ∆φ y > ,

∆φ n x b ⎡⎢ 8 nx ⎤
⎥ (reduction of rotational stiffness)
my = 1− (2.3.5)
∆φ 2 ⎢ 9 ∆φ Eb ⎥
⎣ ⎦

z Coulomb friction law in shear:

t y2 + t z2 nx
τ = , σ= (2.3.6)
b b

The plastic yield function is f = τ + σ tan (α ) − c (2.3.7)

If, n x ≥ 0 (Tensile),

m y = 0 , n x = 0 , t y = 0 , t z = 0 (loss of contact) (2.3.8)

If n x > 0 (compressive) and, if, f ≤ 0 ,

t = SE ⋅ ∆u (Linear elastic behavior) (3.3.9)

For f > 0 ,

n x = E∆u x (Elastic behavior in the direction of compression) (2.3.10)

t y2 + t z2 = − nx tan (α ) + c (perfect plasticity in the direction of shear) (2.3.11) 17
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

3.2.3 User-Defined Shell interface Behavior

This option enables users to write their own constitutive law for shell interface elements.

‹ Method

z Select ‘Model > Element > Create Interface’ and select Plate Joint for Type.
z Add Attribute.
z Select the type ‘User Supplied Behavior for Shell Interface’.
z Provide the path of the DLL library in ‘User Supplied Material Library File’.
Refer to the USSR Material manual for guidance with the programming and
compiling of your material subroutine.
z Enter the parameters and variables relevant to your material model in the
three table input. Note that all parameters must be entered in SI units [m-N-
s] as no unit conversion facility is available for user-supplied subroutines.

Figure 2.3.2 Input Dialog for User-Defined Shell Interface Behavior

‹ Method for Model Creation with Plate joint interface elements

z Mesh each lining segment as a separate mesh set of plate elements.

z Select ‘Model > Element > Create Interface’ and select Type as Plate Joint.
z Select Method as ‘From Mesh-Set (T/X-cross type). Note that only this method
can properly handle the creation of shell interfaces along lines intersecting in
T or X shapes.
z Select all plate mesh sets corresponding to the lining segments.
z Choose the property of the Shell interface elements and click on OK. 18
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

Figure 2.3.3 Example of Shell interface Element Creation

3.3 Element formulation

Shell interface elements are restricted to 3D analysis. Both low order (linear) and high order
(quadratic) elements are available.

x x

y y

Figure 2.3.4 Configuration and Degrees of Freedom of Shell interface Elements

The element coordinate system is shown on the left side of Figure 2.3.4. The local y-axis
corresponds to the direction from node 1 to node 2. The local z-axis is defined as the average
of the normal vectors of the neighboring plate elements such that the local x-axis is normal to
the contact surface of the joint. The local coordinate system is automatically set up based on
the orientations of the neighboring plate elements.

Figure 2.3.5 Calculation of the Coordinate System of Shell interface Elements

The right side of Figure 2.3.4 shows the degrees of freedom available in shell interface
elements. Compared to line interface elements, shell interface elements have an additional
rotational degree of freedom in direction of the local y axis. 19
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes


Figure 2.3.6 DOF and Traction Forces in Shell interface Elements

⎧u x ⎫ ⎧∆u x ⎫ ⎧ u x , side 1 − u x , side 2 ⎫ ⎧ nx ⎫

⎪u ⎪ ⎪∆u ⎪ ⎪u ⎪ ⎪t ⎪
⎪ y⎪ ⎪ y ⎪ ⎪ y , side 1 − u y , side 2 ⎪ ⎪ y⎪
ue = ⎨ ⎬ ∆u e = ⎨ ⎬=⎨ ⎬ t=⎨ ⎬ (2.3.11)
⎪u z ⎪ ⎪∆u z ⎪ ⎪ u z , side 1 − u z , side 2 ⎪ ⎪ tz ⎪
⎪φ y ⎪ ⎪∆φ y ⎪ ⎪ φ y , side 1 − φ y , side 2 ⎪ ⎪m y ⎪
⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭

Here, normal traction nx is normal to the contact surface of the joint, and shear tractions,
ty and tz, are coplanar with the contact surface of the joint.

3.3.1 Low-Order Shell interface Element

Figure 2.3.7 Nodal Connectivity of Low Order Shell interface Element

Low-order shell interface elements consist of two sides and 2 nodes per side (4 nodes in
total). The shape functions of this element are based on linear interpolation:

∆u (ξ ) = ∆u1 + (∆u1 − ∆u2 )ξ

ξ= , (2.3.12)
The adopted integration scheme is the Newton-Cotes method with two points.

3.3.2 High Order Shell interface Element

Figure 2.3.8 Nodal Connectivity of High-Order Shell interface Elements

High-order shell interface elements consist of two sides and 3 nodes per side (6 nodes in
total). The shape functions of this element are based on quadratic interpolation:

⎛ ∆u − ∆u1 ⎞ ⎛ ∆u1 + ∆u3 ⎞

∆u (ξ ) = ∆u2 + ⎜ 3
ξ = −1+ 2 , ⎟ξ + ⎜ − ∆u2 ⎟ξ 2 (2.3.13)
l ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠ 20
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

03. Analysis

1. FEM Slope Stability Analysis based on the Limit Equilibrium Method

(SAM - Stress Analysis Method)

1.1 Outline

The limit equilibrium method based on the simplified Bishop formulation is a popular approach
to the 2D slope stability problem due to its simplicity and convenience. In commonly available
software, this approach is combined with the method of slices to determine the static
equilibrium. The method of slices however is based on several simplified assumptions. For
instance, it usually cannot take into account the effects of ground water changes or of
construction stages (stress path history in plastic materials). The use of finite element analysis
to determine static equilibrium can overcome these limitations.

In GTS, a new type of 2D analysis is therefore made available: Slope Stability based on Stress
Analysis Method (SAM). In this approach, the limit equilibrium method is applied to a state of
stress in static equilibrium computed using non-linear finite element analysis. After the user
specified a family of slip surfaces to be checked, the analysis determines the factor of safety
and the critical slip surface.

This new analysis type is complementary to the existing Slope Stability (SRM) analysis based on
the Strength Reduction Method.

Slope Stability based on Stress Analysis Method consists of 5 steps:

Step 1 : The user creates a model of the slope
(define the geometry of the model, soil property, boundary and load)
Step 2 : The user defines a suitable family of slip surfaces
Step 3 : The user selects the analysis type ‘Slope Stability (SAM)’ and runs the FEM analysis
Step 4 : GTS smoothes the resulting stress field
Step 5 : GTS calculates the safety factor for each slip surface and identifies the critical case.

1.2 [Step 1] Modeling of the Slope

Slope Stability (SAM) is restricted to 2D analysis. Nevertheless, all element types, all material
models, all loads and all boundary conditions available in 2D non-linear analysis can be used in
Slope Stability (SAM).

The user should specify ground densities in the material dialog and apply the gravity load. 21
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

1.3 [Step 2] Define families of slip surfaces

The user needs to specify the general shape and the positioning of a family of slip surfaces
that will be checked for stability. In midas GTS, these can be specified using the menu
‘Boundary > Slip Surface.’ Two types of shapes are available for slip surfaces: ‘Circular Surface’
and ‘Polygonal Surface.’

1.3.1 Circular Surface

Figure 3.1.3 Dialog Box for a Circular Surface

The circular surface function defines a family of slip surfaces in terms of centers and radii.
First, the family of centers can be specified using the Grid Range input, see figure 3.1.3.

The Grid Range input specifies a non-orthogonal grid of center points, as shown in figure 3.1.4.

reference point 3

reference point 1 reference point 2

Figure 3.1.4 Reference Points of Grid Range 22
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

In the input dialogue, x1 and z1 correspond to the coordinates of ‘Reference Point 1’.
Similarly, x2, z2 and x3, z3 refer to the coordinates of ‘Reference Point 2’ and ‘Reference Point
3,’ respectively. These points can be created by mouse-clicking or by entering the coordinates

Num. of Centers (1-2) defines the number of divisions between Reference Points 1 and 2.
Num. of Centers (2-3) defines the number of divisions between Reference Points 2 and 3.

An example with Num. of Centers (1-2) = 5 and with Num. of Centers (2-3) = 3 is shown in
Figure 3.1.5.

Figure 3.1.5 Example of Grid Range Input

Two methods are available for defining the radii. One is the Method using the Tangential Line
of a Circle, and the other one is the Method using the Length and Range of the Radius.

z Method using the Tangential Line of a Circle

This method allows the definition of two extreme tangent lines by inputting the coordinates
of four points (mouse clicking or manual input), as shown in figure 3.1.6. The ‘number of
radius increments’ defines the number of straight lines that will be additionally created by
dividing the distance between the upper straight line and the lower straight line. Figure 3.1.6
shows the case where the number of radius increments is 4. 23
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

Figure 3.1.6 Input Points for the Method using the Tangential Line

Figure 3.1.7 Input Examples for the Method using the Tangential Line

The length of each radius can be calculated as the shortest distance between the considered
center point (from the grid range) and the considered tangent line. For instance, if the total
number of center points is 12, and the number of tangent lines is 4, the total number of trial
Slip Surfaces is 48 (12 x 4).

Figure 3.1.8 Trial Slip Surfaces using the Tangential Line of a Circle 24
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

z Method using the Length and Range of the Radius

The method using the radius requires three input items: Length of Initial Radius, Length of
Increments, and Number of Increments. A warning message will appear if one of the defined
circles does not intersect with the model.

Figure 3.1.9 Example of Method using the Radius

1.3.2 Polygonal Surface

The Polygonal Surface function is an alternative option to define the shape of slip surfaces.
Each polygonal line can be defined either using mouse clicks or manually entering coordinates.
In the case where coordinates are defined through mouse clicking, the selected points can
be checked in a table, as shown in figure 3.1.10.

Figure 3.1.10 Input Examples of Polygonal Surfaces 25
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

1.4 [Step 3] Perform slope stability analysis (SAM)

In order to compute the static equilibrium of stress field, an analysis case of type ‘Slope
Stability (SAM)’ must be created and run. Note that the ground water level can be defined as an
equation or as a multi-linear diagram in the Analysis Control dialog box.

Figure 3.1.1 Input Dialog for Ground Water Level during Slope Stability Analysis

1.5 [Step 4] Smoothing of the resulting stress field

The integration of stresses along trial slip surfaces requires C0 continuity of the stress field.
Since the resultant stress field from finite element methods could be discontinuous at element
boundary, it is necessary to smooth the FEM stress results to obtain a continuous stress field
over the whole model before integration. The stress smoothing method proposed by Hinton
and Campbell (1974) is adopted.

In this method, the shape functions, N, which is generally used for the interpolation of
displacements from nodal values, is adopted as piecewise interpolation functions to obtain the
continuous stress field. The degrees of freedom of this interpolation are unknown stress values
at the nodes of the finite element mesh. Unknown nodal stress values are determined by
minimizing of the distance between the discontinuous FEM stress field and the continuous
interpolated stress field. The formulation of this least squares smoothing operation is detailed
below. 26
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

The stress field is interpolated as follows:

σ ns (ξ ,η ) = N (ξ ,η ) : σ es

σns : continuous stress field
N : Element shape functions

σ es : Nodal stress values of the interpolated field

σ ns = σ x σ y σ z τ xy }

⎡ N1 0 0 0 N2 0 0 0 ... Ni 0 0 0⎤
⎢0 N1 0 0 0 N2 0 0 ... 0 Ni 0 0 ⎥⎥
⎢0 0 N1 0 0 0 N2 0 ... 0 0 Ni 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣0 0 0 N1 0 0 0 N2 ... 0 0 0 Ni ⎦

{ }
σ es = σ x1 σ y1 σ z1 τ xy1 σ x 2 σ y 2 σ z 2 τ xy 2 ... σ xi σ yi σ zi τ xyi

The function measuring the distance between the discontinuous FEM stress field and the
continuous interpolated stress field can be expressed as:

n (3.1.8)
g= ∑∫
j =1
eT : e dV

where, e (ξ ,η ) = σ ns (ξ ,η ) − N (ξ ,η ) : σ es

This distance can be minimized by solving the following system:

S : σs = F (3.1.9)

where, σ s : Smoothed Nodal Stress for all nodes

nel (3.1.10)
S= ∑∫
j =1
NT : N dV

F= ∑∫ N
j =1
: σ ns dV 27
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

1.6 [Step 5] Calculate the Factor of Safety

1.6.1 Definition of the Factor of Safety for a given slip surface

The factor of safety used in the Stress Analysis Method is computed by integration over the
slip surface:

Fs =
f dΓ
md Γ

where τ m represents the induced shear stress and τ f the induced shear strength.

According to Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion, these can be expressed as follow:

τ f = c + σ n tan φ
τm =
( )
σ y − σ x sin 2θ + τ xy cos 2θ

Here, σ n is the stress normal to the slip face and can be computed as follows:

σ n = σ x sin 2 θ + σ y cos 2 θ − τ xy sin 2θ (3.1.3)

where c is the cohesion, φ is the internal friction angle, and θ is the angle between the
horizontal plane and the slip surface. σ x , σ y are stress components in the x and y directions,
respectively. τ xy is the shear stress.

Figure 3.1.2 Stress Components on a Slope 28
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

1.6.2 Numerical integration of the smoothed stress field along the Slip Surface

The stress integration along the slip surface in the global coordinate system is calculated
according to the following equation:

L L nint (3.1.5)
∫ τ ( x, y ) d Γ = 2 T ∫ τ ( ξ ) d ξ = 2 T ∑ W τ ( ξ )
n2 1

n1 −1 i i
i =1

where, ξ : Coordinate Variable of the Element Coordinate System

Wi : weight at integration point i
T : Transformation Matrix rotating the stress from the element coordinate
system to the global coordinate system
L : Length of element
τ : Shear Stress, τ m , or Shear Strength, τ f .

The total factor of safety of the predicted slip surface finally can be expresses as,

nel (3.1.6)
τ f dΓ
Fs = i =1

τ md Γ
i =1

where, nel : Number of elements that the slip surface intersects

n1 : Start Point of the slip surface in an element
n2 : End Point of the slip surface in an element

Figure 3.1.11 Definition of the Elements intersected by the Slip Surface

1.6.3 Determination of the factor of safety of the slope

The factor of safety is computed for all trial slip surfaces specified by the user. The slip surface
with the lowest factor of safety is identified as the critical slip surface. The lowest value is
identified as the factor of safety of the slope. 29
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

2. Parametric Analysis

One of the main challenges in geotechnical analysis is the high level of uncertainty with the
project data which are known compared to structural analysis. This is particularly true for the
accuracy with the values and the spatial distribution of soil or rock properties. This is the reason
why national standards set fairly high values for safety factors in geotechnical applications.
However, factoring all material parameters with high safety factors might lead to very
conservative design and a recent trend in geotechnical analysis has been to move towards
probabilistic approaches. Although this field of research is developing, there is not a consensus
on probabilistic geotechnical analysis yet. A first step towards this approach is parametric analysis.
It is now possible in midas GTS to define multiple attributes for a soil or rock body and carry out a
parametric study in a single model. Results of the parametric study are available in a single file
for easy post-processing.

‹ Method

z Select ‘Analysis > Parametric Study’

z Choose the target mesh set(s) to vary properties, and select the attribute to be
z After assigning the attribute, perform the analysis by adding the parametric

Figure 3.2.1 Input Dialog for Parametric Study 30
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

K0=1.0 K0=1.5
Figure 3.2.2 Analysis Result of Parametric Study (K0 variation)

3. Automatic Load Increment Option

The rate of convergence of nonlinear analysis depends on various factors, such as the type of
analysis, the constitutive material model, and the model itself. Also, when the size of the load
increment is relatively large, the analysis may not converge satisfactorily. Especially, when the
value of the tangent stiffness becomes significantly smaller than the initial stiffness, it might
be necessary to adopt a trial and error approach to determine the optimal size of the load
increments to be adopted.
A new option is therefore introduced which enables the automatic optimization of the size of
the load increment so that nonlinear analysis can be performed as efficiently as possible. The
size of the load increment is automatically reduced in the highly nonlinear range, and is
automatically increased in the less nonlinear range. This is very effective in reducing the
overall analysis time. It should be noted, however, that this option cannot be combined with
the restart option for nonlinear analysis.
With the automatic load step option, load increments are adjusted based on the number of
iterations according to the following rules:
- The increment size is decreased by 25% if the conditions for convergence are not satisfied
within 16 iterations.
- The increment size is decreased by 75% of the previous increment if the conditions for
convergence are satisfied between 10 and 16 iterations.
- The analysis is terminated if no convergence is reached after 5 consecutive reductions of
the increment size or if the minimum load increment is reached.
- The increment size is increased by 50% if convergence is reached within 5 iterations in
two consecutive steps

‹ Method:

z Select ‘Analysis > General Analysis Control’

z Select the option ‘Automatic Load Step’
z Initial Load Factor: Size of the first load increment.
z Minimum Load Factor: Minimum load increment allowed 31
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

Figure 3.3.1 Input Dialog for the Automatic Load step

4. Stress initialization using the Prestress Load

Until now, stress initialization was mainly carried out using self-weight load with K0
procedure. It is now also possible to initialize stresses by direct input using the Prestress Load.
This option is particularly useful for efficient initialization of advanced soil models such as
Modified Mohr-Coulomb. Furthermore, it is the only option available for strongly tectonic insitu
stresses in rocks where the vertical stress is negligible compared to the horizontal stresses.

Note that the prestress load must be applied in combination with the self weight load to
ensure initial equilibrium. If the specified prestress field is not in equilibrium with the applied
external force and with the reaction forces from the boundary supports, stress adaptation will
occur such that a new equilibrium state is reached. Similarly, if the specified prestress field
violates the plastic failure criterion of the soil or rock, stress adaptation will occur to ensure
that no stress points lies outside the yield surface.

5. Changing Groundwater Level during Construction Stages

5.1 Outline

Groundwater level changes during construction stages can have significant effect on the soil
behavior. This is particularly true for dewatering in excavations. Previously, the groundwater
level could only be changed from stage to stage by inserting seepage analysis stages between
static analysis stages. This meant that only calculated pore pressure fields could be used to
change the groundwater level. GTS now allows the user to specify a different groundwater level
per construction stage using multi-linear functions. 32
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

5.2 Consideration of Groundwater Level Changes during Construction Stages

To consider the groundwater level during construction stages, enter the groundwater level at
the relevant stage into the bottom left section of the Define Construction Stage dialog box.

Figure 3.5.1 Input Dialog for Groundwater during Construction Stages

If the effect of groundwater is to be considered in an analysis, the Stage Water Level option
must be activated at least in the first construction stage. When the Stage Water Level option is
deactivated in stage N (with N≠1), the groundwater level defined in stage N-1 is used in stage N. 33
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

04. Post processing

1. Automatic Screen Capture of Analysis Results

This is a feature that captures image files at each construction stage while the solver is
running the analysis. These images can be viewed once the analysis is complete.

‹ Method

z Select ‘Result > Save Result Image File’.

z Select the result items per construction stage.
z Choose the format of the image file (*.PNG, *.BMP, *.JPG).
z It is possible to set scale factors for deformed shape, vector plot and diagram
z Both contour and vector image types are available for output.

Figure 4.1.1 Dialog for Image Files of Analysis Results 34
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

2. Internal Force Output for Solid Elements

A new result type is made available for solid elements: internal forces. This result is output if
the ‘Force’ option in the ‘Analysis > General Analysis Control’ dialogue is selected. This
result can be displayed as a contour plot or as a table. Note that this result is only available for
3D solid elements (not for axisymmetric or plain strain elements).
This nodal result is computed in each element from stress results as follows:

Fi = ∫ B T σ ⋅ dV

Note that static equilibrium is achieved when the sum of the internal force contributions at a
node from all connected elements is equal to the applied external force at this node.

Figure 4.2.1 Internal Force Output Option & Display on the Post Works Tree

3. Von Mises Equivalent Plastic Strain Output

In previous versions the plastic status was provided by the plastic strain tensor, εp, and the
principal plastic strains εp1, εp2 and εp3. Since the geotechnical engineer is mainly concerned by
plastic shear failure, these results are now complemented by a measure of the plastic shear:
the Von Mises Equivalent Plastic Strain. This new result (unitless) is noted ‘Solid Equiv. PE’ and
is computed from the plastic strain tensor as follows:

ε eq
p = εp :εp (4.3.1)
3 35
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

4. Interface Element Result Output

In this version, force and relative displacement results are provided for all types of interface

4.1 Line Interface Element (2D analysis)

The following results are provided for the line interface element in 2D.

z Forces:
Description notation unit
Direct force Nx [N/m]

In-plane shear force Ty [N/m]

z Relative displacements:
Description notation unit
Opening displacement Dux [m]

In-plane sliding Duy [m]

z Plastic part of relative displacements:

Description notation unit
Plastic opening PDux [m]
Plastic sliding PDuy [m] 36
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

4.2 Surface Interface Element (3D analysis)

The following results are provided for the surface interface element in 3D.

z Stresses:
Description notation unit
Normal stress Nx [N/m2]
In-plane shear stress
Ty [N/m2]
(y component)
In-plane shear stress
Tz [N/m2]
(z component)
In-plane shear stress
Tyz [N/m2]

z Relative displacements:
Description notation unit
Opening displacement Dux [m]
In-plane sliding
Duy [m]
(y component)
In-plane sliding
Duz [m]
(z component)
In-plane sliding
Duyz [m]

z Plastic part of relative displacements:

Description notation unit
Plastic opening PDux [m]
Plastic sliding
PDuy [m]
(y component)
Plastic sliding
PDuz [m]
(z component)
Plastic sliding
PDuyz [m]
(magnitude) 37
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

4.3 Shell interface (3D analysis)

The following results are provided for the shell interface element.

z Forces:
Description notation unit
Direct force Nx [N/m]

In-plane shear force Ty [N/m]

Out-of-plane shear force Tz [N/m]

Total shear force Tyz [N/m]

Bending moment My [N.m/m]

z Relative displacement:
Description notation unit
Opening displacement Dux [m]

In-plane sliding Duy [m]

Out-of-plane sliding Duz [m]

Total sliding Duyz [m]

Rotation Dry [-]

z Plastic part of relative displacements:

Description notation unit
Total plastic sliding PDu [m]

Total shear forces, total sliding displacements and plastic sliding are defined as follows:

tt = t y2 + t z2 (2.4.1)

∆u t = ∆u 2y + ∆u z2 (2.4.2)

t y2 + t z2
∆u el = (2.4.3)
SE 22
SE22 represents the second row and the second column in the stiffness matrix.

∆u pl = ∆ut − ∆u el (2.4.4) 38
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

05. Other Enhancements & Improved Functions

1. New Features

z During the execution of an abnormal task, a warning message will appear prompting
the user to decide whether to continue with the operation or not. For example, when
executing Resolve Mesh, a warning message will prompt the user to select a vertex of
a Square Element.

z The option "Delete Empty Mesh Set" has been added to the function Delete Element.

z Skip Meshed Face(s) option, e.g in Auto Mesh Face dialogue, has been added to
Mapped Mesh Face dialogues.

2. Improvements

z The algorithm of the Modified Mohr Coulomb model has been significantly improved on
several points.

In the previous version, stress initialization with MMC required small load increments
and long computing time. It is now possible to initialize stresses much more efficiently
using one of the following methods:
„ Use the Prestress load in the initial stage together with the self weight load.
„ Use elastic materials in the initial stage together with the self weight load and
possibly the K0 procedure. Then change the materials to MMC in consecutive
stages. The internal variables of the MMC model will be properly initialized in the
second stage based on the value of the initial stresses

The shape of the plastic cap (controlling the compaction hardening) is now depending
on the value of the Knc ratio (K0 under normal consolidation conditions). Notably, this
allows capturing appropriately the reduction of mean effective stress observed when
subjecting undrained soft clay samples to shear loading.

The robustness of the algorithm has been improved for low values of cohesion.

z The non-linear elastic material model, Jardine, has been complemented with a
perfectly plastic Tresca criterion for shear failure. To this effect, a new input
parameter is made available in the Jardine material dialogue: Shear strength of Clay
(Stress unit).

z Slope stability analysis by c-phi reduction assesses the factor of safety using a bi-
section method and stops after bracketing the critical stability point between two
values of the reduction factor that are sufficiently close to each other. The algorithm
is such that the analysis can stop either on a converged or a diverged step. Although
the result values of the Factor of Safety were always provided at the stable side of the
bracket (conservative assumption), in GTS v2.0 the other finite element results 39
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

(displacements, strains and stresses) were provided for the last step of the analysis,
which was not necessarily converged (i.e. possibly on the unstable side of the bracket).
In GTS v2.5, all finite element results are no longer provided for the last step of the
analysis but rather for the last converged step (i.e. on the stable side of the bracket).

z The convergence rate of interface elements in non-associated plasticity (Coulomb

friction) has been significantly improved.

z It is now possible to use the LDF option at an excavation face which includes interface

z The node which is assigned as the Reference Node of Orientation will never be deleted.

z The Free-Node Selection can also be applied to an element in 2D.

z Orientation can be set up for an Elastic Link element.

z The initial position of the Modeless Dialog box has been modified to be in the upper-
left corner.

z The background displaying the scope coordinate of the Bounding Box is now in white.

z The Edge Pressure in the normal direction cannot be applied to a Geometry Curve
without a Mesh.

z Nonlinear behavior should not be assigned to various types of Elastic Link elements,
such as Tension/Compression Only, Gap, Hook, etc.

z An error message will appear when Merge Edge is selected to merge an edge with a
Non-Manifold Edge.

3. Bug Fixes

z A bug in the input parameters of the Duncan Chang model has now been fixed.

z A bug in the definition of the cohesion when using the Mohr-Coulomb model with a
zero friction angle has been fixed.

z A bug in the rotation matrix of the principal directions of the Jointed Rock Mass has
been fixed.

z After Transient Seepage Analysis, the problem of an abnormal execution of a task

given through ‘Result From Other Case’ has been fixed.

z The problem of an on-going warning message encountered with Plot Only elements has
been fixed.

z The crash resulting from creating a Point Interface by using the Convert Element
method has been fixed. 40
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

z The abnormal condition during the creation of a Hexa Mesh (using ‘Map Mesh > k-edge
volume’) when a tangent is shared with the same Edge at one vertex, has been fixed.

z The Display Mesh function was ineffective while Check Mesh was enabled. This
problem has been corrected in this version.

z The problem related to the unit conversion of Edge Length and 2D Thickness of Mesh
Quality has been corrected.

z The Geometry tree used to be opened by right-clicking on the Geometry Set. This has
been corrected.

z One Mesh with two nodes used to be created when using the method Node Sequence
in Sweep Mesh. The problem has been fixed.

z With Automesh, if both Internal Edge and Vertex were selected, the vertex was not
considered for meshing. This problem has now been fixed.

z Performance of higher order elements in Seepage Analysis was with some warning
messages. This problem has been resolved.

z The problem generating an error when creating a pile element together with a rigid
link interface has been fixed.

z A bug in the output of reaction forces in constructions stage analysis has been fixed.

z A bug preventing from specifying more than one attribute for pile elements in a single
model has been fixed.

4. Temporarily disabled features

z The Hoek-Brown material model has been disabled due to on-going changes and
enhancements in the implemented algorithm. This model will be reactivated by a
patch file before the next release.

z The Cam-Clay and Modified Cam Clay material models have been disabled due to on-
going changes and enhancements in their behavior under undrained conditions. These
models will be reactivated by a patch file before the next release.

5. List of known issues and workarounds

z ‘Model>Load>Pressure Load>Edge pressure’ is not applicable in 3D analysis. Loads

along edges of solids should be specified using the function ‘Model>Load>Force>Curve’.

z Note that no strain results are available in linear static analysis. Please use non-linear
analysis with linear elastic material if strain results are required. 41
midas GTS ver.251 - Release notes

z Note that three-noded beam or truss elements are not available. When using 2D or 3D
quadratic elements, first create 2-noded beams with the same element size as the
adjacent quadratic elements. Then restore full nodal compatibility using
‘Model>Element>Divide 1D Element’ using Number of Divisions=2 and the Merge Node
option selected.

z The rigid link property dialogue (in Spring/Interface tab) allows specifying rigid
connections in translations (DX, DY, DZ) and in rotation (RX, RY, RZ). When rigid links
connect two mesh sets with translational degrees of freedom (DOF) only, e.g.
connecting plain strain elements or solid elements, only translational DOF should be
activated in the rigid link property dialogue. If rotational DOF are specified in the rigid link
definition, it will result in the analysis aborting. Similarly, for 2D analysis, only DOF in the
analysis plane should be activated in the rigid link dialogue. 42

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