Prenza National High School First Periodical Test in Research Ii Name: - Section: - Date

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Prenza I, Marilao, Bulacan


Name: _________________________________________________Section:_______________________ Date: ____________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Erasures are not allowed.

1. Which of the following designs is characterized by (1) an attempt to provide a solution to an educator's problem in his/her own school and
(2) the fact that the educator is the researcher?
a. Ethnography b. Action Research c. Applied Research d. Basic Research
2. If a researcher was studying the use of various instructional approaches to the "multiple intelligences" of his students, he is likely to be
conducting which type of research?
a. Ethnography b. Action Research c. Applied Research d. Basic Research
3. Ms. Turner is thinking about changing her instructional approach to a more mastery-learning orientation. She is interested in knowing more
about this topic as well as its effectiveness when working with elementary school students. On which source should she rely for such
a. Intuition b. Tradition c. Research d. Personal Experience
4. Quantitative research is to explanation as qualitative research is to
a. exploration b. evaluation c. experimental design d. scientific and disciplined inquiry
5. Which of the following purposes is most aligned with a quantitative approach?
a. Comparing test results across groups to understand the effects of a particular instructional approach.
b. Developing a theory grounded in the beliefs of the group being studied.
c. Understanding the shared beliefs and practices of teachers in a school.
d. Understanding historical perspective for an educational topic.
6. Which of the following statements is most aligned with a researcher using qualitative methods?
a. Communicating the results in a formal, highly structured report using technical language.
b. Using a structured, fixed design in which a few variables are manipulated or controlled.
c. Collecting data through interviews and observations.
d. Investigating a formal research hypothesis.
7. Which of the following is most aligned with a researcher using quantitative methods?
a. Studying many variables in the context in which they naturally occur.
b. Studying a large number of subjects as a detached, objective observer.
c. Using a research design that changes as narrative data is collected and analyzed.
d. Communicating the results of the study in a loosely structured report that uses informal language.
8. Which of the following problems is most appropriate to a qualitative approach?
a. Describing the relationship between students' math attitudes and their math achievement.
b. Describing the effect on students' achievement of creating a student-centered assessment environment.
c. Identifying the characteristics that differentiate students who drop out of high school from students who do not drop out.
d. Understanding what it is like to work in a school that is changing the decision-making process from a top-down, administratively
driven model to a bottom-up, teacher-driven model
9. Which of the following BEST characterizes the difference between quantitative and qualitative studies?
a. Quantitative researchers structure and control the context while qualitative researchers do not interfere with the natural context.
b. Quantitative studies involve many, many variables while qualitative studies involve only one or two variables.
c. Quantitative problems are stated as questions while qualitative problems are stated as hypotheses.
d. Quantitative problems are researchable while qualitative ones are not.
10. The process that a researcher uses to verify that the contents of a document are accurate is known as
a. internal criticism b. external criticism c. internal validity d. external validity
11. Which of the following is most likely to be a secondary source?
a. a frontier family photograph c. a book about educational theory in the early 1900s
b. a soldier's letter home during the Korean War d. minutes from a university faculty meeting held in 1892
12. If a researcher uses a tape of legend from a Tribal elder as a source of data, he is using a data source known as a(n)
a. Relics and remains b. Written Resources c. Artistic Production d. Orally Transmitted Materials
13. Which of the following is most likely to be a primary source?
a. a poem expressing a miner's feelings c. a film about battlefield maneuvers in the Civil War
b. a miner's letter home during the Gold Rush d. a book about educational theory in the early 1990s
14. Which of the following is not a characteristics of historical research?
a. It facilitates prediction of the effects of policy. c. It relies on naturalistic observation for valid data collection.
b. It focuses primarily on past materials and events. d. It can be used to test hypotheses about relationships or trends.
15. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of historical research?
a. historical information serves as a preliminary to reform
b. excessive use of secondary sources of information
c. validity of information is very difficult to check
d. sampling of information may be biased
16. A researcher is studying a speech given by a presidential candidate about education in the Philippines. She is comparing what was said to
other information. She is engaged in
a. internal criticism b. external criticism c. internal validity d. external validity
17. A letter from Winston Churchill to Mrs. Roosevelt is best described as which kind of historical source material?
a. Relics and remains b. Written Resources c. Artistic Production d. Orally Transmitted Materials
18. Citations are used within the body of your paper to indicate information that has come from another source. Select the answer that best
describes which information must always be cited within the text.
a. Written or media content that you have paraphrased or summarized
b. Quotations from a video, blog, website, or journal article
c. Personal opinions and ideas written in your own words
d. Quotations, paraphrased and summarized content
19. Citations: At the End of a Sentence for Paraphrased/Summarized Content. Select the sample below that best demonstrates how to
incorporate a citation directly within a sentence for information that has been summarized or paraphrased.
a. In examining the philosophies of education, the challenges associated with... (Carter & Glick).
b. Adult students are frequently motivated to return to school... (Alex, Marks, & Jones, 2005).
c. After returning from war (Smith, Peters & Ali, 2007), disabled veterans typically face.
d. Masters indicated there are no more strategies to be considered for... (1997).
20. Reference Sample: Book with two authors. Below is a reference page listing for a book with two authors. How should the title of the book
be formatted?
Giorgis, C., & Glazer, J. I. (2009). Literature for young children: Supporting emergent literacy, ages 0 - 8 (6th ed). Boston, MA:
Pearson Education.

a. The book title should be in quotations c. The book title should be listed without special formatting
b. The book title should be in italics d. The book title should be bolded.
21. Which of the following is cited correctly in APA style?
a. H. M. Dietel and P. J. Dietel (C How to Program) define pointers as "variables that contain as their values addresses of other
variables" (p. 294).
b. H. M. Dietel and P. J. Dietel (1999) define pointers as "variables that contain as their values addresses of other variables" (p.
c. H. M. Dietel and P. J. Dietel define pointers as "variables that contain as their values addresses of other variables" (1999, p.
d. None of the above
22. In APA style, a long quotation which is more than 40 words long needs
a. to be enclosed in double quotation marks
b. to be single-spaced and indented half an inch
c. to be double-spaced, indented half an inch, and not enclosed in quotation marks
d. to be single-spaced, indented half an inch, and enclosed in single quotation marks
23. Indicate which is the correct APA reference for the following source:
Title: Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements Volume No.: 75
Authors: Maxine Renee Shaw, Jonathan L. Speaks, Kathleen M. Neal Date Published: 1999
Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology Page Numbers: 558-577

a. Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements in Journal of Applied Psychology. Maxine Renee Shaw, Jonathan L.
Speaks, Kathleen M. Neal (1999), 75, p. 558-577.
b. Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements, in Journal of Applied Science, 75, by M.R. Shaw, J.L. Speaks, & K.M.
Neal (1999), 558-577.
c. M.R. Shaw, J.L. Speaks, & K.M. Neal (1999). Role of Personality in Determining Value Judgements, Journal of Applied
Psychology, 75, p. 558-577.
d. Shaw, M.R., Speaks J.L., & Neal, K.M. (1999). Role of personality in determining value judgements. Journal of Applied
Psychology, 75, 558-577.
24. When integrating the material from secondary sources into their own writing, writers must be especially careful that
a. their readers can clearly see where cited material begins and ends
b. the material from a source flows seamlessly into their own writing
c. they do not interrupt the flow of the writing with citations
d. their voices combine with the voice of the source
25. The following example of an APA in-text citation is incorrectly formatted, because _______.
(Giugovaz 2008 p. 2)

a. the citation is missing commas to separate the elements c. the citation is missing the title of the work
b. the citation is missing the author’s first name d. None of the above.

II. A. IDENTIFICATION: Identify whether the following statements can be classified as research or problem-solving. Write R if it pertains to
RESEARCH and PS if it is PROBLEM-SOLVING. Write your answer at the space provided.

______26. There may not be a problem to be solved, only to satisfy a query.

______27. It is concerned with recurrent phenomena and wide application.
______28. The research problem is not necessarily defined specifically.
______29. It is conducted to make a contribution to general knowledge.
______30. Once the problem is solved, that is the end of it.
______31. It is concerned with a specific problem.
______32. There is always a problem to be solved.
______33. A problem to be solved is less rigorous.
______34. It does not always involve research.
______35. It is broader in scope.
B. Identify the terms being asked.

___________________36. This classification of research is concerned with the improvement of a product or process
___________________37. This classification of research according to the level of investigation studies the effects of the variables on each other
___________________38. It is used to determine the authenticity of a historical document
___________________39. Systematic process of searching the facts and using the information to synthesize, analyze and interpret the data
___________________40.It used to determine the true meaning and value of statements contained in a document

III. TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer in the space
provided. Erasures are not allowed

______41. References should be listed in alphabetical order by author's last name.

______42. References must be given for sources used in the paper only when the sources are quoted, not when they are paraphrased.
______43. The unique characteristic of historical research is that it focuses exclusively on the past.
______44. A primary source is one prepared by an individual who was a participant in, or a direct witness to, the event that is being
______45. The only essential step involved in doing a historical study is defining the problem or hypothesis to be investigated.
______46. If an entry in a Reference list is longer than one line, second and all subsequent lines need to be indented half an inch.
______47. A secondary source is a document prepared by an individual who was not a direct witness to an event, but who obtained his or her
description of the event from someone else.
______48. Underlining may be substituted for italics to distinguish or emphasize words, to indicate foreign words or to identify words being
______49. As long as you give a complete citation for all of your sources at the end of your paper, it is not necessary to attribute your sources
in the body of the paper.
______50. In APA style, the first name of the author in a Reference list is not spelled out.

IV. ALTERNATE RESPONSE. Below are different statements pertaining to the different concepts in research, write

TT - if both of the statements are correct

TF - if the first statement is correct and the second is incorrect
FT - if the first statement is incorrect and the second is correct
FF - if both the statements are incorrect

______51. A. The first step in the scientific method of research is to identify the problem.
B. The problem identification is very essential in a research study.
______52. A. Prognostic research has the purpose of determining the future operation of the variables under investigation.
B. Pure research is done for the development of new products and application.
______53. A. Historical research describes what is.
B. Descriptive research describes what will be.
______54. A. In exploratory research, the researcher studies the variables pertinent to a specific situation.
B. In experimental research, the researcher studies the effect of the variables on each other.
______55. A. Qualitative research utilizes statistics to determine the result of the study.
B. Quantitative research studies comparison and cause-and-effect relationships.
______56. A. Research is directed towards the solution of a problem.
B. Research is based upon observable experiences or empirical evidences.
______57. A. Research does not demand accurate observation and description
B. Made-up information is a hindrance to scientific inquiry that describes wrongly what is actually observed.
______58. A. Dogmatism is an attitude that admits the fallibility of man.
B. Rigorous standards means setting up principles which serve as bases for evaluating the findings of the study.
______59. A. Overgeneralization is establishing patterns out of few instances.
B. Illogical reasoning is attributing something to another without any logical bias.
______60. A. Epigraphy is the study of inscriptions as writing.
B. Philology is the study of writing which has history.

IV. ENUMERATION. Enumerate the terms being asked.

61-65 Steps in synthesizing historical events

66-69 Principles of Scientific Method
70 Definition of Research


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