II Waw Iod Verbs

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The Verb (¥) Hiphil and Hophal 121 The ‘original’ I waw is retained here. In the Hiphil the waw is retained as a + vowel indicator and in the Hophal as a7 vowel indi- cator, e.g. 2°01, 200, 5. Mixed forms A number of I yod verbs do not conjugate consistently either as original 1 yod or original 1 waw verbs. They have conjugation forms that correspond with both these groups. In the Qal stem formation these verbs usually follow the pattern of the original I yod verbs. In the remaining stem formations they usually follow the pattern of the original I waw, e.g Qal perfect on Qal imperative n Qal infinitive construct 97 Hiphil perfect o §188. The I Waw and I Yod Verbs 1. Introduction The weak consonantal character of the waw and the yod (ef. §4.2/5(ii) and §5.2/2(ii)) may also be observed in verbs with waw and yod as middle consonants. The waw and yod have fallen out of the written form in certain cases, while in other cases they function ‘as vowel indicators. 2. Table 16. // waw and II yod verbs OAL OAL OAL ‘NI. ‘HI. HO. QAL | Tl waw Tyod Gross | getup | die put down Sing 3m. re] 3f ae 2m | faP 72 2 rap 79 Te “TOP 9 122 A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar gar | oar | oat | wi HL Ho. | QAl Twew Hyod Ph de ee wy 2m_| OP Eo 2k Fer ro Te ae EI Sing Imperfect form am | oP oP a 3f_| Fee CPR er 2m | oF opr or 7a i sd er ve) eps) ree[ dae ope =e PL Je er = 3h apoen | nace Teen | eon m_|_ ero] won] oo af aen Te Pp a oo Sing. Imperative form 2m ve af oo Ph 2m = 2h Sing Cobeortatve form Foe | Ae i The Verb 123 a | oat | om | Mm | mm | HO | Om Mwaw Nyod Sin “usive form cs = Toe ; oF Le Infinitive a oP oR = abs Ey Ea = an | ope] oe] Oe pas | oP 3. General features (i) General a. In the stem syllable (ie. the syllable that begins with the first stem consonant) the waw or yod falls way ot functions as a vowel indi- cator, e.g, DP andr, CPF and rsp, b. A connecting vowel occurs before the consonantal suffixes. + Inthe perfect it is /3 / sriopa instead of | *Te'PT + and in the imperfect itis /*- / APPR instead of THEN ¢. The vowel of the prefix is long and is found in an open syllable. This long vowel reduces should a connecting vowel occur in the verb THEPT instead of 7 PA instead of The If yod verbs are, with the exception of the Qal imperfect, im- erative and infinitive construct, identical to the TI waw verbs in all respects, e.g. OP and £07 In these exceptions the yod, instead of the waw, functions as a vowel indicator (as the only distinguishing feature of II yod verbs), e.g. GP and S3pp, but O% and D°op.

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