May 2019

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May 2019
Edition 54
20 cents

On Monday 6 May, our arrived, we welcomed

school welcomed four them and some chil-
groups of school children dren in traditional
from different coun- Greek clothes treated
tries :Poland, Romania, them loukoumia. Then
Turkey and Portugal. our school choir sang
Among them were stu- songs for them. After
dents with hearing difficul- that, every country
ties. The point of this pro- danced their special regional Our friends from Turkey!
Our friends from Poland! gram was for all of us to dance. The most distinctive
make new friends
of it all was that every team
and realize that
wore traditional clothes of
despite our differ-
their country. It was defi-
ences, we are very
nitely a day to remem-
much the same!
ber!!! By Fanni Mantzari- Greece,
We had been dou the hosts!
looking forward to
Our friends from Romania!
their arrival and
had prepared and cleaned our Our
school thoroughly. When they friends
Special points of

 Don’t miss out on

some special inter-
views with our new

 Do you like RED HOT


 Summer is coming ,
so doing some sport
maybe a great idea!

 If you love a good

series, then check out

 Like being fit?



PORTUGAL-Interviewer (Fay Balomenou)- Portuguese Teacher
Ιnt: Do you like Greece and what is the impression you have created about
our country?
T:I love Greece and I like very much the ancient buildings.
Int: Which are the most popular sports in your country?
T: The most popular sport in Portugal is football.
Int : Do you have electronic equipment in your classes?
T: Yes, in every class.
Int: How was the Erasmus+ experience?
T: I like it very much because I learnt about the Greek culture and his-
tory. I learnt more about Greece, I made new friends and it was a
great opportunity to improve my English.

ERASMUS+Interview by Morfoniou Olga-Ortensia with Romanian

Have you ever visited Greece before? If not would you visit it again?
(1st teacher) Yes I have visited Greece before and it was a great
(2nd teacher) Yes I have visited Athens, Lefkada, Crete, Thasos and a lot
of other places here in Greece before, it was amazing.
What do you know about Greece and its ancient history?
(1st teacher) I know about the Roman Empire, the Acropolis and a lot
of things about the Greek monuments and tourist destinations.
(2nd teacher) I know about the Greek myths, the 12 Gods of Olympus,
the Acropolis, Delphi, Knossos in Crete and the Byzantine Empire.
But this year I learnt more about your history and I’m happy about
What is your country most famous for?
(1st teacher) In our country is located the second biggest building in the
world, “Casa Poporului”, so tourists around the world come every year to
see it. Also Romania is a very hospitable country similar to Greece.
(2nd teacher) I think that Romania has a very good educational system and
children from our schools have a future full of success and opportunities.
Also in our country there are a lot of wonderful places to visit and to go for
a walk, because everywhere you
go it is very clean. As a people,
we are very friendly and
hospitable. Moreover one of the
most famous monument-building in
the world is the Bran Castle, which is
located in Transylvania (Romania)
and its connected with the myth of
Dracula (Vlad Tsepes) and people
around the world come to admire it.
And of course we have “Casa
Poporului” which is also very famous.

My favourite band is Red to dance. Their lyrics are miss it for sure.
Hot Chili Peppers. I first also really cool and the By Savvas Leontzakos-
discovered them while I words are simple so that
1st Grade
was watching a TV show you can easily learn them
and it suddenly played by heart. What I like the
one of their songs. Since most about their songs is
then I’ve been listening the rhythm; it is so me-
to their songs over and lodic!
Summer is just round
over again. If you ask me, Red Hot the corner!
There is so much to say Chili Peppers’ songs are
about Red Hot Chili the best. I really want to
Peppers’ music. First of go to one of their con-
all, when I listen to their certs one day and if I
music it makes me want have the chance I won’t

Bird box is a drama- people try to survive. birth. Five years later
thriller movie which was They concur that simply they received a transmis-
released on December seeing the entities causes sion from a person say-
21, 2018 and distributed the person to kill himself ing that there is a safe
via Netflix. In the movie so they cover the win- community downriver.
pregnant Malorie and her dows, they also get birds Shortly after Tom dies to
sister were is the doctor's which started making protect them from in-
office when the mass of noises when the entity sane survivors. Malorie
suicides which started in was near . Sadly all of takes the two kids and
Europe, started affecting them die except her and after a 42-hour journey Bird box is a drama-
the people in the build- Tom, with her newborn in a small boat they find thriller movie which was
ing causing a chaos. baby and another the community which
released on December
Saved by an unknown 21, 2018 and distributed
woman's baby that died was actually a school for via Netflix.
woman and losing her immediately after giving the blind .
sister she and a group of Felomena Reyes B3

Forget Tabou traveling Frenchmen Sebastian British T.V. called
by train, tube or car, and David Belle in- Jump London.
driving on a busy road vented free running Like many extreme
or standing in a when they were boys in sports, free running is
crowded station. Imag- the 1980. It involved considered to be a dif-
ine instead, running running, jumping and ficult and exciting sport
through the city, leaping climbing across their and the competitors
across high buildings playground. have to be very fit and
and jumping over walls. Today, free running is very brave because is Caption describing picture
This is free running and well known around the very dangerous sport. or graphic.
it's one of the world's world. In 2003, there By Pantelis Soukoulis
newest and most excit- was a documentary on 1st Grade
ing sports.
RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Rhythmic gymnastics is an exclusively female sport
By Nicky – Maria Kokkali 2nd Grade and is performed both individually and in groups. In the
early 1940s IT appeared in its racing form and there was
created the sport of Rhythmic Gymnastics, which in the
early years was called Modern Gymnastics.
It was recognized by the International Federation in
1961 and was introduced to the Olympic Games Program
only in 1984 as an Individual and in 1996 as a Team sport
The instruments of the sport are:
 the corals
 the ribbon
 the wreath
 the ball
the rope
Some of the athletes of rhyth-
We are on the web! mic gymnastics are Klelia Pantazi,
Eleni Kopali, Anna Pollatou , who was killed in a car accident, and
many more.


After a long time, finally our school's library

is completed. Mr Martinos contributed to the
renovation of the library by giving us the
needed money for the paint, the furniture
and the electronic devices. Three weeks, our
library was an ugly and half-destroyed room
with empty boxes everywhere, destroyed
bookcases and machinery, such as old
printers and crashed computers. But today it
is the most beautiful place of our school. It
has wooden bookcases, computers,
printers,presentation systems and even
cameras for extra safety. Our newspaper
thanks Mr Martino and the Parents'
Association for making our school better. By
Spyros Giantzoulis —->
Kokkali Nickie interviewing a Polish Teacher

Can you give us a picture of the school buildings e.g are the classes big or small?
The classes are small and in each class there are 6-7 students. The children have hearing problems.
What is your favorite Greek food?
My favorite Greek food is Greek salad. Greek cheese is very popular in Poland and it is sold at the super-
markets. Also I like kebab very much!!!!!
What do you do in your free-time at school?
The children do many sports such as swimming, basketball, football and the school has got a gym where
the children exercise. Also the building has computer room and a cooking room. There are three build-
ings for each level at education. For example there is one building for primary school, one for secondary
school etc. The children sleep at the school from Monday to Friday because their homes are too far from
the school.
How was the Erasmus+ experience?
It was nice and we learnt some interesting things about other cultures, food, music and dances. The Greek
dance “syrtaki Zorba” is famous in Polish weddings. Also I liked Unesco World Heritage monuments
and I have learnt many things about Greek mythology. Also I like your school.

TURKEY Μarilia Gkintoni B’2 interviewing the English teacher

1)What has impressed you the most?
~We were really impressed by the tasty food , the hospitality and the beautify nature.
2)Do you have electronic equipment in your classes or only in the computer lab?
~Yes we have computers in all of our classes.
3)How are students “punished” when they do something wrong in your school?
~They go to the discipline room.
4)How was the Erasmus + experience?
~So far it has been very impressive!
Linka Daniela-Maria Romania
PORTUGAL What is your favorite sport that you do at
What sports do you do at school? My favorite sport is volleyball.
At school we do many sports like How many hours do you spend every day at
football, basketball, volleyball, school?
golf, horse riding and golf. I stay for six or seven hours every day (Monday-
How many hours of lessons do Wednesday) as you do here in Greece.
you have usually every day? Do you do any activities after school?
We usually have 6 hours. Yes, I go dancing and have drama lessons.
Do you do any other activities in Which of the places, you have visited here in
the evening? Greece did you like the most?
In the evening we do music and Everywhere I went it is very beautiful so I can’t
sports. choose only one place, I like the whole
Which of the places, you have
Do you like the Greek cuisine?
visited, did you like the most?
All the temples and the beaches. Yes, a lot. I love all the foods here in Greece,
they are very tasty. Two of my favorite
Do you like Greek cuisine? Greek foods are souvlaki and horiatiki salad.
Yes! Would you like to visit Greece again?
Would you like to visit Greece I’ve been here before a lot of times and I would
again? Of course!! gladly visit your country again. I love

What sports do you do at your school?
The sports are football, basketball, swimming, 1)What sports do you do at school?
hokey, volleyball. ~We play volleyball , basketball and
How many hours of lessons do you have every football
2)How many hours of lessons do you
We have 8 lessons every day. have everyday ?
Do you do any other activities in the evening?
~We have 7 hours a day
In the evening we play with computers and other
3)Which of the places you have visited
electronic activities. Also the do our homework.
did you like the most?
Which of the places you visited did you like
the most? ~We liked the Poseidon temple the
I like the Greek seas and Poseidon’s temple. most.

Do you like Greek cuisine? 4)Do you like Greek cuisine?

I like Greek salad. ~Yes we loved it!
Would you like to visit Greece again? 5)Would you like to visit Greece again?
Yes, of course!! ~We would visit Greece again for sure!

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