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“​How much input should parents and peers have on my

NAME: Mrigakshi Dave (Maggi)

Parents and peers have great influence on the thinking, behavior and the
growth of the child. During the childhood stage of the kids life he/she learns
their morals mostly through the parents and their thinking is developed
through their friend, this is one of the reasons as to why the parents and
society recommend to have their children under pleasant company of
friends. Parents influence a their child beliefs the most as since birth the only
company that the child has had continuously is of his/her guardians and
there for the kids thinking matches somewhat of their parents decisions until
the child is mature enough to make his/her own decisions.

In my opinion Parents must have about little input in my decisions as even

though they are elders and would have more experience in right and wrong
decisions and would only want to help and wish the best for me but there
might be some of their own experiences that they would be scared for me to
go through/experience the same. There are also chances of them having a
wrong opinion on a decision or situation that involves me. I would also like
to experience fails and be able to make my way to success on my own but it
would be hard if my parents always protected me from the danger and
unsuccessful attempts. I feel this was about my parents input in my destiny
as I have experienced dislike on my decision to take up the position of an
animal doctor in the future as my career from one of my parents, I do
respect their opinion on not liking the occupation due to the tasks and
difficulties in the field but I will participate in working toward only the
subjects that interest me. In my opinion my friends should have little to no
input in my destiny as they are in the same situation as me and would be
trying figure out their future just like me. They would have no strong opinion
on life skills and morals as they would also be developing and changing their
thinking according to the society and their work field.

In conclusion I suggest that parents and peers should not have majority
influence my decisions and thinking as I am a not the same as them and
would therefore have a different idea about my future plans and doings. I
would ask for their opinion on any issues but that would not guarantee that I
would agree with their point of view on the problem, decision or situation. I
am a different person and therefore have distinct opinion on distinct
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