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1. Software Overview............................................................................................................... 1
2. Term Definitions.................................................................................................................... 1
3. Software Preparation........................................................................................................... 2
3.1 Software Installation............................................................................................................. 2
3.2 IP Setting................................................................................................................................2
3.3 HDL-Miracle Interface Descriptions................................................................................... 4
4. Software Functions...............................................................................................................6
4.1 Menu Description.................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Search Settings.....................................................................................................................9
4.3 Bus Switch Settings........................................................................................................... 10
5. Dimmer Settings................................................................................................................. 12
5.1 Add Dimmers.......................................................................................................................12
5.2 Device Settings................................................................................................................... 13
5.3 Loop Settings...................................................................................................................... 13
5.4 Extent Settings....................................................................................................................14
5.5 Scene Settings....................................................................................................................15
5.6 Sequence Settings............................................................................................................. 17
6. Relay Settings..................................................................................................................... 18
7. 48-Way DALI Scene Controller Settings.........................................................................19
7.1 Add DALI Scene Controllers.............................................................................................19
7.2 Device Settings................................................................................................................... 19
7.3 DALI Address Wiring ........................................................................................................20
7.4 Loop Settings...................................................................................................................... 21
7.5 Extent Settings....................................................................................................................22
7.6 Scene Settings....................................................................................................................23
7.7 DALI Status Display........................................................................................................... 24
8. Panel Settings..................................................................................................................... 25
8.1 Add Panels.......................................................................................................................... 25
8.2 Basic Information Settings................................................................................................ 25 HDL-Bus Programming Manual

8.3 Key Settings........................................................................................................................ 26
8.4 Air-conditioning Function Settings................................................................................... 29
8.5 Geothermal Feature Settings..................……………………………………...………32
8.6 Music Panel Settings......................................................................................................... 33
8.7 Basic Settings..................................................................................................................... 34
9. IR Learner Setting……………………………………………………………………….……36
9.1 Add IR Learners..................................................................................................................36
9.2 IR Code Learning............................................................................................................... 37
9.3 IR Code Learning............................................................................................................... 38
9.4 Data Backup and Recovery.............................................................................................. 39
10. Sensor Module Settings.................................................................................................... 41
10.1 Add Modules....................................................................................................................... 41
10.2 Sensor Equipment ............................................................................................................41
10.3 Logic Settings......................................................................................................................42
10.4 In Conjunction with Security Modules............................................................................. 44
10.5 Stimulation Test.................................................................................................................. 45
11. Eight-in-One Sensor Module Settings.............................................................................46
11.1 Add Modules....................................................................................................................... 46
11.2 Transmitter Settings........................................................................................................... 46
11.3 IR Receiver Settings.......................................................................................................... 47
11.4 Logical Block Settings........................................................................................................49
11.5 In Conjunction with Security Modules............................................................................. 50
12. MS04 Sensor Input Module Settings...............................................................................52
12.1 Add Equipment………………... …………………………………………………………52
12.2 Basic Information Settings................................................................................................ 52
12.3 Switch Mode and Type Settings.......................................................................................52
12.4 Fire-Protection Function Settings.....................................................................................54
13. Air-conditioning Module Settings..................................................................................... 55
13.1 Add Modules....................................................................................................................... 55
13.2 Basic Information Settings................................................................................................ 55
13.3 Air-conditioning Module Feature Settings.......................................................................56
14. Curtain Module Settings.................................................................................................... 57
14.1 Add Curtain Modules......................................................................................................... 57
14.2 Curtain Module Basic Information Settings.................................................................... 57
14.3 Curtain Module Function Settings....................................................................................58 HDL-Bus Programming Manual

15. EIB Conversion Module Settings..................................................................................... 59
15.1 Basic Information Settings................................................................................................ 59
15.2 EIB Bus and HDL-BUS Bus Conversion Settings......................................................... 60
16. Professional RS232 Converter Module...........................................................................60
16.1 Add Modules....................................................................................................................... 61
16.2 Basic Information Settings................................................................................................ 64
16.3 RS232 and HDL-BUS Data Conversion......................................................................... 64
16.4 485 and HDL-BUS Data Conversion...............................................................................64
17. Logic Module Settings ..................................................................................................... 64
17.1 Add Logic Modules.............................................................................................................65
17.2 Basic InformationSettings................................................................................................. 65
17.3 Functional Configuration Settings....................................................................................67
17.4 System Settings..................................................................................................................67
18. GPRS SMS Module Settings............................................................................................68
18.1 Add Modules....................................................................................................................... 68
18.2 Basic Settings..................................................................................................................... 68
18.3 SMS Control Settings .......................................................................................................69
18.4 SMS Prompt Settings.........................................................................................................70
18.5 Easy SMS Settings.............................................................................................................71
18.6 Interim Administrator Settings.......................................................................................... 72
18.7 Net-GSM Conversion.........................................................................................................72
19. Z-audio Music Player......................................................................................................... 74
19.1 Considerations.................................................................................................................... 74
19.2 Add Music Players..............................................................................................................74
19.3 Basic Information Settings................................................................................................ 74
19.4 Music Play Settings............................................................................................................75
19.5 Audio Source Function Selection and Radio Settings..................................................76
19.6 Speech Synthesis...............................................................................................................76
19.7 Related FTP Settings.........................................................................................................77
20. Security Module.................................................................................................................. 78
20.1 Basic Information Settings................................................................................................ 78
20.2 Basic Settings..................................................................................................................... 79
20.3 Automatic Dial Settings..................................................................................................... 81
20.4 Automatic Dial Settings..................................................................................................... 81
20.5 Alarm Settings.....................................................................................................................82 HDL-Bus Programming Manual

20.6 Holiday Settings..................................................................................................................83
20.7 Bypass Settings.................................................................................................................. 84
20.8 Advanced Protection Settings.......................................................................................... 85
21. 10-inch Touch Screen Settings........................................................................................ 86
21.1 Software Installation...........................................................................................................86
21.2 Room Information Settings............................................................................................... 86
21.3 Scene Settings....................................................................................................................87
21.4 Status View..........................................................................................................................88
21.5 Video Surveillance..............................................................................................................89
21.6 Computer→Touch Screen................................................................................................ 90
21.7 Touch Screen→Computer................................................................................................ 91
22. 4 Channel temperature sensor………….………………..................….…………………93
23. 12 in 1 sensor………………………………………………………...................……… ..96
24. Temp, Humidity & Lux sensor(SB-CMS-THL)……………………....................…… 104

25. Lux & Air quality sensor(SB-CMS-LA)………………………….....................……… 110 HDL-Bus Programming Manual

1. Software Overview
HDL Smart-BUS Software is a flexible and powerful design tools, it is to be used for
parameters setting for all HDL Smart-BUS Products and it is to be used as a tool for
program all the system products.

2. Term Definitions
TCP/IP Protocol : TCP/IP Protocol (Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is
named as Transfer Control / Internet Protocol, or Network protocol. It is the basis of
Internet International Network.
IP Address : It is refers to the use of TCP / IP protocol specified 32-bit address to
the host. IP Address is consist of 4 (or 6) octets which separated by dots. For
example, the address of is one IP address, by using the way of dotted-
decimal format.
MAC Address : MAC Address is called Physical address, hardware address, or link
address, it is internally written into the hardware when it is under production. This
address is independent with the network, that is meaning no matter where is the
position of the hardware (such as network cards, hubs, routers, etc.) access to the
network, while it has the same MAC address. Generally the MAC Address can’t be
changed, and no need set by user.
BUS: Multiple features to share information transmission line known as the BUS.
Bus structure used to facilitate the expansion of devices and equipments. Use a
unified bus standard, the interconnection between different devices will be easier to
BUS Network: It is consisting of more than one BUS, and through the BUS switch
network for data exchange.
Subnet ID : A single large network is consisting of several smaller networks, the
smaller networks called subnets. Subnet ID is set by different value, the range is
from 0 to 254.
Device ID : This ID is used to distinguish between the various devices within a
subnet. Device ID is unique in one Subnet. The range is from 0 to 254.
Subnets: A number of sub-segments consisting of a collection of related equipment
as the subnet subnets.
LAN: The individual computer or terminal uses the Internet to connect with each
other, to follow certain protocols for information exchange, to make a resource
sharing network.

Note : BUS network is based on BUS, Subnet is consisting of at least one BUS
Network, and LAN is consisting of at least one Subnet. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

3. Software Preparation

3.1 Software Installation

Available System:office 2000、 windows XP Vista Win7 etc.
Best Resolution:1024×768
Double Click HDL-Smart-BUS Software to start the Install, as the following:

Follow the install interface, until finish the installation.

3.2 IP Setting
Before you program the device, please make sure the IP address of the IP Interface
Module and the IP address of your PC are in the same IP Segment. There are 2 types
of the IP Interface Module: The first one has a LCD Screen, as in the following.

Cross Cable

Make sure the IP address of the IP Interface Module is in the same IP Segment with
the PC which you used for Programming. For example, 192.168.18. A ,the last one
must be different and less than 255, otherwise the communication will be a problem. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

IP setting on the IP Interface Module:

Note : After setting the IP address, press those 4 buttons together, to reset the
Module. Then the new IP address will be valid.

The Second type of the IP Interface Module is shown in the following, it has no LCD
Screen. You have to set the parameters by using the HDL Smart-BUS
Programming software.
Here it is:

Reset Button, Keep pressing for 20s,

shows red color in LED. The Module
will restore to Factory setting

The Default IP Address of all IP Interface modules is The IP Port is

6000. If the IP address of the IP Interface Module is different with the IP Address of
the PC, then you have to change the IP address of the IP Interface Module.
Steps for Changing IP:
. Modify the IP address of the PC to this address: 192.168.10.**(**
is a random value, but must be different with the last segment of
the IP address in the IP Interface Module ).
. In the menu you can find “Device → BUS Switch Board”, then
you can select the IP Interface Module which need modified.
. Click the “Network Parameter” by the right sides, then it
appears the interface of “Edit and Modify Network Parameter”, HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

modify the default IP and make sure it is the same with the original
IP of the PC. Save and exit.
. Change the IP of the PC to the Original IP of the PC.
Now you can use the IP interface Module as normally.

Note:To make sure the IP Module and PC are connected well, it is recommended to
test after the IP module was connected to PC after setting all the needed and correct
IP address.
By using the command of DOS system, you can test and to see if the
communication between your PC and the IP Module is successful. By using the
“CMD” command, then you can input“ ping 192.168.X.X ”in the displayed
interface. ( The IP address is the IP of the IP Module ) , if it shows like the
following screen, it means connection is Good, otherwise, you have to check the
connection and also the IP address of the PC and IP Module.

All HDL Smart-BUS devices have to be connected to the RS485 Ports of the
IP Interface Module; in this case all devices can be managed and programmed by
the HDL Smart-BUS software.
3.3 HDL-Smart-BUS Interface Descriptions
Double Click ,it appears the following:

-- Default User Account:user

-- Default Password: user
-- Click “Confirm”, it appears the following interface: HDL SmartBus Programming Manual


Tools menu


Online Device

-- Software Version:It shows the name and version of the software

-- Main Menu : 11 items are included in this menu: : Set up 、 Address
Management、Device、Load Status Monitor、Load Test、Touch Screen、
Language、Data Backup and Restore、Tools、User Management、Helps.
There are some submenus under each of the item, that’s for different
functions of the software. Functionality is described in detail as the
-- Tools Menu:It shows the device which is generally used. By using these
tools, the same function as in the menu can be executed in a fast way.
-- Online Device : The status of the device is shown here. “  ” means
online ,“”means not online。 HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

4. Software Functions

4.1Menu Description

-- Communication Mode: Two options are available, one is input the IP by user, and
another one is catching the IP automatically.
-- System Subnet ID:
ID Setting for searching online device: Subnet ID can be different for online device;
this is easier for you to find the device. After you set different Subnet ID, then you
can input different Subnet ID to find the device, no need to search for all Devices.

The default Subnet ID is 254, Device ID is 254. This ID must be unique; otherwise
you cannot find the device if there is some ID is the same with each other.

-- Automatic checking online device:

Click “ Automatic Checking ” , all devices which are online will be listed and

-- Load Type:

-- Skin Setting: Different colors are available for the software interface.

Address Management: HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- Address Management: Modify the Device ID
It shows as the following after click:

Choose the Subnet ID

Click and start to
of the Device Subnet

Choose the device

which you want to
modify the Device ID

Note: In this case, you are searching the Device by searching the MAC address of
the device.
-- Address Management→Modify Address:It is for the device which has the Address
modify Button. Keep Pressing on the Button for 3 seconds, the ID information of
the device will be shown here in the interface and then you can modify it as you

Read the Device ID:Keep pressing the address modify button for 3 seconds.
Modify Initial Address:Click this button after input the new ID, to modify the ID.
Add: Input new ID and then click on this button, you can also change the ID of the

Note: It is only for the device which has the Address Modify Button. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual


In the down list of this menu, there are the following devices: Scene Controller,
48channel DALI Controller, Relay, Show Controller, Panel, Timer, BUS Switch
Board, Linear sensor, Motion Sensor, Sensor Input Module, BUS-RS232 Converter,
Curtain Controller, Infrared Learning Device, IR sender and Receiver etc. User can
select the device by using this menu, to find and program the devices.

Note:User can search the device directly.

Load Status Monitor:

It is for test the status of each channel on the Dimmer and Relay Module.
Load Test
Test the status of load and shows the location of the Device.
Touch Screen
Program for the 7 inch Touch Screen
English and Chinese are available
Data Backup and Restore
It is back up for the settings; it can be restored into the device when
it is needed. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Test Command : Engineer can send command to test the device,
they can control the device by sending command, to see if there is
problem of the device or not, or to find where is the problem of the
User Management:
Add new user account and password.
Change Password.
4.2Search Settings
Click for Searching online device, Shows as the following:

Set the ID for

searching device

-- Fast Search:If you do not know the ID of the device, Click“fast search”,all online device
will be listed in the “current online device”area.
-- Manually Add:If you know the Subnet ID and Device ID of the module, then you can input
the ID in the “ Manually Add ” area , the device will be listed in the “ current online device ”
-- Subnet:Set the Subnet ID here, then in the“advanced search”you can use the ID to search
the device in that ID range.

Add Subnet ID HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Click “Add all”, the device in the“current online device ”area will be
added in the “online device” of the main interface of the software.
4.3Bus Switch Settings
BUS Switch Board:All IP Interface Module in the BUS will be shown here, together
with the information in detail.
One IP Interface Module can handle up to 253 devices in one single BUS line. You
need to add more IP Interface Module if the total number of the device is more than
253. All IP Interface Module cannot be in a circle network, they need a connection
way called parallel.

-- Remarks:Make a remark for the current IP Module.

-- Configurations:Set the ID, MAC and Subnet ID of the IP Module.
The ID for the Device and Subnet is : 0-254
MAC address must be unique for each of the IP Module. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Warning : After Set the Subnet ID , the ID for all device which connected to that IP Module
must be the same with the IP module. Otherwise, there will no communication.

-- Network Parameter:Set the network parameters of the current IP Module

-- IP: The IP address of the current IP Module, make sure there is no

conflicts with other IP address.
-- Router IP:
-- IP MAC : The first 3 bytes already fixed, you just need to set the
other 3 bytes. It must be different and make sure no conflicts with
other device.
-- Modify Device ID: To Modify the Device ID of the current IP Module, the
range is 0-254. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

5. Dimmer Settings
Dimmer is the main functional module in the lighting control systems,
can save control scene in the S-bus programming software, user can
easily call the different group, lighting effect in the panel, to meet the
requirement. And even the power off suddenly, the system can be
stay in the same scene or the user appointed scene once power on.
There is sequence function for the dimmer , this function makes the
lighting effects and controlling much more various.
Below is the list for the dimmers:
12 ch 10A high performance intelligent dimmer
6 ch 20A high performance intelligent dimmer
6 ch 10A high performance intelligent dimmer
6 ch 2A dimmer
4 ch 3A dimmer
2 ch 6A dimmer
1 ch 6A dimmer
2 ch 3A dimmer
4 ch 2A dimmer
6 ch 1A dimmer
Here we use HDL - MD0403.232 for example to explain the dimmer
Below is the processes:
5.1 Add Dimmers
1. power in
2. press the address setup key for 3S, the indicator light on and in red.

indicator light & address setup key HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

3. to find “ address management → modify address ” In the S-bus
software,to read and modify the device address

To click “modify” button to modify,then click “add”, “exit”.

in“online device info area”to find the device,double click to enter

the setup interface , including device 、 area 、 channel 、 scene and
sequence setup.

5.2 Device Settings

Display and modify the basic information,including subnet ID、device
ID、remark、MAC address.

-- subnet ID:range“000~254”.
-- device ID:range“000~254”.
-- remark:easy for management.
-- MAC address:physical address,default and cannot modify.
-- modify subnet ID and device ID according to MAC : modify device subnet
and device ID no., in the same subnet,cannot have same device ID no.
5.3 Loop Settings HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Loop setting includs loop remark, load type, lower limit, higher limit and max lever.

Area no. divide Select channels in the area

into 2 areas
Set channel info.

Channel information:
remark:note for each channel, easy to manage and setup
-- load type:user choose.
-- lower limit: if setup the lower limit for the channel, when dimming to this
value, the output intensity is 0, range of the value is 00~99.
-- higher limit:if setup the higher limit for the channel,when the dimming to
the value, the output intensity is 100%。Range of the value is 01~100.

remark : each channel min value cannot be more than the max
value, usually keep the default value is ok.

-- max level:Max range of the value 00~100.

-- load test : test for each channel, and display its load, that is easy for
installation and mending.
5.4 Extent Settings
Dividing all the channels into several areas, each area are independent
and cannot effect its work. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Area modifaction:
-- area remark:easy for management.
-- area dividing:dividing all the channels into several areas, one channel can
be only divided into one area.(meaning the same channel cannot be
divided into 2 areas.)

-- select the channels to be divided in one area in “ channels

waiting allocation”.
-- click to add the selected channels into “channels into
current area.
-- click to add the left channels in to the other areas.
-- clear the old area:to clear the old one and reset the new one. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- the new area is applicable only after save the setup.
-- in the above picture, dividing the 4 channels into 2 areas.

5.5 Scene Settings

Scene is the combination for the several channel status or different
lighting value status.
Each area has 12 scenes,each scene is combined of the channels in this area, channel
lighting value is 00~100. And 0 cue is dark cue. Can use panel to control the scene,
for example, cue 1 area 1.

Select cue

Input cue no. key in the

starting cue and last cue

-- power on recovery:setup module working scene power on recovery,can

setup the same scene that before power off or the appointed scene.

-- scene setup:setup each scene runtime and intensity of each channel. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Setup remark & intensity
Setup run time

-- modify running time synchronously : when selecting this, can modify each
area running time and intensity .
-- On-site output scene : after setup finished, can on-site output scene, to
check the effect.

5.6 Sequence Settings

Sequence is combined by scenes, and setup running time and
intervals. Can setup max 6 sequences , each sequence can be setup
max 12 steps. 6 sequences can be assigned into 1 area. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Select area

Sequence info. Selected area no. & step time

Sequence modify:
-- sequence setup:set each sequence remark, mode, running times and steps.
-- mode:including Forward mode、converse、random mode, invalid mode.
-- running times:after the sequence running the setup times then it stopped.
Setup range 1—99 or no limit.
-- steps:can be set max 12 scenes.
-- steps modify:set each sequence scene no. and running time, max running
time is 60 minutes

After finish the dimmer setup , can control by panel. If setup this
dimmer as the panel control target , and set the scene, sequence,
singal channel as control type, then can control the dimmer.
6 Relay Settings
Relay module can save control scenes, and then you can call it through the
software and panel. Can control un-dimmable lights, power supply, etc. can
setup sequence,can set the relay on/off in the appointed time can set several
steps and intervals between these steps. This function makes on/off timing-ly.

Relay Parameter Setup is same as that of the dimmer. Please refer HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

to dimmer setup.

7.48-channel DALI Scene Controller Settings

HDL-MC48DALI 48 channel DALI Scene Controller is a kind of
convertor , using this module, HDL bus device can control DALI
device. Can connect and control 48 way DALI devices.
7.1 Add DALI Scene Controllers
Using Same way as to add a dimmer.
Press address key for 3S the red indicator light is on, then in the S-bus
software to operate address manage → modify address , read start
address and modify the start address.

7.2 Device Settings

display and modify device information, subnet ID 、 device ID 、

remark、MAC. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- subnet ID no.:range is “000~254”。
-- device ID no.:range is“000~254”。
-- device remark:easy for management.
-- MAC address: physical address,default and cannot modify.
-- modify subnet ID and device ID according to MAC : modify device subnet
and device ID no., in the same subnet,cannot have same device ID no.

7.3 DALI Address Wiring

assign address to DALI device,max 48 devices.

Confirm device

Assign address automatically

Patch wire

-- online device address make:assign address to DALI device,each device to

get one address, max 48 devices. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- check the patch:Related to the HDL bus scene controller, using HDL panel
to control the scene controller loop to control DALI device.

HDL bus scene controller

DALI device
channel no. address。

-- to find the lamps place based on the lighting,easy to setup.

7.4 Loop Settings

Loop is the parameter setup for different channels of the scene
controller, including channel remark, load type, lower limit, higher
limit and max lever.

Area no.,devide 选中的区域所包含的回路

Channels including in the
Select channel parameter
into 2 areas Selected area HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Channel information:
-- remark:note for each channel, easy to manage and setup
-- load type:the user choose.
-- lower limit: if setup the lower limit for the channel, when dimming to this
value, the output intensity is 0, range of the value is 00~99.
-- higher limit:if setup the higher limit for the channel,when the dimming to
the value, the output intensity is 100%。Range of the value is 01~100.
remark : each channel min value cannot be more than the max
value, usually keep the default value is ok.

-- frequency reducing : Set the light reducing frequency, there are several
kinds for choice.
-- system failure: When the DALI system is failure, the light intensity can be
-- DALI power on recover:set the light intensity when the DALI scene control
restart after power off。
-- max level:Max range of the value 00~100.

7.5 Extent Settings

Divide the 48 channel in to several areas to be controlled, each area

are independent and cannot affect its work. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Area Modify:
-- Area Remark:Make a remark for the area, make it easier for management.
-- Area Setup : Divide all the channels into several areas, the same channel
cannot be divided into different areas. Max. can be divided into 48 areas.

Channels waiting areas
for dividing into selected
areas channels

-- select light on : When selected, in the waiting areas, turn on the light, then
light in the channel is on and it can find the lights place in this channel. Scene
Scene is the combination of several (more than one) channels on/off
status or different intensity.
Each area has 15 scenes, each scene is combined with channels of this
area, range of the channel intensity is 00~100. And 0 cue is dark cue,
can be also controlled by panel. For example, cue 1 scene 1.

Select area before set scene

Input scene no. key in initial

scene and end scene HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- power on recover:The module can be set to keep the current scene or the
designated scene once power on.
-- scene setup : Set each scene running time and intensity of each channel,
0scene is dark scene, intensity is default to 0 and cannot be modified.

Set channel remark and intensity

Set scene running time

-- running time:there is 15 running time for choice.

-- synchronously modify : When select this, can modify running time and
intensity synchronously.
-- on-site output scene:After setup, it can output scene on site, to check the
DALI status display
In this page we can check the DALI device status. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

8. Panel Settings
Used as intelligent control terminal, the panel can control dimmers,
relays, curtains, SMS, security module, music and etc. including type
of touch panel, smart switch, LCD panel and so on.
Take LCD panel settings for an example, for the other panels settings
please refer to this instruction

a) Add Panels

Multi-function LCD panel address reading:

Press button 1&4 button 1 Press button 4
to return

After reading the address, you can manually add the device to the
online devices area in the software

Other panels address reading:

Press any button for 20 second,all the button Black lights will flash,
then read the address in section “address management and address
modify “of Smart-Bus configuration software , press any button
again, the button light will stop flashing and exit the setting
After reading the address, you can manually add the device to the
online devices area in the software
Find the panel and go to the setting page,

b)Basic Information Setting

This page mainly display and modify device basic information,

including the subnet ID, device ID, Mark, MAC address, set the LCD
and button backlight brightness HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Indicate subnet ID and
device ID of the panel

-- LCD backlight:adjust the LCD brightness

-- LCD green light:adjust the button indicator brightness
-- Modify the subnet ID and device ID by MAC address:set the subnet ID and
device ID of the module

c) Key Setting

Set panel key mode, control target and other function. Multi-function
panel has 4 pages for key setting, while other panels don’t need to
flip the page

Select the page, total 4 pages

Parameters of current button

The buttons in
current page

-- Key Mode:panel key control mode,mode description as bellow form HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Key mode Function Application
Invalid No control targent Invalid the key function
Single on Only control one target to turn on The key only can turn on the target
Single off Only control one target to turn off The key only can turn off the target
Single on/off Only control one target to turn on or Press the key to turn on the target,
off press again to turn off
Combination on Control multiple targets to turn on The key only can turn on the targets
Combination off Control multiple targets to turn off The key only can turn off the targets
Combination on/off Control multiple targets to turn on or Press the key to turn on the targets,
off (Max.99) press again to turn off
Separated Set left section and right section of the Press left section or right section to
momentary key to control different target control different target, press to turn
on and release to turn off
Separated combined Left section and right section of the key Press left section or right section to
can be set to control on and off control different target, press to turn
separately, the control target can be on and release to turn off
Dbclick/single Double click can control up to 49 Double click
switch targets, single click only control 1
target, the target can be set
Dbclick/combination Both double click and single click can
switch control up to 49 targets, the targets
can be set。
momentary Press to perform an action, release to
perform another action
clock Timing control Set the time to trigger the control
target automatically
Separated single HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Key Function Type: control objective and parameters, as follows:
Key Type Control objective Parameter 1 Parameter2 Parameter3
Invalid switch N/A - - -
Scene switch Dimmer or relay Area no Scene no N/A
Sequence switch Dimmer or relay Area no Sequence no N/A
Time switch Timer channel Channel no On or off N/A
Universal switch IR remote control Switch no On or off N/A
code, switch and etc
Single channel Dimmer or relay Channel no luminance
lighting control channel
Curtain switch curtain Curtain no stop/open/close
GPRS control GRPS invalid - -
Remote control Order No.
Panel control panel invalid - -

IR receiver On/off Valid

Panel lock On/off Valid
Air-con switch On/off Valid

Air-con temp 0-30℃ Valid

Air-con fan auto Valid
Air-con cool and Cooling, heating, Valid
heat ventilation and
Air-con heat 0-30℃ Valid
temp 32~86℉
Auto temp 0-30℃ Valid
Higher temp 1~5 Valid

Lower temp 1~5 Valid

Backlit switch On or off Valid

Air-con lock On or off Valid

Backlit 0~100 Valid

Status light 0~100 Valid
Panel key invalid 1~28,255 Valid HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Panel page 1.7,255 Valid
Panel key state 1,16,255 Valid
Panel key 1,16 Valid
Air-con 0-30℃ Valid
dehumidification 32~86℉
Geothermal On or off Valid
geothermal Auto turn off Valid
after leave
Broadcast scene All scene of the All area Scene no. N/A
dimmer or relay
Broadcast All channel of the All channel luminance delay time
channel dimmer or relay
Security control Security module Area no.1-8 mode N/A

TT player Music player


-- Combination : all the keys of the combination mode will only perform the
function of the top button
-- Picture download : each key can be set two picture states, one state is
normal state, another is on state
In single off mode and combination off mode, you also can set two picture
states, but only the normal state can be displayed. In other mode, the
picture will display normal state when the key perform turn off, and display
on state when the key perform turn on
-- Exclusive: the key combination mode such as combination on/off,
combination off can be set to mutually exclusive. After setting mutually
exclusive, the last control scene will replace all other scenes by mutual

Key status saving and setting:

-- Dimming Save:dim the light and save the brightness
-- Dimming Enable:allow the key to dimming or not
-- Key status:indicate the status for the invalid key
-- Infrared dimming:
-- Infrared enable:enable the IR receiver function or not
-- Temp display:display the temp in air-con control page or not HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- Dimming low limit:set the dimming low limited

d)Air-conditioning Function Setting

This page is used to set parameter for air-conditioning

The parameter of air-con can be set in this page, also can be set
manually on the panel

Basic information of air condition

-- Air conditioner function:select enable to open the function and

display on panel control page ( depend on page display is
enable ) , do not select enable to close the function and the
control page will not be displayed on the panel。
-- HVAC subnet ID and HVAC device ID:
-- Type : include old and new , the new type can set 128 no. air-
con .the old type only can set 1 no. air-con module.

-- Temperature Compensation :make a compensation between the HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

displayed temperature and actual temperature
Air-con control mode setting

-- Power status:select “on”, the air-con turns on, or turns off

-- Lock:if don’t select “unlock”, the air-con control page of the
panel is locked , then the air-con page cannot operate, select
“unlock”,then you can operate the control
-- Cooling temp 、 Heating Temp 、 Auto Temp 、 Dry Temp 、 Fan
Speed、Mode:read the data of temp, fan speed and mode from the
panel, also you can set parameter in this section, then save and send
the control command to the panel
Temp Broadcast

-- Broadcast Function:Enable this function to send the temp of this

panel to other devices on the network
Slave Information

-- Slave information : the panel can control up to 8 air-con which

are controlled by other panels 。 There are 8 options in the slave
no. drop-down menu, enter the subnet ID and device ID and
control other air-con HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Other Functions

-- Configuration: setting for panel mode\status 、 type 、 temp

degree、temp sensor mode
-- Picture Information:set picture for air control page。

Infrared Control

-- IR transmitter function: select “infrared function”, then you can

control the air-con target. As showed in figure above, the mode is
“Cooling Temperature”, and then we should enter the control
target for each temp degree
Tip:How to know the control target?
Assuming the control target is IR transmitter module , the control
target (Universal switch) is the location inform of the control code
which was learn by HDL IR learner from the code of air-con IR remote
and download to Smart-bus software. To find the control target,
please change to IR transmitter setting page HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

e)Geothermal Feature Setting

This page is used to set geothermal parameter

Control objective, namely geothermal address, each panel can control

a total of 4 geothermal objective。
Temperature sampling setting

-- Internal:take the temperature of the panel as standard

-- External:take the temperature of other temp sensor as standard. A total of 2 temp
sensore can be set. As showed in figire bellow:

If you set 2 temp sensors and the temp are different, then find the average HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- average of internal and extenal : average of internal temp and external

-- Floor : set the ID for the temp sensor mounted on the floor , in order to
prevent the overheat of the floor, the geothermal will turn off automatically
once the temperature is over the limited, when the temperature is lower
than the limit, the geothermal turn on automatically

-- Outdoor temp sensor : set the ID for temp sensor outdoor. Customer easily
to know the outdoor temp by temperature display in the panel

Working setting:

-- Enable PID:a working mode

-- Always on:by selecting this mode the geothermal will be on alwalys

Working status:
Set the temperature for different working mode

-- Temp type:option for Celsius and Fahrenheit

-- Temp Compensation:set the temp compensation when the temp is error HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Upload the Picture:

The picture is use to display on the panel. Customer can upload their own
design. The size of the picture shall be 80*32 pixels

f) Music panel Setting

Make setting to control Z-audio, Nuvo and other music player

-- Music Page Status : select enable to open the function and display
on panel control page(depend on page display is enable)
-- Subnet ID and Device ID: set ID for music player
-- Area NO.:set the area of the music playser

g)Basic Setting

This setting includes “Page display, backlit display and page jump” HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- Page display:the pages selected will be displayed on the panel
“Backlight display and page jump”
-- Always show:the backlight will be on always
-- Designate specific time:the backlight will dim down after no operation in
the designated time
-- Page Jump : the display jump to the specific page after no operation in the
designated time

9.IR Learner Setting

The IR learner can learn most of universal IR Remote controllers'
control codes, then configure those codes to HDL remote controllers
such as: IR emitter, eight in one sensor etc, so as to realize the same
functions with non HDL Smart-Bus IR remote controllers. moreover, IR
learner itself has IR emission function for Verifying those learned IR
codes in site。

9.1 Configure IR learner

Connect IR learner to the PC through USB connector。

attention:the older version IR leaner need install driver in the PC in advance, no need for the new version

Open HDL S-Bus configuration software,click“IR learner”icon

Click the icon

IR Learner setting Dialog HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

9.2 IR code Learning

Learn IR codes and check if succeed, upload successful codes to database.

Current Status:
-- Code learning Standby status:Before click, Grey standby status.
After click,Grey turns to Green, starting code learning status
Attention: Make the IR remote controller's emitter opposite IR learner's
receiving Area, press the button to emit IR code. If IR learning succeed, the
code learning area will indicate"successful" otherwise indicates "failed"(old
version IR learner)
as for new version IR learner, the indicatior turns red when start IR code
learning, when learning complete, indicator will be off.
-- Show code
Click “show code” icon, the code will showed inside the Gray frame
-- Test the code
When Code Learning succeed, you can press "Test code" icon to check
validity of those learned code。
Select stroke types, then click “try the key", the IR learner will emit IR code
to run the device, so you can judge the validity of code have been learned.
Upload to the database:
Once the learned code is valid after test, it can be uploaded to the database.
-- “Device Setup…”
Click “device setup” icon, then you can make remarks of the device
controlled by the IR remote controller, HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Add new devices

Current devices Modify current devices

-- Select device: Select the device controlled by the IR remote controller.

-- Remark of current code:Show the remark of the code.
Click "upload to the database" it will report "successful" if succeed. When
codes uploaded into the database, S-Bus devices can download directly
from the database.

9.3 Infrared tried code

By this test, we can check the validity of remote control when the IR Learner
sending the IR code we have successfully learned. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Select code:
-- Device:Select the device we want to controlled
-- Select code:select the code you need to test,the code text content will be
display inside the “code data” frame.
click“Test code”, IR learner will emit above IR code, then we can see if the
device response rightly.
click“cancel code testing”, will cancel IR code emission of IR learner
-- Delete code : if the code is not right after test , click “ delete code ” ,
popup the deletion confirmation window, then click “ ( Y ) ” will delete
current code and quit.
-- “edit code remark…”: make remark of the code.

Click“save”, will save the settings

Click“Quit”,will quit the window

9.4 Data backup and restore

It is used to backup all the learned IR codes as a file, and can be restore as data
setting of the IR learner once needed

Data backup HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- click“save as…”Select save patch and type file name
-- click “ open” , “ file saving patch ” will indicated inside data backup
-- click“start backup”,when complete, popup “backup successfully”
-- click“ok”close the prompt.
Data restore

-- click “ browse… ” : Select saving patch of the file need to be restored and
the file itself.
-- click “ open” , “ file saving patch ” will indicated inside data restore
-- click “ start restore ” , popup prompt window “ restoring data will delete
current data, continue or not”
-- click“Yes”,start restoring,when complete, popup “restore
successfully” prompt
-- click“ok”to close prompt
Quit IR learner menu
Attention : we can configure the learned IR codes to IR emitter etc devices to
form a HDL Smart-Bus remote control system. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

10. Temp/Lux/Humidity sensor setting
Tem/LUX/Hum sensor is a multi-function sensor, able to detect
temperature, humidity, illumination of ambience, and control the
target devices according to the given values or status of LUX,
temperature, Humidity, dry contact, universal switch, logic etc, usually
combined with security module for usage.

10.1 Add the Sensor

open the cover, keep pressing of the ID button for 3 seconds, then
open S-Bus configuration software, click "address management" →
"modify address" indicate and modify the initial address of the sensor.

10.2 Settings

Configure compensation value, logic conditions of the sensor, enable

it to read on-site temperature, humidity and LUX

remarks of the two dry contact:

Configure remarks of the two dry contacts for easy management.
on-site status:
It indicates on-site temperature, humidity, LUX HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Compensation value of temperature sensor:
Temperature compensation is used to emend temperature when
difference happened to detected temperature and actual temperature.
Attention:need to tick”temperature sensor”to activate compensation value
Humidity, brightness compensation is the same
enable other functions:
Do remember to tick those conditions prior to make it valid in the
next setting "logic relation" otherwise invalid.

Remember to save the settings

10.3 Logic relation setting

With 24 logic functions, can set 7 logic input conditions, when logical
condition is trigger can set 20 target output, when logic condition is
not trigger can set another 20 targets output. Equipped with Lux,
temp, and humidity sensor, 2 dry contact inputs,2 universal switches,
logic status as input conditions。

Below is the setting of logics and input conditions

on-site status

24 logics HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Logic information:
-- current status:Select valid or invalid
-- Power off recovery: it means once power off, the status of current
logic, there four options: no action, recovery, mandatory valid,
mandatory invalid.
further settings of current logic:
Configure input conditions’ parameters, tick to activate it
Tem: setting range is-20℃~60℃,when the actual temperature is in
the range, satisfy the input condition, otherwise dissatisfy.
LUX : setting range is 0~5000Lux , when the actual LUX is in the
range, satisfy the input condition, otherwise dissatisfy.
Hum : Setting range is 20~90%RH, when the actual LUX is in the
range, satisfy the input condition, otherwise dissatisfy.
Dry contact 1, 2:Dry contact its logic condition is: connect and disconnect
Universal Switch:setting range is 201~248,used other devices such
as mechanical switch to set universal switch status, when the
on/off status of mechanical switch complies with current
universal switch status, the input condition will be effective,
otherwise not.
Logic: The status of those 24 logics will be looked as condition. On
the condition of invalidity or validity of current logic, the
condition is effective when status of current logic is the same as
the condition setting, otherwise not.
Relation: “OR”, means In case one of above input conditions is
effective, will trigger the target output. “AND”,means all of
above input conditions are effective, will trigger the target
-- logic true delay : When condition is true, the delay time for
triggering target output, The range can be set from 0~36000S。
-- trigger target when true : When condition is true, trigger target
-- logic false delay : When condition is false, the delay time for HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

triggering target output, The range can be set from 0~36000S。
-- trigger target when false: When condition is false, trigger target

Attention: do remember to save the setting.

10.4 Coordination with Security module

The on/off status of the two dry contacts can be made as input
condition of security module.

Basic setting:
Select one dry contact inside“Security function”
(can do the same to dry contact two). HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- enable security: Tick “enable security” to make effective of all
the settings in advance.
-- input condition selection:”on/off”
-- Security address: The corresponding address of security module
-- mode selection: including 24 hours level and others
24 hours security setting: can only select one mode, 24 hours
(whole day) will be effective after setting (this setting will not
limited to security module working mode). For example, the
on/off status of dry contact will trigger signal to be sent to
security module to active target output of security module.
other security selection : Can setup multi-mode, under this
mode, on/off status of dry contact will trigger signal to be sent
from the sensor to security module, but the security module can
only be activated on the condition of the same combination with
Temperature sensor, otherwise, the security module will not

10.5 Simulate test

Can simulate on-site Temp, Humidity and LUX status.

Simulate sensor value: click “test” icon to start test, the actual value
will be replaced currently by test value. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

11 Eight-in-One Sensor Module Settings
8IN1 sensor is a multi-function sensor, it can send and receive IR
signal, set motion sensor, LUX and dry contact as input condition, also
send message to security module when detect gas leak and fire

11.1 Add Modules

There is a address setting button when you open the sensor, press
3second and then the red LED will be turn on, programmer can read
initial address and modify address from S-bus programming software.

11.2 Transmitter Settings

8in1 sensor can download IR code to control other IR devices

remotely, or work with wall panel (or other devices that can trigger
universal switch) to control TV, DVD, AC etc, IR code is learned by IR
leaner and upload to 8in1 sensor.

information of current key:

Display information of the key, it is enable if download successfully, HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

then send IR to control other device.
Tips: key No can be sent by wall panel or other universal switch
Code download by current key:
-- Select device: device that IR is learned
-- Select Code: normally devices have many codes, you need to select
the code that need to download, then click download,
Tips: learn by IR learner if IR code not available
-- IR code learning: from IR learner
Infrared transition of current key:
Can have a try to see if success or not after download
Initialize all keys:
Keys will be disabled after initialize, Must download again if need
Edit key: Make a remark
Delete current key:
Delete downloaded IR code of current key, and can download the
needed codes.

11.3 IR Receiver Settings

Work with remote controller, every remote controller can set single
on/off, single on, single off, multi on/off, multi on and multi off mode HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Key information of remote controller:
8pcs Key No, relate to 8buttons of remoter, for example, press No 1
button of remote controller, means it send command to target of this

Target info of current key:

multi on/off, multi on and multi off, Maximum 99 targets, double click
to set the target.

Edit target of current key:

Namely set target to key. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

IR mode set:
Include single on/off, single on, single off, multi on/off, multi on and
multi off mode
Tips: same to mode of wall panel.

11.4 Logical Block Settings

Set 32 logic groups condition and control target

This sensor have 32 logic groups, can set 6 logic input conditions,
when logic condition is established, it can set 10 target output, build
with Lux sensor, PIR sensor, 2channel dry contact and 2 external

-- Lux sensor: set Lux level as logic condition

-- PIR sensor: set sensitivity level and departure time.
-- Edit logic: set to logic condition and target. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Logic table setting:
Totally five logic conditions:
Dry contact:take on/off as condition to control target
External condition:Same with universal switch No of other devices
LUX sensor:set Lux level as logic condition
PIR sensor: set sensitivity level and departure time.
Logic Relation: relation can be and or or
OR: if any one condition established then trigger target
AND: if all conditions established when trigger target.
Control Target: each logic can set 10 control targets.

11.5 In Conjunction with Security Modules

Dry contact and motions sensor can be logic condition of security

module. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Basic information:
Select dry contact 1 in security function
(Same to dry contact 2)
-- Enable security function: it valid after selected and below
parameters can be set.
-- Select condition: motion sensor (normal on and normal off)
-- Address: related security module address
-- Mode: including 24H security level and other security level
24H security mode:can only set one of modes, 24H security(Do
not effected by security module), for example, after set dry
contact as on or off(same to setting condition), this sensor send
trigger signal to security module and security module will enter
alarm working status
other security level : can set multi mode at same time, for
example, after set dry contact as on or off(same to setting
condition), this sensor send trigger signal to security module but
working mode of security module must same with this sensor,
otherwise, alarm won’t triggered. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

12. MS04 sensor module input set
MS04 input module can connect 4 switches at most, it can consist of
multi-function control panel, according to the four switch status to
control every switch’s target.

12.1 Add Equipment

This module only can be searched in search item.

12.2 Set the basic information

Mainly set and show MS04’s basic information. including remark,Sub

net ID and equipment ID

Remark this
equipment for

Amend Subnet ID and Equipme ID

12.3 Set the ON-OFF mode and type

Mainly set switch mode, type and control target. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Current relay control object
4 relays of MS04

Switch Information
-- Switch NO.: can connect 4 switches at most, switch no. from 1-4
-- Switch type:Electronic switch and machine switch
Electronic Switch is the one like a Reset Switch which can be
disconnect automatically
Machine switch can’t automatically disconnect
-- Switch mode:on-off modes and dimming modes.
Machine switch only can be set ON and off, only can control ON and
Electric switch can be set ON, OFF mode and dimming mode.
Dimming mode means dimming function, control target type only can
be signal channel or scene, the control target only can be one.
-- Status : Switch has OFF, ON two statuses, each status need to set
control target separately.
-- Remark:User should make notes for every channel
-- Off Delay:when act ON/OFF, after pass the delay set time then will act
ON/OFF order, the delay time: 0-60 minute.
Edit target
When Set ON/OFF control target, the target type can set as signal channel
adjust, universal switch, scene, GPRS control, panel control, curtain control.
Remind: Type parameter should refer to panel type.

Key Set
-- Key Set: can be set 4 key function, pitch on , use in order; HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Do not pitch on, then ON/OFF failed.

12.4 Fire function Set

Combine security module to use.

Basic Set
-- Key Select: choose one key as Fire alarm from the 4 keys of
-- Remark:Remark the key, in order to check the set.
-- Fire Arm: After choose, fire function alarm then following
parameter can be set.
Select condition: can select key ON or OFF status as the
Fire Arm address: can set fire arm module’s address.
Mode Select:
-- Including 24 hours safety set and other safety set
24 hours safety set: only can set one mode, after set the key
will work 24 hours according to the sets.
Other safety set: can set different mode.
After finished set the MS04 module will only ON or off if the fire
alarm module in set module. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

13. HVAC module set
HVAC controller is air condition control module, can work with A/C’s
panel together to control the spend and mode, HVAC module have
three modes: Cold, Heat and Fan. Can output 0-10V fan speed
voltage, end user can choose according their requirements.

13.1 Add the module

HVAC module have the key to set address, keep pressing address set
key for 3 second until the indicator light keep light, then modify
the address in HDL-Miracle software address management →
amend address, read and modify original address.

13.2 Basic information set

Mainly set HVAC module’s basic information including: Remark, Sub net
ID, equipment ID HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

13.3 HVAC module function’s set

Mainly set HVAC module different function’s parameter.

Control air condition’s status::

Set air condition’s mode and speed.
-- Air condition mode:Can set “Fan, Cold, Heat”
-- Speed status: “Automatic, High, Middle, Low” four mode.
Remind: the set above mostly use for debug, usual the end user can
use A/C panel control directly.
A/C Delay:
In order to protect A/C, we can set delay time when swift mode, can set
minute or second as the time delay
-- Mode ON delay :from“1m~10m and 3s~127s”
-- Mode OFF delay:from“1m~10m and 3s~10s”
-- Speed ON delay:from“1m~10m and 1s~10s”
-- Speed OFF delay:from“1m~10m and 1s~10s”
Remind: Time delay set is very import to protect air condition.
Speed voltage, speed current output:
Can set according to the current HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Air condition mode set
Set Relay switch‘s I, II, III mode and sequence
Every relay switch can set as invalidation, cool, heat and fan four mode.

Remind: fan set as signal adjust to control

After set, click “save” then all set will be operation

14. Curtain module setting

HDL-MW02.231: Curtain module use 485 as communication, it can
work together with other intelligent lighting control system to achieve
curtain control, including panel control, IR control, timer control
environment sensor automatic control, remote control and also can
control directly.

14.1 Curtain module

Curtain module have the key to set address, keep pressing address set key for 3
second until the indicator light keep light, then modify the address in HDL-
Miracle software address management → amend address, read and modify
original address.

14.2 Curtain module basic information’s set

Mainly set and show curtain module’s basic information, including:

Remark, Subnet ID and equipment ID. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

14.3 Curtain module function’s set

Mainly set curtain controller’s ON/OFF parameter , including :

ON/OFF remark, ON delay, active delay, and OFF delay

Currently switch information:

Show 4 switch’s information.
4 relay switch, to 4 switch Number.
-- Working time:switch’s connect time means motor’s working time.
-- Active delay: after receive curtain open order, delay for a short time
then curtain motor will work.
--OFF delay: after receive curtain close order, delay for a short time then
curtain motor will off.
Click any switch item, if turns blue, it means it was selected. After selected,
modify the time for every key.
Remind: other equipment , for example only use panel to control it will have ON
delay and off delay, if control the key directly it will not delay. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

15. EIB transformer module
EIB is different from HDL-BUS communication protocol, after
connected with EIB transformer, it can achieve EIB and HDL-BUS’s

15.1 Basic information setting

EIB transformer’s set including : remark, subnet ID, equipment ID’s

modification and EIB’s physical address.


--EIB physical address: Every unit have the unique physical address in
EIB system. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

15.2 EIB and HDL-bus’s conversion set.

Mainly set the 254 transformer targets

Set HDL equipment’s parameter Effect set

Set EIB’s address set

-- EIB main address set : change equipments address according to

the EIB main address
-- HDL equipment parameter set: set HDL equipment parameter.
-- Validity set:HDL-BUS→EIB

16. Professional RS232 transformer

Professional RS232/HDL-BUS data transformer is data transform equipment,
have two transformer modes:
First: Achieve RS232 and HDL-BUS data transform
Second:Achieve 485 and HDL-BUS data transform.
After transform, the devices in different BUS systems can control each
other, for example, the devices in HDL - BUS can control devices in
RS232. And you can set up in s-bus software.
To add a module
It is in the same way as to add a dimmer. Long press the address HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

setup key for 3S till the read indicator light is on, then in s-bus
software address management → modify address , read the initial
address and modify the initial address.
Basic information setup

Mainly setup the transformer basic information, including remark, address, RS232,
485 serial port and network parameters.

RS232 serial port setup

-- 485 configure serial port
baud rate: user can setup by 2400、4800、9600、14400bit/s and so on.
Stop bit and check bit:stop bit 1 check bit none
-- configure serial port
baud rate:user can setup by 2400、4800、9600、14400bit/s and so on.
Data bit:8
Stop bit:1
note:serial port should be set up according to the RS232 device
and 485 device, otherwise, it would not communicate.
Network parameter
Network parameter cannot be same with that of the other device.
IP MAC:The first three is default, user need to setup the last three.

16.1 RS232 and HDL-BUS data transform HDL SmartBus Programming Manual


RS232 transform to HDL-BUS , i.e. RS232 serial port can control

HDL—BUS serial port device. Input string to command information,
then setup the current command number, can control the object
when RS232 device output the string.

HDL-BUS device controlled (object)

Setup RS232 device string

Command information:
Set up string and parameter.
-- Input command no. from (1-200),maximum can set 200 commands
-- Remark :Remark for the string, easy for control
-- head:string et as valid,it cannot control when set to invalid.
-- input format:ASCII or hex
Use a comma in the hex to space out.
-- string:Maximum can set 33 strings including the last one.
-- end character: only valid in the ASCII.
NONE,only need to input the string
<CR>,input the setup string and then input backspace.
<CR+LF>,input setup string and then input newline.
click“configure”can set the command information.
Current command object information HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Set each character related control object.
--Object from(1-20),maximum can set 20 objects, that is one character
can control 20 HDL-BUS objects.
click“object”to set HDL-BUS device.

After finish the setup, when RS232 device output these strings then can
control the set HDL-BUS device object.


HDL-BUS transform to RS232 , that is using HDL—BUS device to control

RS232 device. Set universal switch no. in command information and then to set
current command object, and output this string once control this universal no.

Set RS232 device string

Set universal switch information

Command information:
-- input command from(1-200),maximum can set 200 commands
-- remark:Remark the universal switch no., easy for control
-- type:It can only set as universal switch.
-- input format:ASCII or Hex
-- parameter 1: Universal switch no.
The universal switch no. can be controlled by panel.
-- parameter 2:switch no. status
click“configure”can set the command information. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Current command object information
Object no. from ( 1-20 ) , maximum can set 20 objects , meaning 1
universal switch status can control RS232device output 20 strings.
click“object”to set string.
After set, when control the universal no. it will output these strings.

16.2 485 and HDL-BUS data transform

It is in the same way as above.

17. Logic module setup

HDL-MClog.231 logic module can accept the system transforming
information, such as, scene information, channel information, date,
day, time, output status, output value and so on, to control the
various objects by logics.
It has 4 logics that is “and”, “or”, “Nor” “Neither”.
Logic timer is very stable and multi-functional, which makes it very
important in the system.
To add a logic module
Power connected and Long press the address setup key for 3S till the
read indicator light is on, then in s-bus software address management
→modify address,read and modify the device address.

If need to modify the address after reading, click the modify button,
and then click the add and exit. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Find the device in “ online device information area ” , double-click
and enter the set up page, including basic information,
configuration, system setup.

17.1 Basic information setup

Mainly display and modify device basic information, including subnet

ID、device ID、remark、MAC.

17.2 Configuration setup

This page is set for 12 logic group relations. Each logic group
maximum can set 20 logic table, and each logic table has 4
input conditions, when conditions is meet can control 20
objects. Details see below:

Select logic no. total 12.

And then double-click the

black area. Right-key click

to enter. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Edit logic group remark
Select the
logic table,
and put it in
the black
area, max. 20
logic tables
in each logic

Right key click logic table to set

logic table parameter

-Modify the Pin configuration: Set the output target. Execute when meet the conditions can
set up to 20 targets.
- Pin Setting: can Set up to 4 pin conditions.

-- Relation:Choose the relation in the table

And:To control the target when met all the set conditions
Or : To control the target when met any of one conditions
NAND:Not and
NOR:Not or
-- Delay:Set the delay time to execute the target if meet all the conditions.
-- Select input pin: Each logical table has four pins, the 4-input conditions HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- Type: Invalid, year, date, week, time, status of external input, external input values ​ ​ ,
scene, sequence, universal switch, Channel status, Curtains status , panel status, security

Type instruction
. Invalid: when The pin has no conditions.

Annual, date, week, time: set the target by specified time, it will trigger the target when it is in specified time

External input state: the Target is the Logic module universal switch; range is 1-255, can control the universal
switch on/off by panel to met the conditions. (Logic module it panel’s control target)

External inputs: The main objective is the device can measure the temperature; DLP panel's default control number
is 1. The other device, such as temperature sensor based on actual setting, control value is temperature. it will
meet the conditions when the temperature is within the set value

Device scene status, device sequence status, the device universal switch status, the device circuit, the device
curtains Status: The objectives of this type are other devices, it will trigger the control target when the device
sequence, universal switch meet the conditions

Panel status: The target is panel status,It will trigger the control target when meet the conditions

Security setting:the target is security module , It will trigger the control target when meet the conditions
Note: To check if meet all conditions please refresh the interface, the pin will turn into red when the conditions are
- starting point setting: The output of logic table is pin conditions for other logic table
- The end point setting: corresponding to the starting point, the output of the last logic table as a pin conditions.
Cancel the starting point and end point

17.3 System setting

Time setting HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

- The longitude and latitude settings: set the latitude and longitude after select the city
- Broadcasting Time: the other device can read the time of the logic module
- Pray Setting: it is optional for customers

18. GPRS SMS Module settings

SMS module is a wireless control device, its mainly function: receive messages to control
device and message sending function (send note or alarm to administrators)

SMS control: Put the mobile phone number in SMS module → SMS control →
verification ,
set the corresponding control target messages, then the intelligent home devices can
controlled by text messages (such as: relays, security modules, etc.)

SMS control is the most simple and convenient control, just simple edit the message with
its control purpose, When detect the other devices, such as temperature sensors, security
module in abnormal situations, it will trigger the SMS module to send messages to the
administrators phone number .
SMS module settings are described below.

18.1 Add modules

The modules address can be read directly in SMS module LCD Display

18.2 Basic settings

To achieve the SMS module functions, we must first set the IP and SMS center,
the country code and other basic parameters. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

- Network parameter: Set the IP and Routing IP, IP segment must in same scope of the PC
server’s IP
- SMS Center: SIM card location's message center.
- Country code: set the country code.

Warning: The above settings is very important, or will cause the module does not work.

18.3 SMS Module control settings

Set the verify phone number to send text messages to control the devices, it can up to 12
verify phone number. Send message to SIM card which inserted in SMS module, it will
trigger the corresponding control target HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Set the verify phone number, it can send up to 12 verify number

up to 12 verify number

enable the number check, only the number in

Enable to send a feedback message the
upper control the send a feedback message
controlling Phone
the controlling Phone list can current output

group; when disabled, all number can control

the current output group

Each group’s modification needs a Save

Tips : if click remark synchronously, you can modify the parameters information
linkage modification: if click ,can modify different group but same number’s parameters
in the same time .

18.4 SMS Prompt settings

When SMS module receive message from other device, it will send corresponding message
to the specified controlling phone

Edit report group (Maximum Group

Each group can send up to 10 message
number: 24) HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

18.5 Easy SMS settings

E Easy SMS settings is a simple control setting, sending message in a fixed

format to control or check the device. Control target only can be device channel,
scene, on/off, sequence, broadcasting scene , broadcasting channel.
Such as allow administrator or other person send simple text messages to
control the specified target in temporary
12 phone numbers can be allowed to control equipment。
-- Control First letter :user-defined custom .
-- SMS format: First letter+ controlled subnet ID + DEVICE id + device ID+ Parameters
According to this settings, the verify phone can send message to SMS module to control the

Set the message content

Message format, use space

Set the phone number that can control device

- View device status: to check the status of the specified device.

- Control device: sending formatted content to control the device.
- Step 1: Set the message content.
- Step Two: Set the phone number, up to 12 phone numbers can be set.
Tip: The message content cannot be the same. Otherwise won ’ t control or view
properly HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

18.6 Interim administrators settings

can add up to 20 Temporary administrator

Administrator phone number

Temporary administrator phone


18.7 Net—GSM conversion

This Feature enables message conversion between the LAN and GSM
1 - A text message send from LAN forwarded to GSM, after the Message which send from
LAN is analysis, it will send to user phone by GSM.
2 - When SMS module receive the message from GSM network, the SMS module will send
to LAN
Before conversion, user needs to add user phone number to SMS module, as below.
The forwarded message need phone number verify
Example : User number is 13012345678 , it will regard this number already add to the
verify number as default
LAN to GSM: if LAN have a device need report message(Like:Channel overheating)to
user, then this device need specified number of 13012345678 send message to SMS
module,the SMS module will send feedback message to user automatic to achieve alarm
GSM to LAN:Number 13012345678 only need to send one message to SMS module ,SMS
module will send message to LAN after analysis
After LAN device receives this message, can use this message to show and control it . HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

72 HDL SmartBus Programming Manual
19. Z-audio Music Player

Zone audio is Music distributed Multiroom streaming

Media Box, A multi-functional integrated system with music play function, Built in FM
radio , speech synthesis function and so on.

With HDL DLP panel it can achieve multi source play function , with HDL security module
and SMS module , it can achieve voice prompts , alarms and so on .

19.1 Considerations

1. Working in Normal, the working indicator will flash every 1.5S , update the playlist
working indicator flash every 0.1s very fast .
2. When cannot find the device, first need to confirm if the hardware is working properly
( the indicator need to flash 3 times every 1.5s,
3. SD card only can working after formatted to FAT32
4、HDL S-BUS Change the network address . FTP information, after 5s hardware will restart
automatic; during restart it cannot have any operation.
5、when pc upload music to z-audio , it only support MP3 format songs , the length of
music name cannot more than 25 characters including.MP3,
6、SD card support 47 playlist , each playlist support 999 songs , FTP server support 48
playlist , each playlist support 999 songs .
7、Special Promts songs name need to have serial number ,like "001 go home.mp3".

19.2 Add music players

Equipment connected to the power supply and cable, if HDL S-BUS software cannot
search the device, need to confirm if the hardware working properly (working indicator flash every
1.5s); second restore to factory settings. Factory setup network address is, then
the host computer network management needs to be set as 192.168.10 .*

19.3 Basic Information Settings

In order to communicate properly and can easily to set the music network parameters, notes
and other basic information , the factory default IP of music player is, then the
host computer network management needs to be set 192.168.10 .*, otherwise it would be fail on HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

search the devices

Input remark

Set the network parameter

19.4 Music play settings

Can upload or delete music to SD card

Right click to upload or delete songs HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

19.5 Audio Source Function Selection and Radio Settings

Function selection:
Including 7 function options, keep 3 for future use; click it as resources to be
select in DLP panel control.
-- SD-card: Play music in SD card
-- NAS-hdd:FTPServer
-- Radio:FM play
-- Audio-in:External audio input.

25 preset frequencies, directly

control the output by panel for the
audio source
Audio source selection

19.6 voice synthesis

Voice synthesis is that the music player will be automatically synthesize voice
and play out when it received any alarm or information from other device of bus
system, the function should be customized. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Enter the characters that you would like
to voice synthesized into the textbox.

19.7 FTP Setting

It needs to insert the SD card while the FTP server playing music from
FTP audio source. The choice for FTP file format type and file
encoding format is also very important, recommended server
correspond to the following table:
Serial No. Name of Server Type of Server File encoding format

1 Ms-dos IIS ASCII

2 unix Server-U UTF-8

3 HomeFtpServer Server-U ASCII

4 FileZilla Server Server-U ASCII

5 Server-U

When music player playing music from FTP server, the device IP
address should be in the same network as FTP server, in order to
connect and play music files on the FTP server. ( For Example : The
default IP address of music player : , then the FTP
server IP address should be under the 192.168.10.* network)。 HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

20. Security Module
Security module functions must be programmed from Smart-BUS system control


There are 8 interfaces in the software:

Basic information, Basic Setting, Auto Dial out, Alarming Setting, Alarm

Commands, Vacation Setting, ByPass Setting, Advanced Security.

20.1 Basic info setting

Display the

subnet ID and

device ID of

the security


Enter the security module History: Enter the start time and end

remarks, convenient time, so you can view the task

for setting and information of security module

checking during this time period.

Time setting of the security module, daylight saving time

mode can be set.

The start time and end time of daylight saving time.

Modify the subnet ID and device ID of the security


“Basic info”interface

Remarks: the daylight saving time function should be adjust the time according to the
practice. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

20.2 Basic Settings

It’s mainly for alarm and buzzer.

Select and enable the

area code,
The area code should be
the same as its associated

2.Select the

3. Set control objectives, namely the action that will

perform when the alarm is triggered.

-- Siren delay: Setting the INDOOR SIREN ON,OUTDOOR SIREN

delay time.
-- Restart after the alarm: after the delay time (up to 30 minutes),
the security module will no longer alarm, restart into the
monitoring state, if more triggers, then it will re-prompts, alarms,
monitor state and alarm cycles.
-- Entering delay: if setting the delay time of door entry, it will start the "ENTER
BUZZER ON" targets after the door entry, meanwhile, if disarm the target
during the delay period, the "ENTER BUZZER OFF" targets will be started.

Suggestion: The targets for“ ENTER BUZZER On and ENTER BUZZER

OFF”should be the same. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

TIP: If disarm not happen after the entry delay, it will carry out the
"Alarm BUZZER ON" setting targets, at the same time, start to time
the alarm delay time, when excess the delay time, the system will
carry out "INDOOR SIREN ON, OUTDOOR SIREN ON" setting targets.
-- Exit delay time: you should leave within the exit delay time if you
enable it.

Instruction for alarms and alarm objectives.

-- ENTER BUZZER ON: Actions for door entry, the targets can be a
voice hint from music player or a buzzer on controlled by relay
-- ENTER BUZZER OFF : The setting targets will be shut down if
disarm not happen after excess of the door entry delay time.
-- EXIT BUZZER ON : Actions for door exit, the targets can be a
voice hint from music player or a buzzer on controlled by relay HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- EXIT BUZZER 5S LATER:“the actions for the last 5 seconds of exit
delay, the targets can be a repid buzzer on, to urging left the door.
-- EXIT BUZZER OFF : Automatically shut down the voice hint and
buzzer if excess the exit delay.
-- ALARM BUZZER ON : In the case of no disarm, the ALARM
BUZZER ON setting targets starting up while you turning off the
-- INDOOR SIREN ON, OUTDOOR SIREN ON : Targets to carry out
after the alarm delay can be a siren, loudspeaker and so on.
-- FIRE SIREN ON:Targets to carry out in a fire alarm can be a treble
alarm speaker and so on.

20.3 Carry out these targets (in above red frame) at the time of disarm
the system.

Recommendation: the above-mentioned OFF and ON targets should be

the same, or there will be some of them can not be turned off after you
disarm the system.

20.4 Auto-dial settings

it's mainly for displaying and setting the basic information of the security

The function you want to achieve at the time of auto-dialling

Setting GPRS subnet ID and device Up to 13 alarm please enable the message number,
ID. so when there is alarm occurs, modes each alarm mode could send out
the GPRS module will send out the
HDL SmartBus Programming Manual
up to 4 kinds of alarm information,
message. 81
the alarm information could be set

in the GPRS module

During the alarm time period, if

there is an alarm occurs, the

relevant personnel will receive an

text message.

All these 13 kinds of alarm modes exist independently, so if all the conditions met
(enable the message number and within the alarm time period), they will send
message at the same time.
13 SMS Setting of GPRS Module

GPRS address

Sending text messages, there are 10 different

A total of 24 groups, which
phone numbers can be set in each group, for
are the message numbers
example, if the alarm occurs at 07:30, then the
in the setting of security
security module will send the message to the
module, so you can set a
group no.1 mobile phone number.
total of 24 different alarms.

20.5 Auto-dial settings. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

It's mainly for displaying and setting the action to perform under the working mode
of the security module.

Set goals for each mode, select the action to perform for the mode
6 working modes

If selected mode here,

it has priority than Auto Auto the operating mode that to fulfill the
arming arming auto arming.
above 6 modes when
conditions met. time

-- Auto Arming: If the condition met(enable auto arming and within

the set time), then it will automatically work under the arming
-- Auto Disarming: If the condition met (enable auto disarming and
within the set time), it will automatically disarm.
-- 6 operating modes : VACATION ARM 、 AWAY ARM 、 NIGHT
-- ERROR ARM : When arming fails, means if the condition for
Bypass detection does not met, such as the doors and windows
are open, the indication can be set to voice hint.
IMPORTANT: Leaving to trigger: means when the target come into effect under the
leave home mode. if enable the selection, the lights,windows and so on will
automatically shut down. if not to enable the selection, the targets will come into
effect after time delay. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

20.6 Alarm Settings

it's mainly to set the alarm targets under different alarm modes(exceed door enter
delay). Fire and gas alarm have no delay, will come into effect immediately.

Each mode
can be set to
a total of 32

Alarm mode

According to the security module operating mode, the target under

alarming mode will come into effect if the door enter delay excess.

20.7 Vacation Mode Settings

It's mainly for setting some targets in the vacation mode, so it could simulate HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

scenarios, such as turn on lights by timmer function in the house to give the illegal
invaders a warning that some body is at home,

you can set 8 time

periods, but please
remember to Setting goals for each time period,

enable it. there are up to 32 goals can be set in

each time period.

20.8 Bypass Setting

It's mainly for setting the sensor detect targets, when you fortify the system, the
sensors will automatically detect the targets, such as whether windows, doors, power,
etc are closed, if something wrong happen, it will start the ERROR ARM program, like
voice prompts.

when you enable the Bypass,

system will skip the sensor detects
directly and carry out the vacation
mode program

Setting the detect targets; up

to 32 targets can be set. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual
20.9 Advance safety setting

The 9th and 10th level

The 9th, 10th level protection only will start

during the second delay time

The level 9th protection

The level 10th,

The targets to carry out at 9th and 10th
level protection

The security module will start only in the selected alarm mode at 9th
and 10th level protection.

21. 10 inch touch screen setting

21.1 10'' mobile true color touch screen is a touch operating terminal controller,
it's a wireless communication base product from HeDong group intelligent
control system, , users can directly control lighting scenes, AC, music, DVD and
other equipments. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

21.2 Software installation

10 "color touch screen to use a special" 10-inch touch screen editing

software "to set parameters, after that, it can be downloaded to the
touch screen.
Double-click the editing software in the touch screen for install, and
then follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Double-click the Icon to open the software for edit.
the software setting includes room information, scene settings, status
monitor, computer→touch screen and touch screen→ computer.

21.3 Room information setting

It’s mainly for adding room, setting the properties of the room and
setting the room equipment and equipment parameters.

These icons represent various

devices, clik for adding.

Room devices
Room list
Setting room

Adding room and setting room


All Room information

-- Room list,The room will be added after the show here. Touch Screen is
control against for a room. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Click to select a room after and will be added the equipment to the

Prompt : If the Touch Screen edition less than V2.3 , so the room
cannot exceed 8 , If forced to participate in , After the eight
rooms is invalid.
If the edition not less than V2.3, so it can add up to 40 rooms.

-- Add Device:Click on the icon to be displayed directly。

Lighting:Each room can add up to 40.
Air-conditioning:Each room can add up to 4.
DVD:Each room can add up to 1.
Amplifier:Each room can add up to 1.
Security Module:Each room can add up to 1.
Background Music:The music player, each room can add up to 1
Video:Each room can add up to 1.
Curtain:Each room can add up to 6.
TV:Each room can add up to 1.
Scene:Each room can add up to 40.
Geothermic:Each room can add up to 4.
NUVO:Each room can add up to 1.
-- Icon Properties
The device parameters , select the device icon and the equipment will
be checked in. At this point you can set the icon properties in the
device parameters.

-- Room property setting

After add room , each room has five scenes , the default is five
brightness of the scene , 100% , 75% , 50% , 25% , 0%,the user can
modify the brightness value to their own needs, and can be re-named
for the scene.

Prompt: Setting and press the Enter key to save the settings.

21.4 Scene Settings

Main set special scene,On the touch screen can control various scenes.
Up to 38 scenes can be set. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Each scene can control up to 100 targets.

Special Scenarios
Setting list

The goal of the“Special Scenarios Setting”,the object can be all of

the equipment in the room,each scene can be set to 100 targets

Add or delete scenes

Special Scenarios Setting:

-- Add the targets of the scene: Set the target of desired, that setting the
target of the scene, most of 100.
-- Sync out
-- Column Ascending
-- Listed in descending order

21.5 Status View

View the status of various equipment dry contacts, such as Eight-

in-One、MS04、Sensor equipment for the dry contacts.
Such as dry contacts connected with the doors and windows , HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

check the doors and windows are closed of the present time , or
other similarity, please connect the equipment added to it , when
upload to the touch screen after, you can views its current state in

Dry contact corresponds with each kind of sensor's dry contact.

21.6 Video Surveillance

In direct view of the camera touch screen monitors to the scene.

Webcam List can

be set a total of 8

Webcam settings of
the parameter

Add or delete Webcam HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Webcam Settings:
-- Remarks:Set of explanatory notes with each webcam, for easy to viewing.
-- IP :Set IP for the webcam.
-- Port:Default is 80; users can modify the webcam port.
-- Username、password:Each webcam can be set independently of the user
name and password。

21.7 Computer→Touch Screen

After uploading the data set submitted to the touch screen and direct
control of the touch screen you can set a scene or a variety of devices.

Equipment or the room icons upload HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Configuration information:
-- New IP : That the addition of new touch-screen IP address , enter the IP
address and click add to.
-- IP :Increase after the IP will be displayed here,upload former first select
the appropriate IP address.

Connect:Must select a connection will be upload successful.

Click upload and upload the information to set the touch screen.
Upload the icon:
Users can set up their own room or the device's icon,then uploaded
to the touch screen,icon is .JPG format and the size are 160*61.

Vote:When the room number of more than 5 , then you need to add
a thumbnail of 101 * 113 for each room.

21.8 Touch Screen→Computer

Parameters on the touch screen information downloaded to the

computer,it can be used for other,or modify part of parameters. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Configuration information:
-- New IP : That the addition of new touch-screen IP address , enter the IP
address and click add to.
-- IP :Increase after the IP will be displayed here,upload former first select
the appropriate IP address.

Connect:Must select a connection will be upload successful.

All Data:
All the data and the room icon, thumbnails can be downloaded to

22. 4-channel temperature sensor (SB-MTS04.2)

The 4-channel temperature sensor is the supporting module, which
can supply temperature values for DLP to control AC or floor heating,
or for logic module.

22.1 Add module

After wiring the module correctly, you can search and add the module
using HDL-BUS Pro software.

22.2 Basic information setting

You can check and modify the basic parameters on this page,
including subnet ID, device ID, enable broadcast function, adjust the
temperature sensors, etc. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Broadcast setting:
You can choose whether to broadcast the temperature value of each
channel or not, you can also choose to broadcast the value to all
devices or just to a specific device (e.g., just to a certain DLP).

Note!: If the temperature detected is higher than 70 degree Celsius, the SB-MTS04.2
will take it as 70 degree Celsius and send the value out; if the temperature detected is
lower than -20 degree Celsius, the SB-MTS04.2 will take it as -20 degree Celsius and
send the value out.

22.3 Resistor settings

You have three options to choose from: default, specified, customized.

Check the differences shown below. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- Disable Chn:If selected, you can’t use the channel.
-- Default(HDL):Choose this option if the resistor (thermistor) you
have connected to this channel is the one provided by HDL in the
packet of SB-MTS04.2.
-- Specified(NTC 12k) : Choose this option if the resistor you have
connected to this channel is the one you specially order from HDL.
-- Customized :Choose this option if the resistor (NTC type) is the
one you got from other providers and you have got all the three
parameters below:
R0: resistance when temperature is 0 degree Celsius;
R10: resistance when temperature is 10 degree Celsius;
R25: resistance when temperature is 25 degree Celsius.
Unit: Ohm

Caution: in order to achieve a certain accuracy, please use thermistor

that has a resistance between 2K Ohm and 40K Ohm when the
temperature is 25 degree Celsius. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

23. 12-in-1 sensor (SB-CMS-12in1)
SB-CMS-12in1 is
SB-CMS-THL is a multifunctional module, which includes temperature
sensor, brightness (Lux) sensor ultrasonic sensor and IR sensors
(receiver and sender) in it. Combining the brightness value, dry
contacts, universal switches (UV switch), Logic status and other
conditions, you can create various logic functions in this module to
drive your targets, e.g., to drive the security module and lights.

23.1 Basic Information

You can check and modify the subnet ID and device ID of the module
on this page. You can also disable or enable the LED indicator here.

-- LED Indicator Settings : If enabled, the indicator will go red when the PIR
(used to detect whether there is human or warm-blooded animal. ) detects
something, or the same indicator will go yellow when the ultrasonic
sensor(used to detect movement) detects something.

23.2 IR Transmitter

12in1 has a IR (infrared) Transmitter in it, which can be used to control HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

TV, DVD, AC (IR controlled), etc, to replace your normal remotes. You
need an IR learner module to learn and upload the IR codes of your
normal remote to the 12in1.

IR codes stored in the hardware:

Shows the codes information, including key number and remarks 。 If
uploaded successfully, the key status will change to ‘IR-Assigned’
tips:The key number is the ID of the code. Set ‘key type’ as a
universal switch and set the switch number as the key number, if
you want to send out an IR code by pressing a button of HDL’s
‘button module’.
Format IR Codes:
All the IR codes in the 12in1 will be deleted.
Delete the IR code that is selected. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

23.3 IR Receiver

Generally works with HDL´s IR remote module. HDL´s IR remote has

8 buttons per page(there is a small LCD on the remote to indicate
the current page.). 12in1 can support up to 5 pages, 40 keys in total.

(the codes of HDL ´ s IR remote have been uploaded to the 12in1 by

HDL, so what you should do here is just set up the targets you want
to trigger. )

23.4 Sensors setting HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Remarks of dry contacts:
Remarks are recommended, you may make remarks according to the
installation places
On-Site Status:
You can check the real-time values of sensors by refreshing.
You can adjust the sensors by giving them compensation values,
according to the environment of your installation place.
Other Functions:
Enable the conditions you want to use in next step here.
Constant Lux function:
Using Constant Lux function, the light will dim down if, say the sun
comes out of the cloud, and the light will bright up if the sun hides
behind the cloud again, in a word, you can get a constant
-- Kp: The larger the factor is, the more sensitive it is, but the ‘ruder’ output it
may produce, especially when the ‘control cycle’ is very short.
-- Ki: The smaller the factor is, the more accurate and smooth(on the other hand,
slow) final output it can provide.

Save HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

23.5 Logic Relation

You can set up to 24 logics and in each logic you can combine up to 9
inputs (conditions), trigger up to 20 targets when the logic is true and
another 20 targets when false.

Power On Delay : This parameter is specially designed for ‘Power

OFF Recovery’ (if you select ‘true’ in the ‘Power OFF Recovery’,
you may get jam on the bus when initializing. you can set ‘Power On
Delay’ to avoid this.)

3. Set the

2. Enable and set the sensors, targets

1. The background will go select the ‘logic relation’ you want

blue when selected. between sensors and other to trigger.

4. Save

-- Logic No.: you can set up to 24 logics。

Logic Information:
-- Power On Delay(0-120S):delay to trigger targets when power on。
(to avoid potential jam on bus)
-- Same Column: when enabled, you can change the properties of all logics
together(‘remarks’, ‘Enable’, ‘Power OFF Recovery’)。
-- Logic No.:up to 24, you can make some remarks。
-- Enable: You can enable or disable one logic here.
-- Power OFF Recovery:Set the logic status of power on. You can set it as:
 No Action:blank when power on; HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

 Power-off status:go back to the status before power off;
 True:Set the logic as true when power on;
 False:Set the logic as False when power on.
On-Site Status:
Show the value detected by sensors.
Further Settings of Current Logic:
There are 9 conditions, select the conditions you need. The details are
as follows.
-- Temperature (°C) :Condition is satisfied when the temperature is in the
range you set.
Setting Range:-20°C~60°C
-- Brightness ( Lux ) : Condition is satisfied when the brightness is in the
range you set.
Setting Range:0~5000
-- IR sensor: can set ‘movement’ or ‘no movement’ as a condition.
-- Ultrasonic sensor: can set ‘present’ or ‘absence’ as a condition.
-- Dry Contact 1:Use the dry contact 1 as a condition.
Disconnect:Take open circuit as a satisfied condition.
Connect:Take short circuit as a satisfied condition.
-- Dry Contact 2:Use the dry contact 2 as a condition.
-- UV switch(201-248):Use UV switch as a condition.
The range of the UV switch no. is 201-248, and the status can be on or off.
Auto close ( 0~3600S ) : If this option is selected, the status of the UV
switch would go off automatically every time it is satisfied after the time
you set. The range of the time that can be set is 0~3600S.
-- Logic:You can take the status (true of false) of other logic as a condition.
(can’t be the logic of itself)。
If more than one conditions are selected, you can set the logic
relationship between them as ‘AND ’ or ‘OR’.
-- AND: Only when all the conditions are satisfied, the logic is ‘true’;
-- OR: Once one condition is satisfied, the logic is ‘true’.
Trigger targets:
No matter the logic is true or not, you can trigger the targets you want.
-- Logic true delay : When the logic is true, you can choose to delay some
certain time before triggering targets.
-- Trigger targets when true: you can set up to 20 targets to trigger. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- Logic false delay:When the logic is false, you can choose to delay some
certain time before triggering targets.
-- Trigger targets when false: When the logic is false, you can set up to 20
targets to trigger.

23.6 Security function

The states (connected/disconnected) of dry contacts, states

(movement/no-movement) of IR sensor and states (present/absence)
of ultrasonic sensor can be set as triggers to logic module.

2. status selection

3. Set IDs and modes of

1.Background goes logic module.

blue when

4. Save

Basic information:
-- Enable: When you enable the dry contact, you can set up the
parameters below.
-- Status selection: you can choose ‘connect/on’ or
‘disconnect/off’ as a condition.
-- Logic module: set the IDs of logic module and the Area No.
-- Select Mode: you have two options: ‘24 hours Active Zone’
and ‘Other Security Level’.
24 hours Active Zone: if you select this mode, no matter what HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

kind of mode now the logic mode is in, the logic module will
accept the trigger from the dry contact.
Other Security Level: If you select this mode, there are several
checkbox for you to check, only when logic works in the modes
that have been checked here that the logic will accept the trigger
from the dry contact.
-- You can set up the IR sensor or ultrasonic sensor as a trigger to
logic module also.

23.7 Relay Settings

There are 2 relay channels in 12in1, and each channel has 2 modes,
i.e., Normal Mode and Cycle Mode.

Normal Mode:
-- Open Delay:ON delay, setting range: 0-25.0s.
-- Protection Delay:see explain above; setting range: 0-60min.
Cycle Mode:
-- If you enable the cycle mode and set it on, it will automatically
produce an “on-off-on-off” operation; setting range: 1-
3600s. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

23.8 Simulate Test

You can simulate the logic you have set up before by giving the sensors values as
below. (When in simulate state, the real-time values will be bypassed and replaced by
values you have given to them.)

24. Temp, Humidity & Lux sensor(SB-CMS-THL)

SB-CMS-THL is a multifunctional sensor module, which includes
temperature sensor, humidity sensor and brightness/Lux sensor in it.
Combining the brightness value, dry contact, universal switch (UV
switch), and other sensors in it, you can create various logic functions
in the module to drive your targets, e.g., to drive the security module.

24.1 Basic information setting

This page shows the basic information of the module, including the
IDs of the module and your remarks, you can change IDs of the
module here. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Subnet ID and Device ID of
module are shown here.

Remark of installation place is


Change the subnet ID and device ID

here if needed.

24.2 Sensors setting

On this page, you can set the compensations of sensors, check the
real time values of sensors (right click/refresh), make some remarks
for the dry contacts and enable or disable sensors.

Remarks are
Show the values
detected by sensors

Adjust the sensors according to your installation


Only selected sensors can be used. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

-- Compensation of temperature sensor: adjust the temperature value
detected according to your installation environment. Compensation range:
-- Compensation of humidity sensor: adjust the humidity value detected
according to your installation environment. Compensation range: -5(percent)
~ +5(percent).
-- Compensation of brightness sensor: adjust the brightness value (Lux)
detected according to your installation environment. Compensation range: -
100(lux) ~ +100(lux).
-- On-Site Status: show the value detected by sensors.
-- Other Functions:Only selected sensors can be used.

24.3 Logic Relation

You can set up to 24 logics and in each logic you can combine up to 8
Power On Delay : This parameter is specially designed for ‘Power
OFF Recovery’ (if you select ‘true’ in the ‘Power OFF Recovery’,
you may get jam on the bus when initializing. you can set ‘Power On
Delay’ to avoid this.)

2. Enable and set the

sensors, select the
3. Set the
‘relation’ between
1.The background will go targets
sensors and other
blue when selected. you want
to trigger.

4. Save

-- Logic No.: you can set up to 24 logics。 HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Logic Information:
-- Power On Delay(0-120S):delay to trigger targets when power on。
(to avoid potential jam on bus)
-- Same Column: when enabled, you can change the properties of all logics
together(‘remarks’, ‘Enable’, ‘Power OFF Recovery’)。
-- Logic No.:up to 24, you can make some remarks。
-- Enable: You can enable or disable one logic here.
-- Power OFF Recovery:Set the logic status of power on. You can set it as:
 No Action:blank when power on;
 Power-off status:go back to the status before power off;
 True:Set the logic as true when power on;
 False:Set the logic as False when power on.
On-Site Status:
Show the value detected by sensors.
Further Settings of Current Logic:
There are 8 conditions, select the conditions you need. The details are
as follows.
-- Temperature (°C) :Condition is satisfied when the temperature is in the
range you set.
Setting Range:-20°C~60°C
-- Brightness ( Lux ) : Condition is satisfied when the brightness is in the
range you set.
Setting Range:0~5000
-- Humidity(%RH):Condition is satisfied when the humidity is in the range
you set.
Setting Range:20~95
-- Dry Contact 1:Use the dry contact 1 as a condition.
Disconnect:Take open circuit as a satisfied condition.
Connect:Take short circuit as a satisfied condition.
-- Dry Contact 2:Use the dry contact 2 as a condition.
-- UV switch(201-248):Use UV switch as a condition.
The range of the UV switch no. is 201-248, and the status can be on or off.
Auto close ( 0~3600S ) : If this option is selected, the status of the UV
switch would go off automatically every time it is satisfied after the time
you set. The range of the time that can be set is 0~3600S.
-- Logic:You can take the status (true of false) of other logic as a condition.
(can’t be the logic of itself)。
Relation: HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

If more than one conditions are selected, you can set the logic
between them as ‘and ’ or ‘or’.
-- and: Only when all the conditions are satisfied, the logic is ‘true’;
-- or: Once one condition is satisfied, the logic is ‘true’.
Trigger targets:
No matter the logic is true or not, you can trigger the targets you want.
-- Logic true delay : When the logic is true, you can choose to delay some
certain time before triggering targets.
-- Trigger targets when true: you can set up to 20 targets to trigger.
-- Logic false delay:When the logic is false, you can choose to delay some
certain time before triggering targets.
-- Trigger targets when false: When the logic is false, you can set up to 20
targets to trigger.

24.4 Security function

The statuses (connected/disconnected) of dry contacts can be set as a

trigger to logic module.

2. status selection,
3. Set IDs of logic
1.Background goes module.
blue when 4. Set modes

5. Save HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Basic information:
-- Enable: When you enable the dry contact, you can set up the
parameters below.
-- Status selection: you can choose ‘connect/on’ or
‘disconnect/off’ as a condition.
-- Logic module: set the IDs of logic module and the Area No.
-- Select Mode: you have two options: ‘24 hours Active Zone’
and ‘Other Security Level’.
24 hours Active Zone: if you select this mode, no matter what
kind of mode now the logic mode is in, the logic module will
accept the trigger from the dry contact.
Other Security Level: If you select this mode, there are several
checkbox for you to check, only when logic works in the modes
that have been checked here that the logic will accept the trigger
from the dry contact.
24.5 Simulate Test
You can simulate the logic you have set up before by giving the
sensors values as below. (When in simulate state, the real-time values
will be bypassed and replaced by values you have given to them.) HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

25. Lux & Air quality sensor(SB-CMS-LA)
SB-CMS-LA is a module that can detect brightness(Lux), temperature and air
quality. You can combine brightness sensor and air quality sensor and dry
contacts and UV switches in it to create various logics to trigger the targets
you want, e.g., to trigger ventilation fan. The air quality sensor is basically
used to detect the smoke of cigarette and the smell from kitchen when

25.1 Basic Information

This page shows the basic information of the module, including the
IDs of the module and your remarks, you can change IDs of the
module here. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

Subnet ID and Device ID of
module are shown here.

Remark of installation place is


Change the subnet ID and device ID

here if needed.

25.2 Sensors setting

On this page, you can set the compensations of sensors, check the real
time values of sensors (right click/refresh), make some remarks for the
dry contacts and enable or disable sensors.

Show the values

Remarks are
detected by sensors

Adjust the sensors according to your installation environment.

Only selected sensors can be used.

-- Compensation of brightness sensor: adjust the brightness value (Lux) HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

detected according to your installation environment. Compensation range: -
100(lux) ~ +100(lux).
-- Compensation of air quality sensor: adjust the quality value (%) detected
according to your installation environment. Compensation range: -5(%) ~ +5(%).
-- On-Site Status: show the value detected by sensors.
-- Other Functions:Only selected sensors can be used.

Parameters of air sensor:

-- Power-up delay ( 10 - 180s ) : This air quality sensor needs some time to
enter the normal state to work, the time range you can set is 10s-180s.
-- Time of getting better ( 0 - 60s ) : Only when the air quality becomes
better for a certain long time, the module will acknowledge the change.
The time range you can set is 0-60s.
-- Time of getting worse(0-60S):Only when the air quality becomes worse
for a certain long time, the module will acknowledge the change. The time
range you can set is 0-60s.
-- current datum value:the value detected by air quality sensor.
Default Base value : The value the sensor gets automatically when power
Specifies value:You can set the value yourself.
Generally, just choose the ‘Default Base value’.
-- Level switch: the default values are 85%,77%,69%,72%,80%,88%。 HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

The quality of air is classified as clean, light pollution, medium pollution,
serious pollution, 4 grades in total.

25.3 Logic Relation

You can set up to 24 logics and in each logic you can combine up to 8
Power On Delay:This parameter is specially designed for ‘Power OFF
Recovery’ (if you select ‘true’ in the ‘Power OFF Recovery’, you
may get jam on the bus when initializing. you can set ‘Power On
Delay’ to avoid this.)

Make sure the latter more

polluted than the former.

3. Set the
1. The background targets you
2. Enable and set the sensors,
will go blue when want to
select the ‘relation’
selected. trigger.
between sensors and other
2. when selected.
4. Save

-- Logic No.: you can set up to 24 logics。

Logic Information:
-- Power On Delay(0-120S):delay to trigger targets when power on。
(to avoid potential jam on bus)
-- Same Column: when enabled, you can change the properties of all logics
together(‘remarks’, ‘Enable’, ‘Power OFF Recovery’)。
-- Logic No.:up to 24, you can make some remarks。
-- Enable: You can enable or disable one logic here.
-- Power OFF Recovery:Set the logic status of power on. You can set it as:
 No Action:blank when power on;
 Power-off status:go back to the status before power off;
 True:Set the logic as true when power on;
 False:Set the logic as False when power on. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

On-Site Status:
Show the value detected by sensors.
Further Settings of Current Logic:
There are 7 conditions, select the conditions you need. The details are
as follows.
-- Brightness ( Lux ) : Condition is satisfied when the brightness is in the
range you set.
Setting Range:0~5000
-- Air(%):Condition is satisfied when the air quality is in the range you set.
-- Dry Contact 1:Use the dry contact 1 as a condition.
Disconnect:Take open circuit as a satisfied condition.
Connect:Take short circuit as a satisfied condition.
-- Dry Contact 2:Use the dry contact 2 as a condition.
-- UV switch(201-248):Use UV switch as a condition.
The range of the UV switch no. is 201-248, and the status can be on or off.
Auto close ( 0~3600S ) : If this option is selected, the status of the UV
switch would go off automatically every time it is satisfied after the time
you set. The range of the time that can be set is 0~3600S.
-- Logic:You can take the status (true of false) of other logic as a condition.
(can’t be the logic of itself)。

If more than one conditions are selected, you can set the logic
between them as ‘and ’ or ‘or’.
-- and: Only when all the conditions are satisfied, the logic is ‘true’;
-- or: Once one condition is satisfied, the logic is ‘true’.
Trigger targets:
No matter the logic is true or not, you can trigger the targets you want.
-- Logic true delay : When the logic is true, you can choose to delay some
certain time before triggering targets.
-- Trigger targets when true: you can set up to 20 targets to trigger.
-- Logic false delay:When the logic is false, you can choose to delay some
certain time before triggering targets.
-- Trigger targets when false: When the logic is false, you can set up to 20
targets to trigger.
Save. HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

25.4 Security function

The statuses (connected/disconnected) of dry contacts can be set as a

trigger to logic module.

2. status selection,

3.Set IDs of logic

1.Background goes
blue when selected
4. Set modes

5. Save

Basic information:
-- Enable: When you enable the dry contact, you can set up the
parameters below.
-- Status selection: you can choose ‘connect/on’ or
‘disconnect/off’ as a condition.
-- Logic module: set the IDs of logic module and the Area No.
-- Select Mode: you have two options: ‘24 hours Active Zone’
and ‘Other Security Level’.
24 hours Active Zone: if you select this mode, no matter what
kind of mode now the logic mode is in, the logic module will
accept the trigger from the dry contact.
Other Security Level: If you select this mode, there are several
checkbox for you to check, only when logic works in the modes
that have been checked here that the logic will accept the trigger
from the dry contact.
25.5 Simulate Test
You can simulate the logic you have set up before by giving the HDL SmartBus Programming Manual

sensors values as below. (When in simulate state, the real-time values
will be bypassed and replaced by values you have given to them.) HDL SmartBus Programming Manual


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