Part A: Equation X y Equation Xy

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Part A

There is a 2x2 system of linear equations which is: x+2y=3 and 2x−y=−4.

Both equations are expressed in the form: ax+by=c in which a, b and c are the
constants of the equation. In the first equation a=1, b=2 and c=3. There is a
pattern relating the three constants, since by adding 1 to each of the constants the
next one can be found. For example b = a+1 and c = b+1. Therefore there is a
pattern in which a =n, b =n+1 and c =n+2. For this particular example n=1 and
therefore a=1, b=2 and c=3.

When analyzing the second equation, 2x−y=−4, it can be found that the constants
are a =2, b =−1 and c =−4. There is also a pattern relating these three
constants, since subtracting 3 from one constant gives the following one. For
example b = a−3 and c = b−3. Therefore there is a pattern in which a =n, b =n−3
and c =n−6. For this particular example n=2 and therefore a=2, b=−1 and c=−4.

Now that the relationship between the constants in the equation is established, the
system can be solved by using the elimination method:

[ equation1] → x + 2 y = 3
[ equation 2] → 2x − y = −4

To eliminate the x in both equations, the first equation is multiplied by 2 and then, it
is subtracted from equation 2.

2 [ equation1] → 2 x + 4 y = 6

, therefore y=2.
[ equation2] − 2 [ equation1] → 5 y = 10

Then, y is substituted in equation 1 to solve for x.

x + 2y = 3

x + 2(2) = 3

x + 4 = 3 ∴ x = −1

The validity of the solution can be checked by substituting x=-1 and y=2 in

2 x − y → 2(− 1) − (2) = − 4

As the result gave as expected, this shows that the solution is coherent with the

This system of equations can also be solved using matrices by expressing it in the
following way:

1 2  x 
  =
 2 −1   y 

Let , expressed in the form .

1 2  a b
A=  A= 
 2 −1  c d

To be able to solve the equation, the inverse of A has to be first found.

1  d −b 
A' =  
ad − bc  −c a 

1  −1 −2 
∴ A' =  
(1)(−1) − (2)(2)  −2 1 
1  −1 −2 
→ A' =  
−5  −2 1 

1 2 
5 5 
→ A' =  
2 1
− 

5 5

Now, x and y can be found in by the following method:

1 2  x 
  =
 2 −1   y 

x   3 
A = 
y   −4 

x  3 
A ' A  = A ' 
y   −4 

1 2 
x  5 5  3 
I =  
y  2 1   −4 
 − 
5 5

3 8 

1 0 x  5 5 
0 1 y =6 4 
    − 
 
5 5 

 5 

x   5 
 =
  
y   10 
 
 5 
x   −1 
 = 
y  2 

∴ x = −1, y = 2

Another way to find the solution of this 2x2 system of linear equations is
graphically. Using the Graphics Calculator both lines can be drawn to find the values
of x and y which represent the coordinate of interception. In the following diagram,
the equations are expressed in the form y=mx+c.

Some examples with the same pattern and similar system of equations will now be
provided to analyze the solutions. (Remember that to find the constants of the
equations the pattern: a=n, b=n+1, c= n+2 was used for the first equation and
the pattern a=n, b=n-3, c= n-6 for the second equation.)


Using n=4 in the first equation and n=5 in the second equation, a 2x2 system of
linear equations is created: 4x + 5y =6 and 5x +2y=-1.

Elimination method will be used to solve the system of equations.

[ equation1] → 4 x + 5 y = 6
[ equation 2] → 5x + 2 y = −1

Now, equation1 will be multiplied by 2 and equation2 by 5, to be able to eliminate y

from the system of equations.
2 [ equation1] → 8 x + 10 y = 12
5 [ equation2 ] → 25 x + 10 y = −5

Equation2 is subtracted from equation1 to solve for y:

8 x + 10 y = 12

25 x + 10 y = − 5

−17 x = 17 ∴ x = −1

By replacing x=-1 in equation1, value of y is found:

4 x + 5 y → 4(−1) + 5 y = 6 → 5 y = 10∴ y= 2

The validity of the results can be tested by replacing x and y in equation2.

5 x + 2 y → 5(− 1) + 2(2) = − 1


Using n=8 in the first equation and n=10 in the second equation, a 2x2 system of
linear equations is created: 8x + 9y =10 and 10x +7y =4.

Elimination method will be used to solve the system of equations.

[ equation1] → 8x + 9 y = 10
[ equation 2] → 10x + 7 y = 4

Now, equation1 will be multiplied by 7 and equation2 by 9, to be able to eliminate y

from the system of equations.

7 [ equation1] → 56 x + 63 y = 70
9 [ equation2] → 90 x + 63 y = 36

Equation2 is subtracted from equation1 to solve for y:

56 x + 63 y = 70

90 x + 63 y = 36

−34 x = 34 ∴ x = −1

By replacing x=-1 in equation1, value of y is found:

8 x + 9 y → 8(− 1) + 9 y = 10 → 9 y = 18∴ y= 2

The validity of the results can be tested by replacing x and y in equation2.

10 x + 7 y → 10(− 1) + 7(2) = 4


Using n=9 in the first equation and n=32 in the second equation, a 2x2 system of
linear equations is created: 9x + 10y =11 and 32x +29y =26.

Elimination method will be used to solve the system of equations.

[ equation1] → 9 x + 10 y = 11
[ equation 2] → 32 x + 29 y = 26

Now, equation1 will be multiplied by 29 and equation2 by 10, to be able to

eliminate y from the system of equations.

29 [ equation1] → 261x + 290 y = 319

10 [ equation2 ] → 320 x + 290 y = 260

Equation2 is subtracted from equation1 to solve for y:

261x + 290 y = 319

320 x + 290 y = 260

−59 x = 59 ∴ x = −1

By replacing x=-1 in equation1, value of y is found:

9 x + 10 y → 9(− 1) + 10 y = 11→ 10 y = 20∴ y= 2

The validity of the results can be tested by replacing x and y in equation2.

32 x + 29 y → 32(− 1) + 29(2) = 26


Using n=22 in the first equation and n=7 in the second equation, a 2x2 system of
linear equations is created: 22x + 23y =24 and 7x +4y =1.

Elimination method will be used to solve the system of equations.

[ equation1] → 22 x + 23 y = 24
[ equation2] → 7 x + 4 y = 1

Now, equation1 will be multiplied by 4 and equation2 by 23, to be able to eliminate

y from the system of equations.

4 [ equation1] → 88 x + 92 y = 96

23[ equation 2] → 161x + 92 y = 23

Equation2 is subtracted from equation1 to solve for y:

88 x + 92 y = 96

161x + 92 y = 23

−73x = 73 ∴ x = −1

By replacing x=-1 in equation1, value of y is found:

22 x + 23 y → 22(− 1) + 23 y = 24→ 23 y= 46∴ y= 2

The validity of the results can be tested by replacing x and y in equation2.

7 x + 4 y → 7(−1) + 4(2) = 1


Using n=147 in the first equation and n=92 in the second equation, a 2x2 system of
linear equations is created: 147x + 148y =149 and 92x +89y =86.

Elimination method will be used to solve the system of equations.

[ equation1] → 147 x + 148 y = 149

[ equation 2] → 92 x + 89 y = 86

Now, equation1 will be multiplied by 89 and equation2 by 148, to be able to

eliminate y from the system of equations.

89 [ equation1] → 13083x + 13172 y = 13261

148[ equation 2] → 13616 x + 13172 y = 12728

Equation2 is subtracted from equation1 to solve for y:

13083 x + 13172 y = 13261

13616 x +13172 y = 12728

−533x = 533 ∴ x = −1

By replacing x=-1 in equation1, value of y is found:

147 x + 148 y → 147(−1) + 148 y = 149 → 148 y = 296∴ y = 2

The validity of the results can be tested by replacing x and y in equation2.

92 x + 89 y → 92(−1) + 89(2) = 86


Using n=−129 in the first equation and n=−633 in the second equation, a 2x2 system
of linear equations is created: −129x + −128y =−127 and −633x +−636y =−639.

Elimination method will be used to solve the system of equations.

[ equation1] → −129 x + − 128 y = − 127

[ equation2] → −633 x + −636 y = − 639

Now, equation1 will be multiplied by −636 and equation2 by −128, to be able to

eliminate y from the system of equations.

−636 [ equation1] → 82044 x + 81408 y = 80772

−128 [ equation 2] → 81024x +81408 y =81792

Equation2 is subtracted from equation1 to solve for y:

82044 x + 81408 y = 80772

81024 x + 81408 y = 81792

1020 x = − 1020 ∴ x = −1

By replacing x=-1 in equation1, value of y is found:

−129 x + − 128 y → − 129(− 1)+ − 128 y= − 127→ 1− 28 y= − 256∴ y= 2

The validity of the results can be tested by replacing x and y in equation2.

−633 x + − 636 y → − 633(− 1)+ − 636(2)= − 639

As the above examples demonstrated, no matter which numbers are taken, if the
constants follow the pattern described earlier, the solution for the 2x2 system of
linear equations will always be x=−1 and y =2.

From this, the conjecture that for all 2x2 systems of linear equations in the form of
n1 x+( n1+1)y=( n1 +2) and n2x+(n2−3)y=(n2−6) will be solved to find that x=−1 and y

Now let say that there is a 3x3 system of linear equations which is: x+2y+3z=4 and


Part B

There is a 2x2 system of linear equations which is: x+2y=4 and 5x−y=1/5.

Both equations are expressed in the form: ax+by=c in which a, b and c are the
constants of the equation. In the first equation a=1, b=2 and c=4. There is a
pattern relating the three constants, since by multiplying by 2 to each of the
constants the next one can be found. For example b = 2a and c = 2b. Therefore
there is a pattern in which a =n, b =2n and c =4n. For this particular example n=1
and therefore a=1, b=2 and c=4.

When analyzing the second equation, 5x−y=1/5, it can be found that the constants
are a =5, b =−1 and c =1/5. There is also a pattern relating these three
constants, since by dividing by −5 from one constant the following can be found. For
example b = a/−5 and c = b/−5. Therefore there is a pattern in which a =n, b =−n/5 and
c =n/25. For this particular example n=5 and therefore a=5, b=−1 and c=1/5.

Now that the relationship between the constants in the equation is established, the
system can be solved by using the elimination method:

[ equation1] → x + 2 y = 4
[ equation2] → 5 x − y =

To eliminate the x in both equations, the second equation is multiplied by 2 and

then it is added to equation 2.

2 [ equation2 ] → 10 x − 2 y =

, therefore x=2/5.
[ equation1] + 2 [ equation 2 ] → 11x =

Then, x is substituted in equation 1 to solve for y.

x + 2y = 4

+ 2y = 4

2y = 4 −

. .. . .
18 9
2y = ∴y =
5 5

The validity of the solution can be checked by substituting x=2/5 and y= 9/5 in
2 9 1
5 x − y → 5( ) − ( ) =
5 5 5

As the result gave as expected, this shows that the solution is coherent with the

This system of equations can also be solved using matrices by expressing it in the
following way:

4 
 1 2  x   
   =1 
 5 −1 y  
5 

Let , expressed in the form .

1 2  a b
A=  A= 
 5 −1  c d

To be able to solve the equation, the inverse of A has to be first found.

1  d −b 
A' =  
ad − bc  −c a 

1  −1 −2 
∴ A' =  
(1)(−1) − (2)(5)  −5 1 

1  −1 −2 
→ A' =  
−11  −5 1 

1 2 
 11 11 
→ A' =  
5 −1
 
 11 11 

Now, x and y can be found in by the following method:

1 2  x 
  =
 2 −1   y 

4 
x   
A  =1 
y  
5 

4 
x   
A' A  = A' 1 
y  
5 

1 2 
4 
x   11 11   
I =  1
y   5 − 1   
  5 
 11 11 

 4 2 
 1 0  x   11 55 
 0 1  y  =  20 1 
    − 
 
 11 55 

 22 
x   55 
y  =  99 
   
 
 55 

2 
x  5 
 = 
y  9 
 
5 

2 9
∴x = , y =
5 5
Another way to find the solution of this 2x2 system of linear equations is
graphically. Using the Graphics Calculator both lines can be drawn to find the values
of x and y which represent the coordinate of interception. In the following diagram,
the equations are expressed in the form y=mx+c.

Some examples with the same pattern and similar system of equations will now be
provided to analyze the solutions. (Remember that to find the constants of the
equations the pattern: a=n, b=n+1, c= n+2 was used for the first equation and
the pattern a=n, b=n-3, c= n-6 for the second equation.)

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