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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Emma Stopher Date: 6/30/19

Grade and Topic: 3rd grade, Science - Natural Hazards Length of Lesson: 65 minutes

Mentor Teacher: N/A School:N/A


● The unit focuses on natural hazards impact on the environment and humans and the positive/negative
impacts humans have on the environment.

● Given access to the Creately website and the internet, the learner will research natural hazards and create
a graphic organizer of the natural hazards, receiving a 15/20 based off of the rubric criteria.

● 1) Explain how natural hazards (fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods) impact
humans and the environment.
● ISTE: Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate
and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the
learning of others. a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety
of digital environments and media b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple
audiences using a variety of media and formats

● Projector
● Laptop
● Student laptops
● Google
● Creately website
● Printer


● The main concepts for this lesson are how natural hazards affect both the environment and human life.
● Environmental impact, natural hazards, human impact, research, analyze, create, graphic organizer.
● This lesson will build upon and complete the previous lesson that introduced natural hazards and the
basic definition of what each of the five natural hazards in the standard are.
● This will be the final lesson on natural hazards. The graphic organizer TLW create is the assessment of
understanding of the natural hazards and their impact on the environment and humans.
● For the students that are not grasping the content, they will need more direct and personalized
instruction. For the students that are advanced, they will need more opportunities to think critically and
create solutions and projects.


● Introduction: (4 minutes)
● TTW play a portion of five songs and inform the class that they must guess what natural hazard is being
reflected in each song. The songs will be : Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash, Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys,
Waterfalls by TLC, Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, and Shake It Off by Taylor Swift.
● Procedures: (55 minutes)
● TTW show video clips of natural hazards that marked history and depict the impact on humans and the
● TTW briefly review what each of the five natural hazards in this lesson (fire, flood, earthquake,
landslide, volcanic eruption) are and how they begin in nature. (definitions were given in the previous
lesson, thus this is a brief review)
● TTW give instructions for the natural hazard assignment:
○ “Today you will do further research on each of the five natural hazards we have covered in class
on your own. I want you to watch at least one video documenting each of the hazards we have
discussed. Then, for every natural hazard, I want you to find two ways that humans are impacted
by it and two ways the environment is impacted by it. When you have completed your research
and found all of your impacts, go to the class website and click on the link that takes you to the
Creately website where you will find a graphic organizer template. Your job is to fill out the
graphic organizer with the names of each natural hazard, the impacts each has that you found,
and add pictures/clipart for each natural hazard.
● TTW have the students take out their laptops and begin their research.
● TTW pass out the graphic organizer rubric.
● TTW have the instructions for the entire assignment written on the board for the students to reference throughout
the class.
● TLW use google to research each of the natural hazards.
● TLW watch at least one video for each natural hazard.
● TLW go to the classroom website, find the Creately link and follow it.
● TLW fill out the template provided with their gathered information and create their graphic organizer using the
Creately website.
● After 25 minutes of working, TTW inform the class that when they are finished they will print their graphic
organizer and turn it in.
● Closure: (6 minutes)
● Once all of the students have turned in their completed graphic organizer, TTW ask for volunteers to
share something with the class they found interesting or something new they learned while doing their

● TLW be given a rubric to create their graphic organizer based off of. The graphic organizer will be the
assessment of student mastery of understanding how natural hazards impact humans and the
● Rubric attached below

● For the students that did not grasp the content and need additional help, TTW lead a group during
centers that reviews the natural hazards and brainstorms as a group how they impact people and the
● For students that are ready for enrichment activities, they will be able to create a comic strip during
centers that considers the massive impact that would occur if two natural hazards occurred at the same
time in the same place.

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