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1.The graviest act of trison is to do the right did for the wrong reason.

2. Everything must begin with a meaningful passionte compelling why.

3.For many students the love for learning has died killed for the need to pass,and for many teachers the
passion to teach has died killed by the need to survive.

4.When the going gets tough it is not enough that you are tough,you must know the reason why you do
what you do.

5.When you feel like quiting,remember the reason why you started teaching.

6.Happiness comes from fidility to a worthwhile purpose.(Helen Keller)

7.The two most important days are the day you were born and the day you discover why.

8.The most important thing that a teacher must bring into the classroom is a reason why.

9.He who has a why can bear with almost any how.

10.The most urgent and persistent question is that you must ask yourself is"what are you doing for

11.The happiest people are commited to making other people happy.

12.Five questions to clarify your purpose:

1.Who am I ?

2.What do I do? What am I good at?

3.What am I most qualified to do?Whom do I do it for?

4.What do they need?

5.What becomes of them because I do?

13.The most meaningful conselation of a teacher is to realize that you make a student better than when
she first came your class.

14.The happiest people are outward looking.

15.Purpose is the plxe where your deepiest gladness meets the world needs.(Frederick Beuncher)

16.A life without a cause is a life without an effect.(Paolo Co

17.The meaning of life is to find your gift the purpose of life is to give it away.

18.Find the bigger picture of your life,be part of the greater cause.
19.A teachers works 8 hours for a good pay 10 hours for a good principal but entire lifetime for a good

20.Teaching is an affair of the heart.

21.Teaching is a very passionate profession.

22.Passion means a little bit more.

23.Nothing great was ever accomplish without passion.

24.Teaching is a very emotional practice:it creates,it colors ,it changes our lives.

25.Teachers are always emotional:by default if they bore us and by design if they excite us.

26.Students do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.

27.Teaching is a business of caring.

28.You can pay people to teach but you can never pay them to care.

29.When you study great teachers you learn much from there caring and hardwork rather than from
their style.

30.Teaching is a lifestyle.

31.The most important characteristics of successful teacher is care.

32.Children who are love at home go to school to learn but those who are not go to school to be loved.

33.Love first ,then teach.

34.The best teachers are not those who teach from the book but those who teach from the heart.

35.The real mession of a teacher is to be kind.(Mother Theresa)

36 Be kind to any kind.

37.Our prime purpose in life to help others,and if you cannot help them at least do not hurt them.

38.Students may forget your class but they will always remember how good you made feel.

39 .We look back with appreciation to those brillant teachers but with gratitude those who touch our
human feelings.(Carl Jung)

40.Learning is a very emotional experience.

41.When dealing with students,your are not dealing with creature of logic but with creature of emotion.
(Dale Carnsgie)
42.Students learns best when they like their teachers and when they think their teacher likes them.

43.You know,nobody likes to learn from someone they do not like.

44.Pretend that you like you them.

45.Teachers who love teach students to love learning.

46.It is not enough to teach students to know,we must teach them to love.

47.Teachers must first of all be good human beings.

48.Not everything can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted.

49.There is no way to measure the love that we put to our work

50.Teachers must not just be effective or effecient they must be morally good.

Love means putting someone else interest before your own.

It is good to love many things for their in lies the thruth strenght and whose so ever love much,performs
much,and accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.

Its about changing and transforming the lives of children and the young people and thier families.

1.The journey from the mind to the heart is most difficult journey but it must be taken because it is most

2.One of the realization sink in me as a teacher with moral is to be kind to any kind, aside from that is we
should do best to impart the knowledge and skills which the learners needed to know.As a teacher
consider the ABC, A for ability,B for brain and C connection.

2.Insecurity is the is a spiritual malady.

3.Gossip is a sign if insecurity.

4.Gossip is murder.

5.Insecurity makes a person feel inadequate and insufficient.

6.What you see in others excist in you.

7.We see the world not as it is but as we are

8.The adjective that you use are the best judge of your own character.

9.Count your blessings,name them one by one.

10.Only a greatful heart can be happy.

11.Your words define your world.

12.Your language is the limit of your world.

13.No one can ever be happier than a trully greatful heart.

14.A good teacher is a combination..Skills,experience, and ripen personal perspective.

15.90% of problem in your school is problem about relationship.

16.Anger makes your world smaller.But forgiveness sets your free.

17.Successful schools are characterize by teachers who enjoy working each other.

18.If you leave 70 you are lucky.

19.Who ever is happy will make other people happy.

20.Teachers must be expert relationship builders.

21.The best resource that teachers have is each other.

22.Feed the teachers respect.

23.Nothing can ever replace the human being in your life.

24.Create permanent frienships.

25.Your words became your students destiny.

26.Addiction is the symptom of the crisis of disconnection.

27.Cebu pacific-Its time everyone flies

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