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November 2003 ——— tThHeE m

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Getting the Industry Back in Synch



t takes a large number of control valves to run a power plant, One method is to utilize a small startup valve in combination with
and while some valves are more critical to plant operations a large main valve. The second approach is to utilize a single valve
than others, it always follows that when a severe service to address both startup and normal operating functions.
valve fails, the plant goes off line. Feed-water level control In either configuration, the potential for cavitation in a
valves fall within this severe service baseload plant is slight during startup
category. These valves are of particular because the pressure drop across the
importance since they often fall victim valve decreases rapidly as the plant
to cavitation, with resulting damage to comes online. As a result, cavitation
the valve trim. When this occurs it damage to the valve’s trim occurs
causes leakage at shutoff, lack of con- slowly, thus extending the time
trol during startup, and high and/or between a trim rebuild or trim replace-
low drum level alarms. ment. Installing anti-cavitation trim
The operating sequence of a feed- will extend the life of the valve and
water level system during startup reduce the cost of maintenance.
requires that the control valve immedi- Market conditions have changed
ately downstream of the feed-pump dramatically since most of the base-
have a high inlet pressure and a low load plants entered operation. Today’s
downstream pressure. Under these trend is to utilize combined-cycle
conditions, the flow pressure can drop power plants in peaking situations
below the vapor pressure of the liquid. with daily start/stop modes. The fre-
As the flow pressure drops, cavitation quent start/stop operation typically
occurs and subsequently there is a leads to feed-water valve failure due
high potential for cavitation-caused to cavitation in a matter of months, if
damage. The cure is to take the pres- not weeks.
sure drop in stages to keep flowing Determining just how much cav-
pressure above the liquid’s vapor pres- itation protection is needed requires
sure. This is the theory of operation an understanding of the entire range
used by anti-cavitation valve trims. of operating conditions. For instance,
While use of anti-cavitation valve after addressing startup conditions it
trim would seem to be an obvious is important to look at the feed-pump
answer to the feed-water level control characteristics in combination with
problem, it usually takes additional the pressure ramping that occurs in
measures to ensure continued and the boiler.
proper valve operation. As pump pressure decays and
downstream pressure increases, the
BASELOAD FEED-WATER need for cavitation protection
LEVEL CONTROL becomes less. By understanding the
Baseload plants use one of two con- Figure 1. Anti-cavitation trim valve plug showing relationship between decaying feed-
figurations to regulate feed-water flow. low-flow erosion damage. Photo courtesy of Fisher pump pressure and increasing drum
Controls International, LLC. pressure, a characterized anti-cavita-
Reprinted with revisions to format, from the November 2003 edition of POWER ENGINEERING
Copyright 2003 by PennWell Corporation

closed for a long period, the pressure differ- drum level through the rest of startup
ential will cut a similar wear pattern into the and during normal plant operation.
seat ring. This type of damage also is com- Programming this transition is the
mon on boiler feed-pump recirculation most problematic issue in two-valve
valves caused by similar conditions. arrangements. The typical error is to
instruct the startup valve to go to 100
TWO-VALVE percent open, and then as the drum level
SYSTEM OPERATION demand requires more flow, program the
A common practice to circumvent main valve to open. However, with the
cavitation, and the low-flow problems startup valve remaining fully open, the
encountered with a single feed-water main valve is required to operate with a
valve, is to sep-
arate startup
Figure 2. In detail, erosion and cavitation from normal FIGURE 3
damage due to low-flow erosion. Photo cour-
tesy of Fisher Controls International, LLC. operating func- I M P R O P E R O P E R AT I O N O F
tions. One T W O - VA LV E F E E D - WAT E R S Y S T E M
tion solution can be developed. “Charac- valve equipped
terized” refers to a trim that at startup with anti-cavi-
provides the anti-cavitation protection tation trim is 50
needed during the low flow and high- used at startup
pressure drop conditions. It then follows 40
to withstand the
by providing reduced cavitation protec- high-pressure
tion as flow and downstream pressure 30
drops and the
% open

increase. possibility of 20
cavitation. A
MINIMUM second valve 10
A value

OPERATING POINT equipped with B value

Many anti-cavitation trims are cage- standard trim is 0

style and feature either drilled holes used to control
through the cage wall or a series of flow normal operat- –10
passages with right angle turns. Both of ing conditions. 4:48 AM 5:16 AM 5:45 AM 6:14 AM 6:43 AM 7:12 AM
these approaches provide independent Transition- Time
pressure staging with a downstream ing control from
Source: Fisher Controls International, LLC
recovery area. the startup
With either trim style a certain valve to the
amount of the flow passage needs to be main valve
open in order to realize the anti-cavita- becomes the FIGURE 4
tion benefits. If the valve is throttled tricky part of T W O - VA LV E O P E R AT I O N W I T H
below this minimum operating point, the the operation. RE-CONFIGURED DCS LOGIC
pressure drop will not be gradual through The startup
the trim. Instead it will be taken directly valve typically
across the seating surface of the valve is sized so that 60 A value
B value
plug and seat ring. While all control when it reaches
valves have a minimum operating point, 50
80 percent of
which a rule of thumb sets at 10 percent its travel, it
open, for valves with anti-cavitation trim controls 20 per-
the minimum operating point can vary. cent of the
% open

It is easy to identify the damage unit’s capacity.
resulting from throttling below the mini- At this point 20
mum operating point. Figure 1 shows a the main valve
valve plug from an anti-cavitation trim opens to flow 10
set that was throttled below the mini- 20 percent of
mum operating point for an extended the unit’s 0
period. The damaged area around the capacity and
circumference of the plug has a gear the startup –10
tooth appearance. valve closes. 4:48 AM 5:16 AM 5:45 AM 6:14 AM 6:43 AM 7:12 AM
Trim damage will be exacerbated when The main valve Time
the valve goes to the closed position against continues to
full pump pressure. If the valve remains control the Source: Fisher Controls International, LLC

minimal input signal, just off of its seat- approximately 55 percent open. At this valves are operating above their mini-
ing surface. Figure 2 shows erosion and point, the control signal to the startup mum operating point and make sure
cavitation damage around the lower por- valve was removed, and the main valve that each valve’s cavitation protection
tion of a valve plug that operated in this was set to 20 percent open. This operation meets the conditions seen.
manner for three months. prevented the main valve from continu- • Check the transition point between
When the main valve is closed, the ally operating near the seating surface. the startup and main valves and
erosion damage allows leakage past the Another issue in this case was that make sure that the main valve is not
plug tip and seat line, which in turn the valves were somewhat oversized. operating near its seat. Operation in
results in cavitation damage to the bot- Because startup times can vary depend- this zone can lead to premature trim
tom edge of the valve plug. As the dam- ing on load demand, it was important to degradation and issues with level
age increases, the leakage rate of the prevent the valves from switching back control.
valve similarly increases, which then and forth. Logic was programmed into It is important that the valves have
causes drum level control problems dur- the DCS that allowed the main valve to ANSI Class V shutoff capability, other-
ing startup. control down to 10 percent before wise isolation valves should be uti-
switching back to the startup valve. Fig- lized. Leakage past the valves can lead
CROSSOVER POINT ure 4 shows the same system with re- to premature trim failure similar to that
VERSUS CROSSOVER RANGE configured DCS logic. shown in Figure 2. In addition, it is
Another situation to avoid is hav- With the improved DCS logic, the recommended that the boiler feed-
ing the crossover point become a valves are not continuously cycled dur- water pump only be started when the
crossover range. A range will cause ing the initial phase of the start up. With unit is brought on line and shut it down
both valves to operate at the same time, the proper dampening and gain settings, as soon as possible after the unit is
which can expose the main valve to low- the transition between the valves taken off line. p
flow erosion. Even if the main valve is becomes much smoother, leading to a
not operated below its minimum operat- smoother startup.
ing point, continual valve cycling from Even with the changes implemented
closed to partially open can lead to pre- into the system, there is still the possibil- Author bios:
ity that an operator will override the con- John Wilson is the severe
mature wear. services business manager
Figure 3 shows a two-valve system trols and use the main valve during at Fisher Controls Interna-
that operated in this manner during a typi- startup conditions. While this may save tional LLC. He received his
cal startup. In this figure the B valve is the time, it can cause the effects previously BS in chemical engineering
startup valve, and the A valve is the main discussed. from the University of
To provide further protection against Nebraska-Lincoln. For the
valve. The A valve is subjected to repeated past five years he has
open/close cycles. Continual operation in this type of operation, the valves can be worked extensively on
this mode can lead to the premature degra- equipped with a digital valve controller severe service applications
dation of the trim in the main valve. that incorporates a low travel cutoff fea- in the electric power and
ture. This feature ensures that the valve hydrocarbon industries.
However, a number of safeguards Prior to joining Fisher, he
can be implemented into the system to will not open unless a minimum drive sig- worked for Omaha Public
prevent this type of operation. While nal is received. While this can be overrid- Power District and the
controlling the valves in the correct den in the DCS in certain cases, it cannot Nebraska Boiler Company.
manner is important, it is imperative be changed in the digital controller without
the use of a handheld communicator or Eric L. Boelen is a consul-
that this does not impact the startup tant in the boiler industry.
cycle of the unit. online software system. He has more than 25 years
Because of the performance shown in experience in boiler and
Figure 3, locking circuits were pro- ENSURING PROPER ancillary design and appli-
cations and has a MS degree
grammed into the DCS to ensure that both OPERATION in chemical engineering
valves were not operated below their min- There are several steps that can be from the University of Brus-
imum operating points. The valve posi- taken to ensure the proper operation of a sels, Belgium. Mr. Boelen
tioners were given a zero signal until a power plant’s feed-water control valves: has been employed with a
certain controller output signal was variety of leading companies
• Review the valve operating informa- in the industrial and power
received. In this specific situation, the tion that’s collected by the data histo- boiler industry.
startup valve operated until reaching rian in the DCS. Make certain that all

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