FORM BPS Yusnita

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Explanations to the different sheets in the file:

"OTO Input"
This sheet is used to input the target data for the consultant
Print - Monthly Targets
This sheet is used to print the data that has been input. From this sheet, you can print 1) Monthly Target 2) Follow Up Target 3)
Simply select what you wish to print by entering the number (1-3) in cell N1
Please note that no data can be input on this sheet. It is only to be used for printing.
Print - Weekly Targets
This sheet divides the monthly target per week, giving the consultant a weekly target. Only the Monthly Target or Senior Manag
Before you print this form, you need to select if the current month has 4 or 5 weeks and what you wish to print (Monthly Target
Please note that no data can be input on this sheet. It is only to be used for printing.
Blank Target Form
This sheet is suitable to use for those consultants who wish to have a blank copy of the target sheet to be used by themselves
I.e. a blank target form can easily be printed from this sheet.
This sheet is only used for calcuting the targets. No input can be done on this sheet

Instructions to input the monthly target data (sheet OTO Input)

The key supporting tool for this report is the activity report (personal group). A guiding rule is that if the OTO is conducted befor
activity report and if the OTO is conducted after the 12th, use the current month. If you are having a OTO with a Gold Director
to use the Personal Group Activity report of the Gold Director. Instead, ask the Gold Director about his / her potential new leg a
this consultant. Hence, when having a OTO with a Gold Director and Up, the actual target setting will be done for a new potent

Start by filling in the personal data of the consultant; Name, consultant number, mobile number (if necessary) and previous mo
Section 1.
Check in the activity report and mark those consultants who haven't placed an order for the past 1 - 3 months. Calculate how m
in cell E6. Then, agree with the consultant of a possible target of consultants to be re-activated in this month. Fill in the monthly
the report assumes that these consultants places an average order of only 50 BP. I.e. the challenge for the consultant you are
many of these 1-3 months in-active consultants to buy something for themselves or their family / friends in the current month. K
sure that they have the current catalogue and are aware of the promotions of the month.
Section 2.
Again, check in the Activity Report and mark all the New Starters. Calculate how many they are and fill in the total in cell E12.
Then, agree of a target of these consultants to reach Welcome Program 1 in the current month. Fill in this target in cell E14

Mark all the WP1 consultants in the Activity report and calculate how many they are. Fill in the total in cell E16. Agree of a targe
to reach WP2 in the current month. Fill in this target in cell E18.

Mark all the WP2 consultants in the Activity report and calculate how many they are. Fill in the total in cell E20. Agree of a targe
to reach WP3 in the current month. Fill in this target in cell E22.
Section 3.
Mark all the WP3 and BC consultants in the Activity report and calculate how many they are. Fill in the total in cell E25. Agree o
to reach BC in the current month. Fill in this target in cell E27.
Section 4.
Ask the consultant who is in his / her core team. Fill in the name and consultant number of these consultants and set a recruitm
Please note that the name and consultant number of the consultant you are having an OTO with is being automatically filled in
In cell E39, it says 50%. This means that the report assumes that only 50% of all the targetted recruits will reach WP1 in the cu
can be changed if it is deemed to be necessary.
Section 5.
Finally, check in the Activity Report the number of active consultants. Fill in this number in cell E43 Then, agree of a target of c
current month and fill in this number in cell E45. Please note that this number includes all the Welcome Program and Business
consultants are withdrawn from this number in order to derive those consultants who are assumed to be 50 BP active.

Based on all the targets set, a total BP level and thus PD level will be calculated (at the top of the sheet). Check with the consu
and if not, increase some targets in the sheet.

Follow Up Target (sheet OTO Input)

If you wish to meet up with the consultant you are conducting a OTO with again, later on in the month, enter the agreed meetin
the meeting date has to be entered in the format dd/mm/yy (d-day, m-month, y-year). The report then automatically calculates
have achieved of the monthly targets in order to be inline with this. For example, if the next meeting date is on the 20th, the rep
30 days and therefore the consultant should have achieved 20/30 = 67% of the monthly targets by the 20th.

Welcome to Director Seminar (sheet OTO Input)

At this section, the report automatically calculates the targets that needs to be achieved in order to reach 10,000 BP and thus 2
checking the previous month's results (or current month YTD if you are looking at current month's AR) and maximising these to
The remaining BP in order to reach 10,000 is being derived by increasing the recruitment targets for the month.
get 2) Follow Up Target 3) Senior Manager Target

hly Target or Senior Manager Target can be printed from this sheet
h to print (Monthly Target or SM Target).

to be used by themselves.

e OTO is conducted before the 12th, use previous month's

OTO with a Gold Director and Up, it is not advisable
s / her potential new leg and print the activity report of
be done for a new potential leg.

cessary) and previous month's Performance Discount level.

3 months. Calculate how many these are and fill in the total
s month. Fill in the monthly target in cell E8. Please note that
or the consultant you are having the OTO with is to get as
nds in the current month. Key question to ask is to make

ill in the total in cell E12.

n this target in cell E14

n cell E16. Agree of a target of these WP1 consultants

n cell E20. Agree of a target of these WP2 consultants

e total in cell E25. Agree of a target of these consultants

sultants and set a recruitment target for them (personal recruits).

eing automatically filled in, in the first row.
s will reach WP1 in the current month. This percentage number
hen, agree of a target of consultants to be active in the
me Program and Business Class consultants, hence these
be 50 BP active.

eet). Check with the consultant if targetted PD level is satisfactory

h, enter the agreed meeting date in cell L3. Please note that
automatically calculates how much the consultant should
date is on the 20th, the report assumes that each month has

each 10,000 BP and thus 21% PD level. This is being done by

) and maximising these to a certain percentage level of its result.
Monthly Target
Cons. Number: 5116177 Name:

Prev. month's PD level: Target PD level this month:

1. 1 - 3 months non-active Consultants

Number of 1-3 months non-active Consultants:

Target to Activate this month: x

2. Welcome Program Consultants

Number of New Starters:

Target to reach W1 in this month: x

Number of WP 1 Consultants:

Target to reach WP 2 in this month: x

Number of WP 2 Consultants:

Target to reach WP 3 in this month: x

3. Business Class Consultants
Number of BC and WP3 Consultants:

Target to reach BC in this month: x

4. Recruitment Target
% of New Recruits to reach WP1 this month: 50%

TOTAL: 0 x

5. Active Consultants

Number of Active consultants:

Target to be Active this month:

Actual number of 50 BP active this month: x
et Follow Up Target
Mobile number: These targets are automatically calculcated

Target BP this month: Meeting date: Target BP:


50 BP = 0 x 50 BP =
(average order)

100 BP = 0 x 100 BP =

100 BP = 0 x 100 BP =

100 BP = 0 x 100 BP =

150 BP = 0 x 150 BP =
100 BP = 0 0 x 75 BP =

50 BP = 0 x 50 BP =
arget Welcome to Director Seminar!
cally calculcated These targets are automatically calculcated

10,000 Senior Manager Target: #DIV/0!

0 0 x 50 BP = 0

0 0 x 100 BP = 0

0 0 x 100 BP = 0

0 0 x 100 BP = 0

0 0 x 150 BP = 0

0 #DIV/0! x 75 BP = #DIV/0!

0 0 x 50 BP = 0
Monthly Target
Cons. Number: 5116177 Name: 0

Prev. month's PD level: 0% Target PD level this month: 0%

1. 1 - 3 months non-active Consultants

Number of 1-3 months non-active Consultants: 0

Target to Activate this month: 0 x

2. Welcome Program Consultants

Number of New Starters: 0

Target to reach W1 in this month: 0 x

Number of WP 1 Consultants: 0

Target to reach WP2 in this month: 0 x

Number of WP 2 Consultants: 0

Target to reach WP3 in this month: 0 x

3. Business Class Consultants

Number of BC and WP3 Consultants: 0

Target to reach BC in this month: 0 x

4. Recruitment Target

% of New Recruits to reach WP1 this month: 50%
TOTAL: 0 x
5. Active Consultants
Number of Active consultants: 0

Target to be Active this month: 0

Actual number of 50 BP active this month: 0 x
rget What do you wish to print?
Mobile number: 0 1 Monthly Target
Target BP this month: 0 2 Follow Up Target
3 Welcome to Director Seminar

50 BP = 0
(average order)

100 BP = 0

100 BP = 0

100 BP = 0

150 BP = 0
75 BP = 0

(average order)
50 BP = 0

r Seminar
Weekly Targets Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Target: 0 0 0
1. 1-3 months non-active Consultants

2. Welcome Program Consultants

Target: 0 0 0
WP1 Consultants

Target: 0 0 0
WP2 Consultants
Target: 0 0 0
WP3 Consultants

Target: 0 0 0
3. BC Consultants

4. Recruitment Target
















Target: 0 0 0
5. Active Consultants
Week 4 Week 5 TOTAL: Number of weeks in the month
0 0 0 (4 or 5)? 5
What do you wish to print? 1
1. Monthly Target
0 0 0 2. Welcome to Director Seminar

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
Monthly Target
Cons. Number: Name:

Prev. month's PD level: Target PD level this month:

1. 1 - 3 months non-active Consultants

Number of 1-3 months non-active Consultants:

Target to Activate this month: x

2. Welcome Program Consultants

Number of New Starters:

Target to reach W1 in this month: x

Number of WP 1 Consultants:

Target to reach WP2 in this month: x

Number of WP 2 Consultants:

Target to reach WP3 in this month: x

3. Business Class Consultants

Number of BC and WP3 Consultants:

Target to reach BC in this month: x

4. Recruitment Target

% of New Recruits to reach WP1 this month: 50%
5. Active Consultants
Number of Active consultants:

Target to be Active this month:

Actual number of 50 BP active this month: x
Mobile number:

Target BP this month:

50 BP =
(average order)

75 BP =

100 BP =

125 BP =

150 BP =
75 BP =

(average order)
50 BP =
1. 1 - 3 months non-active Consultants

Number of 1-3 months non-active Consultants: 0

Target to activate this month: 0 x 50 BP =

(average order)

2. Welcome Program Consultants

Number of New Starters: 0

Target to reach W1 in this month: 0 x 75 BP =

Number of WP 1 Consultants: 0

Target to reach WP 2 in this month: 0 x 100 BP =

Number of WP 2 Consultants: 0

Target to reach WP 3 in this month: 0 x 125 BP =

3. Business Class Consultants

Number of BC Consultants: 0

Target to reach BC in this month: 0 x 150 BP =

4. Recruitment Target

% of New Recruits to reach WP1 in this month 50%
TOTAL: 0 x 75 BP =
5. Active Consultants
Number of Active consultants 0

Target to be Active this month: 0

Actual number of active this month: 0 x 50 BP =
Remaining BP to SM level: Follow up OTO
10,000 Days in the month:

Next meeting day nr:

Target Achievement:
SM Target:
0 0 80% 0

SM Target:
0 0 70% 0

SM Target:
0 0 75% 0

SM Target:
0 0 85% 0

SM Target:
0 0 70% 0

Total BP: Remaining BP: Number of QR:

0 10,001 267
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!

#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

SM Target:
0 80%
0 0 0
Follow up OTO
Days in the month: 30

Next meeting day nr: 0

Target Achievement: 0%

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