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1.1 Introduction

This project is designed for used by Car Rental Company specializing in renting cars to
customers. It is an online system based through which customers can make reservation,
view available cars, register, view profile and send feedback/comments to the comp any
and also use the distance chart to plan their journey accurately well. The company will
also benefit from effective services, ease of use and services oriented supports. New
vehicle can be added to the fleet or update its information, staff details can be added to the
database, vehicle pickup and return can also be handle while the system will be able to
automatically generate automatic rental

Due reminder to customers as at when due without the company staff doing so themselves

1.2 Reason for the Project

The advancement in Information Technology and internet penetration has greatly enhance
various business processes and communication between companies (services provider) and
their customers of which car rental industry is not left out.

This E-Car Rental System is developed to provide the following services:

• Enhance Business Processes: To be able to use internet technology to project the rental
company to the global world instead of limiting their services to their local domain alone,
thus increase their return on

Investment (ROI).

• Online Vehicle Reservation: A tools through which customers can reserve available cars
online prior to their expected pick-up date or time.

• Customer’s registration: A registration portal to hold customer’s details, mo nitor their

transaction and used same to offer better and improve services to them.

• Online Feedback: To allow customers to be able to send feedback/comments directly to

the company and be sure of getting quick

and prompt response to their issues.

•Live chat: A CRM tools to allow dynamic and interactive chatting with the company’s
online representative and get response in real-time

• Group bookings: Allows the customer to book space for a group in the case of weddings
or corporate meetings (Event management)

• Auto-reminder: A tools designed to automatically send rental due reminder to the

affected customers

1.3 Problem Statement

A car rental is a vehicle that can be used temporarily for a fee during a specified period.
Getting a rental car helps people get around despite the fact they do not have access to
their own personal vehicle or don't own a vehicle at all. The individual who needs a car
must contact a rental car company and contract out for a vehicle. This is usually done
online, over the phone or in the office of the rental company. A valid Identification Card
is often required before a car can be rent out and sometimes the services may be limited to
a specified location. The advancement in information technology and Internet penetration
has brought about tremendous changes in the way business is being done, customer
coverage has increased and company now have offices in different location. This increased
in customers and multi-office locations pose management and services related threat to the
company in satisfying the needs of their customer. When rental is about due, contacting
such customer is a tedious exercise especially when there is

lots of rental due same day. Keeping time of when to renew vehicle’s insurance and road
tax is also a herculean task for the company, allowing customer to pick up and drop off at
a different office branch is not currently supported. Realizing these problems, the author
decided to take up the challenge by Developing E-Car Rental System with CRM features
to address some of the

issues facing the car rental industry. Through this, some of the task like reminders will be
handle automatically by the system while also leveraging rental processes (pick up and
return), increased customer retention and simplify vehicle and staff Management

1.4 Aims & Objectives

Aim: To produce a web-based system that allow customer to register and reserve car
online and company to effectively manage their car rental business.


To ease customer’s task whenever they need to rent a car

To provide effective customers services using live chat

To allow the rental company to introduce pick at “A” drop at “B” by using single
database for all their branches

To allow customers to send feedbacks/comments directly online

To allow customers to be able to introduce the company to their friends using the online
“Invite Friends”

To allow company to be able to remind their customers of rental due automatically

1.5 Scope

This project traverses a lot of areas ranging from business concept to compu ting field, and
required the author to perform several researches to be able to achieve the project
objectives. The area covers include:

• Car rental industry: This includes study on how the car rental business is being done,
process involved and opportunity that exist for improvement.

• Auto-reminder using Email: This cover how the system can be design to automatically
generate reminder email to customers with rental due without

the company sending such email themselves. This will bring about customer rela tionship
management (CRM).

• Enterprise business that allow all the company’s branch to access single database

• .Net Technology used for the development of the application

• General customers as well as the company’s staff will be able to use the system

• Client-server architecture that allow direct interaction online

• Google geo-coding to enable customer to calculate driving distance for their journey.

• Web-platform means that the system will be available for access 24/7 except when there
is a temporary server issue which is expected to be minimal

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