Conference Beauty 2021

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Conference Proposal :

Iranian Academy of Philosophy 2021

Beauty as a Civilizational Imperative

Dr. Francisco José Luis


In a world where traditional Islamic civilization beset by all sides by the forces of utilitarianism

and post-modernism it is increasingly urgent to taken on the heavy duty to defend Beauty. The

Iranian Academy of Philosophy finds itself in the position of being the best placed institution in

the region to address this issue. This international conference intends to be a platform for three

types of speakers: academics dealing with the history of Islamic philosophy, philosophers of the

Muslim world and beyond and, finally, speakers engaged in aesthetic practices. It goes without

saying that the discussion of Beauty as a civilizational imperative requires the discussion of the

very notion of an Islamic civilization and of tradition. This conference however needs to avoid

the all too easy trap of becoming a Guénonian traditionalist meeting place where participants who

all agree with each other congratulate each other on sharing the same opinion. That is not to say
that traditionalists are not welcome, far from it but that the conference should be balanced in its

outlook and represented views.

Some factors need to be taken into account in the organization of this conference:

1. Political situation :

Tensions between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States may result in logistical

difficulties in terms of being able to invite academics from abroad. A possible solution is the

use of electronic visas issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that do not require any form

of stamping on the passport. The relevant authorities should be informed in advance in order

to avoid misunderstandings.

2. Location :

As this conference focuses on the theme of beauty an appropriate location for the conference

needs to be carefully chosen as the contrast between the discussions unfolding during the

conference and the location may raise questions as to the organization of the events itself. The

location should therefore be one that is both logistically feasible and aesthetically pleasing.

Another factor to take into account is that due to political circumstances the conference may

not even be taking place in Iran. A possible solution may be Germany where a number of

universities with good ties to Iran could be willing to host the event. This however needs to

be worked out properly.

3. Attendance :

It is crucial to make sure that this conference in particular does not take on a semi-secretive

format where specialists of philosophy sit and watch each other discuss. The issue of Beauty
as a Civilizational Imperative is one that concerns all. It is therefore essential to make sure that

an interested non-academic audience be present as well. Partnerships with the Ministry of

Culture and other institutions, national and international, need to be created beforehand.

4. Media exposure :

At a crucial time in history Iran’s academic and intellectual community needs to engage more

openly with the rest of the world. Social media is a useful platform to help facilitate exposure.

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