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Fuel 130 (2014) 92–99

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Formation of PAHs during the pyrolysis of dry sewage sludge

Qianjin Dai a, Xuguang Jiang a,⇑, Yunfan Jiang b, Yuqi Jin a, Fei Wang a, Yong Chi a, Jianhua Yan a
State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Institute for Thermal Power Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, PR China
Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, PR China

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 16 PAHs were numerously formed

during pyrolysis of dry sewage
 Temperature, sample mass, residence
time and gas flow all had influences.
 PAHs yielded most at 950 °C while
TEQ was highest at 1150 °C.
 PAHs formation was favoured in fuel
rich condition.
 PAHs in different residence time of
2–16 s was highest at 10 s.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The formation of the 16 polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), characterized by USEPA as priority
Received 4 February 2014 pollutants, was studied during the pyrolysis of dry sewage sludge in a wide range of operation conditions,
Received in revised form 19 March 2014 i.e., reaction temperature (250–1250 °C), sample mass (0.1–4 g), gas residence time (2–16 s) and gas flow
Accepted 8 April 2014
(50–1000 mL/min). The pyrolysis was conducted in a tubular reactor with well-controlled temperature
Available online 20 April 2014
profile and carrier gas flow. The yield of PAHs strongly increased with temperature, reaching a maximum
value at 950 °C, while the toxicity equivalent (TEQ) became highest at 1150 °C. The sample mass also
influenced upon both the PAHs concentration and the TEQ, with the lowest output found for 1 g sample;
Sewage sludge
rising residence time of the gas flow inflates the PAHs formed and their TEQ up to 10 s, and then they
Temperature decreased slightly. Raising the gas flow from 50 to 100 mL/min moderately decreases the concentration
Sample mass of PAHs, yet sharp declines their TEQ. To evaluate any influences of the experimental parameters the
Gas residence time fractional distribution of the total PAH amount and the TEQ of the 16 PAHs, as well as their subtotal
grouped by ring number, were separately displayed. The present results may be valuable for assessing
sewage sludge pyrolysis as thermal treatment method and also for studying the formation and
destruction mechanism of PAHs during sludge pyrolysis.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction potential carcinogenic and mutagenic characteristics and harmful

implication for human health [1,2], which become more serious
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of ubiqui- still in winter [3]. PAHs are also precursors of PM (particulate mat-
tous organic contaminants drawing great public concern for their ter), formed in locally fuel rich areas [4] and a great issue in China.
The global distribution of PAHs is also influenced by the thermal
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 571 87952775; fax: +86 571 87952438. treatment of biomass and as chemically stable pollutants. PAHs
E-mail address: (X. Jiang). also accumulated in the atmosphere regardless of long-range
0016-2361/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Q. Dai et al. / Fuel 130 (2014) 92–99 93

transport [5]. Thus PAHs emissions should be reduced to protect difference. Dichloromethane (DCM), hexane and copper powder
the environment. were obtained from ShanghaiHuShi Corporation.
PAHs have been extensively studied in the pyrolysis of coal
[6–11], wood [12], wastes tires [13] and other biomass: gas [14], 2.2. Experimental study
tar [15], char [16] analysis and the formation mechanism of PAHs
have also been discussed in some detail [17,18]. Catechol [19], All experiments were performed in a horizontal high tempera-
propyne [20], and 1,3-butadiene [21] were also submitted to ture resistant (up to 1400 °C) quartz tubular reactor (diameter
pyrolysis separately or together to investigate PAHs emissions. 20 mm, length 600 mm) (Fig. 1). The furnace was heated to the tar-
However, the formation of PAHs depends much on their source get temperature and then maintained at this temperature (±2 °C).
and the reaction conditions [22]. PAHs emission is highly influ- Approximately 1 g (±0.01 g) of dried sewage sludge was evenly
enced by the pyrolysis operating conditions (temperature in loaded into a quartz crucible (width 10 mm, length 100 mm) and
pyrolysis of terpenes [23,24], acetylene [4], sample mass, gas then the crucible was introduced into (the right side in Fig. 1) a
residence time, gas flow); however the subject is still causing some horizontal quartz reactor tube, at a temperature below 100 °C.
controversy [4]. The gas outlet was connected to a set of sampling apparatus, com-
Sewage sludge is raising great concerns in China for its rapidly posed of a tube with XAD-2 resin and two bottles of DCM, after
increasing amount and concomitant risks for human health and purging the reactor for 10 min with nitrogen at a flow rate of
the environment [25]. Pyrolysis of sewage sludge shows great 3 L/min to avoid potential impacts of oxygen. The flow rate of
advantage over combustion in terms of low cost in pollutant con- nitrogen carrier gas is adjusted to 0.2 L/min, sufficient to prevent
trol [26,27]. Yet, the formation of PAHs during sewage sludge pyro- the pyrolysis gas generated from accumulating in the tube and at
lysis is of great concern [28]. the same time not to affecting the temperature of the sample too
In the pyrolysis of sewage sludge PAHs were usually discussed much. Then, with a quartz stick the crucible is pushed to the centre
but mostly for qualitative analysis [29] and general discussion of the reactor and pyrolysis starts. The generated gases passed
[15,22]. Some parameters, such as temperature, residence time through the sampling apparatus, consisting of a XAD-2 resin
have been reviewed [30]. Other parameters such as sample mass, column and a set of DCM scrubbing solutions contained in ice
gas residence time and gas flow are rarely discussed in literature. baths, to absorb PAHs and other non-condensed compounds from
In this study, the 16 PAHs, characterized by USEPA as priority in the gaseous effluent. After each pyrolysis run of 30 min the
pollutants were analyzed in the gas effluent evolving during sew- furnace was turned off and the sample was allowed to cool in an
age sludge pyrolysis in a tubular reactor. The parameters, temper- inert atmosphere for 30 min almost down to room temperature.
ature, sample mass, gas residence time and gas flow were all varied The residue was then weighted and saved. The resin and DCM were
to investigate their influence on PAHs emission. The formation and saved and analyzed for PAHs.
destruction mechanism of PAHs are discussed. The results may also Temperature was measured by a K type thermocouple and the
be useful in designing sewage sludge disposal for energy recovery temperature distribution profile in the reactor at 850 °C (Fig. 1)
and environmental protection. was shown to be representative. It was observed that a tempera-
ture close to set point is reached on the whole. Distance values
2. Experimental in Fig. 1 range from 50 to 350 mm, while the outlet point and
inlet point remain below 200 °C for all pyrolysis runs.
2.1. Reagents and materials Pyrolysis runs with different temperature, ranging from 250 to
1250 °C, were conducted by adjusting the furnace temperature to
Sewage sludge was collected from the wastewater treatment target temperature. The sample mass loaded was varied (mass of
plant of Shi Dong Kou in Shanghai, China. The sludge underwent 0.1 g, 0.4 g, 1 g, 2 g, 4 g) to investigate the influence of sample
aerobic digestion and mechanical dehydration before sampling. mass. The pyrolysis gas residence time was controlled between 2
The wet sewage sludge with moisture of 84.2 (wt.%) was dried in and 16 s by adjusting the sample location from 2 to 16 cm
a fluidized bed at 85 °C. The dry sewage sludge with moisture of (Fig. 1), while the gas flow rate was calculated to 1.06 cm/s when
6.24% was then ground, sieved (80–200 mesh), and stored in a flow of 200 mL/min nitrogen was induced. The gas flow rate
brown bottles. Proximate and ultimate analysis results on air dry was adjusted from 50 to 1000 mL/min using a rotameter. The 24
basis are presented in Table 1. The values of Mad, Aad, Vad and Fcad test conditions are all listed in Table 2.
were determined according to method GB/T212-2008 of China. The
elementary analysis of Cad and Had were determined by the Liebig 2.3. PAHs analysis
method (ISO 625-1996). The content of Nad was determined by the
semimicro Kjeldahl method (ISO 333-1996). The content of Sad was The EPA method 8100 was taken as reference, with slight mod-
determined by the IR spectrometry (ISO 19579-2006). The content ification in the PAHs analysis. Soxhlet extraction according to EPA
of Clad was determined by combustion-hydrolysis/ion chromatog- method 3540C was used as extraction procedure to guarantee good
raphy (IC) Method. The content of Oad was determined by contact between solid sample and solvent [31]. Some 2 g cleaned

Table 1
Proximate and ultimate analysis of sewage sludge (mass%).

Mad Aad Vad Fcad Cad Had Nad Sad Oad Qbad (kJ/kg)
6.24 43.05 44.99 5.72 25.97 3.49 4.49 0.81 15.95 11 580

ad% = air dry basis.

M = moisture content.
A = ash content.
V = volatile matter content.
Fc = fixed carbon content.
C, H, N, S, O, Cl = the elements composing the combustible fraction.
Qb = net calorific value.
94 Q. Dai et al. / Fuel 130 (2014) 92–99

Fig. 1. Schematic view of the experimental set-up showing the axial temperature distribution for the experiment at 850 °C.

Table 2
Experimental conditions.

Run Variable Nominal temperature (°C) Sample mass (g) Gas residence time (s) Gas flow (mL/min)
P1 Temperature 250 1 10 200
P2 350
P3 450
P4 550
P5 650
P6 750
P7 850
P8 950
P9 1050
P10 1150
P11 1250
P12 Sample mass 850 0.1 10 200
P13 0.4
P14 2
P15 4
P16 Gas residence time 850 1 2 200
P17 4
P18 8
P19 12
P20 16
P21 Gas flow 850 1 10 50
P22 100
P23 400
P24 1000

copper powder was mixed with the sewage sludge before extrac- was raised to 300 °C at a rate of 20 °C/min and held there for 7 min.
tion to eliminate sulfur according to EPA method 3660B. Silica The transfer line temperature was set at 300 °C and the Electron
gel clean-up was adopted according to EPA method 3630C while impact (EI) source at 270 °C. The PAHs were determined using the
rota-evaporation was used to concentrate the sample solution. external standard method. A standard mixture of the 16 EPA-PAHs
The 16 PAHs characterized by USEPA as priority pollutants were was supplied by SIGMA–ALDRICH (PAHs concentration of
determined using GC (Varian CP-3800, equipped with a 30 m * 2000 lg/mL, and a solvent mixture of methylene chloride: benzene,
0.25 mm * 0.25um DB-5MS capillary)/MS (1200 L) in a selected v:v = 1:1). The PAHs concentrations were calculated with a group
ion monitoring mode (SIM). The carrier gas was He (1 mL/min) of 5 concentration levels ranging from 0.05 lg/mL to 1 lg/mL with
while the injection mode was splitless (270 °C, 1 lL). The tempera- hexane as solvent. The GC/MS SIM profile programmed in the MS
ture program started at 50 °C, held for 1 min then the temperature and the concentration of external standards calculated using the
Q. Dai et al. / Fuel 130 (2014) 92–99 95

Table 3
The working curve used to quantity PAHs with GC/MS.

PAHs TEF SIM MS window time (min) RT (min) 0.05 lg/mL 0.1 lg/mL 0.2 lg/mL 0.4 lg/mL 1 lg/mL Correlation coefficients Sewage sludge (mg/kg)
Nap 0.001 128 5–7 6.256 0.048 0.105 0.213 0.390 0.946 0.999390 0.0125
Acpy 0.001 152 7–8.5 8.141 0.049 0.104 0.209 0.389 0.970 0.999754 0.0025
Acp 0.001 154 8.353 0.049 0.104 0.209 0.385 0.978 0.999656 0.0130
Flu 0.001 166 8.5–9.5 8.985 0.049 0.103 0.209 0.387 0.979 0.999713 0.1640
Phe 0.001 178 9.5–11 10.168 0.049 0.104 0.211 0.388 0.964 0.999654 0.0040
Ant 0.01 178 10.231 0.049 0.105 0.208 0.378 0.994 0.999192 0.0045
Fla 0.001 202 11–12.5 11.623 0.049 0.103 0.212 0.385 0.972 0.999560 0.0055
Pyr 0.001 202 11.899 0.049 0.103 0.212 0.380 0.984 0.999298 ND
BaA 0.1 228 12.5–14 13.357 0.049 0.109 0.207 0.382 0.999 0.999293 0.009
CHR 0.01 228 13.401 0.048 0.103 0.198 0.406 0.945 0.999058 0.0090
BbF 0.1 252 14–16 14.840 0.049 0.103 0.213 0.373 0.996 0.998630 0.0090
BkF 0.1 252 14.886 0.049 0.104 0.207 0.384 0.987 0.999625 0.0095
BaP 1 252 15.392 0.049 0.105 0.207 0.380 0.991 0.999381 0.0010
IND 0.1 276 16–22 17.832 0.050 0.101 0.202 0.381 1.026 0.999008 ND
DBA 1 302 17.905 0.049 0.104 0.201 0.385 1.008 0.999533 0.0025
BghiP 0.01 276 18.544 0.049 0.102 0.205 0.380 1.014 0.999121 0.0050

working curve is given in Table 3. The linear fitting of the resultant was varied from 250 °C to 1250 °C. PAHs yield first strongly
calibration curves shows good correlation coefficients between increased when temperature was raised while the total concentra-
0.9986 and 0.9997 for each compound. tion peaked at 950 °C, and the total TEQ-value culminated at
The gas sample included XAD-2 resin and 250 mL DCM. The 1150 °C (Fig. 2).
XAD-2 resin was extracted using 250 mL DCM, and then concen- At low pyrolysis temperatures of 250–550 °C, PAHs seem still to
trated to 1 mL to transform the solvent to hexane; after the be influenced by their original content (Table 3) in sludge, with
cleanup procedure, the sample was concentrated and fixed to mainly Nap, Acp, Flu present. In our previous TG experiments
10 mL using hexane. Then 1 lL of the fixed sample was introduced sewage sludge pyrolysis began at temperatures lower than
to GC/MS analysis. The detection limit during GC/MS analysis was 200 °C [34]. Thus PAHs began to be released already at 250 °C.
0.001 lg/mL for each of the 16 PAHs. Considering a sample mass of The decomposition of biodegradable materials, dead bacteria
1 g and the fixed solvent volume, the detection limit for the PAHs and non-biodegradable polymers in temperature region of
yield was 0.01 mg PAHs per 1 kg dry sewage sludge. The original 170–500 °C all may contribute to the release of PAHs from the
content of PAHs was detected by using the same method with sample already at temperature below 550 °C.
XAD-2 resin: 20 g sewage sludge (dry basis) was extracted. The When the temperature surpassed 650 °C, PAHs yields increased
results were listed in Table 3. greatly, all along with the temperature rising to 850 °C, which is
consistent with other research of PAHs in pyrolysis, where PAHs
(mainly Nap, Flu, Phe, Fla, BghiP) increased with temperature rising
3. Results and discussion from 600 to 900 °C for polyethylene pyrolysis [35].
Between 850 °C and 950 °C, all PAHs but Acpy and Flu further
The toxic equivalent factor (TEF) was defined in order to charac- rose. The decline in Acpy and Flu was also observed in acetylene
terize the carcinogenic properties of PAH more precisely, compar- pyrolysis [4] for relatively low temperature, which may indicated
ing every compound with the BaP, which has the highest value of that Acpy and Flu have relatively low stability.
TEF (Table 3) [32]. The carcinogenic equivalence (KE), referred to When temperature raised further from 950 to 1050 °C, most
as toxic equivalent (TEQ), is a parameter that determines the inha- LMW PAHs (Nap, Flu, Phe, Ant) decreased, while most HMW PAHs
lative carcinogenic potential caused by airborne-PAH. It can be (BbF, BkF, BaP, IND, BghiP) amplified, still leading to a total drop.
determined using the TEF concept. These TEQ-values were also This may be explained by the rupture of aromatic rings in LMW
determined in our work to evaluate the influence of different oper- PAHs above 950 °C [36]. As an alternative, HMW PAHs may also
ation conditions on the harmful health effect of the gaseous effluent be pyro-synthesized from lower rings [37] in the competition
of sewage sludge pyrolysis, and to characterize the real toxicity. between formation and destruction of PAHs, while HMW may be
The 16 EPA-PAHs are classified into high molar weight (HMW) easier to be synthesized than decomposed at this atmosphere of
PAHs with five and six rings (BbF, BkF, BaP, IND, DAB, BghiP), high concentration of LMW, which promoted the chemical equilib-
middle molar weight (MMW) PAHs with four rings (Fla, Pyr, BaA, rium to HMW PAHs synthesis more than rupture, regardless of
CHR), and low molar weight (LMW) PAHs with two and three rings reaction acceleration caused by the temperature rise.
(Nap, Acpy, Acp, Flu, Phe, Ant) [30]. When the temperature augmented from 1050 °C to 1150 °C, all
Results were expressed as mg PAHs generated during the pyro- PAHs but Acp, Flu, Pyr, BaP, IND decreased, continuing a total
lysis of 1 kg dry sewage sludge. The PAHs in the original sewage diminution at rising temperature.
sludge totaled 0.251 mg/kg, a rather low value for sewage sludge, When temperature rose to 1250 °C, all PAH-species were head-
since it varied from 0.096 to 7.718 mg/kg for nine samples from ing towards destruction.
Tunisia [33]. The values of the PAHs generated in different condi- From the above analysis, most PAHs show similar trends of
tions are displayed in the supplementary material (Tables 4–7 peaking at a specific temperature (except for Acpy, Flu); Nap,
and Figs. 6–17 classified according to ring number and PAHs distri- Phe, Ant, BaA, CHR, DBA peaked at 950 °C, Fla, BbF, BkF, BghiP at
bution profiles). 1050 °C, and Acp, Pyr, BaP, IND at 1150 °C. The difference of peak
temperature presumably represented their relative stability in
3.1. Influence of the temperature on total PAHs and ring number the complicated thermal reactions.
In the pyrolysis of polyvinyl chloride a high peak of PAHs (BaA,
Temperature is the most investigated parameter in PAHs forma- BbF, BaP, DBA, Chr, BkF, INd) yield was at 850 °C [38]. In the
tion. The sample mass, gas residence time and gas flow were pyrolysis of polyphenolic compounds the LMW PAHs exhibited a
separately fixed to 1 g, 10 s and 200 mL/min when temperature maximum at 870 °C [39]. In the pyrolysis of acetylene some light
96 Q. Dai et al. / Fuel 130 (2014) 92–99

Fig. 2. Influence of the temperature on total PAHs and their TEQ.

PAHs-priority (Nap, Flu, Ant, BaA, Acp) were diminished from 3.2. Influence of the sample mass on the total PAHs and ring number
1073 K to 1473 K while there was a maximum for other heavier distribution
PAHs at 1173 K, attributed to the competition between formation
and destruction reactions of PAH [40], the less reactive and porous The temperature, gas residence time and gas flow were sepa-
characteristic of soot particles formed at higher temperature also rately fixed to 850 °C, 10 s and 200 mL/min when sample mass
leads to fewer PAHs adsorbed [41]. To sum up, the controversy was inspected from 0.1 g to 4 g. When the sample mass increased
between different conclusions [4] induced may be due to their from 0.1 g to 1 g, the total PAHs and TEQ declined; however, when
different substances and atmospheres which to some degree the sample mass increased from 1 g to 4 g, PAHs augmented slightly
changed the stability of different PAHs, although they have the (Fig. 3). When the 16 PAHs are considered separately, they show
same molecular structure. different trends. When the sample mass was raised from 0.1 g to
When PAHs are classified by their ring number (Fig. 6), the 4 g Nap, Phe, Fla, BaA, CHR, BbF all declined, and only Flu and IND
trend is clear in our work: the 2-ring and 3-ring PAHs peaked at amplified; moreover, Acpy, Acp and Ant peaked at 1 g, Pyr and
950 °C, the 4-ring and 5-ring PAHs peaked at 1050 °C, and the BkF peaked at 0.4 g, whereas BaP and DBA were lowest at 1 g. When
6-ring PAHs peaked at 1150 °C. Thus it can be deduced that PAHs the influence of sample mass on PAHs yield was considered, higher
with more rings are decomposed at higher temperature. yield at less sample mass was observed by comparing different
In the 16 PAHs distribution profile (Fig. 7), Flu dominated at operating conditions conducted by former researchers, while gas
temperatures lower than 750 °C, which indicated that the same effluent during coal pyrolysis yielded around 100 mg/kg PAHs at
formation mechanism prevails below 750 °C. The Nap faction 0.5 g sample mass [6] comparing to around 1000 mg/kg PAHs at
began to amplify greatly to attain nearly 30% at 850 °C and then 0.001 g sample mass [7] ignoring their different apparatus.
stay unchanged till 1300 °C. The fraction distribution is determined The sample mass represents the concentration of fuel, which
by competitive reactions, as described above. It was observed that can lead to extent variation of the pyrolysis reactions. Less fuel
Nap also dominated the PAHs in the pyrolysis of acetylene [40], led to more contact between the pyrolysis products and the nitro-
and of bio-fuel [42]. gen flow, therefore more complete pyrolysis of heavier molecule to
TEQ profile peaked at 1150 °C, although the concentration light hydrocarbon including the 16 PAHs, Nap being the most
culminated already at 950 °C. This is due to the LMW PAHs, with prominent. However the obvious growth of Flu, when sample mass
low TEF, which were decomposed more than the HMW PAHs increased, may indicate that Flu tends to form at fuel rich
with high TEF-value, when temperature rose from 950 °C to atmosphere, where primary pyrolysis rather than secondary
1150 °C. The gain in TEQ between 850 °C and 950 °C in our pyrolysis was favored. It was confirmed when domination of Flu
research (Fig. 2) was also observed in the pyrolysis of acetylene, at low temperature (Fig. 7) was considered. It was noted that Ant
due to the formation of heavier PAHs with higher toxic potential was proliferated at 1 g.
[40]. When PAHs are classified by their ring number (Fig. 9), 2-ring,
In the PAHs TEQ distribution profile (Fig. 8), Flu dominated TEQ 4-ring, 5-ring were diminished while 3-ring 6-ring PAHs grew when
at temperatures lower than 650 °C, due to its high yield; BaP the sample mass increased due to Flu and IND’s special behavior.
greatly amplified its proportion at 850 °C and dominated at From 16 PAHs distribution profile (Fig. 10), Nap, Flu and Phe
1150 °C, leading to the high peak of total TEQ at 1150 °C. The turn- dominated (80%) the concentration at different mass sample, while
ing point in the distribution profiles was 750 °C for both concentra- Nap decreased and Flu increased when the sample mass was raised
tion and TEQ distribution (Figs. 7 and 8). from 0.1 g to 4 g.
Q. Dai et al. / Fuel 130 (2014) 92–99 97

Fig. 3. Influence of the sample mass on total PAHs and their TEQ at 850 °C.

When the TEQ distribution is considered (Fig. 11), BaP, Fla and When the residence time grew from 2 s to 16 s, the amount of
DBA yield most but not dominant. PAHs rose until 10 s and then declined slightly (Fig. 4). This is con-
sistent with the observation that PAHs rose as the residence time
grew from 1.5 to 3.5 s at 1123 K and 1173 K in acetylene pyrolysis
3.3. Influence of the gas residence time on total PAHs and ring number [4]. In our study, 10 s may be a turning point at 850 °C, where
destruction of PAHs exceeds formation of PAHs. All of 16 PAHs,
The temperature, sample mass and gas flow were separately except for Acy and BghiP peaked at 10 s, while Acy peaked at
fixed to 850 °C, 1 g and 200 mL/min when gas residence time 12 s and BghiP was not detected. Thus the conclusion of all 16
was inspected from 2 s to 16 s. Residence time may be a very PAHs peaking at around 10 s may be deduced at 850 °C. However
important issue, largely determining the conversion of small the trend would differ at different temperature [4].
hydrocarbons into PAHs [4]. Amplified residence time of pyrolysis When PAHs are classified by their ring number (Fig. 12), all
vapors in the hot zone of the reactor will promote secondary reac- PAHs peaked at 10 s. The 3-ring PAHs are prominent, for their high
tions including PAHs formation [43]. quantity. It is noted that Ant proliferated at 10 s.

Fig. 4. Influence of the gas residence time on total PAHs and their TEQ at 850 °C.
98 Q. Dai et al. / Fuel 130 (2014) 92–99

Fig. 5. Influence of the gas flow on total PAHs and their TEQ at 850 °C.

In the 16 PAHs distribution profile (Fig. 13), Nap, Flu and Phe When PAHs are classified by their ring number (Fig. 15), all ring
dominated (80%) the concentration at different residence time, PAHs have a descending trend when the gas flow was raised from
while the profiles tendency are not clear. 50 to 1000 mL/min, except for the 3-ring PAHs, due to the special
When the TEQ distribution is considered (Fig. 14), BaP, Fla and behavior of Flu.
DBA yield most but not dominant. The Nap, Flu and Phe dominated (80%) the 16 PAHs distribution
profile at different gas flow, except for 50 mL/min, where largely
high ring PAHs are formed (Fig. 16).
3.4. Influence of the gas flow on total PAHs and ring number When the TEQ distribution is considered (Fig. 17), BaP, Fla and
DBA yield most however not dominant.
The temperature, sample mass and gas residence time were
separately fixed to 850 °C, 1 g and 10 s when gas flow was
inspected from 50 mL/min to 1000 mL/min. Gas flow changes the 4. Conclusions
residence time and also the gas phase concentrations. In our study
a gas flow of 50, 100, 200, 400, 1000 mL/min corresponds with a In the investigation into the influence of the operating condi-
residence time of 37.7 s, 18.8 s, 9.4 s, 4.7 s, 1.9 s separately. tions, such as reaction temperature, sample mass, gas residence
When the gas flow was raised from 50 to 100 mL/min, the time and gas flow, yield of most PAHs had similar trend according
residence time dropped and fuel concentration also reduced by a to different conditions. When temperature was raised, PAHs
factor 2. The resulting PAHs amounts decreased by 22.17% while increased extensively at 850 °C and decreased considerably at
their TEQ dwindled by 74.77%. The sharp decrease was strongest 1250 °C. PAHs yielded most at 950 °C while TEQ was highest at
for high ring-number PAHs of DBA, BaP, which have a high TEF of 1150 °C. The trend was an integration of different formation and
1. This shows that a long residence time combined with high con- destruction temperature of PAHs different ring.
centration of fuel can lead to the synthesis of high TEF PAHs. While When sample mass was raised from 0.1 g to 4 g, PAHs yields
longer residence time (over 10 s) leads to slightly lessening of BaP decreased from 1288.00 mg/kg(0.1 g) to 868.22 mg/kg(1 g) and
and DBA (Table 6), high concentration appears to promote their then increased slightly due to the special growth of Flu. Flu tended
formation: BaP and DBA augmented, when sample mass was raised to be formed at fuel rich atmosphere, where primary pyrolysis
from 1 g to 4 g (Fig. 5). Particularly BghiP was only detected at rather than secondary pyrolysis was favored.
50 mL/min. However, most of the other PAHs diminished due to When residence time of gas flow was raised from 2 s to 16 s,
the drop in residence time, for decreasing fuel concentration from PAHs and their TEQ increased before 10 s, and then decreased
4 g to1 g leads to their increase. slightly. 10 s may be a special residence time for reactions to
When the gas flow rose from 100 to 1000 mL/min, the residence destroy PAHs molecular in sewage sludge pyrolysis.
time dropped from 18.8 s to 1.9 s and the fuel concentration fur- The rise of gas flow from 50 to 100 mL/min led to moderate
ther reduced, by one order of magnitude. The total PAHs and their decrease of concentration and sharp decrease of TEQ while
TEQ show a slight decline. Most PAHs (Nap, Acpy, Acp, Phe, Fla, Pyr, increase from 100 to 1000 mL/min led to slight fluctuation. The
BaA, CHR, BbF, BaP, IND, BDA) decreased due to the lower gas extremely high TEQ for 50 mL/min was due to formation of PAHs
residence time since they had trend of increase when fuel concen- with 5-ring and 6-ring. The trend of PAHs for sample mass and flow
tration was reduced from 4 g to1 g (Fig. 3). Flu was special since it gas are roughly reverse, for they were together related to the air–
shows a rising trend when the gas flow was raised. fuel ratio.
It can also be concluded that the trends of PAHs for sample When the comprehensive comparisons of these parameters were
mass and flow gas are roughly opposite, just like for combustion considered, Temperature obviously has the most influence while
conditions the air–fuel ratio is import for PAHs formation. sample mass may has the least influence on the PAHs formation.
Q. Dai et al. / Fuel 130 (2014) 92–99 99

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