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NAME: _______________________________________________ SCORE: ____________

I. True or False : Write whether the statement is True and False if not.
 ___________1. Buyer is is defined as "a arty
arty whi!h
whi!h a!uires#
a!uires# or a$rees
a$rees to a!uire# ownershi
ownershi %in !ase
of $oods&# or 'enefit or usa$e %in !ase of ser(i!es&# in e)!han$e for money or other
!onsideration under a !ontra!t of sa*e."
 ___________+. Se**er is defined as " a artyarty that ma,es# offers
offers or !ontra!ts
!ontra!ts to ma,e
ma,e a sa*e to an
a!tua* or otentia* 'uyer."
 ___________-. A 'uyer is someone
someone who ma,es ma,es a ur!hase
ur!hase whi*e
whi*e se**er
se**er is someone
someone who
who se**s
 ___________. /o 'e a su!!essfu
su!!essfu** se**er#
se**er# you must not !onsider
!onsider 'ui*din$
'ui*din$ re*ationshi
re*ationshi to 'uyers.
 ___________0. An entrereneur
entrereneur a*so 'uys
'uys the raw raw materia*s
materia*s to !reate
!reate a rodu!t
rodu!t that
that he wou*d
wou*d *i,e to
 ___________. An entrereneur
entrereneur !an 'e 'oth 'oth a 'uyer
'uyer and a se**er.
 ___________2. Buyin$ ro!ess is the series series of stes
stes that a !onsumer
!onsumer wi** ta,e
ta,e to ma,e
ma,e a ur!hasin$
 ___________3. A want is an imortant
imortant rodu!t
rodu!t that you must a!uire
a!uire whi*e
whi*e a need
need is a rodu!t
rodu!t that
you desire 'ut is not imortant.
 ___________4. One of the the uniue
uniue rodu!t
rodu!t that !ou*d
!ou*d 'e easi*y
easi*y se** is ma,in$ 5o*(oron.
 ___________16.. 7n se**in$
se**in$ ro!ess
ro!ess the first
first thin$ you must do is to !ondu!t rose!tin$
rose!tin$ and
ua*ifyin$ of 'uyers of your rodu!t.

II. Multile C!oi"e : Write the *etter of your answer on the *ine 'efore the num'er.

 _____1. __________
__________ is a we' a*i!ation
a*i!ation that a**ows
a**ows !o**a'orati(e
!o**a'orati(e editin$ of of its !ontent
!ontent and stru!ture
'y its users.
a. Wi,i '. B*o$site !. emai*
 ____+. wi,i a**ows
a**ows users to __________
___________ !ontent
!ontent that isis osted on the we'site.
a. add# edit or de*ete '. de*ete !. !han$e
 ____-. __________
__________ does does not a**ow
a**ow others
others to modify
modify the ori$ina*
ori$ina* materia*
materia* osted
osted on thethe we'site.
a. Wi,i '. $mai* !. B*o$
 ____. /he term wi,iwi,i !omes
!omes from the word wi,iwi,i
wi,iwi,i whi!h
whi!h means
means "___________
"___________"" in 8awaiian.
8awaiian. /he
first wi,i was !reated 'y Ward Cunnin$ham in 1440.
a. ui!, '. easy !. s*ow
 ____0. /he most ou*ar wi,i is the the ___________
______________. ___.
a. En!y!*oedia '. Merriam We'sters !. Wi,iedia
 ____. __________
__________ was deri(ed from the words words we'
we' *o$s.
a. B*o$ '. Wi,i !. 9B A!!ount
 ____2. _____________
_____________ is a so!ia*so!ia* writin$
writin$ *atform
*atform for edu!ation.
a. Wi,isa!es '. oo$*e 8an$outs !. Sur(ey Mon,ey
 ____3. _____________
___________________________________ has ro(ided
ro(ided so!iety with a hu$e
hu$e ran$e
ran$e of new !ommuni!ation
!aa'i*ities# !ometen!e# and e)erien!es.
a. 7C/ '. emai* !. 8;M7
 ____4. 7t is an e*e!troni!
e*e!troni! messa$e sent from one de(i!e de(i!e to another
a. !hat '. emai* !. te)t messa$e
 ____16. ____________
________________________ is is a tye of meetin$
meetin$ in(o*(in$
in(o*(in$ three oror more eo*e
eo*e in differe
*o!ations 'y usin$ !omuter networ,s !aa'*e of transmittin$ audio and (ideo data.
a. Business meetin$ '. Entrereneurshi !. /e*e!onferen!e
 ____11. ___________________ is a uestionnaire !reated as we' forms with data'ase# whi!h is
!om*eted 'y the resondents o(er the 7nternet.
a. On*ine Sur(ey '. <uestionnaire !. Sur(ey form
 ____1+. A** are ad(anta$es of on*ine sur(ey e)!et one.
a. /he distri'ution is ui!, and resonse time is faster.
'. /he resondents of this method are on*y those who ha(e 7nternet a!!ess.
!. =ou !an sa(e money on o(erhead *i,e aer# rintin$# osta$e# data ro!essin$ and

 ____1-. A** are disad(anta$es of on*ine sur(ey e)!et one.

a. /he resu*ts are a(ai*a'*e immediate*y for ana*ysis.
'. Some arti!iate on the sur(ey for the sa,e of $ettin$ the in!enti(e.
!. /he resondent has no'ody to as, for e)*anations to uestions that are diffi!u*t to
 ____1. =ou !an ma,e a sur(ey or o**# or !o**e!t other information usin$ ___________________.
a. =ahoo '. oo$*e 9orms !. Bin$
 ____10. One of the free ser(i!es ro(ided 'y __________ is the oo$*e 9orms where you !an ma,e
forms for sur(ey or o**.
a. S,ye '. oo$*e !. 9a!e'oo,
 ____1. _________________ ro(ides you 10B of free oo$*e stora$e to sa(e any tye of fi*e in
one safe *a!e.
a. oo$*e ;ri(e '. 9*ash ;ri(e !. 8ard ;ri(e
 ____12. 7n a sur(ey# we usua**y want ea!h resondents to su'mit resonses _______________.
a. twi!e '. how many times !. on*y on!e
 ____13. /he resondent is reuired to *o$ into their ________________ in order to a!!ess and fi** out
the sur(ey form.
a. 9a!e'oo, A!!ount '. rou Chat !. oo$*e A!!ount
 ____14. /here are ______________ different ways on how to (iew the resonses of the resondents
on the sur(ey form u*oaded.
a. fi(e '. four !. three
 ____+6. =ou !an (iew the resonses of the resondents throu$h down*oadin$ the __________.
a. CS> '. ;>; !. ?SB

III. Mat"!in# t$e% Mat"! Colu&n A to its "orresondin# "orre"t ans'er to Colu&n (.


 _______1. /o $et the sum of the (a*ues in !o*umn A of a. )SUM*A+%A6,

the ta'*e.

 _______+. After di(idin$ the (a*ue in the first !e** of the '.)PRODUCT*A+%A6,
ta'*e 'y the (a*ue in the se!ond !e** to the
ri$ht of the ta'*e# you want to round the
resu*t to two de!ima* *a!es.

 _______-. /o $et the rodu!t of the (a*ues in !o*umn A !. )-UOTIENT*A+/,

of the ta'*e.

 _______. /o $et the suare of the (a*ue in the first !e** d. )PO0ER*A+/,
of the ta'*e.
 _______0. /o $et the uotient of the (a*ue in the first !e** e. )ROUND*A+1(+/,
of the ta'*e as the numerator and + as the
I2. Fill in t!e 3lan4s : 9i** in the '*an,s with the !orre!t answer. Choose your answer inside the

1. _______________ is the most ou*ar (oi!e and !hat a*i!ation that !an 'e used a*so in in audio
(ideo !onferen!in$. %9a!e'oo,# /witter# S,ye&

+. _______________ a**ows free (ideo !onferen!in$ with u to 1+ users. 7t a*so suorts (ideo mai*.
%S,ye# Oo(oo# oo$*e 8an$outs&

-. _______________ /his offers (ideo !a** with u to 16 friends aside from its other e)!itin$ features.
%oo$*e 8an$outs# Oo(oo# S,ye&

. _______________ is a meetin$ amon$ three or more ersons in different *o!ations that tyi!a**y
uses handhe*d wired te*ehones# sea,erhones# or mo'i*e hones. %;is!ussion 9orum# Audio
Conferen!e# >ideo Conferen!e&

0. _______________ is a meetin$ amon$ arti!iants in different *o!ations that tyi!a**y uses

!omuter networ,s to transmit 'oth audio# te)t and (ideo data. %>ideo Conferen!e# Audio
Conferen!e# Chat&

2. Arran#e t!e 5u&3led letters to or& t!e "orre"t ans'er in ea"! ite&.

OPRE0INTOP1. 7s one of the rodu!ti(ity too*s whi!h a**ows the user to !reate s*ide resentations
and insert i!tures and (ideos to u'*ish ua*ity di$iti@ed instru!tiona* materia*s.

DLIESTIONSTRANSI+. /hese are motion effe!ts that haen durin$ S*ide Show when you mo(e
from one s*ide to the ne)t.

CTEFFEIONSTPO-. /o !han$e the roerties of the transition effe!t that you ha(e !hosen# you must
!*i!, this otion to the /RANS7/7ON /O /87S S7;E $rou.

RADUTION. /o set how fast the transition $oes# enter a time at _______________ in the /imin$

MAANITINSO0. Are motion effe!ts to te)t# i!tures or shaes on the s*ides.

IN7(EDDEM. Means storin$ the fi*es in the resentation itse*f.

PER8LINH92. 7s used to !reate a *in, in your resentation for ui!, a!!ess to we'a$es and fi*es
on*ine or within your !omuter.

TOIACNTONSTU( 3. Are 'ui*tin 'utton shaes whi!h you !an use to erform some other a!tions *i,e
*in,in$ or *ayin$ a sound.

O0SD0INIEMO28ERMA4. 7s a freeware (ideo editin$ software 'y Mi!rosoft.

(OR9ARDSTO 16. 7s where you !an *oo, at the seuen!e of the !*is as we** as the (ideo effe!ts that
you ha(e added.


1.1. identfes he sellers and buyers
1.2. produes si!ple produs
1.3. buys and sells produs based on needs 10 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 20%
1.4. sells produs based on needs and
de!ands in shool and o!!uniy
2.1. poss and shares !aerials on "i#is in a
sa$e and responsible !anner
2.2. poss and shares !aerials on blos in a
sa$e and responsible !anner 10 20%
2.3. partipaes in &ideo and audio
on$erenes in a sa$e and responsible
3.1 e'plains he ad&anaes and
disad&anaes o$ usin online ools o aher
daa 21,22,23,24,25,26,
10 20%
3.2 reaes an online sur&ey $or! 27,28,29,30
3.3 disse!inaes an online sur&ey $or!
3.4 proesses online sur&ey daa
4.1 uses $untons and $or!ulas in an
eleroni spreadshee ool o per$or! 5 31,32,33,34,35 10%
ad&aned alulatons onnu!erial daa
5.1 uses audio and &ideo on$erenin ools
o share ideas and "or# "ih ohers online
5 36,37,38,39,40 10%
5.2 uses an e(roup o share ideas and "or#
"ih ohers
6.1 uses he ad&aned $eaures o$ a slide
presenaton ool o reae a !ult!edia
presenaton "ih e', raphis, and phoos)
hyperlin#ed ele!ens) ani!aton) and 10 20%
e!bedded audio and*or &ideo
6.2 uses he !o&ie!a#in so+"are o reae
a !ult!edia presenaton
TOTAL 50 60% 30% 10%


1. /R?E 1. a 1. a 1. S,ye 1. 5oweroint
+. /R?E +. a +. e +. Oo(oo +. S*ide /ransitions
-. /R?E -. ! -. ' -. oo$*e 8an$outs -. Effe!t Otions
. 9ASE . a . d . Audio Conferen!e . ;uration
0. /R?E 0. ! 0. ! 0. >ideo Conferen!e 0. Animations
. /R?E . a . Em'eddin$
2. /R?E 2. a 2. 8yer*in,
3. 9ASE 3. a 3. A!tion Buttons
4. /R?E 4. ' 4. Windows Mo(ie
16. /R?E 16. ! Ma,er 
11. a 16. Story'oard
1+. '
1-. s
1. '
10. '
1. a
12. !
13. !
14. !
+6. a

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