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Cooking Technique (Steaming)

How to Perfect This Moist Heat Cooking Method

By Danilo Alfaro

One of the most common ways to cook vegetables is to steam them, but this moist-
heat cooking technique can be used for other types of food as well, such as fish and Asian
dumplings. Steaming is basically a cooking method that employs hot steam to conduct the heat
to the food, without disturbing it in a boiling liquid, leaving us with tender, moist results—when
done correctly.

-Cooking With Steam

Steaming can be done on a stovetop with two simple pieces of equipment: a pot and a
steamer basket. The pot is filled with a small amount of liquid that is brought to a simmer; the
item to be cooked is placed in a basket suspended above the liquid, and the pot is then
covered. The hot steam circulates through the pot and cooks the food very quickly. This
technique is known as "compartment steaming." (The bamboo steamers used in Asian cuisine
are an example of a compartment steamer.)

It is important that the bottom of the steamer basket does not touch the simmering water; this
would add too much moisture to the vegetables and would not steam them correctly.

You can also steam food in the microwave, which is actually a natural piece of equipment for
steaming since it "excites the liquids in food." You can create your own steaming system by
placing the food in a microwave-safe dish, sprinkling it with water or other liquid, and covering
with plastic wrap with a few holes poked into it. Cook for just a few minutes and you will be
rewarded with perfectly steamed food. You can also buy a steamer basket made just for the
microwave if you find yourself using this method often.

 Reading
Read the article about Moist-heat cooking. Then choose the correct
1. What is the main idea of the article?
a. Best temperature for steaming
b. Equipment for steaming
c. Steaming technique
d. All about moist-heat cooking
2. What is the equipment used for steaming other than bamboo based
on the article?
a. Microwave
b. Pan
c. Stove
d. Bowl
 Vocabulary
Write a word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
1. One of the most common ways to cook vegetables is to steam them
2. Water in the form of an invisible gas or vapor.

 Listening
Listen to a conversation between man and woman. And answer the
Man : Hello, What are you doing Daniar?
Woman : Hai, I am steaming vegetables for lunch
Man : Oh.. can I know the steps?
Woman : Oh , sure..
Man : Can we start now?
Woman : Ok. First, cut the vegetables into uniform bite-sized
pieces, the way you plan to serve them and then, add 1 inch of water to
the pan and insert the steamer basket and then, bring water to a boil
over high heat. This is the steps of steaming vegetables.
Man : All right, thank you for your sharing Daniar
Woman : You’re welcome

1. What is the man mean?

a. Help the woman
b. Beg to cooking together
c. Want to know the steps of steaming
d. Cooking for lunch
2. Where is the conversation happened?
a. In the dining room
b. In the kitchen
c. In the living room
d. In the garage

 Speaking
With a partner, make a conversation about how you can steaming food
well. And practice your conversation.

 Writing
Search the steps of steaming in the article and then make a list the steps.
5. Food Service

Different Styles of Service

By Djubo

Food service has a number of different styles of service. Style of service should be
selected based on the type of food being served. There are various methods in which the
service of the food can be done on the guest table. The two most popular food service styles
are ‘Pre – plated service’ and ‘Silver service.’ Read on the various styles of food services and
become a pro!

1.Silver Service/Platter to Plate/English Service

This involves the presentation and service of food to the guest by the restaurant staff
from the food platter or dish to the guest plate, with the help of a service gear. Always done
from the left-hand side of the guest. Professional silver service is all about mastering the
technique of using service gear held in the right hand to transfer items to the guest plate from a
service dish held in the left hand.

2. Pre-Plated Service/American Service

A service of pre-plated food to the guest by the restaurant staff carried out from the
right-hand side of the guest. This demands the service staff to be skilled in carrying plates
without disturbing the food arranged on them. Usually involves carrying two or three plates in
the left hand and no more than four plates in the right hand at a time. Usually practised in
coffee shops or restaurants serving Western cuisine.

3. Family Service/French Service

A very simple method of service in which the serving dishes are presented to the
guests and placed on the dining table, allowing the guest to select and serve himself. Such
service is usually found in restaurants serving Indian cuisine.

4. Buffet Service

A huge presentation of food items, hot and cold, different cuisines. The service staff
positions itself behind the buffet and assists the guests by plating their food for them as they
select it, using the silver service technique.

5. Gueridon Service

The term ‘Gueridon’ means a trolley used for the preparation or finishing of food. A
trolley is used to cook various ingredients, involving a lot of showmanship such as flambé,
carving etc. Done next to the guest table. Can either be an elaborate piece of moveable
furniture or a simple dining table.

6. Russian Service

Food, which usually consists of a whole roast, is presented to the host, then taken
back to the side station by the service staff, which is then served to the guests. Not a
popular style of service.
 Reading
Read the article about different styles of service. Then choose the
correct answer.
1. What is the main idea of the text?
a. Food service style
b. Different various styles of food service
c. Pros and cons of food service
d. Various styles of food service
2. How many various styles of food services?
a. 3 Styles
b. 4 Styles
c. 5 Styles
d. 6 styles

 Vocabulary
Read the sentences and choose the correct words or phrases
1. Professional silver service is all about mastering the technique of
using service gear held in the right/left hand to transfer items to the
guest plate from a service dish held in the right/left hand.
2. The term Russian/Gueridon means a trolley used for the preparation
or finishing of food.

 Listening
Listen to a conversation between a restaurant server and customer. And
answer the question
A: Welcome, what would you like to order?

B: I would like to get a double cheeseburger.

A: Would you like everything on it?

B: I would like everything on it, thank you.

A: Do you want any fries?

B: Let me get some large curly fries.

A: Can I get you anything to drink?

B: Sure, how about a medium Pepsi?

A: Is that everything?
B: That'll be all. Thanks.

A: You're welcome, and your total is $5.48.

B: Thank you. Here you go.

1. What food the customer ordered?

2. What drink the customer ordered?

 Speaking
With a partner, act out the roles below based on task listening. Then
switch roles.
Use language such as:
-Would you like……?
-I’d recommend…..

Student A: You are a restaurant server. Talk to student B about menu in

the restaurant. And give your recommendation.
Student B: You are a customer. Talk to student A about the best menu
in the restaurant

 Writing
Use the newspaper article about food service and the conversation from
task speaking to write a customer satisfaction report. Include a product
that a customer ordered, why the customer was not satisfied, and
actions taken to resolve the problem.

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