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Pyrgo Priory School

Settle Road
Harold Hill
Romford RM3 9RT
01708 342165

Dear Colleague

As a member of staff, you will be working as a member of a team to provide a first-rate

education for our pupils. Pyrgo Priory recognises and acknowledges the value of having
professional, hardworking, committed staff and wholeheartedly welcomes you to a happy

You may find at first that some aspects of your work or the school environment are unfamiliar
depending upon your previous area of employment. This booklet is intended as a practical
guide to the work of the school. It is not intended as a list of “do’s” and “don’ts” but as a
source of reference in regard to the many systems that are part of a busy school. The
contents will not only aid your induction but also ensures a high regard for your protection,
and that of the whole school community in respect of health and safety.

Please read it carefully in conjunction with the current school development plan and ask any
questions you may have.

I hope you find the experience of working here a satisfying and enjoyable experience.

Yours sincerely





Letter of introduction

• The School Day
• Registration
• Playtimes
• Wet Play
• Money
• Library
• School Dinners
• Lunchtimes
• Medical Procedures
• Accidents
• Assemblies
• Instrumental Tuition
• Adult Helpers
• After School Club

• School Code of Conduct
• Pupil Discipline
• Pupils’ Uniform
• Relationships and Ethos
• Equal Opportunities,
• Child Protection

• Interactive Whiteboards
• Displays
• School Building Access
• Health and Safety (incl Report Form)
• Reporting hazards & defects inc. report form
• Use of telephone
• Security & Staff Belongings
• Fire Drill and Evacuation

• Role of Management
• Staff Development
• Staff Meetings
• Confidentiality
• Equal Opportunities
• Dress Code
• Reprographics XXXXXXXXX
• Planning and Resources
• Record Keeping (Including SENS)
• Absence Procedures
• End of Term Procedures
• End of Year Procedures
• School Visits


The School Day

It is a requirement that the school complies with a minimum length for each school day.

The school day is as follows:

The school office will be open as from 8.30 a.m.

In both Infants and Juniors the school day officially starts at 8.40 a.m.
Morning session Jnrs 8.40 – 12.00 Afternoon session 1.00 – 3.00
Infs 8.40 – 12.15 1.15 – 3.00
There is a morning break of 15 minutes daily. There is no break during the afternoon

The bell will ring at 12.55 to alert staff to collect pupils ready for a 1.00 pm prompt start.

The Nursery class

Morning session 8.50 – 11.20 Afternoon session 12.30 – 3.00

The school has a Breakfast Club which opens at 8.00 a.m. The office has a list re costs and
register. Breakfast staff will escort infant pupils to class room, and junior pupils will be
allowed to join their outside class lines at 8.40am.

The school is also part of a free fruit scheme which offers KS1 Children a daily piece of fresh
fruit in addition to milk and biscuits for which parents pay a termly fee.

Class Registers
The school will have an electronic register and full training will be given. Registers
will need to be sent electronically by 8.50 am.

At the beginning of the morning session the office need to be informed how many children
are staying for hot lunch and how many have bought their own packed lunch. The names of
those leaving the premises for lunchtime also need to be notified to the office.

September 2009 – the school will operate a menu selection system.

Parents are asked to phone the school if their child is going to be absent from school. On
their return to school pupils should bring written evidence of the reason for their absence.

We have standard letters to send to those children who are consistently absent or late. The
EWO will make a home visit to families who do not then improve. Please consult Mrs Aldiss
if you have any concerns regarding pupil attendance and punctuality, as she is the liaison
officer for EWO.

Playtimes (refer to current timetable for exact timings)

Morning playtime is usually straight after the assembly. Playtime is 15 minutes long. A
playground pass is given to any pupil who needs to go into school during play e.g. toilet,
medical room etc. KS1 have a rota for play equipment/activity trail etc located in each

classroom (Activity Trail is only to be used by KS1 children during Friday’s joint playtime).
Fruit is available for KS1 to eat during playtime. All children are asked to sit and eat the fruit
for safety and dispose of litter into organic waste bin provided.

Teacher on duty during am break to arrive on playground pre children ie should be first class
out and have playground passes to hand. Other teachers to ensure adult in playground
before releasing. Duty teacher to ensure rear gates locked and playground is safe to play.

Teacher on duty to send child into office, to request bell rung before blowing the whistle. At
the end of playtime, the teacher should blow the whistle once to signal that children should
stop playing and then again to signal that they should line up walking to their line. Each class
teacher is responsible for escorting their own class into the classroom and ensuring that they
do this in a safe and orderly manner.

Any teacher on a course should arrange temporary cover/swap with another staff member.
Any teacher reporting sick on duty day, should remind office to arrange cover.

Wet Play
Lunchtime children stay in classrooms. Class 9 and 10 adjoining door open for children to
either watch video or choose wet play activities. Children not to use class resources
particularly scissors or glue during wet play.

KS2 stay in class undertaking seated activities. It is the teachers responsibility to ensure that
there is a clearly marked box of activities for use and children are aware of class agreed

Whilst MDA’s are allocated to specific areas for lunchtimes, there is also an allocated SMT
named person on duty (refer to staff board) and teachers on duty that day for break should
also be available for patrolling corridors/classrooms during am breaks and should alert the
office to signal the end of lunch at 12.55.

During wet lunch breaks we ask that staff return to class on first bell in order to ensure room
cleared in readiness for a prompt 1pm start.

All monies collected from pupils should go to the office via register (am).

Pupils are allowed to change books during times when a parent helper or TA is present.

Infant pupils should take home their assigned ORT book, plus an additional appropriate book
from the school library. There is a wide selection of picture books and non-fiction texts

Pupils in KS2 should take home one book from their assigned reading colour (see individual
pupil reading record) and one additional book from their colour, a lower colour, a picture
book or a non-fiction text.

Lost books are charged at £3.00. Money and details of the pupil and lost text should be sent
to the office.

School Dinners
Extra dinner money for Infants, brought in for lunch should be in a wallet or purse and put
into Class orange box and sent to the office with the morning register.
Junior pupils should take responsibility for their own dinner tickets/extra cash and we
recommend the use of a wallet.
Packed lunches are put onto trolleys located outside classrooms. They are then taken to the
dinner hall by KS2 monitors.

Reception children go to lunch at 11.45. KS1 pupils go to play and are taken to the dinner
hall by midday assistants. Years 5/6 go to the hall at 12.00. The rest of KS2 pupils go to the
playground until instructed to go to dinner hall.

The school encourages healthy eating and monitoring of lunch boxes can result in
consultation with parents if deemed to be inappropriate. Teachers should express any
concern to HT.

Lunch Times
There is a timetable for Midday assistant procedures at Lunchtime. A copy is displayed on
Staff Room Notice Board. All staff are expected to remind pupils of lunch rules and to be
vigilant and support school rules at lunchtime whenever possible.

For communication purposes there is a MDA info book kept in school office for their attention
on arrival. Staff can make entries in this book re any child concerns.

There is a wide stock of reward stickers and any reports of inappropriate behaviour should
be recorded by MDA and reported to class teacher/YGL.

The duty teacher for that day is responsible for signalling the end of lunch break by blowing
the whistle at 1.00 and lining the pupils up.

Lunch time Clubs

Children have to wait outside by the gazebo for any clubs and the teacher concerned will
meet the children and bring them into school.

Medical Procedures

When a child feels unwell during class, the medically trained year group TA should
accompany the child to medical and administer medical aid – office staff will advise re
medically qualified staff on duty at any time if the medical room is unmanned.

If a child is injured in school or in the playground, a responsible child or adult should bring
him/her to the medical room. The details regarding the accident will be placed in the
accident book or, for more serious injuries, an accident form will be completed. If you are in
any doubt about an injury, send for a senior member of staff.

All injuries to the head should be reported to the medical room where they will be recorded
and the parent informed.

If you suspect a serious injury has occurred - do not move the child. Send a child/another
adult to ask the office to call an ambulance and then the parents, whilst you remain with the

child. If unable to contact the parent, a member of staff will accompany the child. An
accident form must be completed. Please report any serious incidents to The Head teacher
or Deputy immediately.

All staff should ensure the office has details of next of kin, they would wish to be
contacted in emergency/medical need.

Staff with medical needs who take regular routine medication should also ensure that
the office has details of condition and medication.

After an accident to a member of staff, the accident should be reported to head teacher who
will arrange for the Borough to be notified as necessary. On the day of the accident, the
accident book must be completed by the injured member of staff. If the injury makes this
impossible, it should be completed as soon as possible afterwards. If the injury involves
broken limbs, an AIR form must also be completed.

Only designated staff may administer medicines to children in school, and then only after
completion of medication permission form signed by parent.

It may be permissible for children to take medicines themselves, e.g. self-administration of

‘ventolin’ or similar medication via an inhaler used by asthma sufferers and medications to
be administered where an agreed protocol is in place.

Asthmatic pupils store their inhalers in the medical room and a recording of each use is
made in the asthma book. Inhalers are checked for date of expiry by Mrs Murphy who
contacts parents as necessary. Inhalers must be taken every time a child leaves the school
premises and returned immediately.

Children with more severe problems have their information and photographs displayed in
both the staffroom and medical room so that all staff in school can acquaint themselves with
these pupils and their needs.



If a child is injured in school or in the playground, a responsible child or adult should bring

him/her to the medical room. The details regarding the accident will be placed in the

accident book or for more serious injuries an accident form will be completed. If you are in

doubt about an injury send for a senior member of staff.

All injuries to the head should be reported to the office where they will be recorded and the
parent informed.

For serious injuries - do not move the child. Call an ambulance before contacting the

parents. If unable to contact the parent a senior member of staff will accompany the child.
An accident form must be completed. If the injury involves broken limbs an accident form
F2508 must be completed – please report incident to the office.

Ofsted should be notified of accidents of pupils in Foundation Stage by office staff.

After an accident to a member of staff the accident should be reported to the office who will
arrange for the borough to be notified as necessary. The accident book must be completed
by the member of staff injured on the day of the accident, if this is not possible due to the
injury as soon as possible afterwards. If the injury involves broken limbs an accident form
F2508 must be completed – please report incident to Jan Murphy.


MON KS1 Singing Assembly – 40 mins (PPA) – Main Hall (10.20 – 11.00)
KS2 Singing Assembly – 40 mins (PPA) – Main Hall (10.00 - 10.40)

TUE KS1 15 mins – Main Hall (10.00-10.15)

15 mins – Main Hall (10.20 – 10.35)

WED KS1 15 mins – Main Hall (10.00-10.15)

KS2 15 mins – Main Hall (10.20 – 10.35)

THU KS1 15 mins – Main Hall (10.20- 10.35)

KS2 Parents Assembly – Main Hall (8.55 – 9.15)

FRI KS1/2 Whole School Congratulations Assembly (PPA) – Main Hall (10.00-10.40)

A rota for taking, supporting and class assemblies is displayed in the staff room.

Each KS2 class is expected to organise a class assembly termly, and invite parents.
Teachers will also need to arrange the hall in preparation and inform the school keeper of
any furniture requirements. Please inform the office by giving them a copy of the information
when you are inviting parents.

Instrumental Tuition
Instrumental lessons are offered to pupils via arrangement with Havering Music School.
Pupils who are interested in learning an instrument should contact school office for details.
We receive no funding for this and parents are invoiced to recover part cost of the fees.
School governors currently decide annually whether the budget can afford this subsidy.

Children who apply for lessons will be placed on a waiting list, and will then be ‘auditioned’
by teacher for suitability.
Lessons take place throughout the week during the school day. It is the child’s responsibility
to find out what time their lesson is each week and to remember to go at the correct time.

Lessons last between 15 and 40 minutes, depending on the number of children in a group.
The normal duration of a lesson is 30 minutes plus time taken to set up and pack away the

If instrumental lessons clash with other activities, (e.g. choir, swimming, school council

meetings), priority is given to the instrumental lessons, but it is the child’s responsibility to
advise the teacher of the other activity, that they will not be able to attend and to ensure that
they catch up with any homework assignment.

When possible we try to alternate times with peripatetics or class teacher to ensure pupils do
not consistently miss input of a particular subject.

Children bring their instruments in on the day of their lessons and store them in the
cupboards provided in the music room or office. The instruments should be collected at the
end of the day and taken home. If a child has an after school club, the instrument should be
collected before the club and taken with them.

Adult Helpers/Students
The school welcomes adult help and recognises the support and skills that many volunteers
can bring to the role.
Adults who help in school will be checked as safeguarding regulations. All volunteers will
meet with head teacher for an induction meeting whereby CRB forms will be completed and
policy for volunteers discussed and signed. No volunteers should ever be left unattended
with pupils.

The school also links with various colleges and establishments to support students and work
experience pupils. Mrs. Sullivan will interview and coordinate the use of students, and their
names will appear in the diary. Due to an overcrowded staff room and the need for
confidentiality, work experience students may use the nursery kitchen and its facilities for
their lunch break.
The Year Group Leaders will co-ordinate the deployment of adult helpers and students in

All visitors to school should sign in the Visitors’ Book next to the School Office. Visitor
stickers should be worn at all times.

After School Clubs

All club leaders to complete a risk assessment termly for the activity. Risk Assessments to
be completed and Head Teacher advised for all “away” fixtures and for any event where
transport is required.

The school and its pupils values the contribution made by staff in extra curricular provision.
The programme is co-ordinated termly. Information is displayed on the club notice board.

Written parental permission (standard letter) needs to be gained if pupils are to stay after
school for any activity. It should be made clear what time the activity will be finished and
where pupils should be collected. Staff in charge of clubs hand over pupils to parents as end
of day procedure.

Copies of registers for After School Clubs need to be maintained.

If possible parents should be given at least 24 hours notice of the cancellation of a club. If it
is unavoidable to cancel at short notice then parents will need to be phoned. If no contact
can be made the children would have to be kept in school until the finish time.

If the child needs to be transported to another venue for any activity then parental permission
needs to be gained for them to travel in someone else’s car/mini bus. The school has a

stock of booster seats for pupil use and appropriate risk assessments to be undertaken see

When children are taken out of school for any type of activity (e.g. club, sports match,
swimming) a list of names must be handed to the office.

School Code of Conduct

These rules are intended to make the school a safe, pleasant and efficient place in which to
work and play by encouraging courteous and considerate behaviour.

Respect for the School

Pupils must at all times conduct themselves properly so as to bring credit to themselves,
their peers and families.

Rules for safety and that of pupil property

• all articles of clothing, books and bags must be clearly marked with the owners name.
Any items e.g. watches, purses or money found on the school premises should be
handed into the school office. ‘Lost’ clothing should be handed to a member of staff
and/or taken to the lost property boxes;
• pupils should not bring valuables e.g. radios, mobile phones or large sums of money to
school. When, on rare occasions, this is necessary, the items should be handed in for
safe keeping. Money and valuables must never be left in classrooms, cloakrooms,
changing rooms, playground etc.;
• no pupil is allowed off the school premises during the school day without prior
permission. Pupils who leave the school premises to attend appointments must be
accompanied by an adult.

Pupil Safety and Respect for others

• Rudeness and bad language will not be tolerated.
• Movement about the building must be quiet and orderly.
• Each classroom should have a list of children with medical protocols clearly displayed.
• The correct school top colours must be worn during school hours and whilst on any
school visits.
• No jewellery, including earrings, or make-up may be worn during school hours;
• Other than KS1 milk and biscuits, no food should be eaten in the classroom or corridor
Sweets and chewing gum are forbidden;
• All litter must be disposed of in the bins provided, and attention given to recycling

Pupil Discipline
Please refer to school’s behaviour management policy which includes copies of home/school
contracts and information regarding the school systems of assertive discipline.

Behaviour management should be explicit, so that it always sends a clear message to

others, as this in itself can be an effective deterrent. The teacher must ‘take charge’ of
their own children’s behaviour, as well as the behaviour of others around the school.
This can be time-consuming and tiring at first but, when consistency is well established, will
be more easily managed.

There is no magic solution to improving children’s behaviour or, indeed, to improving our
own behaviour management - children and teachers are all different, with different strengths

and talents, so what might work with one may not work with another. What will help,
however, is to work within the agreed Assertive Discipline checklist, as a minimalist model, to
which we can add our own ‘tried and tested’ successes, and share them with others. Most
importantly, however, we must view behaviour management within the context of
successful classroom management—secure, differentiated planning; good teaching,
promoting good learning and thinking, regular and constructive marking and feedback etc. In
most instances, engaged and challenged children behave well, because they want to be
involved in the learning.

The reward system works to set an example for children to follow. First and foremost all
members of staff respond to positive behaviour with praise and encouragement. The
following rewards are then given out so that positive behaviour is recognised around the
whole school:

Stickers /stamps can be awarded, which the children keep in individual reward books.

• For every 10 stickers/stamps the children receive, a small certificate is awarded.

• For every 100 stickers/stamps a child receives, a Head Teacher’s certificate will be
given out in our weekly Congratulations Assembly.
• If 400 stickers/stamps are awarded, then a child will receive a trophy at the end of the

Please send a message to the office if a child reaches 100 rewards.

If children do behave in an inappropriate way, all members of staff adhere to the following
warning system:

Each day there will be a named senior teacher listed on the diary and the staff notice board
who will be responsible for discipline.

Regular Misdemeanours
a. Reminded about appropriate behaviour
b. 1 written warning received,
• marked on class record sheet
c. 2nd written warning received,
• should stay behind following lesson or withdrawn from group (5 minutes)
d. 3rd written warning received
• 20 minutes or rest of session out of class filling out behaviour book
• + Does not take part in next available play (even if this is the next day), sits on
bench (ensure teacher on duty is aware/add to MDA book)
• + Teacher to record name on chart in staff room, where it can be noted by Head
e. 4 written warning received
• Immediate phone call to parents informing them of behaviour
f. 5th written warning received
• Named senior teacher is informed immediately. Child removed from class for
remainder of the day.

Violent or Aggressive Incidents
• Child is sent to HT, DHT, or named senior teacher. If child will not go, named
senior teacher is sent for.
• Child will miss 1 (or more?) lunchtimes and will take part in ‘community service’ as
appropriate to the incident.
• Participation in the incident is recorded by senior teacher and information passed
to HT to record centrally.

The definition of a violent or aggressive incident from the DFES Improving Behaviour and
Attendance (Sept 07)
• Fight between pupils
• Any physical attack
• Inciting a physical attack by a 3rd person
• Inciting serious actual or threatened violence against another pupil or member of staff

Equal Punishment: 1 week withdrawal of privileges.

The head teacher will maintain records of all violent and aggressive incidents and parents
will be informed in every instance (2 model letters).

Communication with parents will follow the 2nd letter and will include a parent interview and
behavioural expectation contract / behaviour plan.

Behaviour in Assemblies
If a child needs reminding how to behave properly in an assembly more than once they will
miss the break time following that assembly.

The above consequences are daily, allowing every child a fresh start each day. However if
children do break school rules persistently they may be placed on an individual behaviour
plan and receive a behaviour book.

Pupils’ Uniform
Refer to Pupil brochure which explains and demonstrates expected attire.

Please direct any pupils not wearing appropriate uniform to medical room requesting a TA to
find and borrow them from lost property/spares cupboard.

It is the Class teacher’s responsibility to check that pupils are ready and changed for PE
lessons and to ensure correct clothing etc. (T shirt, Shorts or Track suit bottoms, Track suit
top or sweatshirt, Trainers or plimsolls)

Relationships and Ethos

Pyrgo Priory values the development of its pupils not only academically, but emotionally as
well. We believe that the education of our pupils should not just be restricted to curriculum
subjects in the classroom. Children need to learn and develop ‘life skills’ to prepare them for
the challenges that they may face away from school. We provide a caring environment
where huge emphasis is placed on adults being positive role models for children. Strong
relationships are developed between children and adults. This enables children to feel safe
and secure in school and also gives them the comfort of knowing that any problems they
might have, will be dealt with appropriately and sensitively. It is every member of staff’s
responsibility to ensure that this happens and it is this that makes Pyrgo Priory a happy
place for everyone.

Equal Opportunities
The school has en Equal Opportunities Statement and an Anti-racist Policy. Pyrgo Priory is
totally against discrimination of any kind particularly if this is because of race, religion or

The Head Teacher needs to be given a completed copy of a Racist Incident form
should something of this nature occur. Incidents are dealt with as school policy and
records maintained for Governing Body & LA.

Child Protection
The Head Teacher is the nominated Child Protection Co-ordinator and staff who are
concerned about a pupil’s welfare should speak to HT and record concerns in their diary. In
the event of HT absence, contact Deputy Head teacher or Family Support Worker.

How to respond if a child confides in you.

It can take a great deal of courage for a child to talk to an adult about their abuse because
the child is “telling” on someone more powerful than they are. Please keep in mind that the
child may be having to betray a person who is not only close to them but also loved by them
– they are risking a great deal in the hope that you will believe what they say.

Helpful responses :
· Remain calm, approachable and receptive. Do not pre-judge.
· Listen carefully, without interrupting.
· Make it clear that you are taking them seriously.
· Acknowledge their courage and good sense and reassure them that they are right to
· Reassure them that they should not feel guilty and that you are sorry that this has
happened to them.
· Let them know that you are going to do everything you can to help them and what
may happen next (see below).

What to avoid :
· Do not allow your shock or distaste to show.
· Do not probe for more information than is offered. You must not question the child
or attempt to counsel the child.
· Do not speculate or make assumptions.
· Do not make negative comments about the alleged abuser.
· Do not make any promises that you cannot keep, such as promising that “everything
will be all right”.
· Do not agree to keep the information a secret. Make sure that the child knows that the
information will be passed on to the person responsible for child protection (Head

What to do next :
· Make an immediate, careful record of what has been said, using the child’s actual
words wherever possible. If you record opinions, ensure that these cannot be
confused with facts.
· Contact the Head Teacher who will make a decision, based on your report, judging
whether the issue should be referred to outside agencies or not. If the Head Teacher
is not in school the Deputy Head Teacher should be informed.

· Remain caring and supportive to the child.

What if you are worried about a child’s behaviour or injuries but the child says nothing to
suggest that he/she is being abused ?
· Be the sort of person a child can talk to.
· Be available and be prepared to listen.
· Discuss your concerns with the child protection co-ordinator.

Interactive Whiteboards
Every classroom has an interactive whiteboard and a ceiling mounted projector.
Replacement bulbs are very expensive and these will burn out quicker if the projector gets
very hot. Staff should turn off projectors when not in use and definitely at the end of each
school day. Please make sure pupils are aware that the whiteboards must not be
written on with ordinary pens and ensure they keep well away from them during wet
playtimes. Please display the designated health and safety sign regarding usage.

We value children’s work at Pyrgo Priory School and our displays should reflect that.
Displays give visitors to our school an immediate impression of the quality of work we expect
of our children. When preparing displays the following points should be borne in mind:

 All pupils work should be mounted (double mounted if possible)

 A complimenting backing paper should be put up
 Pupils names should be visible
 All displays should have a title
 Displays become more educational if there is text displayed which shows how the
work was done – or further information on the same topic – or questions which make
the display interactive
 Some displays should aim to help the pupils in their work – these can be referred to
during lessons. See Literacy notes re learning wall
 Displays which reflect AFL and how writing standards improved should also feature in
every classroom

Teachers are expected to plan for their class to contribute towards a themed hall display

School Building Access


The following are the times the school is open during term time.

Monday – Friday 6.30am – 6.00pm but staff are asked to vacate rooms by 5.30pm to
enable lock up procedures.

During school holidays the school is normally open Monday- Friday 7am- 3pm
On staff training days and during school holiday closures the opening times will be
published within the weekly diary.

Please would you note the times and leave the site promptly shutting windows and
classroom doors, turning off lights, computers and all other equipment and leave via the
main school hall.

At no time should children open/close windows or doors.

Health and Safety (incl Report Form)

The Duties Of All Members Of Staff

All staff will make themselves familiar with the requirements of the Health and Safety at
Work, etc. Act 1974 and any other health and safety legislation and codes of practice, which
are relevant to the work of the area(s) in which they work. This is displayed in school staff
room. They should:

• take reasonable care of their own health and safety and any other persons who may
be affected by their acts or omissions at work;

• as regards any duty or requirements imposed on his or her employer or any other
persons by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, co-operate with him or
her so far as necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or
complied with.

• All staff are expected to familiarise themselves with the health and safety aspects of
their work and to avoid conduct which would put them or anyone else at risk.

In particular all members of staff will:

• be familiar with the safety policy and any and all safety regulations as laid down by
the governing body;
• ensure health and safety regulations, rules, routines and procedures are being
applied effectively by both staff and pupils; particularly in respect of working at height,
lifting and routine risk assessments of classrooms and areas worked in.
• see that all plant, machinery and equipment is adequately guarded;
• see that all plant, machinery and equipment is in good and safe working order;
• not make unauthorised or improper use of plant, machinery and equipment;
• use the correct equipment and tools for the job and any protective equipment or
safety devices which may be supplied;
• ensure that toxic, hazardous and highly flammable substances are correctly used,
stored and labelled;
• report any defects in the premises, plant, equipment and facilities which they observe;
• ensure that all accidents, incidents, assaults, work related ill health are immediately
reported to the bursar
• report any ‘near-misses’; these are ‘damage only’ incidents or incidents where
although no one is injured the circumstances are such, that, if no action is taken the
incident is likely to be repeated and there is a potential for injury to occur e.g.
collapsing or falling objects, trips on defective flooring etc.
• co-operate with any investigation of the incident and measures to prevent a
• take an active interest in promoting health and safety and suggest ways of reducing

For more detailed information please refer to your copy of the schools Health & Safety


Major defects and hazards in the building, heating, lighting and ventilation systems should be
reported immediately to the office staff who will decide upon the appropriate action.
After finding major hazards and defects

1. Person reporting major hazards and defect in the building, heating, lighting and
ventilation systems to collect a major hazard and defect form from the staffroom or school
2. Completed form to be handed immediately to Bursar
3. Bursar to investigate hazard/defect with the Site Manager
4. Bursar/Site Manager to arrange necessary repair
5. Form filed by Bursar

Any lack of response to such a report should be drawn to the attention of the Staff Safety

Minor Repairs/Improvements

For minor defects and hazards please write a brief description of the problem in the yellow
book in the office which will be handed to the site manager. Any lack of response to such a
report should be drawn to the attention of the Deputy Head teacher.

Any improvements to class or school areas please put in writing to the Head teacher, who
will incorporate into the general improvements for the school.

If you need to use an external telephone for a private call, please use the handset in the
office and note the duration of the call on the form provided. Please ask HT or Bursar if you
need to use a office to ensure confidentiality.

Staff are requested not to use mobile phones in the classroom at any time, and to use with
discretion in the staff room, with consideration to others.


Entry To The School

1. Authorised visitors to the school and all contractors will enter through the reception area
only and report to the duty receptionist. All classroom external doors should display a
sign requesting parents/visitors enter by that route only.
2. They will complete the visitor’s book recording the time of the visit, the visitors/contractors
name and reason for visit. Contractors will also sign in and complete the contractors
book which outlines the school expectations of contractors whilst on site.
3. The visitor/contractor will receive a visitor’s badge that is to be worn at all times during
the visit.
4. The receptionist will inform the relevant member of staff that the visitor/contractor is on
5. The visitor will be collected from the reception area.
6. At the end of the visit the visitor/contractor is to return to the reception area where the
leaving time will be recorded in the visitors book.
7. The school reserves the right to refuse entry.
8. All staff should be vigilant towards visitors on site, and challenge anyone not
wearing visitor badge.
9. KS 2 teachers need to be particularly vigilant regarding outside doors as main
gates at front of school have to remain open during day. Please close and lock
doors when not present or leave room. Please use windows for main ventilation
and only open doors when essential.

At the end of the school day staff are requested to turn off electrical equipment, close
windows, blinds and doors and extinguish lights before leaving the room.

1. Please ensure personal belongings, and those of any Teaching Assistants are locked in
class cupboard. Pupils should not access this cupboard.
2. Please take particular care of property especially lap tops, bags, mobile phones during
after school hours and during school events and consultation evenings when a host of
visitors may be present.

Fire Drill
Fire drills are carried out once per term. Each classroom has clear instructions as to what to
do in the event of a fire. Every adult should familiarise themselves with the procedures for
the rooms they regularly work in and class teachers should ensure that signs remain on
display. Please inform HT if sign missing. Both halls have clear signage for fire exits. There
is an assembly point for each class, near the school field or on the infant playground.

An adult needs to take responsibility for being the last adult to leave the room to check that
all pupils have exited.


N.B. Please refer to Fire Plan displayed in each room detailing exit routes and names/roles
of designated staff.

The alarm will be sounded in the event of fire, chemical incident or bomb threat.

Evacuation of the Site

1. The alarm will be sounded continuously.
2. The person discovering the fire contacts by telephone, or word of mouth, the main office
who will contact the emergency services.
3. The office staff will collect the registers and visitors book and take them to the assembly
4. Evacuate the building immediately, closing all doors and windows of rooms as they leave.
5. Evacuate the building by the nearest Fire Exit, walking quietly and in an orderly manner.
Senior and designated staff should assist with the control of traffic flow from the buildings
and to ensure the buildings have been fully evacuated.
6. Report to the assembly points where pupils should line up in class order.
7. Registers will be distributed for teachers to call a roll of their class.
8. All non-teaching staff and visitors should make their way to their assembly points and
wait whilst the delegated member of staff undertakes roll check.
9. Any absences should be reported to the Head teacher, or in their absence, the deputy.
10. The Head teacher will report to the emergency services any pupil, member of staff or
visitor who is not accounted for and report to the Senior Fire Officer with the site plan
11. The emergency services will decide when it is safe to re-enter the building.
12. The Head teacher will give instructions to teaching staff who will organise an orderly
return to the building.

If it is deemed necessary to evacuate site completely, contact will be made with, and all
pupils,staff and visitors will proceed to Kings Wood School (Drapers’ Academy 2012)


Location maps of alarms and extinguishers, with details of their type are maintained by the
Safety Officer. The Site Manager should be informed immediately if any extinguishers are
missing or discharged. The Site Manager will test the fire alarm each week and any defects
reported to the Safety Officer as soon as possible. Additionally, there will be checks made
during the school day at published times to enable members of staff to ensure audibility
throughout the school. Specific regular INSET will be undertaken to ensure staff are aware of
locations of extinguishers and alarms.




Return this form to the Safety Officer immediately.

DEFECT OR HAZARD ________________________________________________




PRECISE LOCATION _________________________________________________



DATE REPORTED _________________________________________________

BY WHOM _________________________________________________

DATE OF ACTION ________________________________________________

ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________


DEFECT/HAZARD ________________________________________________

SLT (or school strategic leadership group) consists of Head, Deputy and Assistant Head
teacher supported by four year group/phase leaders who all have TLR appointments. For
current membership see School Development Plan. Definition of Role – see Policy (1).

The team meets regularly with an agenda consisting of items relating to whole school
progress and development, the curriculum and its monitoring, assertive discipline, SENS,
assessment and general communication. The team are informed of all relevant issues that
have occurred in the week prior to the meeting and discuss forthcoming events and the
following weeks diary. Information is then disseminated back to year groups at their weekly
planning meetings.

Please refer to current SDP for information regarding the Role of Management Team
and Curriculum Coordinators

It is the role of the team to:

- assist in the day to day running of the school.

- be involved in the active pursuance of good quality teaching and learning in

the school, particularly in their subject specialism.

- be available to colleagues to give professional help and advice, not

necessarily in their subject specialism.

- provide a good example in classroom management, organisation,

and pupil/staff relationships.

- offer their considered opinions, where possible, to assist the Head

in the decision making process.

- be prepared to put forward the views of colleagues and bring up

relevant issues as AOB to the agenda of the regular Management Team

Staff should feel quite free to consult any member of the team on any matter which affects
the quality of their work, their ability to do their work, or which may bear upon any aspect of
school life.

Naturally, subject specific enquiries should be directed to the subject co-ordinator in the first

Staff Development
Pyrgo Priory School aims to ensure the continuing development of the professional
knowledge, skills and motivation of all staff.

The policy of the school is to :

1. encourage individual teachers to plan their career development and identify and
exploit career opportunities.
2. improve school effectiveness by enhancing overall quality of teaching and learning in
the school.
3. extend understanding of and commitment to whole school policies and plans for

For further details see Staff Development Policy (2).

School promotes Continuing Professional Development via Performance Management and

INSET. All teaching staff will be involved in classroom observation training and teachers
curriculum expertise in teaching and learning and dissemination of good practice to be used
to greater effect.

Non-teaching and teaching staff are involved in an annual cycle of performance

management commencing in the Autumn term each year. (see SDP for current cycle)

Staff work .1265 hours directed time per year as contracts, but school appreciates the extra
voluntary time that many give to curricular enhancement via extra curricular provision.

The school’s finance policies states that where a grant fund has been granted for particular
activities e.g. Lottery Fund, Children’s Fund, staff may be paid for undertaking extra clubs
outside of 1265 hrs. Staff are welcome to apply for any grant funds, but should discuss any
applications with the Finance Manager/HT prior to applying.

INSET : a timetable is planned annually for each term to allow for implementation of specific
requirements of priority areas of development (see SDP for current list).

Staff Meetings
Staff Meetings are held weekly- usually Monday after school. Any change of day will be
given substantial notice. Staff also meet briefly at 8.30 a.m. on Monday and Friday to update
weekly diary and receive diary for forthcoming week.

Any changes to diary or new information etc are communicated to staff during the week via
the staff room daily notice board. A brief resume of daily routine is available for supply
teachers (3).

All staff working in school should be aware that it is imperative that issues discussed or
experienced in school remain confidential. Please be reminded that the staffroom is often
occupied by non-staff members. Exercise discretion at all times.

Equal Opportunities
Discrimination on a basis of colour, culture, origin, sex or ability is unacceptable in this
school. An equal opportunities philosophy will be practised by all staff. See Equal
Opportunities Policy (4) for details.

The school values diversity amongst the staff. In all staff appointments, the best candidate
will be appointed, based upon strict professional criteria.

Dress Code
Staff should dress in a professional manner that is suitable for the job they do. Teachers
should not wear jeans or shorts on teaching days (unless appropriate for task e.g. sports
day, trips). All staff should be aware of the image they are projecting and dress accordingly
e.g. no T shirts with unnecessary slogans, no skirts that are very short, no plunging
necklines etc. Chewing of gum by staff when on duty is not appropriate.

There is a black and white photocopier in the resources area. There is no restriction on the
number of copies which can be made, but staff are expected to be mindful of the high cost of
bulk copying. Where possible worksheets should be shared between classes in the same
year group. The copier in the small area by staff toilets is more economical for 30 or more
copies and can be used for double sided copies.

Please be mindful to the cost of printing and encourage pupils to save majority of work to
their individual folders.

Planning and Resources

Foundation Subjects and Science

Staff meet on a weekly basis in their year groups to plan for foundation subjects and science.
Year Group Leaders will use this time to share important information for the year group, to
discuss any pupil issues that need to be shared and to plan any necessary assessments.
YGL may allocate planning tasks to be prepared and brought to meeting or staff may plan as

Planning is word processed in the ICT Suite and saved centrally (RMStaffDocuments) in
order to build up a complete scheme of work for the 2 year programme.

Year Groups are planning terms based on a themed or topic approach linked to a main
curriculum area and supported by the others. If lessons can be modified to meet the topic
then they will be. However, if it is decided that a lesson (or indeed whole subject) is best
taught outside of the topic then this is acceptable.

Any questions regarding curriculum planning should be first addressed to the year group
leader and then the curriculum coordinator for that area.

Foundation plans will be checked by the Head teacher on a termly basis, or on request.

Resources for Foundation Subjects can be found in the Resource Room. Additional video
resources can be found in the ICT Suite. Resources for Music can be found in the Music

Room. Resources for PE can be found in the PE cupboard in the Main Hall. Any queries
regarding resources should be directed to the appropriate curriculum coordinator.

Literacy and Mathematics

Staff are expected to plan for Literacy and Mathematics independently, as appropriate for
their sets.

Staff are expected to leave their plans in their rooms in order that there is continuity of
teaching should they be absent.

Literacy Plans should be based upon the new primary framework units for that year group.
Lessons should of course be differentiated and adapted to meet the needs of the class.
However, the unit themes/genre should remain the same to ensure coverage.

When planning spellings for the class, please refer to the NLS word level objectives, the NLS
Spelling Bank and the School Phonics Programme. The Phonic Stage of the children in your
set should be reported to the Head teacher termly. See the Literacy coordinator for copies of
any of these documents.

As part of their literacy planning, staff should include clear assessment activities for the
Speaking and Listening objectives for that term.

Mathematics Plans should be based upon the new primary framework using Abacus.

Resources for Literacy can be found in the Resource Room. Whole Class Shared Reading
texts can be found in the cupboards adjacent to the Learning Mentor area. Specific HIAS
Unit Plan resources and books can be found in the drawers next to the LM office. Videos to
support the teaching of literacy can be found in the ICT Suite.

Resources for Mathematics are located in individual classrooms (e.g. dice, multilink cubes,
place value cards, etc). Specific resources can be found in the Maths Bay, off the main
corridor opposite Class 3.

Any questions related to planning for or resourcing Literacy and Mathematics should be
addressed to the appropriate coordinator.

Record Keeping (Including SENS)

All class teachers maintain a set of NC records for individual pupils, which are used to
support reporting to parents. Class records linked to the agreed assessment timetable also
need to be maintained, as these are monitored and attainment transferred to cohort records.
Please refer to YGL or Assessment Coord. and Policy for current list.

In respect of SENS, please refer to SENS policy and Intervention handbook. INSET will be
provided re the current initiative to record intervention targets and outcomes for groups of
pupils at levels of TM or SA. Class teachers will give input at SENS meetings with SENCO re
the needs of pupils, planning & recording of interventions undertaken both in class or when
withdrawn by Teaching Assistants, and maintain traditional IEP’s for pupils at SA+ or above.
Class teachers need to ensure any intervention programs are evaluated and that records are
updated as timed schedule in order to report progress to parents at consultations.

Absence Procedures – in line with LA Policy

Known or anticipated absence should be communicated to the Head Teacher or Deputy

Head Teacher as early as possible for insertion in the school diary. In the event of an
unexpected absence, staff should preferably telephone the HT as soon as possible, to
allow time for cover arrangements to be made. (refer to staff list) or in event unobtainable,
leave message on school answer phone. The school office number is 01708 342165.

It is helpful if staff can give an indication of the likely length of absence and the date of return
to work.

Planned Absence
It is important that you leave clear instructions for work that your classes can do, otherwise
you create unnecessary difficulties for colleagues or supply teachers covering your groups.
Instructions should be left in your classroom where they can be found easily.

These instructions should include :

• precise details of the tasks to be performed by the pupils and where materials are kept in
your classroom;
• details of which textbook or worksheet is to be used and their exact whereabouts;
• clear instructions about what should be collected up at the end of each lesson;
• set homework if appropriate;
• class timetable, any seating arrangements

Please give plenty of work and remember that to continue with work started in your lesson is
not necessarily suitable for supervision by a stranger. A completely different but well
structured exercise is often preferable. Have a series of exercises prepared for emergency

Do not forget to make arrangements for any activity planned for that day which might need to
be taken care of by a colleague e.g. duties, clubs, meetings, visits etc.

Self certification forms, SA2, must be completed for absences of four, five or six days
medical statements are needed for absences longer than this (including Saturday).

Staff are requested to report to HT on their return for a brief return to work meeting in order
to ensure that duty of care is exercised. This will also avoid any inconvenience with salary at
the end of the month.

Staff are expected to work to contract and any requests for official leave of absence, either
for professional or personal reasons, should be made using the Leave of Absence form
available from the school office. This form should then be passed to the Office Manager for

End of Year Procedures Re Classrooms and Working Areas

• All electronic equipment should be turned off and the plug removed from the socket.

• Data projectors should be turned off whenever the class leaves the room.

• Expensive equipment should be stored in the security area (ICT suite)

• Room to be left clean and tidy and resources packed away in an organised manner.

• All foodstuffs cleaned eg packed lunch boxes, fruit trays.

• Surfaces to be clear for cleaning. During Summer and Easter holidays additional
cleaning of walls, shelves and chairs are undertaken so must be accessible. All wall
areas to be checked for any staples.

• Check Fire Procedures and other H&S signs remain in place.

• Repair any remaining displays in class or corridors.

• Refer to the assessment policy regarding documents which need to be sent to the
next class teacher.

• Send to the next class teacher:

1. All individual pupil records (Literacy, Maths, Science and Foundation Subjects)
2. SENS folder with individual IEP (send to SENCO)
3. Reading Records (and new book ready for September if using ORT)
4. Writing Portfolios

• Each Year Group needs to retain 6 copies of all work completed at 3 levels of ability for
all subjects. Additional exercise books should be disposed of with front cover names

• Termly Assessment Grids need to be completed on line in the ICT suite at the end of
each term.

• Resources should be returned to the appropriate storage area to be checked by subject


• All wall displays need to be removed and ensure that staple removal to allow for high
clean. All work surfaces must be clear and cupboards made as light as possible to
enable access/mobility. Chairs and table need to be stacked.

• For teachers moving classrooms/age groups, the plans for the age group related to the
class should remain as whilst plans may be prepared by teachers they are in fact
prepared for the school in school PPA time and using school resources. Likewise, for
teachers moving schools, Pyrgo planning and resources need to remain and any copies
of plans to be taken to the new school need to be undertaken in consultation with the
head teacher as part of their exit meeting.

Cloakrooms should be emptied of all pupils’ belongings.

At the beginning of each term

It is important to undertake a classroom H&S risk assessment using the appropriate form. It
is advised to undertake this jointly with a colleague.

Check that the Fire Safety sign is in place.

School Visits

When an educational visit (either pupils being taken off the school premises or visiting
groups e.g. theatre groups) is in the early planning stages an application form (following
page) should be completed and given to the Head teacher, who is the named Educational
Visits Coordinator for approval before a venue or bookings of any sort take place. All
educational visits, as they form part of the curriculum, should be booked at least one term in
advance. For residential visits application must be made to the full Governing Body in
excess of six months before the visit.

The educational visit form B is a checklist for staff to complete appropriately, those items
typed in bold typeface are the responsibility of the class teacher and all other items are the
responsibility of the school office or a finance responsibility.

Year Group Leaders are responsible for completing the Risk Assessment documentation
and will be able to assist you with the paperwork and any questions you might have
regarding transport etc.

As you will be aware a risk assessment must be completed for all visits including the walk
around the area and visits to any venue. The risk assessment forms may be obtained from
the Educational Visits Folder in the Head teacher’s Office.

It is recommended that a first-aider accompanies all visits and an evaluation sheet is

completed on return.













September 2009


Havering Social Services

Duty and Referral Team Tel: 01708 433222

16 Marks Road, Romford Fax: 01708 433375

Out of Office Hours (Emergency Duty Team) Tel: 01708 433999

Out of Borough Social Services

Barking and Dagenham Tel: 0208 227 3852

Fax: 0208 227 3951

Thurrock Tel: 01375 652 657

Fax: 01375 652 891

Essex (for Brentwood) Tel: 01992 565 100

Fax: 01992 565 101

Police Child Abuse Team

Chadwell Heath Tel: 0208 345 2935

Referrals Tel: 0208 345 2927

Fax: 0208 345 2992

Quality Assurance Unit

The Whitworth Centre Tel: 01708 433067
Noak Hill Road, Romford RM3 7YA Fax 01708 433068

Romford Police Station

19 Main Road, Romford Tel: 01708 751212

Health Authority
The Queen’s A&E Tel: 01708 746090


Child Protection Officer Tel: 01708 433842

Mobile: 07958055008
Fax: 01708 434284

Human Resources Tel: 01708 433914

Fax: 01708 433920

Head of School Support & Student Services Tel: 01708 433849

Fax: 01708 433837

All Education staff are based at:

Scimitar House, Eastern Road, Romford RM1 3NH


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