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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012)

Estimation and Cost Effective Analysis of Hybrid-Wind/PV

Generation for Rural/Remote Electrification
Surekha Manoj1, Puttaswamy Palahalli Srinivasaiah2
Associate Professor, E&E Dept., Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering & Technology, VTU, Mysore, Karnataka, India
Professor. E& E Deptt., PES College of Engineering, VTU, Mandya, Karnataka, India


Abstract— Due to ever increasing energy consumption, Moreover, it is also important to see how these sources can
rising public awareness of environmental protection, be used for bulk power generation as well as small stand-
renewable distributed generation (DG) systems have alone systems for powering small and remote communities
attracted increased interest. But the intermittent nature of and villages or even islands.
renewable DGs lead to think about the combination of
sources called Hybrid Systems. Hybrid systems are Hence it is necessary to interconnect other
characterized by containing two or more technologies of renewable/alternative energy sources for reliability and
electrical generation, in order to optimize global efficiency of consistence power supply. Renewable energy sources offer
the processes. Wind and photovoltaic (PV) power generation a viable alternative to the provision of power in rural areas
are two of the most promising renewable energy technologies
as duo are complimentary to each other and hence able to
[1-5]. Advances in wind turbine and photovoltaic
provide good and constant supply to meet the rise in generation technologies have brought opportunities for
demand. The vision of this paper is to show the cost effective utilizing wind and solar resources for electric power
analysis if a transition from conventional to hybrid generation [6]. Renewable energy sources have
wind/solar power supply of households and commercial unpredictable random behaviors. However, some of them,
buildings. Case studies of both residential as well as like solar radiation and wind speed, have complementary
commercial buildings were carried out. The combined profiles [7]. It has been reported that in weak grids, the
system is as a standalone system for the wind/solar hybrid system is better than single wind or PV
residential/commercial buildings which does not depend on generation since it suppresses rapid change in the output
national grid supply to meet the load. This is very essential
for remote and rural areas. A methodology to show the
power of the single source such as the wind turbine system
estimation of only PV and hybrid PV/wind, their cost [8]. Grid interface of the hybrid system with battery
analysis, payback period and profit is also presented. storage improves system reliability [9], [10].
It is estimated that in India with the current level of
technology, the ‗on-shore‘ potential for utilization of wind
Keywords—Estimation, Hybrid, Profit, PV, Wind
energy for electricity generation is of the order of 65,000
MW. India also is blessed with 7517km of coastline and its
I. INTRODUCTION territorial waters extend up to 12 nautical miles into the sea.
India is a highly populated country in the world, and hence Potential areas can be identified on Indian map using Wind
its energy need is also more and growing with time. It is an Power Density map. C-WET, one of pioneering Wind
accepted fact that coal and oil reserves are declining; Research organization in the country is leading in all such
however human society‘s dependence on these fossil fuel resource studies and has launched its Wind Resource map.
resources is still on the incline due to high load growth and Wind energy potential and solar energy potential in India is
high rate of industrialization and economic development. shown in fig.1. A known fact is that wind source is
Thus the need for cleaner, sustainable and viable sources of intermittent in nature and during summer it soars and
electrical energy are of utmost importance in order to unable to generate required output. This made one to think
ensure that the next generation enjoys the same economic about the combinational renewable energies along with
development. In this regard, harnessing the wind and solar wind energy. The combination could be biomass or solar or
energy does not only preserve these resources but it also fuel cell. But India is blessed with abundant solar energy
reduces pollution significantly by generating clean energy. almost throughout the year it would be perfect if it makes
the combination with wind energy. Fig 2 shows the solar
energy potential in India.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012)
A consistent exploitation of the complementarities of these This paper presents a PV-Wind Hybrid Distributed
two sources of energy with battery storage seems necessary Generation Systems for residential and commercial building
to maintain a consistent level of electricity production in of remote area. As the duo is complementary to each other,
favorable sites. throughout the year one source will be supporting the other
to satisfy the demand along with the help of battery storage.
To have Hybrid DG system several wind turbine generators
and solar photovoltaic panels are installed depending on the
available roof top area and numbers are calculated
depending upon the load demand.. The system architecture
employed in this hybrid system is AC-coupled where the
wind, PV, Battery bank, inverters all fed into the AC side of
the network and is as shown in Fig 3.

To date, however, there has been very little detailed
information for designers, installers and consumers of PV
systems about the best module to use for their application
and site, or which PV energy output predictive performance
tool will give an accurate estimation of energy yield of the
proposed system and also depending on their demand. Wind
power generation depends on speed of the wind in the area
Figure 1 Wind power density in India of location and duration of availability of wind at that
particular speed. Wind speed is directly proportional to size
of the turbine.
The objective of this section is to explore the appropriate
sizing method for PV-Wind system, their output and return
on investment, profit estimation for both Commercial and
residential properties. Commercial premises and flat roofs
can often take a much larger solar PV system than
residential properties and these are assessed on an
individual basis. A small increase in the size of the solar
PV-Wind system can result in substantial differences in the
long term output and return on investment of the system.
A. Selection of PV Modules
The size of the photovoltaic array is determined by
considering the available solar insolation, the tilt and
Figure 2. Solar insolation potential in India orientation of the array and the characteristics of the
photovoltaic modules being considered. The photovoltaic
array is sized to meet the average daily load requirements
for the month or season of the year with the lowest ratio
daily insolation to the daily load. Table 1 chalks out the
area required to satisfy the given load and that would be the
rating of the PV module. This again varies with the
efficiency of the module. Greater the efficiency of the
module lesser the space required for PV array. Depending
upon the available area on the roof top and maximum
demand of that residence/commercial building can be
chosen suitable efficient PV module as this directly
increases the initial cost of the system.

Figure 3. Proposed Hybrid Schematic diagram

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012)
TABLE I Divide the energy needed by the number of available sun
hours per day to get total array size required in Watts.
Photovoltaic Array System Module - Roof Area Needed In Multiply the load by 5. Then divide by the battery voltage
amp-hour (Ah) to get total Battery Bank Required in Ah.
Square Feet. 2) To calculate the cost of the PV system needed for this
application: Multiply the size of the array by $5 per watt to
PV Array PV Array Capacity Rating (Watts) get cost estimate for PV array in $ and convert in Rs.
If a battery bank is used, multiply the size of the battery
bank by $1 per amp hour. If an inverter is used, multiply
Efficiency 100 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 10,000
the size of the array by $1 per rated watt. Cost estimate for
Inverter in Rs could be obtained. Multiply the subtotal
above by 0.2 (20%) to cover balance of system costs (wire,
4 30 75 150 300 600 1,200 3,000 fuses, switches, etc.) to get Cost Estimate for Balance of
System in Rs. Finally Total Estimated PV System Cost Rs
8 15 38 75 150 300 600 1,500
is calculated.

12 10 25 50 100 200 400 1,000 D. Work sheet-Estimating the Cost of Stand Alone Wind
1) To determine the load,available wind,WTG
16 8 20 40 80 160 320 800 size,battery bank size:
Determine the energy load required in watt-hours per day.
Determine the hours per day of available wind at the site in
For example, to generate 2,000 watts , with available area hours/day. Then divide the energy needed by the number of
of 200 square feet , either 12% or 16%bPhotovoltaic Array available wind hours per day to determine the WTG size
System can be chosen. The physical size of the modules to required. To determine the size of the battery bank. multiply
be used is important, depending upon the shape of the roof the load by 5and then divide by the battery voltage to get
area to be used. When a module is selected, it is necessary the ampere hour (Ah) rating to obtain total battery bank
to check the total array dimensions against the roof required.
dimensions to be sure the array will fit the roof. 2) Calculate the cost of the WTG system needed for
B. Wind Turbine Generator Specification this application:
Size: small (0.3 - 50 kW), Large (300 kW – 5 MW) Multiply the size of the WTG by $4.5 per watt and cost
Efficiency: 20 – 40%, estimated for WTG in Rs is calculated which includes
Installed cost ($/kW): large-scale (900 - 1,100), small-scale inverter cost. Then multiply the subtotal by0.2 (20%) to
(2,500 - 5,000) cover balance of system cost and finally total estimated
O&M cost ($/kWh): 0.005 WTG system cost is calculated.
Wind speed: – Large turbine: 6 m/s at average sites – Small
turbine: 4 m/s at average sites
Typical life of a wind turbine: 20 years III. CASE STUDY

C. Work sheet-Estimating the Cost of Stand Alone Photo Two cases were studied for isolated residential building
Voltaic System and Commercial building based on the methodology.
1) To determine the load,available sunlight,array A. Residential Sites
size,battery bank size: Determine the energy load required
In this case study for an average middle class family‘s
in watt-hours (Wh) per day. Multiply the number of watts
requisition to satisfy the basic needs of the demand the
the load will consume by the hours per day the load will
estimation is carried out. The table 2 gives the typical
operate. Multiply result by 1.5 so that total Wh per day
household electrical appliances and their usage in hours.
required in Wh is obtained.
For calculation purpose 5826 watt hours/day is
Determine the hours per day of available sunlight at the site
approximated to 6000watt hours/day.
to obtain the total available sunlight in hrs/day

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012)

Typical Household Electrical Appliances and Run Times

Appliance AC Hours Watt

or DC Used/Day hours/day

Ceiling Fan 100 8.0 800

Washing 375 0.5 188
Figure 4 Top View of VVIET Campus
Television 250 8.0 1750
C. Wind and Solar Resources
Computer 75 1.5 112.5
The wind resource information was obtained from NASA,
Computer 150 1.5 225
Monitor Surface meteorology and Solar Energy, a renewable energy
resource web site [11]. It gives all the details of wind speed
Refrigerator 350 7.0 2450 throughout year and it is plotted in the Fig.5. The solar
Lights 4x15 5.0 300 resource for the remote study area is also obtained from
NASA. The monthly average solar irradiance is
Total 5826 summarized in Fig.6

B. Commercial Building
For the case study purpose an educational building is
considered which is at outer sirt of Mysore. Fig. 4 shows
the available terrace area (44987.00 sq.ft.) on top of Vidya
Vikas Institute of Engineering and technology. Presently
the institute load is managed by grid supply and diesel
generator whenever grid supply is cut off due to load
shedding or any other reasons. The commercial load billing Figure. 5 Average monthly wind speed
is such that minimum 75% of the specified required
maximum demands have to be paid irrespective of the
usage. Load shedding occurs repeatedly in this area and to
satisfy the demand diesel generator has to run. And if any
grid failure or supply is cut off, change over to diesel
generator has to be made in order to meet the demand.
Obviously diesel generator is an extra costly affair and this
accounts for costly affair and pollution to environment. But
with the system proposed will eliminate the need of diesel
plant, because the power generated by the hybrid wind/PV
system can be utilized according to our requirements with
the help of battery bank system.

Fig. 6 Average monthly solar insolation

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012)
For a residential building and commercial building the It is expected that with present acceleration in the efforts on
methodology in the above section explained implemented the part of manufactures, designers, planners and utilities
and estimated. Calculation of total cost investment and pay with adequate governmental support, renewable energy
back period is also carried out considering for two cases - sources will within the next two decades occupy a place of
only PV and and combination of PV and Wind. Table 3 pride in the country‘s power sector, ensuring optimum
shows the comparison estimation of both cases residential utilization of available energy. The comparative table gives
building and Table 4 shows for commercial building. a very attractive offer for the implementation.
TABLE 3 It is each citizen‘s responsibility to go for green energy to
Comparison of Standalone Solar and Hybrid Solar/Wind for save earth. In this context an attempt is made for the
Residential Building estimation and it can be concluded that if this proposal is
implemented in large scale for residential and commercial
utilities, without straining the grid, we can reach our load
Energy Investment Payback Profit demand very easily. Also it leads to rapid growth in
Sources Period(Yrs) industrial sector which plays a vital role in economic and
in Rs ( Rs)
power sector progress of the country.
Henceforth it is shown that usage of renewable energy
sources from small scale to large scale is of very much
Solar 223496.28 17.9 88565.4
important and profitable. And Provision for suitable
Government subsidy may attract all class of people hence
Solar & 148018.99 11.86 163831.0 mother earth can be saved. The vision of this paper is to
Wind make the households comfortable which are remotely
located and commercial buildings which are paying a fatty
bill with the independent hybrid generation.
From the results shown in table 3 and 4 we come to know The same work can be simulated using software for
that there is decrease in payback period with hybrid system estimation purpose and could be calculated for various
compared to stand alone solar system installation. In this percentage combinations of hybrid energy as per the
calculation it has been considered for 70% wind and 30% requirement of customers.
Solar for hybrid generation and taken the current tariff of
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Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012)
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