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Miscellaneous education

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Formal education is a structured educational paths and tiered consisting of early childhood education,
elementary education, secondary education and higher education. Formal education consists of formal
education state schools and private status of formal education

Organizing educational unit

· Kindergarten (TK)

· Raudatul RA (RA)

· Elementary School (SD)

· Islamic Elementary School (MI)

· Junior High School (SMP)

· MTs (MTs)

· High School (SMA)

· Madrasah Aliyah (MA)

· Vocational High School (SMK)

· Vocational Madrasah Aliyah (MAK)

· College

o Academy

o Polytechnic

o High School

o Institute

o University
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Non-formal education

Non-formal education is the path of education outside formal education can be structured and tiered.
The results of non-formal education can be appreciated on par with the results after a formal education
program through assessment of equivalency by the agency designated by the Government or Local
Government with reference to the national standard of education.

Organizing educational unit

· Group play (KB)

· Parks childcare (TPA)

· Institute courses

· Studio

· Training Institute

· Study groups

· Community learning centers

· Assembly taklim

And training courses organized for the people who require the provision of knowledge, skills, life skills,
and attitudes to develop themselves, to develop the profession, work, independent business, and / or
continuing education to a higher level.
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Informal education

Informal education is the path of family education and the environment in the form of self-directed
learning activities. Results of informal education recognized at the formal and non-formal education
after students pass the exam in accordance with national education standards.


· Religion

· Character

· Ethics

· Politeness

· Moral

· Socialization


· Family

· Environment

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