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1 1A present tense verb be[=, subject pronouns: |, you, etc. vs) | Contraction Tam your teacher. | I'm your teacher. Youare inroom 7. | You're in room 7. Mike, | He's Mike. is Hannah. | She's Hannah, Iisa school Ie'sa school We're students. You're in Class 2 They're teachers. ‘Weare student You are in Class 2 They are teachers. + Alwaysuuse a subject pronoun (you, he, ete) witha verb, eg. Itsaschool NOT tstsckool. They're tenchers. NOT aAreteaches. + Alwaysuse capital. e.g He's Mike and P1 Saly: NOT: FS: With other pronouns only use a capital etter when it's the first word inasentence + yoi=singular snd plural + Usehe fora man, she fora woman, and it fora thing. + Use they for people and things Contractions + Incontractions ‘=a missing leer, e.g, 'm =a. + Weuse contractions in conversation and in informal writing,e.g. an cemail toa friend, 1B present tense verb beLland Vmmot American, (4) 239) She isnt from London, They aren’ Spanish. Are yo Polish? Yes, fam, Is she Russian? No, she isn’t. Contraction Ym not Youaren't He/She /it isn't We aren't. Youaren't They aren't stalian. Spanish. British. + Put not after the verb bero make negatives. + You cam also contract are not and isnot like You're not Italian. She's mot Spanish 1€ possessive adjectives: my, your, etc. Tan ttalian, You're in level 1. He's the director. She's your teacher Iesa school. We'rean international school, | Our students. His name They're new students. + hi + their = of plural people or chings. ‘ofa man, her = ofa woman, its= ofa thing. + Possessive adjectives don’t change with plural nouns, our students NOT oursstudents | My family are from Rome. ‘Thisis your classroom, Michael Her name’s Tina. Tesmame is Queen’s School. om many different countries ‘Their names are David and Enna Am! freyou teneveherae | Serman? ree asia ‘Are you ree Are they ‘am. yaar Yer, [Neste tis. yo, yousre ‘they are. + Inquestions, put am, are is, before I, you, he, et. Areyou German? NOT Yorare German? Where are you ftom? NOT Where yon are from? + Don't ase contractions in positive shore answers Areyou Russian? Yes, Lam, NOT ¥en: it'sor its? Be careful with it's and its. van) itssitis ft'sa school its= possessive ts name is Queen's School GRAMMAR BANK 1A b> Write the sentences with contractions. a Complete with am, is, or are. Hei lie. Helstate, hut | This Friday. am Mike. 2 They arein school. a wee ed 3 Lamyery well. = otis early. 4 Youare in my class. 3 They teachers. ° ~~ 4 Today ‘weilaexday, € Write the sentences with a subject pronoun and a contraction, 5 1____sorry, ‘Mike and Hannahare students, They're students, ot hotel 1 Johnisinroom 5 — —_— 7 You imroom 402. 2 Samand Iareearly. - 8 She __astudent. 3 Juliaisa teacher = _ 9 Myname —___ Carla 4 The school is in Madrid, 101 inataxi. ies scion | teri 1 Use this thes for things near you (hee). > Kae en ene RT ee 2. Use that] hose fr things which arent neat you (ther) Ithapen Theyre perk + this|thor~ singular these) those= plural » iDowene elewht parnetar + this, dha, theseand those can be adjectives (his watch) or They tekeys. NOT Fhey'teakeye pronouns (What's this?) 2B adjectives When we use an adjective witha noun, the adjective goes before the noun: It’sa big house. NOT it'sa house big; ; Adjectives don't change before 2 plural noun: They're blue jeans ‘Y63)) NOT Phey-re blues jeans. Weean also use adjectives without a noun, after the verb be. We often use very and quite before adjectives a He’svery tall b He'squite tall € Heisn' very tall 1 The White Hous They're blue jeans. 2 Hes strong, Ieisnteasy. IsirAmerican? Is avery big city. She's quite smal 2C imperatives, let’s 1 Useimperativesto give orders or instructions. + [+] imperatives = verb (infinitive). [-] imperatives = don't + verb (infinitive) + Add please to be polite: Open the door, please 1 Open she door, Tarn right an) Don't worry. Don't stop. ct, please Pease sit down, ; steam abi eee + Don'tusca pronoun with imperatives: Beguit : 2 Use Let's + verb (infinitive) to make suggestions + Weoften use be + adjective in imperatives: Be quiet, Be careful, etc. Use Lets not + verb to make a negative suggestion: Ler’s not wait,

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