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Date: 23 June 2019 Grade/Class/Subject 1st and 2nd grade high school English

Unit Theme: Food Standards: Grade 9-10: Standard 7, Grade 11-12: Standard
7: Adapt language choices to purpose, task, and audience when speaking an writing

Lesson Objectives:
Content Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ESOLs will:
1. Be able to order food in English.
2. Be able to communicate their opinion about food to their home table

Language Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ESOLs will demonstrate increasing proficiency in
the performance of the following functions and their forms:

Function Form
(in –ing form, eg. “Retelling a story” ) (grammatical term and/or example, eg. “Past
Tense: ‘The boy went to see his grandfather;’”)

1)Ordering food from a menu Conditional: “I would like to eat pancakes.”

“What can I get for you?”

2) Asking opinions on foods Interrogation in simple past: “Did you like the


Vocabulary Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ESOLs will demonstrate an understanding of
the following vocabulary words:

Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary Cohesion Words

(new vocabulary to be explicitly taught (vocabulary that may need to be taught (vocabulary that may need to be taught
that is critical to an understanding of the or emphasized that is critical to or emphasized that link concepts in
content) participation in academic tasks, such as meaningful ways, such as conjunctions
“categorize”, “list”describe”) and time markers)
Order Before
Menu After
Restaurant Then
For here Next
To go
Front counter

Special Cross-Cultural Considerations for ESOLs: The way that they order in America is different
from how they order in Korea, so they will need to learn how to order.
Materials: We will need our Powerpoint slides, our worksheet, and candy. We will also need
markers because the students need more time to finish up making their menus in class.
Lesson Sequence (This may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate unique lesson plan

MOTIVATION: (Describe how you will build background and the specific strategies that you will use
to ensure the participation of ESOLs.)
The students will first be allowed to finish their menus, which will get them ready for the activity. We
will remind them of what the adjectives they learned last week were. After they finish their menus,
we will show them a video that talks about how American restaurants work, which will give them the
idea of how the activity for the lesson will go.
PRESENTATION: (Describe the specific techniques you will use to make your presentation of new
material comprehensible to ESOLs, to provide opportunities for interaction through appropriate
questioning, and to assess whether or not ESOLs are “getting it”.)
We will start with a powerpoint after we finish the video. We will explain American restaurant culture
and how to order. We will give them a worksheet, which will show them what the front counter says,
and then they will have to fill in what the customer will say. They will do a partner activity where one
student will act as the front counter and the other will act as the customer, and then they switch.
When they are the customer, they fill out what they will say. If they do not fill out what the customer
says, it will show that they are not getting it.
PRACTICE/APPLICATION: (Describe the activities you will use to allow for meaningful interaction
and practice using ALL language skills, the strategies you will use to ensure full participation by
ESOLs, and the techniques you will use to assess their success in the activities.)
We will then start our next activity. They go to another table and order from that table’s menu. After
that, they will go back to their table. After a student orders, they will receive a piece of candy so that
we can determine if they have ordered already. They will show us their paper, and we will see if they
have filled it out. We then repeat the activity a few times until all of the students get their candy, or
we run out of time. The students that did not receive any candy will get candy at the end of class if
they show us their paper. Looking at their worksheets will also determine how well they did in the
EXTENSION: (Describe additional follow-up activities you will use with ESOLs to address any areas
that you deem need further explanation or practice to ensure their mastery of the content and
language objectives.)
There is no extension to this lesson because this was an extension to the first lesson plan. We only
have two lesson plans so there will be no opportunity to take the idea of ordering in a restaurant any

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