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Biological Conservation 209 (2017) 263–272

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Conservation implications of long-distance migration routes: Regional

metapopulation structure, asymmetrical dispersal, and
population declines
Patricia Szczys a,⁎,1, Stephen A. Oswald b,1, Jennifer M. Arnold b,1
Department of Biology, Eastern Connecticut State University, 83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 06226, USA
Division of Science, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus, Tulpehocken Road, Reading, PA 19610, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Understanding and conserving metapopulations of long-distance migrants is challenging since breeding popula-
Received 10 October 2016 tion structure may not be delimited simply by geography, but also by migration or wintering distributions. We
Received in revised form 18 December 2016 present the first study of the relative importance of breeding, migration and wintering distributions for regional
Accepted 6 February 2017
metapopulation processes in breeding areas. Using a species for which life-history and demography are exten-
Available online xxxx
sively studied (common terns Sterna hirundo), we explored population genetics across eastern North America
to distinguish between these potential drivers of metapopulation structure, understand recent population de-
Dispersal clines in inland areas, and direct appropriate conservation efforts. We analyzed nuclear and mitochondrial
Common tern DNA to determine changes in population structure and dispersal over prehistoric, historical and contemporary
Great Lakes time at regional, sub-regional and local spatial scales. We found evidence for conservation-relevant, hierarchical
Metapopulations metapopulation structure within breeding areas: at (i) local and sub-regional scales resulting from restricted dis-
Population genetics persal distances, and (ii) between inland and coastal regions as a result of non-breeding distributions. Crucially, at
North America regional scales (ii), asymmetrical dispersal rates from inland to coastal colonies have increased ten-fold since the
Sterna hirundo
1960s, contributing to recent, largely-enigmatic inland population declines. Migrating inland common terns pass
over coastal colonies but the reverse is not true. Thus, asymmetrical dispersal from inland to coastal areas pro-
vides the first demonstration that migration routes, not wintering distributions, are drivers of breeding popula-
tion structure in the absence of physical barriers. Our results illustrate the conservation importance of this
determination for long-distance migrants: definitive evidence connecting metapopulation demographics to re-
gional population declines for common terns, previously only speculated at despite N 100 years of banding effort.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction landscape heterogeneity (Olsen et al., 2010; Pavlacky et al., 2012;

Sutherland et al., 2012), this can lead to a hierarchical metapopulations
Understanding demography of declining populations is of key im- (population structure and dispersal across multiple scales). Under-
portance for interpreting and addressing numerical declines (Lande, standing such hierarchical metapopulation structure is therefore essen-
1988; Frankham, 2005). Populations rarely exist in isolation, but instead tial to inform conservation priorities for declining regional populations.
as a metapopulations where they are in flux between extinction and Empirical demographic studies across metapopulations, such as
colonization and are connected by immigration and emigration multi-site capture-recapture (Lebreton et al., 2003), are logistically
(Hanski, 1991; Harrison, 1991). While classical metapopulations challenging for wide-ranging organisms, especially long-range migrants
(“Levins metapopulations”) are relatively rare for vertebrates with low rates of recruitment and widespread breeding distributions
(Fronhofer et al., 2012), groups of populations are commonly linked (Esler, 2000). Terns (Family Sternidae) are a good example of this chal-
by dispersal and thus exhibit predictable “metapopulation” dynamics lenge and while demographic studies have been achieved for small
at both local and regional scales that have important conservation im- metapopulations at small spatial scales (b40 km distant; Breton et al.,
plications (Hanski, 1998; Harrison, 1991). Since metapopulation pro- 2014; Palestis and Hines, 2015) and occasionally for distances of up to
cesses act at a variety of spatial scales and often in conjunction with 300 km (Spendelow et al., 1995), even these distances are relatively
small when compared to breeding dispersal documented from banding
recoveries (e.g. up to 950 km for common terns Sterna hirundo in North
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (P. Szczys),
America; Nisbet, 2002). Population genetics can be used instead to infer
(S.A. Oswald), (J.M. Arnold). both population connectivity and diversity (e.g. Bicknell et al., 2012;
All authors contributed equally to this work. Boutilier et al., 2014; Szczys et al., 2012). Moreover, analyses of gene
0006-3207/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
264 P. Szczys et al. / Biological Conservation 209 (2017) 263–272

flow in current, historical and prehistoric time can provide an important studied waterbird species, with an abundance of life-history and demo-
conservation tool for understanding dispersal between populations and graphic data. This is especially true in North America, where, in addition
prioritizing populations for conservation efforts (Dudaniec et al., 2011; to research (Nisbet, 2002; Nisbet et al., in press), colonies have been
Osborne et al., 2012; Welch et al., 2012). monitored regularly since the 1800s (Nisbet, 2002); regular compre-
Unfortunately, typical approaches for regional and landscape-scale hensive censuses of large areas have occurred since the 1960s (e.g.
population genetics (Manel and Holderegger, 2013) are not as simple Kress et al., 1983; Morris et al., 2010); banding has been ongoing since
to apply for long-distance migrants as for resident species (e.g., at least 1909 (Cleaves, 1913) [over 1.5 million common terns have
Pavlacky et al., 2012), chiefly because population structure cannot be now been banded and over 32,000 recoveries are available through
defined unequivocally based on geography or life stage (Esler, 2000). the USGS Bird Banding Laboratory (D. Bystrak and I. Nisbet pers.
This is especially true for seabirds and waterbirds, since often (but not comm.)], and recent tracking studies have used geolocators to delimit
always: e.g. Bicknell et al., 2012; Boutilier et al., 2014) barriers to dis- migration, staging and wintering areas of common terns breeding
persal are not static geography (e.g. land barriers, mountain ranges) across North America (Nisbet et al., 2011, in press; E. Craig, D. J.
but may be caused by ocean regimes (e.g. currents, fronts and mixing), Moore, A. Bracey and A. McKellar unpubl. data). However, like many
nonbreeding distributions, foraging distributions, and breeding phenol- other diverse avian taxa, they are wide-ranging, long-distance migrants
ogy (Friesen, 2015). In the absence of land barriers, nonbreeding distri- and thus little is known of their metapopulation demography at region-
butions have been implicated as the most important factor affecting al scales because of the logistical challenges described above.
population structure and dispersal for migratory seabirds (Friesen, We explore population genetics of breeding common terns across
2015; Friesen et al., 2007) and of importance for shorebirds eastern North America, from Lake St. Joseph, Kenora District, ON in
(Kraaijeveld, 2008) and landbirds (Kelly and Hutto, 2005). Nonbreeding the west to coastal Newfoundland in the east (a study area
distributions include migration routes and wintering areas, but the rel- spanning N 2500 km) to assess dispersal and metapopulation structure
ative extent to which each is driving population structure and dispersal that have direct relevance for conservation and management. We inves-
is currently unclear. Few studies differentiate between these life stages tigate changes in these metapopulation processes at regional
and explicitly investigate, or even speculate, on the potential influence (N1000 km), sub-regional (b400 km), and local (between sites,
of each on breeding populations. Breeding populations of Cassin's ~100 km+) spatial scales and across three temporal scales: contempo-
auklets (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) and black-browed albatrosses rary (2–3 generations), historical (5 + generations) and prehistoric
(Thalassarche melanophris) have been suggested as being structured ac- (thousands of years). Possible drivers of population structure include
cording to their distinct wintering distributions, although the degree to factors acting within the breeding distribution, on migratory routes, or
which migratory route might play a role is unclear (Burg and Croxall, at wintering grounds. Since the last glaciation, no formidable physical
2001; Wallace et al., 2015). The only previous studies to investigate mi- barriers have existed across our study area: common terns are able to
gration route are for Eurasian blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla), where there cross large expanses of open water (and even rest on water for up to
is evidence of influences of both wintering distribution and migration 11 h) (Nisbet et al., 2011), the area is permeated by an abundance of
route on population differentiation (Bearhop et al., 2005; Rolshausen lakes and rivers, and there are no large mountain ranges. Given that,
et al., 2009). However, in this case, blackcaps from distinct wintering we predict that any contemporary genetic structure among these
grounds also had distinct migration routes and thus it is not possible breeding populations will be the product of non-physical barriers, chief-
to distinguish the individual effects of migration route and wintering ly (i) species-specific limits to breeding dispersal distance (generally
distribution on genetic structure of these breeding populations. b40 km [Breton et al., 2014; Haymes and Blokpoel, 1978; Palestis and
Common terns are long-distance migratory waterbirds that main- Hines, 2015] but occasionally up to 950 km [Nisbet, 2002]) for local or
tain breeding colonies in coastal and inland regions across the temper- sub-regional structure, and (ii) differences in nonbreeding distribution
ate northern hemisphere and winter in temperate, subtropical and (either migration routes or wintering distributions) between coastal
tropical coasts of the southern hemisphere (Gochfeld et al., 2016). and inland breeders for regional structure. If migration routes are the
Banding and geolocator tracking data indicate that common terns most important driver of regional population structure, we predict
breeding on the Atlantic coast of North America migrate solely offshore asymmetrical dispersal from inland regions to the coast (since coastal
from the Atlantic coast (Austin, 1953; Nisbet et al., 2011). Migration breeders migrate only eastward of the Atlantic coast and thus potential
routes for inland breeders from the Great Lakes to Manitoba are gener- recruits do not encounter inland colonies). Conversely, if mixing in
ally inland to the west of the Florida Panhandle (Austin, 1953; Blokpoel overlapping wintering areas is most important, we expect symmetrical
et al., 1987) but a proportion of these birds also travel up the Atlantic dispersal to be evident. Identifying which parts of the annual cycle
coast (Austin, 1953). This latter route is confirmed by geolocator track- shape population structure would be a major step towards understand-
ing studies as important for inland breeders, especially during spring ing the factors behind ongoing population declines.
migration (Nisbet et al., in press). Atlantic coast breeding populations In summary, we explore the genetic evidence for metapopulation
are generally stable (Nisbet et al., in press) (despite declines within structure in this region across a range of spatial and temporal scales,
some areas; Palestis and Hines, 2015), however, region-wide declines examine the importance of dispersal during breeding, migration and
across Great Lakes populations have continued since the 1970s, by wintering stages in maintaining this structure, and implicate the poten-
18% overall and over 40% in Ontario (Morris et al., 2010, 2012). Further- tial factors behind observed temporal changes. So doing, we aim to for-
more, prevailing views that larger breeding populations in Manitoba ward our understanding of inland population declines and formulate
(36–39% of known North American population, Morris et al., 2012) conservation initiatives for this species. More broadly, we provide an
could compensate for these declines have been overturned by latest understanding of how non-breeding distributions can impact metapop-
census data that indicate a 57–67% decline in abundance within these ulation processes and illustrate how our approach can address conser-
populations in the last 20 years (Wilson et al., 2014). Significant popu- vation questions that remain unresolved, even for well-studied species.
lation declines over several decades for common terns are not unique
to North America as similar trends were reported in Germany, The 2. Materials & methods
Netherlands, Norway and inland Britain (Becker and Ludwigs, 2004;
Szostek and Becker, 2012). Thus, determining the factors that affect 2.1. Sampling and genotyping
population structure and dispersal across inland and coastal colonies
is of key importance for directing urgent conservation initiatives for Blood from 238 non-sibling, common tern chicks was collected fol-
common terns in inland North America and can inform similar strate- lowing methods of Szczys et al. (2012) at 12 sites throughout the north-
gies in Europe. Moreover, common terns are one of the most widely eastern United States and southern Canada between 2008 and 2012, at
P. Szczys et al. / Biological Conservation 209 (2017) 263–272 265

both inland and coastal colonies (Fig. 1, Table S1.1: Appendix 1 Supple- extremely high frequency of null alleles in all populations (Chapuis
mentary data, SD). Although 13 colonies were visited, because of small and Estoup, 2007). The remaining loci were estimated to harbor null al-
sample size (b10 per colony) and close proximity (b 50 km) samples leles in a range of frequencies (0.00–0.29) with no general pattern by
for two colonies in Lake Michigan (St. Ignace and Hog Shoals, Fig. 1) locus or site.
were pooled for all analyses. Samples from colonies on two separate Cytochrome-b variation was described by the probability that two
navigational buoys in the St. Lawrence River (within b2 km of one an- randomly chosen haplotypes in a population are different (haplotype
other) were also pooled. Genotypes for all individuals (number per diversity, h), the mean number of nucleotide differences between two
site [n] = 11–24) were obtained for six microsatellite markers: RBG sequences (nucleotide diversity, π), and the degree of selective neutral-
13, 27, and 28 (Given et al., 2002), AAT 20 and 27 and AAC 20 (Szczys ity (Tajima's D and Fu's F) using ARLEQUIN 3.5 (Excoffier and Lischer,
et al., 2005), following methods of Szczys et al. (2012). One mitochon- 2010).
drial DNA (mtDNA) marker was also assessed: a 464 bp fragment of
the cytochrome-b gene, sequenced following methods of Boutilier et
al. (2014). Although microsatellites measure genetic variation across 2.3. Population structure between sites
only a few generations (see below), mtDNA (such as cytochrome-b)
represents genetic variation accumulating over thousands of years. Several analyses were conducted to describe the genetic structure of
populations across the sampled region. For microsatellite data, we used
2.2. Genetic variation between sites estimates of FST and Jost's D, Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA),
Isolation by Distance (IBD), and Bayesian clustering analysis. FST and
Allelic richness (a measure of genetic diversity) was calculated for Jost's D were estimated for all pairs of populations to estimate the de-
each site standardizing to a sample size of 10 individuals using FSTAT gree of population differentiation. (Goudet, 2001). We tested all loci to assess violations of assump- FST values were estimated based on the EM algorithm of Dempster et
tions of linkage equilibrium and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) al. (1977) to correct for the presence of null alleles (null allele frequency
using the Exact Test implemented in GenePop 4.2 (Raymond and was estimated using FreeNA; Chapuis and Estoup, 2007). Analysis by
Rousset, 1995). None of the 120 pairwise tests (12 sites × 10 pairs of FreeNA indicated no biologically meaningful effect of possible null al-
loci) for linkage disequilibrium were significant (P b 0.009). We used leles on the global (0.046 uncorrected versus 0.047 corrected) or any
the conservative B-Y correction of critical P-value for all analyses that pairwise FST value after correcting for the presence of null alleles
included multiple pair-wise comparisons (Narum, 2006). We removed (Table S1.2) so further analysis was conducted on uncorrected genotype
locus RBG27 from further analysis because FreeNA analysis suggested data.

Fig. 1. Location of sampling sites (ABBREVIATION [designated Sub-region for analysis, see text]; n = number of individuals; latitude, longitude): Lake St. Joseph, Kenora District, Ontario
(ONT [BOR]; n = 11; 51°05′ N, 90°38′ W); St. Ignace Pier, St. Ignace, Michigan (MI [UGL]; n = 10; 45°52′ N, 84°43′ W) and Hog Island Reef Shoals, Lake Michigan (MI [UGL]; n = 8; 45°49′
N, 85°18′ W); Henry Island, North Channel of Lake Huron, Ontario (LH [UGL]; n = 23; 45°55′ N, 82°47′ W); Young Squaw Island, Northeastern Manitoulin, Ontario (YS [UGL]; n = 24;
45°51′ N, 81°27′ W); Gull Island, Presqu'ile Provincial Park, Ontario (PR [LGL]; n = 24; 43°59′ N, 77°45′ W); Tommy Thompson Park, Toronto, Ontario (TT [LGL]; n = 23; 43°38′ N,
79°20′ W); Little Island, Oneida Lake, New York (OL [LGL]; n = 23; 43°14′ N, 76°00′ W); Upper St. Lawrence River, New York (SLR [SLR]; n = 20; 44°46′ N, 75°23′ W); Bird Island,
Marion, Massachusetts (BI [USCoast]; n = 24; 41°40′ N, 70°43′ W); Pettit Island, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey (PI [USCoast]; n = 24; 39°40′ N, 74°11′ W); Country Island, Tor Bay, Nova
Scotia (CI [CACoast]; n = 11; 45°09′ N, 61°27′ W); and O'Donnells Lagoon, O'Donnells, Newfoundland (OD [CACoast]; n = 13; 47°04′ N, 53°34′ W).
266 P. Szczys et al. / Biological Conservation 209 (2017) 263–272

AMOVA was evaluated by in GenAIEx 6.5.01 (Peakall and Smouse, longitudinal partitioning of populations into categorized sub-regions
2012, 2006) to explore the partitioning of genetic variation within and (Fig. 3b).
among sites across the sampled region. Pairwise φST values based on cytochrome-b variation resulted in no
IBD was evaluated by the Isolde option (Rousset, 2000) in GenePop significant differences between sub-regions (Table 1) or between inland
4.2 (Raymond and Rousset, 1995) and regression analysis in GenAnIEx and coastal regions (φST = 0.004, P = 0.23) indicating weak population
6.5.01. structure in prehistoric time. The star-like shape of the minimum
Lastly, we used Bayesian clustering analysis implemented by Struc- spanning network of 14 cytochrome-b haplotypes (Fig. S1.1) suggests
ture 2.3.4 (Pritchard et al., 2000) to estimate the number of genetic clus- a recently-expanding population.
ters (K) represented in the data. We followed the methods of
Puechmaille (2016) to ensure accurate estimate of K considering un-
even sampling among sites (n = 11–24) by calculating MedianMeanK, 3.2. Contemporary and historical dispersal among regions and sub-regions
MaximumMeanK, MedianMedianK, and MaximumMedianK along with
the posterior probability for each K and delta K as reported by STRUC- Analysis of m (proportion of a population consisting of individuals
TURE HARVESTER (Earl, 2012) and Clumpak (Kopelman et al., 2015) from another population per generation) between inland and coastal
(see Appendix 2 for details). We use the maximum value of the four pa- regions indicated high rates of dispersal from inland colonies to coastal
rameters above as estimates of the true number of clusters in the data. colonies, but no detectable dispersal (95% CI overlaps zero) in the oppo-
For mtDNA, genetic structure was explored by examining popula- site direction (Fig. 3, Table 2). Historical dispersal rates were ten-fold
tion differentiation based on the cytochrome-b gene characterized by lower but the signature of inland to coastal directional dispersal was
φST pairwise values in ARLEQUIN 3.5 (Excoffier and Lischer, 2010). Ad- still apparent (Fig. 3, Table 2).
ditionally, the minimum spanning network was generated in PopArt Sub-region Bayesian analysis was consistent across all iterations
v1.7 (; Bandelt et al., 1999). This network is a (Fig. 3, Table S1.4) and indicated significant and asymmetrical dispersal
visual representation of the mutational relationship between different rates from Lower Great Lakes sub-region [LGL] to (i) Boreal [ONT] and
haplotype sequences and represents the frequency of each haplotype (ii) St. Lawrence River [SLR] but not to the coastal regions. Significant bi-
at each site. directional dispersal was noted only among Lower Great Lakes [LGL]

2.4. Contemporary and historical dispersal among regions and sub-regions

Table 1
Measures of population differentiation between six sub-regions during (a) contemporary
We used BAYESASS 3.3 (Wilson and Rannala, 2003) to infer m (the time: Pairwise uncorrected FST values (below diagonal) and D values (above diagonal);
proportion of a population consisting of individuals from another popu- and (b) during prehistoric time: Pairwise φST values. All FST values are significantly differ-
lation, per generation) as a measure of contemporary dispersal (gene ent between sites with B-Y correction for multiple tests (P b 0.02); all others: significant
differences between sites (with B-Y correction for multiple tests) are indicated in bold at
flow within the past 2–3 generations) (i) between inland (all inland
the P b 0.01 level and by * at the P = 0.025 level. Shading indicates sub-regions in the
sites) and coastal (all coastal sites) regions and (ii) among six sub-re- coastal region.
gions (Boreal Ontario [BOR], Upper Great Lakes [UGL], Lower Great
Lakes [LGL], Saint Lawrence River [SLR], US Atlantic Coast [USCoast], a) BOR UGL LGL SLR USC CAC
Canadian Atlantic Coast [CACoast]; Fig. 1). These six sub-regions were
chosen based on proximity and shared geographic locale. BAYESASS BOR - 0.09 0.06* 0.10 0.13 0.12
uses a Bayesian approach and MCMC to infer m over the last few (gen-
erally 2–3) generations (see Appendix 2 for analysis parameters). UGL 0.028 - 0.03 0.12 0.07 0.07
Estimation of historical dispersal (gene flow occurring N 5 genera-
tions previously) (i) among regions and (ii) between inland and coastal LGL 0.021 0.011 - 0.08 0.10 0.09
regions was achieved using Migrate-n (Beerli, 2006) (see Appendix 2).
SLR 0.040 0.040 0.029 - 0.10 0.08
3. Results
USC 0.049 0.024 0.036 0.040 - 0.04
3.1. Regional and sub-regional scale population structure
CAC 0.037 0.022 0.029 0.031 0.013 -
Between inland and coastal regions, weak but significant population
structure was found at the regional scale (FST = 0.013 and D = 0.06;
P = 0.001). At the sub-regional scale, differentiation was stronger but
still low-to-moderate (FST = 0.011–0.049 and D = 0.06–0.13; all
P b 0.03), with generally the largest differentiation occurring between b) BOR UGL LGL SLR USC CAC
inland and coastal sub-regions (Table 1). At local scales (between indi-
vidual sites), differentiation was more variable (FST = 0.016–0.088 and BOR
D = 0.01–0.41; Table S1.2). Analysis of Molecular Variance confirmed
hierarchical population structure that varied from weak-to-moderate, UGL 0.052
being weaker at larger spatial scales: 84% of genetic variation was repre-
sented within individuals, 11% within sites, 4% among sites, and only 1% LGL 0.044 0.004
among regions.
For IBD analysis, linear geographic distance did not predict popula-
SLR 0.009 -0.024 -0.014
tion differentiation either when FST or D were considered (both R2 =
0.02; P = 0.12). Bayesian clustering analysis supported either three
USC 0.015 0.012 0.030 -0.040
clusters (groups of individuals between which gene flow is obstructed;
K = 3, Fig. S1.4, using the method of Evanno et al., 2005) or a maximum
CAC 0.101 -0.014 0.032 -0.020 0.023
of four clusters (Table S1.3, using the newer method of Puechmaille,
2016). The four clusters partitioned the UGL and LGL sub-regions
(Fig. 2) and both three and four cluster diagrams did indicate a weak
P. Szczys et al. / Biological Conservation 209 (2017) 263–272 267

Fig. 2. Three and four genetic clusters (K = 3 and K = 4) inferred through Bayesian clustering analysis in Structure. Each cluster is represented by a different color. Each column represents
an individual's proportional membership in each cluster. Individuals are ordered by sampling site and bars delineate sub-regions (Figs. 1 and 3).(For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

and Upper Great Lakes [UGL] sub-regions and was higher for contempo- determine the impacts of hierarchical metapopulation structure on
rary time periods. spatial demography and population trends.

3.3. Genetic diversity 4.1. Drivers and conservation relevance of regional scale structure

Genetic variability and gene diversity were high in all sites: allelic Use of discrete areas outside of the breeding season can be a mech-
richness ranged from 4.8 to 6.4 per locus (mean 5.2) and HE ranged anism that promotes genetic structure of breeding populations (Esler,
from 0.66 to 0.76 (mean = 0.71; Table 1). Fourteen cytochrome-b 2000; Friesen, 2015; Friesen et al., 2007). The relative importance of mi-
haplotypes were characterized (GenBank Accession numbers forth- gration routes or wintering grounds for genetic structure has yet, how-
coming). Nine of 14 haplotypes were unique to one site each and ever, to be determined. Our results show that asymmetrical dispersal
the most frequent haplotype was common to all regions (Fig. S1.1). through existing migration routes, rather than mixing in wintering
Haplotype and nucleotide diversity (π) were generally higher within areas, drives contemporary, regional-scale differentiation between
the Great Lakes sub-regions (UGL, LGL) than in Boreal Ontario or breeding populations of common terns in eastern North America.
Coastal sub-regions, suggesting that the Great Lakes sites are the Weak population structure between inland and coastal sites in Eastern
oldest populations. North America (FST = 0.013), can be explained by increased asymmet-
rical dispersal from inland sites to the coastal regions between historical
4. Discussion (N 5 generations, prior to ~1960) and contemporary time (2–3 genera-
tions, since ~ 1990 based on a generation time of 10 years; Sæther et
We found metapopulation connectivity for common terns at all al., 2013; Fig. 3). Mixing at wintering grounds, which would produce
scales explored: local (between sites, ~ 100 km +), sub–regional symmetrical dispersal, is therefore not a driver of the current population
(b400 km) and regional (N1000 km, inland versus coastal). The structure for North American common terns.
existence of such hierarchical metapopulation structure is a situation Our results clearly demonstrate a recent, ten-fold increase in dis-
rarely reported for birds, but described for fish in freshwater habitats persal rates from our Great Lakes and other inland colonies to colonies
as a consequence of dispersal at two different scales (Olsen et al., along the Atlantic coast between historical and contemporary time pe-
2010; Roberts et al., 2013). In the same way, common terns in eastern riods. During the same period, there was a relatively constant and
North America exhibit local-scale breeding dispersal, rarely exceeding much lower rate of dispersal in the opposite direction (Table 2, Fig. 3),
40 km from natal site (Breton et al., 2014; Haymes and Blokpoel, which matches all analyses of banding returns between these areas:
1978; Palestis and Hines, 2015), which we confirm but also find strong more terns banded in the Great Lakes have been recorded on the coast
evidence for regional dispersal as a consequence of non-breeding than vice versa (Austin, 1953; Haymes and Blokpoel, 1978; Blokpoel
distributions. Dispersal among freshwater fish populations is influenced and Courtney, 1982; Cuthbert et al., 2003; Nisbet et al., in press).
by physical habitat: locally by linear habitats (rivers) and long-distance This asymmetrical movement from inland to coastal areas parallels
through lakes (Olsen et al., 2010; Roberts et al., 2013). However, continued declines in nesting numbers and breeding sites in inland
for long-distance migrants such as common terns (for which no North America, particularly the Great Lakes where numbers of breeding
discernable physical barriers to dispersal exist) our results indicate common terns have declined by an average of 18% since the 1970s (as
underlying constraints to be more behavioral, acting in non-breeding high as N40% in some areas; Morris et al., 2010, 2012). Across the
areas to drive regional-scale structure and in breeding areas to drive Great Lakes, both breeding abundance and distribution have contracted
structure at sub-regional and local scales. Further, only by assessing since the 1960s, with the most rapid reductions occurring prior to 2000
genetic differences and variation at multiple scales are we able to (Morris et al., 2010, 2012). This is in contrast to the generally stable or
P. Szczys et al. / Biological Conservation 209 (2017) 263–272
Fig. 3. Bayesian estimates of contemporary (2–3 generations, dotted line) and historical (N5 generations, solid line) dispersal between (a) inland and coastal regions (dotted ellipses), and (b) among six subregions (solid ellipses): Boreal [BOR], Upper
Great Lakes [UGL], Lower Great Lakes [LGL], St. Lawrence River [SLR], US Coast [USCoast], and CA Coast [CACoast]. Individual sites are indicated and correspond to those labeled in Fig. 1. Mean (contemporary) or median (historical) proportion of focus
population that are migrants from another population (L95% CI - U95% CI) are only presented when m equals or exceeds either 0.05 (contemporary) or 0.04 (historical). See Table S1.2 for values for all comparisons. Thickness of arrow indicates relative
magnitude of dispersal.
P. Szczys et al. / Biological Conservation 209 (2017) 263–272 269

Table 2 Furthermore, breeding declines for common terns are greatest within
Estimates of (a) contemporary and (b) historical migration between inland regions (eight the most heavily-developed watersheds, such as the shores of Lakes
sites) versus coastal regions (four sites) from Bayesian analysis of microsatellites. Lower
and upper 95% confidence intervals are shown, respectively. Data indicate significant
Erie and Ontario (Morris et al., 2012, 2010).
and asymmetrical migration (m) during both historical and contemporary time periods.
Historical migration rate (M) was converted to m for ease of comparison. Asymmetrical
gene flow is indicated by bold values in region contributing migrants to another region.
4.2. Drivers and conservation relevance of sub-regional and local scale
Migration from
Inland region Coastal region
Significant differentiation (albeit low-to-moderate; FST: 0.01 to 0.05)
To m 95% CI m 95% CI also exists between sub-regions. This represents a dramatic change
a from prehistoric panmixia (Tables 1, S1.2), indicating greater barriers
Inland 0.99 0.98 1.01 0.01 −0.01 0.02 to dispersal across inland North America as a result of broader distribu-
Coast 0.16 0.07 0.25 0.84 0.75 0.93
tions and/or habitat fragmentation. This is consistent with contempo-
b rary views that common tern breeding colonies persist as local
Inland – – – 0.010 0.003 0.012 metapopulations across several proximate colonies, with little breeding
Coast 0.017 0.015 0.024 – – –
dispersal beyond distances exceeding 40 km (Breton et al., 2014;
Haymes and Blokpoel, 1978; Palestis and Hines, 2015). For our sub-re-
gional analysis, we pooled these structured local metapopulations into
larger sub-regions (150–400 km) likely diluting the signal of this differ-
entiation, explaining why it was only moderate at most. Indeed, pair-
wise FST values between sites (Table S1.2a) generally support stronger
increasing population trajectories of the majority (but not all; Burger
differentiation except for adjacent sites, however because pair-wise
and Gochfeld, 2016; Palestis and Hines, 2015) of the Atlantic coast
site comparisons include distant sites as well as local ones values in
(Nisbet et al., in press). Thus, movement away from Great Lakes
Table S1.2 are more variable. Since structure at both sub-regional and
breeding areas is further exasperating inland population declines in
local scales results from the same mechanism (restricted breeding
this and other inland regions (Morris et al., 2012, 2010; Wilson et al.,
dispersal distances), we limit further discussion of these scales to sub-
regional results only because these show more consistent trends. Our
Our mtDNA analyses suggest population expansion and near-
finding of metapopulations at this scale is consistent with that common-
panmixia for common terns in prehistoric time. This matches that
ly reported or assumed for both landbirds and seabirds (Esler, 2000;
of similar species and has been interpreted as expansion from previ-
Munilla et al., 2016; Oro, 2003).
ous glacial refugia during the last ice age (Oomen et al., 2011).
At the sub-regional level, we find that terns are also dispersing away
Furthermore, haplotype diversity and distribution indicates the
from the areas of high habitat degradation. Lower Great Lakes colonies
Lower Great Lakes to be the oldest population since this recoloniza-
appear to be supplying immigrants to the rapidly expanding St. Law-
tion (Fig. S1.1). This result supports the proposal by Arnold et al.
rence River colonies (mainly artificial sites, managed against flooding
(2016) that freshwater breeding grounds represent ideal habitat
and competition, L. Harper pers. comm.) and the more pristine, boreal
for this species.
sites (Fig. 3). Such large-scale emigration helps to explain why Lower
The large increase in asymmetrical dispersal rates and migration to
Great Lakes common terns have exhibited disproportionally high rates
coastal areas between historical and contemporary time periods sug-
of decline (Morris et al., 2010). We also report a history of bidirectional
gests a degradation in the suitability of this freshwater habitat concom-
movement between the Upper and Lower Great Lakes colonies (which
itant with anthropogenic land-use changes and increases in human
was previously not detected because of limited banding returns;
population densities along many shorelines, especially in the Lower
Haymes and Blokpoel, 1978) that has intensified with time (Fig. 3,
Great Lakes. Predominant factors reducing the suitability of inland
Table S1.4), suggesting reduced philopatry as a result of habitat
breeding sites for common terns are high levels of predation, interspe-
cific competition for nest sites, and high water levels leading to flooding
of nests or colony sites and forcing larger, denser breeding colonies that
are more attractive to predators and can suffer negative density depen- 4.3. Genetic diversity and spatial demography
dence (Cuthbert et al., 2003; Nisbet et al., in press). Predation, or the
presence of potential predators, is probably the most common cause All sampled populations, both in inland and coastal regions, exhibit-
of large-scale reproductive failure and colony abandonment at inland ed high genetic variability (HE = 0.66 to 0.76) and gene diversity similar
locations (Cuthbert et al., 2003) and colony productivity is generally to that found for black terns Chlidonias niger in Europe (HE = 0.55 to
much lower (below estimated replacement: N 1 chick fledged per pair; 0.74; Szczys et al., 2016) but greater than found previously for common
DiCostanzo, 1980) across inland colonies than in coastal colonies terns in Europe (HE = 0.35 to 0.038; (Sruoga et al., 2006) or for a range
(Nisbet et al., in press). Additionally, major population expansion by of tern species across North America (HE = 0.28 to 0.76; Boutilier et al.,
ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis) that occurred throughout the 2014; Draheim et al., 2012; Miller et al., 2013). Although at first glance,
Great Lakes between 1976 and 1990 (Morris et al., 2011) precludes Great Lakes populations are not sufficiently differentiated from coastal
common terns from favored nesting areas (Courtney and Blokpoel, populations to warrant protective legislation from genetic distinctness
1983; Cuthbert et al., 2003; Morris and Hunter, 1976). Flooding impacts alone, for example as a race or subspecies (c.f. Szczys et al., 2012), the
can then be exasperated as terns are pushed to nest in suboptimal hab- asymmetrical movement we document represents an erosion of inland
itats (Courtney and Blokpoel, 1983; Cuthbert et al., 2003). Substantial populations in North America and has important conservation implica-
changes in forage fish abundance and the presence of toxic pollutants tions (see below). Furthermore, causes of extinction are generally deter-
in fish and bird tissues during the period of rapid population declines ministic (e.g. habitat loss, exploitation) or stochastic (e.g. demographic,
(Fox, 2001; Gilbertson et al., 1976) may also have impacted populations environmental) (Duncan and Blackburn, 2007; Simberloff, 1986) rather
of common terns throughout the Great Lakes. All these factors contrib- than genetic. Thus, while the levels of gene flow are currently sufficient
ute to the degradation of habitat suitability for terns (hereafter “habitat to avoid harmful genetic effects (e.g. inbreeding depression), they are
degradation”) and are affected by human activities, either directly (e.g. unlikely to reverse current rates of decline in the Great Lakes
regulated water levels in Lakes Ontario and Superior) or indirectly (e.g. (−1.04%/year basin-wide), especially in Ontario where this rate is al-
artificially elevated populations of mammalian predators). most double (Morris et al., 2010).
270 P. Szczys et al. / Biological Conservation 209 (2017) 263–272

5. Conservation implications regional banding recoveries (Courtney and Blokpoel, 1983; Haymes and
Blokpoel, 1978), despite being vital to inform appropriate conservation
We show that for long-distance migrants, seasonal migration routes strategies (Cuthbert et al., 2003; Morris et al., 2012). Our results confirm
can be responsible for regional-scale population differentiation and lead the fears of Morris et al. (2012) that, barring a reverse in the population
to hierarchical metapopulation structure. Thus, an understanding of mi- trends that have persisted over the last 40 years, the long-term viability
gration patterns can be used to predict population trends and direct crit- of Great Lakes common terns is in jeopardy, even without considering
ical conservation decisions. Our study highlights the importance of projected changes in average water levels and ice cover under forecast
discriminating between the influence of barriers to dispersal within climate scenarios (Gronewold et al., 2013; Trumpickas et al., 2009)
breeding areas, migration routes and wintering distributions to formu- and any possible impacts on habitat and species-interactions. Freshwa-
late regional-scale conservation efforts. In our study, dispersal of birds ter colonies are the major stronghold for common tern populations
from two breeding regions (inland and coastal) that differed in their mi- globally (Wetlands International, 2006), the ancestral population center
gration routes was asymmetrical and therefore contributed to inland in North America (Fig. S1.1), and may be this species' historically ideal
population declines. Summaries of recent tracking data using attached habitat (Arnold et al., 2016; Fig. S1.1) further underscoring the need to
geolocators (Nisbet et al., in press), has expanded our understanding protect these colonies. As yet, no legislation exists in Ontario, which
of why banding returns from Great Lakes breeders are more common now supports the majority of the Great Lakes breeding population and
from Atlantic coast areas than vice-versa (Austin, 1953; Haymes and which has undergone the largest declines of this region (Morris et al.,
Blokpoel, 1978; Blokpoel and Courtney, 1982; Cuthbert et al., 2003). 2012) and we urge that provincial protection be considered for com-
These seasonal migration tracks of almost 50 breeders from five inland mon terns in this province (Morris et al., 2012, 2010; Wilson et al.,
colonies indicate that the spring migration routes from Great Lakes' 2014). We also support stronger efforts throughout inland areas to im-
breeders often passed close to Atlantic coast breeding colonies (Nisbet prove habitat suitability and bolster the widespread poor reproductive
et al., in press; E. Craig, D. J. Moore, A. Bracey and A. McKellar unpubl. output of colonies within inland regions (Nisbet et al., in press) through
data). However, Atlantic coast breeders were never close to the Great successful methods (e.g. Blokpoel et al., 1997; Morris et al., 1992; Quinn
Lakes' colonies on migration. We propose that asymmetrical dispersal et al., 1996) and to increase colonies to sizes that do not require exten-
to coastal sites in our study was caused by large numbers of first-time sive management (e.g. against predators; Hernández-Matías et al.,
breeders (e.g. Bicknell et al., 2014), or even established breeders, not 2003), before population sizes are so low that recovery is not possible.
returning to inland areas of eastern North America. Instead, a propor- Given our detection of hierarchical metapopulation structure, the
tion of these birds recruited to coastal Atlantic colonies near to their mi- noted tendency of inland breeding common terns to use temporally-un-
gration route rather than returning to degraded inland colonies. stable breeding habitats (Burson, 1990; Shugart and Scharf, 1983), and
Since major migration routes appear inflexible for common terns, the few natural sites that have a long-term history of occupancy
being utilized since before the end of the last ice-age (Austin, 1953), dis- (Morris et al., 2010), local scale management must focus on multiple
persal along migration routes has three important implications for con- appropriate sites within ~ 40 km of one another, rather than single
servation efforts. Firstly, despite management efforts that successfully colonies, to build back up the regional population.
restore colonies at sub-regional scales (e.g. St. Lawrence River colonies,
L. Harper pers. comm.), future dispersal from coastal-to-inland areas is Role of the funding source
unlikely to be sufficient to reverse inland population declines because
birds that breed along the Atlantic coast do not pass near inland colonies CSU-AAUP Faculty Research Grants to PS and various internal grants
during their seasonal migrations (Austin, 1953; Nisbet et al., 2011; Fig. from Penn State University to JMA funded all molecular analysis and
3). Secondly, since other inland populations that also use the same in- most field sample collection.
land migration routes (Nisbet, 2002; Nisbet et al., in press; Wilson et
al., 2014) are declining they are unlikely to provide demographic rescue Acknowledgements
for birds breeding in the Great Lakes. Thirdly, over time declining inland
populations will become increasingly differentiated and isolated, which We thank colleagues who contributed samples to this study includ-
has potential negative implications for genetic diversity and persistence. ing Francie Cuthbert, Lee Harper, Dave Moore, Brian Palestis, Cynthia
Taken together with other evidence: (i) banding studies that suggest Pekarik, Erin Roche, Charles Smith and Sabina Wilhelm. We also thank
longer-range dispersal events for common terns breeding in the Great the following for their assistance in the field: Jessica Amenta, Jane
Lakes than in coastal areas Austin, 1953, Haymes and Blokpoel, 1978, Graves, Lee Harper, Dave Moore, Carolyn Mostello, Milo Richmond,
Blokpoel and Courtney, 1982, Cuthbert et al., 2003, Nisbet et al., in Erin Roche, Charles Smith and Chip Weseloh; and Peter Castagna, Erin
press), (ii) high gene flow between colonies in Minnesota and Wiscon- Conn, and Mackenzie Robert for assistance in laboratory work. We are
sin (Burson, 1990) and high turnover of breeding colonies in the Great grateful to two anonymous reviewers whose comments improved the
Lakes (Morris et al., 2010); and (iii) differences in demography and initial manuscript.
physiology at inland colonies (Arnold et al., 2016; Arnold and Oswald,
2013); our results indicate strong demographic differences between in-
Appendix A. Supplementary data
land common terns and their coastal counterparts, that exhibit stable,
local metapopulations with little sub-regional movement (Breton et
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://dx.
al., 2014; Palestis and Hines, 2015). As other authors have contended
(Burson, 1990; Courtney and Blokpoel, 1983; Cuthbert et al., 2003),
such sub-regional demographics and lower site tenacity (Haymes and
Blokpoel, 1978) may result from the use of temporally-unstable breed- References
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