Transcript of Vietnamese Language Origin

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Transcript of Vietnamese Language Origin

Background photo by t.shigesa

Vietnamese Language

What is the Vietnamese Language?

0"Vietnamese" language is the official language spoken by Vietnamese

o "Quoc Ngu " meaning Vietnamese language is what it is called in


0 Now and days, The Vietnamese alphabet used is made up of additional

diacritics for tones and certain letters
3 Origins of
Vietnamese language
Chu Nho
0 Was first written in the 9th century
Chu Nom
o In the 13th century, a poet by the name
of Nguyen Thuyen was said to be responsible for

Spreading and popularizing Chu nom

o In the system, Chinese characters were borrowed and
altered although they still are like Chinese Characters.
Quoc Ngu
o Is the term used for the official language of

Vietnamese people.
o Was developed around the 17th century when Catholic
missionaries developed a romanized script to represent the
"Quoc Ngu" in order to it to be translated into prayers books or
o Vietnamese was originally written in a Chinese like Script
Known as "Chu Nom".
o At first most vietnamese literature was essential in Chinese
structure and vocabulary
Father "Alexander de Rhodes"
o Father Alexander de Rhodes is a french Jesuit missionary
that worked in Vietnam

o He worked in the Country side of Vietnam from 1624-1644

o He is responsible for writing the Vietnamese catechism and publishing

the first Portuguese-Latin-Vietnamese dictionary.
French colonial rule
o From the beginning of the French colonial rule in the mid 19th century,
French was the Vietnam's official; language until the disband of the
South vietnamese government in 1975.
o The Vietnamese language contains a large amount of French
loanwords and place names.

o Words using French origin mostly relate to those of objects, food,

ONTOP: comparison between the
french and vietnamese language
ONTOP: Father Alexnader de Rhodes
The Roots of vietnamese
o Linguist have had a lot
of trouble from trying to classify
the origins of vietnamese,

o The roots of vietnamese are closely

related to those of the khmer language
(Cambodia) and other several areas of South
East Asia
Influence of Chinese
on the
Vietnamese Language
Influence of French on
vietnamese language
Han Tu
o Is the Vietnamese term for Chinese writing

o It was the only available method for writing

vietnamese until the 14th century

o It was used almost exclusively by the Chinese

educated Vietnamese elites.
Chinese Language
o Thousands of Chinese words have been incorporated
into the the Vietnamese language.

o Many of these words reflect on the nature of

the northern influence in which china dominated in the
early periods.
o Has not only influenced vietnamese language
Influence of America
on the Vietnamese Language
English and Vietnamese words
o Some words in vietnamese have the same pronunciation
as those in English
Example: "Taxi" in English is said as "tac xi"

o This shows that some words of the English language

has mixed in with the vietnamese language.
3 main dialects in Vietnam
Northern Vietnam
o "Tieng Bac"
o Has completely different pronunciation to the other dialects.
o Most words are the same though

Southern Vietnam
o Tieng Nam
o This is the dialect of most vietnamese
people in Australia
Central Vietnam
o "Tieng trung"
o This is not as common as the other two dialects
Language Characteristics

o Vietnamese is known as an "analytic" language

whicn means that it uses separate words to define
tense and gender.

o Vietnamese has often created new terms by forming

compound words from other languages.
Written form
o The modern vietnamese writing uses the Latin script words.

o It looks like English words but with symbols

resprsenting tone .
Vietnamese Tone Marks
Bibliography 2013. Chinese Language Influence. [online]
Available at:
Influence [Accessed: 17 Sep 2013].

Introduction to the Vietnamese language. 2013. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 17 Sep 2013].

Literary Chinese in Vietnam. 2013. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 17
Sep 2013].

The French influence on the Vietnamese language. 2013. [online]

Available at: [Accessed: 17 Sep

Vietnam and Vietnamese Culture. 2013. [online] Available at:
[Accessed: 17 Sep 2013].

Vietnamese americans. 2013. [online] Available at:
[Accessed: 17 Sep 2013].

Vietnamese Language. 2013. [online] Available at:
world/languages/tongues-of-the-world-vietnamese/ [Accessed: 17 Sep
Thank you for listening and
Watching! Hope you have all
enjoyed and learnt a thing or two!
By Jenny Tran

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