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Jakarta, April 1, 2019

Dear Parents,

Today, teens face with increased exposure to sexually-related material. Some teens have questions, but
they are afraid or ashamed to ask. This has resulted in many misconceptions and misunderstanding
about sex in their lives.

SLK, as a Christian school, believes that we have an important role to play with regard to educating our
children about sex and the potential consequences of engaging in risky behavior.

For that reason this Friday, 5th April 2019, we are going to conduct a Sex Education & Relationship
Seminar for Grade 7-11 students. The seminar will be conducted by 2 psychologists that have
experience in child development. (There will be separated classes for boys and girls). The workshop
will be conducted during school hour.

The seminar goal is to help students set up their purpose in life before they start having a special
relationship. This seminar will lead students to decide what the values that they should implement in
their lives, how they can make sure that they are in a healthy relationship, and how they can make a
good personal decision while facing bad influence from their friends.

As in all areas, parents are a child’s first and most influential teachers. Parents and schools share a
common goal: we want students of all ages to be healthy in all aspects of their lives. We encourage
you to ask your child what he or she is learning in sex education class and to make sure your child
knows what you believe is the best ways to lead a healthy life. Conversations you have with your child
about this topic will place the information they are receiving in workshop in the context of family values.
We hope that this workshop can be beneficial as a starting point for our teens to receive accurate
information regarding sex & relationship. Again, if you have any questions about the seminar, please
reach out to your child’s class adviser. To help parents with this, our psychologist will also conduct a
parents’ seminar

Date: Friday, 5th April 2019

Time: 8:00 – 09:30 AM

Venue: SLK Auditorium

Theme: How to talk to children about sex and relationship

Thank you for your kind attention.


Win Linoto

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