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Carmilo F. Flores and Lester M. Tañada


The dominance of the Filipinos in the adaptability of technology is now in the brink of
continuous clamoring for development. Now that the Internet has exploded in popularity on a
world wide scale, with a major component of its success (the World Wide Web) being developed
at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), it seems that it is important to look
back and take a deeper look on its existence (Segal, 1995) .

In the Philippine context, we might ask ourselves “who doesn’t have cell phones? Not
only a regular ones but of course android phones or smart phones that has the ability to connect
to the so called “Internet”. Majority of the faces in the Philippine population can be called as
Digital Natives who is ideally literate in terms of using the advancement of the technology.

Recently, an experimental post has been shown by Grade 12 HUMSS (Humanities and
Social Sciences) students of Recto Memorial National High School (School year 2017-2018)
who is trying to tell to its Netizens if ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) is
boon or bane. They clearly expressed its peak and downside.

Internet will definitely give us a great deal of anonymity while we are doing searches. We
must say that this always something available to everyone. Even the children at a young age are
also exposed to this feature on Earth. Moreover, the researchers are still very positive on the
availability of this function as we believe everything has its purpose.

Teachers are vital as part of the students’ learning. No one can replace teachers as the
best tool in facilitating learning. We cannot ignore the fact that there are times teachers need to
attend an activity that will sharpen their teaching skills. An example to that is the 18 days Mass
Training of Teachers that is relevant to their field of specialization which is indeed non-
negotiable for the newly hired teachers. The next question to that will be – who will cover for the
days that they will be gone? Do we have enough staffing to accommodate the learners who are in
need of attention especially their advisory class? Probably, the answer to that is – we are not sure
or it depends. What transpired on this research are the actual challenges that some may

The affected teachers devised a tool or a medium for the learners whereas they can still
reach out for inquiry and ask clarifying questions. The researchers have come up in creating a
Facebook page intended for the learners who have subjects for Practical Research 1: Research in
our Daily Life. The researchers also anticipated that there are some students who are limited on
the information as they might be living in a place wherein signal is not very good or probably
don’t have the gadget. Maybe there are students who have gadgets but don’t have enough money
to buy the load to accumulate data. Each class has their respective president alongside the sub-
leaders who also have a big role in letting their group mates informed on the task to do.

The need for online consultation for Practical Research 1 is necessary as it requires more
attention in making the learners at hand in developing their critical thinking skills. Looking at the
implementation of the K-12 program, most of them are research-based and Practical Research
will be their first step in making themselves as competent researchers.

As per DepEd Order 9, series of 2005 - Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-
on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith states that “The objective is to meet the required
number of school days in every school year and the time allotment for the different subjects in
every school day by lessening activities that take teachers and/or students away from the
classroom, maximizing the use of the time allotment for every subject, and reducing the
nonteaching duties of teachers.”
Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on Connectivism Learning Theory promoted by Stephen

Downes and George Siemens, called a Learning Theory for a digital age, it seeks to explain
complex learning in a rapidly changing social digital, technological and networked world, that
learning occurs through connections within networks. This study is linked in Siemen’s principles
of nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning and the ability
to see connections between fields, ideas and concepts is a core skill. Learning is no longer an
individualistic activity. Knowledge is distributed across networks, and connections within
networks lead to learning. This theory explains how Internet technologies have created new
opportunities for people to learn and share information across the World Wide Web, this
includes email, wikis, online discussion forums, social networks like Facebook, Youtube and any
other tool which enables the users to learn and share information with other people.
A key feature of Connectivism is that much learning can happen across peer
networks that take place online. In connectivist learning, a teacher will guide students to
information and answer key questions needed, in order to support students learning and sharing
on their own. Students are also encouraged to seek out information on their own online and
express what they find. A connected community around this shared information often results.
Connectivism has a direct impact on education and teaching as it works as a
learning theory. It asserts that learning in the 21st century has changed because of technology,
and therefore, the way in which we learned has changed, too. And today, the evolution of
different social media, specifically, Facebook paved the way for the realization of this
Connectivism Learning Theory in the teaching- learning process.

Research Questions

This study aimed to determine the perceptions of Grade 11 Practical Research students of
Recto Memorial National High School about online research consultations as an alternative
delivery mode. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What are the Grade 11 Practical Research students’ perception about online
research consultations as an alternative delivery mode?
2. How did the online research consultations help the Grade 11 Practical
Research students in the conduct of their research?

3. Based on the findings, is online research consultation effective as an
alternative delivery mode?

Scope and Limitations

The primary goal of this study is to determine the perceptions about online research
consultations as an alternative delivery mode of Grade 11 Practical Research students.
The research was limited to Grade 11 students from the Accountancy and Business
Management ( ABM) strand, Arts and Design strand, Industrial Arts strand and Home
Economics strand of Recto Memorial National High School for School Year 2017-2018.


The researcher used purposive sampling technique in the study. The study used
the 31 groups of Grade 11 Practical Research I students of Recto Memorial National High
School for School Year 2017-2018, Division of Quezon for the School Year 2017-2018 because
they are the one directly involved in the conduct of the study.

Data Collection

The methods used to collect data were online survey questionnaires which gathered
students’ perceptions online research consultations as an alternative delivery mode. The
researchers created the Facebook group, Practical Research I Files-LT and the Facebook Page,
RECTO (Research Enthusiasts’ Consultation through Online) at the start of the study. Verbatim
responses from the online surveys were coded and interpreted accordingly.

Review of the Related Literature and Studies

On the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, Information and Communication

Technology plays a very important role in the administrative functions as well as in the teaching
and learning process, as the former Deped Secretary Armin Luistro stated on the The Philippine
Star issue dated July 26, 2012. The rapid evolution of ICT is changing the face of education. It
has become an indispensable tool in enhancing the students’ learning capabilities. ICT is
certainly an effective tool that enables us to link various learning communities together in new
and different ways, (Tailor, 2000). It provides great possibilities for effective communication
between teachers and students in varying and innovative ways. Teachers who embrace ICT in
teaching provide meaningful and productive learning experiences through student- centered
classroom. It is important that schools fully implement ICT integration, to empower teachers in
the classroom respond to the call of the K-to-12 global education standard.
In a case study by the Intel Education entitled “Transforming Education in Rural
Philippines”, it discussed the effects of their program to help improve the quality of education
in the Philippines. Intel® Teach Program, Intel’s technology solution designed for rural
infrastructure that aims to overcome rural infrastructure barriers to deliver a rich, technology
and teacher-led educational experience, help teachers to better engage students from diverse

cultural and learning backgrounds, and improve educational outcomes to equip students for an
ICT enabled 21st century workplace. The case study reported that through technology that puts
interactive learning tools into students’ hands, and through the use of Micro server appliance,
such as tablets provides access to educational content, it significantly revealed the following
Education transformation through a holistic approach combining teacher development,
educational content, and appropriate technology.
Student engagement and achievement has increased. The school’s dropout rate is
down, graduation and promotion rates are up, and average National Achievement Test scores
have increased by 24 % since the technology program was introduced.
Parents and teachers are excited about the new opportunities. Parents believe access
to technology ensures their children a better future, while teachers are finding new satisfaction
and opportunity in their teaching.

Furthermore, results of the study stressed that, the new technology and new methods of
teaching helped engage students in learning, ensuring that they stayed in school.

In the case study of Hua Yi ,a Social Sciences Librarian, California State University
entitled “Individual Research Consultation Service: An Important Part of an Information
Literacy’, he stated that Individual Research Consultation Service (IRCS) has long played
an important role in teaching and assisting students to find information resources. Based on
a study of IRCS at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) Library, this article
discusses the important contributions IRCS has made to the information literacy (IL)
program. Using quantitative data and qualitative evidence, the article demonstrates how the
IRCS has supplemented and enhanced the formal IL program at CSUSM. Further the author
argues that if formally recognized as a component of the IL program, IRCS will play a more
prominent role in building student information competency skills.

A similar study “Online CME: An Effective Alternative to Face-to-Face Delivery”

revealed that that the online CME mode was equally as effective as the face-to face mode in
preparing participants for their role in the treatment and management of opioid dependence, and
was also rated highly by participants. The findings have implications for the effective design and
delivery of e-learning environments for professional practice, in terms of equipping participants
with requisite clinical knowledge and skills and facilitating the development of attitudes
congruent with professional practice. With its effectiveness, the researchers would like to know
if the same procedure will work on their teaching of the subject, Practical Research I.

With the above discussion, the researcher strongly argues that it is very important for
teachers to have an alternative mode of delivery, which is the online research consultation of the
Grade 11 Practical Research I students.

Major Results
Research Question 1: What can you say on the Online Research Consultation in Practical
Research I?

Respondents Responses Codes
ABM Group 1 Online Research Consultation  Effective way to
in Practical Research I is an communicate
effective way to communicate  Great idea
teacher with the students.
Because of the engagement of
students on online media, it is
a great idea to have an online
consultation about the PR 1.

ABM Group 2 The Online Research  Very helpful

Consulation in PR I subject is  Much convenient
very helpful especially that  Not time consuming
our generation is so dependent
to internet already. It is much
convenient for us to use as we
can consult and communicate
with our teacher in Practical
Research I in just a click. The
Online Research Consultation
is not time consuming.
ABM Group 3 Online Research Consultation  One of the best way to
in PR1 was one of the best learn
way to learn, why? For  Communicate with the
example, your teacher was in teacher even the
the seminar or other activities teacher is out
outside the school, the online
consultation would be the way
to your teacher to the fact that
the students are engage in
social media. It help the
students as the teacher. Also it
makes life easily. You can
submit your project or other
activities with the use of it.
ABM Group 4 As a student, the online  Helps the students
research consultation totally  Effective tool that
helps in making and provides assistance
completing our research. It is  A big help in the
an effective tool that provides completion of the
assistance for every student , research
especially those who take the  Guides the students
PR I subject. It is a big help
for us to complete our
research. Through the help of
this tool, we can create our

research effectively and
quickly. Also, it guides the
student on editing and writing
the research anywhere and
anytime. The online research
consultation is one of the
products of technology that
helps and guides the students
in completing their research.
ABM Group 5 It is more convenient because  More convenient
as we all know, teenagers  Helps in the
nowadays are well verse in consultation even not
using social media and this in school
Research Consultation in PR I
help a student to consult our
work and it help us because
even if we are not in the
school we can work with our
papers by consulting our
teacher for something that is
not clear for us and also to
check our work.
ABM Group 6 The Online Research  Very useful and
Consultation in Practical helpful
Research 1 subject as a
learning tools for us. It will
serve as a guide and pattern
for our research. The
information that have content
and a cooperation if other
member might be helpful to
everyone as a researcher. This
learning tools is very useful
and helpful to everyone.
ABM Group 7 Online Research Consultation  Important, especially,
has its importance on the when the teacher is out
subject Practical Research I,
say for example, the teacher of
PR I is away or on a seminar
and the only way to have
communication between the
teacher and the students is
through online consultation.
ABM Group 8 The online research  A great help for the
consultation is of great help students
for us, students, especially

when the research is on going
the remarks or suggestions can
be easily discussed and is of
great help
for the patterns for a research.
ABM Group 9 It is very accessible for every  Very accessible
student who are into research.  Best for checking and
They can easily consult their editing of errors
studies or researches to their  Very helpful in terms
adviser for checking and of the submission
editing of the errors. Also, it is
very helpful when it comes to
the submission of the research.
ABM Group 10 It is useful in the way that this  Useful
consultation happens through  Face to face
the use of internet, like for consultation is better
example you can send your
research copy instead to
printing it but when it comes
to the use of online
consultation everytime, it
becomes out of normal so that
there’s might bit a problem
compare to face to face
ABM Group 11 It is really convenient for  Convenient
students to address their
concerns by this means but in
a way or another, it does
require internet or load in
order to send files. This is I
think the disadvantage of this
medium of consultation. But
overall, it is indeed making
lives convenient most
especially when each others
sched has conflict.
ABM Group 12 The online research  A great help
consultation is of great help
for us, students, especially
when the research is ongoing
the remarks or suggestions can
be easily discussed and is of
great help to provide the
samples for the patterns of

AD Group 13 It is fast and easy to use  Fast and easy
anywhere where we can
discuss our research to our
group mates via online.
AD Group 14 Online consultation is one  Good Strategy
good strategy in completing  Convenient
the chapters of Practical
Research I. The students can
easily access with the practical
research teacher anytime and
anywhere as long as there is
an internet connection.
AD Group 15 Online research consultation is  It saves time
a good idea because it helps
the researcher to save time.
AD Group 16 It is good idea because one of  Convenient
its advantages of online
consultation is to save time.
IA Group 17 online research consultation is  Very helpful and give
big help to researchers awareness
because it is a best way to
support the their research.It
helps to researchers in
preparation to become aware
of what research they want to
IA Group 18 online research consultation is  Big help to understand
big help for us or the their research
reseachers, because it is a best  Easy notification and
way to understand easily the convenient
research that we made to
conduct. And also we can
easily and fast notified
particular personn that we
want without consuming more
gime to do this..
IA Group 19 Online Research Consultation  Big help to understand
in Practical Research 1is a big their research
help for us , researcher's ,
because it help us to
understand easily the things
that we need for our research
IA Group 20 base on us, the Online  Big help in finding
Research Consultation is big answers
help to our researchers ,
because it help us to easy find

the answers of our research
IA Group 21 Online consultation helps in  Helps in preparation
the preparation for your  Gives a different
researcher as it allows you outlook
look for possible key points of  Provides insight
a certain research to be made.  Helps in building
It gives you the freedom to character
search different outlooks that
has a connection on the
research topic. It gives you
insights that you can use to
stand a certain point to
elaborate in a deep sense. And
it also helps in building a
character on the research you'd
be consulted to
HE-Group 22 the researchers will easly start  Can start immediately
the study because of the helps
of the online research
HE-Group 23 Online research consultation it  Can understand easily
is easy now to understood
because we use new high
technology to improve our
knowledge and enhance skills
HE-Group 24 It helps a lot especially when  Free to ask since the
it comes to our study. For admin is the research
example if there's something teacher
we want to ask we're just
going to post it on this page.
Since the admin of this page is
our research teacher,if he's not
around it could be esily for us
toconvey what to do to the this
and thats. That's all and thank
HE-Group 25 For us, it has advantage and  The advantage
disadvantage. The advantage
of having this kind of page is
when our teacher is not around
we can easily consult him by
posting here. But there are
always have a disadvantage.
The disadvantage of having
this page is the "what if"

For example:
What if the researcher doesn't
have a phone or internet
HE-Group 26 Online Research Consultation  Accessibility at the
is a great way of making a comfort of their homes
research paper better. as long as they have
Wherever we are, we can edit gadgets
our output with the use of our
gadgets and internet
connection because this page
is already connected to our
Facebook accounts and can be
accessed thoroughly for the
revision of our research paper.
HE-Group 27 It is absolutely amazing for  It is suitable for
the reason that we're a millenials
millenial and with that, online  Can be a medium of
research consultation works a communication in case
lot, it depicts the good of urgent
connection between the announcements
adviser and the researchers. In
addition, if there's an urgent
announcement, it will be
easier now through this
medium of communication
HE-Group 28 Online research consultation is  Accessibility
very important in  It supplies to the
researching.Nowdays we have learners skills
gadgets ang internet
connection so we can easily
change our output .Research
consultation connect
researchers to the information
and skills needed to support
their research.
HE-Group 29 For us , it can be more  Accessibility
effective and useful if  Immediate notification
everyone has a phone or
internet access. Yes it is very
important in researching and it
can easily and fastly notified a
particular persons, without
consuming a time.
HE-Group 30 Online Research consultation  An alternative medium
help us to make our research of information while

easy why? Because when our the teacher is out
teacher was not with us we
can easily search form some
information that we need
HE-Group 31 It helps in a way of giving  It helps in giving
information to our research information and can
that may used us to finished finish their study easily
our task or study. Also helps  Can manage their time
us to manage how we can  It serves as a guide
finished and passes the
research study with time
management. It is the guide
that we use in our study.

Various verbatim statements revealed their perceptions about the online research
consultations in their Practical Research I subject, the students viewed the online research
consultations as an accessible, useful, convenient and effective platform for raising their
concerns about their research. The students have seen the online research consultation as a great
help because the research teacher provides sample or patterns, even remarks and suggestions that
guide the students in their research.

Research Question 2: How does the online research consultation help you in the preparation of
your research?

Respondents Responses Codes

ABM Group 1 Online consultation heps us to  Able to ask questions
prepare our research. Through when the teacher is out
this consultation, we are able of the class
to asked questions to our  The teacher checked
teacher though he’s not in the our submitted works
class, this also helped us to
submit our works to our
teacher and by that our teacher
reached us and checked our
ABM Group 2 Aside from being able to  Keep updated with that
consult our teacher online , it is needed for the
also help us to be updated with research
what we need to do for our  Get softcopies and
research paper even we’re not sample documents
in school. We can get soft easily
copies of our lectures and  Clarify things about
sample documents easily, no the research

need to use flashdrives. When
we have something to clarify
with our research paper, we
can easily ask our teacher
about it.
ABM Group 3 It helps us to achieve our  Submission and
research. For example, our checking of the
group has something want to research online
know so we can use the other
research to be our guide.Also
the online consultation in our
teacher when he’s out because
of an assembly/ seminar we
able to communicate with him
for checking our research
paper and it is through online.
ABM Group 4 Online consultation helps in  Assists and guides in
the preparation of our research the research
in a way that if assists and  Provides assistance in
guides us in doing the the editing
research. Also, we can lessen  Provide suggestions,
the time consumed. We don’t correcting the errors
need to visit our teacher just to
check our research.
Consultation online is just one
click and it provides assistance
on the editing of the research.
Online consultation provide
suggestions and helps us in
correcting the errors and
completing the research.
ABM Group 5 Online Consultation help us to  Sending files for
prepare to our research by immediate checking
means of sending our file, so  Ask for clarifications
that it can be check and suggestions
immediately. Also, it help us  Guide in the research
to ask for some clarifications
or suggestions. It also serves
as a guide in the research
ABM Group 6 Online Consultation help the  Be prepared
researchers to be more  Answers question
prepared and it help them to  Improvement of the
know the answer to their study
questions that they want to
know. You dont need to

consult personally to your
research adviser but you can
consult through online. It is
the easiest way to consult your
thesis for the improvement of
the study.
ABM Group 7 It helps a lot especially when  Asking questions about
asking a question about the the research
research then your teacher is  Communicate
the only one who can answer frequently and easily
that but you are outside the
school. This online
consultation help every
students to be prepare in their
research by the use of this
technology to do task, to ask
question and to communicate
frequently and easily.
ABM Group 8 The online consultation let us  Know the necessary
know the necessary steps to be steps when the teacher
done on the said research, the is not around
subject teacher can leave  Cope up to the missed
suggestions or works when he lessons
is not around and help us to
cope up to the points that we
are lacking because of our
ABM Group 9 It help us to save time, energy  Save time, energy and
and effort in consulting our effort in consultation
researches. We can easily  Submit copy online
submit our research via online  Communicate with the
and we don’t need to go teacher
personally to our teacher. It is  Provide suggestions
also helpful when it comes to and recommendations
communication between the
researchers or the students to
their teacher. It also serve as a
way to easily give
recommendations and
suggestions to the students
regarding their studies.
ABM Group 10 Helps us how to prepare our In the preparation of
research. the research
ABM Group 11 I think that it help us in a way  Submit our research
that whatever we’re at or and address the
whenever there are conflict concerns easily.

with our personal schedules,
we still manage to submit our
research and address the
concerns easily.
ABM Group 12 The online consultation let us  Knowing the necessary
to know the necessary steps to steps to be done on the
be done on the research, the research
subject teacher can leave
suggestions or works when
he/she is not around and help
us to cope up to the points that
we are lacking because of our
AD Group 13 Online consultation helped us  Gain more insights
to gain more insights in doing  It let us being
practical research.We’re been independent
able to read other on-going
studies and make those as
guides in processing our own

AD Group 14 It help us while preparing our  Easy preparation

research specially when there  Familiarization of new
are unfamiliar words and also words
for the other chapters needed
for the research.
AD Group 15 Online research consultation  Can ask for immediate
help the researchers to be able assistance
to inquire and easily do the
tasks to complete the chapters
in the research.

AD Group 16 It is an effective way to ask  Alternative method of

our teacher even he’s not inquiry
IA Group 17 Online consultation help us to  Strengthen the
make our life easier for taking knowledge about
the related literature and to research
strengthen the class about
IA Group 18 online research consultation  Discovery the
help us to discover the importance of the
important of our study.. and study
online research we help us to  It serves as a reminder
do our study, because almost
our needed is on online tho.

Can consult us or remind us of
what to do our study..
IA Group 19 Online Research Consultation  It helps in reducing
help us to prevent those errors errors
that we might put in our study.  It gives an awareness
Also, we will be aware to  It reminds them on
those information and ideas what to prepare on the
that we will going to study and following day
research. It will be easy to us
to prepare the things that we
need as well as the materials
that we will going to use
IA Group 20 It help us to know the things  It helps in reducing
that we need in our research errors
and steps that we need to  It reminds them on
follow. So that we can avoid what to prepare on the
those errors that we put in our following day
IA Group 21 Online consultation helps in  Helps in preparation of
the preparation for your the research
researcher as it allows you  It creates a clear
look for possible key points of outline on the things to
a certain research to be made. do
It gives you the freedom to  It gives the luxury of
search different outlooks that looking different
has a connection on the viewpoints / insights
research topic. It gives you  It helps in character
insights that you can use to building
stand a certain point to
elaborate in a deep sense. And
it also helps in building a
character on the research you'd
be consulted to.
HE-Group 22 Online consultation helps us to  It helps towards the
make our resesrch perfect. perfection of research
Why? for example,some  It will eliminate errors
incorrect and redundancy  It informative
words so that online
consultation helps the
researchers to make the words
or sentence correctly and also
it is easier for the researchers
to find information about there
reasearch topic.
HE-Group 23 Online Consultation help for  It helps on the
preparation of our research to preparedness and

be more prepared and be ready awareness
for the presentation of the
research. And to be aware for
all the things that is more
needed to approved our
HE-Group 24 Online Consultation really  It gives the latest
help us in preparing our update to reduce errors
research. Why? Because in
this online consultation page
give us latest update about
what is wrong in our research
in that way we can ask from
assistance of our practical
research. And if we have
wrong grammar and incorrect
words it can be avoid and
revise. In online consultation
helps the researcher to make
their research perfect.
HE-Group 25 Online consultation really help  It helps on the
us in preparing our research. preparedness
Why? Because in this Online  It gives immediate
Consultation Page give us assistance
latest update about what is  It helps towards the
wrong in our research in that perfection of research
way we can ask for assistance
of our practical research
teacher. And if we have wrong
grammar and incorrect words
it can be avoid and revise. In
online Consultation helps the
researcher to make their
research perfect.
HE-Group 26 This Research online  It helps to catch up
Consultation indeed is a with the lesson
helpful part in our Practical
Research I. With this page, we
can still learn and cope up
with the lessons for the posts
on this page are saved and we
can browse it unlimited to
serve as guide whenever we
have things forgotten and
things we need to ask which
are really impossible if we're

not in school.
HE-Group 27 Honestly speaking, online  It is complicated as
consultation comes a little bit this is not applicable to
complicated. Why? Given an all especially those
example where in the research who doesn’t have
adviser give the last minute internet connection
update, yet, if the students has  On a good side, it
no internet connection, they helps the learners in
can no longer comply with the modifying their output
changes needed. On the especially minor
contrary, it is a fact that minor modifications
errors can be corrected as well
before the preparation of
producing the output, it
lessens the time and penny to
be consumed in processing the
HE-Group 28 Online research is important to  It helps to discover the
us because online research important part of the
help us to discover the study
important of the study.If you  Immediate changes can
have wrong grammar you can be done through the
easily change and consultation help of online
give latest updates. consultation
HE-Group 29 It can easily gives us a latest  It gives the latest
updates about on how and update specifically on
when did we pass our the timeframe
research. So that , it can  It teaches us to make
remind us and we get notified our output more
and we will be alarmed to accurate
make the research faster ,sure
and accurate
HE-Group 30 The online consultation play a  Teacher used the social
big role to the research that we media to start a
make. Why? Because even conversation as an
when our subject teachers is alternative of his
not with us, He used the social existence
media that he can make a
conversation even though he is
is not present with us in that
time. With the use of social
media he give us the updates,
guides and lectures that will
surely help us to correct the
errors that is present in our

HE-Group 31 Online consultation, helps us  It gives us the to do
to give those activities or things
studies like in our thesis. Also  It also address if the
helps us to know if our school school work is enough
works should be enough. It  It sets as a reminder
may be a reminder to every and guides us on the
researchers. It will be easy to timeline
us to find solutions about our
study, and also to have a
proper finished works. It
challenge us being a
researcher to used the social
media as a source of

Various verbatim statements on how the online research consultation help them in the
preparation of their research. Common coded responses showed that it serves as an effective
assistance; their queries were immediately responded by their teacher that leads to immediate
corrections that eventually resulted to the improvement of the study. The online page also serves
as the alternative medium for submission of their research output.


The findings of this study suggested that the online research consultation is an accessible,
useful, convenient and effective platform for raising their concerns about their research. It is a
great providing sample or patterns, even remarks and suggestions that guide the students in their
research. The online research consultations help the students in the preparation of the research. It
serves as an effective assistance; their queries were immediately responded by their teacher that
leads to immediate corrections that eventually resulted to the improvement of the study. The
online page also serves as the alternative medium for submission of their research output.
Therefore, the online research consultation is an effective alternative delivery mode.


In light of findings and conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are
hereby offered:
1. Teachers should remember the features of the internet technology that may serve as
an effective alternative delivery mode.

2. Teachers need to reflect on their assumptions about the design and delivery of the
curriculum and the formal and informal engagement students can have with it.

3. Teachers should consider this as a contingency plan whenever they attend seminars,
training, and workshops that falls on regular school days.
4. Follow up study regarding effectiveness of the online research consultation as
alternative delivery mode must be conducted.


Ben Segal / CERN IT-PDP-TE April, 1995, A Short History of Internet Protocols at CERN

Hua Yi (Hua Yi is a Social Sciences Librarian, California State University, San Marcos,
California, USA.


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