Specific Energy As A Criterion For Drill Performance Prediction

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Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. Vol. 19, pp. 39 to 42, 1982 0148-9062/82/010039-04503.

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright © 1982 Pergamon Press Ltd

Technical Note
Specific Energy as a Criterion for Drill Performance Prediction

INTRODUCTION processes are considered to be controlled by Kick's law

such that energy input is proportional to volume of
The concept of Specific Energy, SE, was proposed by
Teale [1] as a quick means of assessing rock drillabi- rock. It follows that the first and second definitions are
lity, Teale defined SE as the energy required to remove formulations of Kick's law and Rittinger's law, respect-
a unit volume of rock. Since then, however, another
definition of SE, in terms of new surface area created,
has appeared in the literature [2]. The two definitions SPECIFIC ENERGY IN TERMS OF VOLUME
appear to produce uncorrelatea values.
Conflicting views on the relationship between SE and This definition considers SEv to be an intrinsic prop-
the compressive strength of rock also exist: Teale [l] erty such that the parameters of the breakage mechan-
showed that the minimum value of SE is equal to the ism are negligible. This implies in the case of rock-
compressive strength while Mellor [3] showed SE to be drilling that SEv is independent of size and shape of
approximately equal to the value of compressive drill bit, drill type, methods of cutting removal and
strength divided by 1000. depth of drillhole.
This note critically discusses the two definitions of Using these assumptions, researchers at the Bureau
the concept of specific energy with emphasis on its use of Mines, U.S.A. [5-7] determined the specific energies
for predicting drill machine performance. (SEv) of a large number of rock types when drilled by
two drifter drills, designated Drill A and Drill B. The
formula used to determine SEv is:
SEv = 4Tr × Power Output
Specific energy may be defined in two different ways:
rrd 2 x PR (1)
(1) As energy required to remove a unit volume of
rock (SEv); and where d = diameter of bit, PR = penetration rate,
(2) As energy required to create a new surface area Tr = 0.7 = transfer ratio between energy transferred to
(SEa). the rock and the energy available for each blow.
Tandanand [7] related laboratory determined SEv
Brook [4] indicated that Rittinger's Law, which values to the coefficient of rock strength--an impact
states that energy input is proportional to new surface strength index determined using a 'Protodyakonov'
area produced, controls most comminution processes in type drop hammer [8]--and the resulting relation was
which the initial surface area of charge is small. Grinding suggested as a field 'Drillability Equation'. However,
comparison of the values of SEv as determined in the
laboratory and field by Drill A reveals that the percent-
* Petroleum Engineer, ADCO, P.O. Box 270, Abu Dhabi, United age difference can be as much as 83%, as shown in
Arab Emirates. Table 1. Consequently, gross errors would result if such

Specific energy
Laboratory + Field 0
Rock type MJ/m 3 in-lb/in3( × 103) ~ MJ/m 3 in-lb/in3( x 103) ~o difference

Monkato stone 10.90 (14.63) 111.04 (16.1) 10.1

Rockville granite 157.38 (22.82) 288.28 (41.80) 83.2
Charcoal granite 193.1 (28.0) 324.83 (47.10) 68.2
Jasper quartzite 203.82 (29.554) 303.45 (44.00) 48.9
Aurora taconite 257.45 (37.33) 433.1 (62.80) 68.2
Babbit taconite 318.28 (46.15) 455.17 (66.00) 43.0
Dresser basalt 373.72 (54.19) 444.14 (64.40) 18.8

+ USBM RI 7300, Ref. [5].

0 USBM RI 7684, Ref. [6].

40 Technical Note

equations were used for the evaluation of field perform- percussive drills on the same rock type, is required to
ance of drifter drills. confirm that specific energies for rotary drilling are
In his original paper, Teale [1] indicated that SEv is considerably larger than those for percussive drilling. If
inversely proportional to fragment size of rock exca- this is so, then it would be economical to use and adapt
vated and that the minimum value of SEv can be taken percussive drills in areas other than hard to medium-
as a fundamental rock property. hard rock drilling.
Teale also indicated that the minimum value of SEv
corresponded to the uniaxial compressive strength of
rock in question, irrespective of the drilling process. SPECIFIC ENERGY IN TERMS OF
However, Mellor [3] has shown that SEv is related to SURFACE AREA
the uniaxial compressive strength (Co) according to the Paithankar et al. 1-2] observed that specific energy in
relation: terms of surface area, SEa, assumed a constant value
SEv -~ Co x 10 -3 (2) after a certain minimum level of impact energy. The
dependence of SEa on number of blows at the lower
It follows that the value of SEv as determined by equa- levels of energy input was considered to be due to the
tion (2) is too small in comparison with Teale's mini- utilization of this energy for elastic deformation and
mum specific energy. cracking of rock fragments. Results were reported for
Field data obtained using rotary drills with three only one rock type and more work in other rock types
cone bits produce extremely large values of SEv for would be required before a lower limit of energy input
comparatively soft rocks, as shown in Table 2. The could be decided upon.
specific energy of a rock when drilled by a rotary drill is Wootton [9] observed that in drop hammer tests the
determined from equation (3) relationship between energy input and new surface area
produced is always linear with correlation coefficients
2.35 wN in excess of 0.99. For slow compression tests, however,
SEv - (3)
d PR the graphs of energy input against new surface area
where generated showed a slight curvature, but Rittinger's law
is still applicable to the process. Figure 1 shows
w = weight on bit (kg) examples of the results of drop hammer and slow com-
N = revolutions per rain pression tests. The slope of each graph may be defined
d = diameter of bit (mm) as the specific energy, SEa, of the rock in question. This
form of interpretation, however, creates a problem
when dealing with the curved graphs of the slow com-
PR = penetration rate (m/hr) pression tests. A better method could relate the energy
required to produce a 'standard' new surface area, say
Derivation of equation (3) is given in the Appendix.
0.005 m 2, to this area and the index is taken as SEa.
The results presented in Table 2 show considerable
(The area 0.005 m s is very near the cross sectional area
variations in the values of SEv for the three drill bit
of a core of 25 mm dia). Using either method of inter-
types, indicating that SEv is highly dependent on bit
pretation, the slow compression and drop hammer
design. Table 2 gives an average value of SEv of ap-
results of Fig. 1 still produce two numerically different
proximately 2654 MJ/m 3. This value, when converted
values of the index SEa for the same rock type. This
to units of strength (MN/m2), is considerably larger
clearly indicates that energy per new surface area is
than the value of compressive strength of the strongest
dependent on the mode of rock breakage. In both the
limestone. It is also interesting to note that Table 1
slow compression and impact tests, Wootton used stan-
gives the largest value of SEv of 455 MJ/m 3 for Babbit
dard cylindrical cores, each 25 mm dia and 50 mm long,
Taconite, a comparatively strong rock. This value of
thereby eliminating the effects of size of charge on the
SEv is considerably smaller than that of limestone, as
index SEa. Further work by Wootton showed that the
seen from Table 2. Further field work, using rotary and
relationship of energy input to new surface area is
indeed dependent on size of charge.
Rock type: Rus limestone
Bit type Manufacturer MJ/m 3 in-lb/in3( x l0 s)
It appears that, in view of the dependence of specific
J3--Milled tooth bit Hughes Tool Co. 2024 (293.5) energy, whether in terms of volume or new surface area
with journal bearings produced, on the conditions of its determination, size of
5JS--lnsert bit with Smith Tool Co. 2247 (325.9)
charge, mode of rock breakage and bit type, that
roller bearings specific energy is not a fundamental intrinsic property
of rock. Prediction of drill performance using specific
O W V - - M i l l e d tooth Hughes Tool Co. 3690 (535.3)
bit (standard)
energy alone cannot, therefore, be accurate. Alternative
means of prediction must then be sought.
Technical Note 41

C o r n i s h ~
15 15

E Io
z I0

u,I ,+~+~
I I I I I I I I I I I t i I
0.002 O.Ol 0 0.002 0.01
New area I g , mZlg

"Mount Sorrel granite

hi I 0
Compresion +
Drop Hammer o

0.002 0.01
New area Ig

"Yetlow oolitic limestone 6 "Bath l i m e s t o n e /

2 /
/ +/~," + "
| ! ! • !

000 2 0.0 I 0 0002 0.01

New e-eo/g

Fig. 1. Comparisonof slowcompressionand drophammertestsafterWootton[9].

Since no one rock property completely defines rock Rabia & Brook [8,11] proposed the following em-
breakage characteristics and due to the large number of pirical equation for predicting drilling rates of percus-
drill variables, formulation of drilling equations has not sive drills (PR):
been very successful.
Empirical equations have recently been proposed as constant (operating pressure) =
quick means of evaluating drilling rates. Duklet & PR = ( R I H N x Sh.H) b (6)
Bates [10] proposed the following equation for predict-
ing diamond bit drilling rates (ROP):
18 Down- the- Hole Dril I
16 (Hammer T ~
R O P = constant ( W D I ) a (RPM) b (HSI) c
(4) w
(AFL) e (EFS) /
= 12
where o
E ~0
W D I = average weight or load per diamond per c
inch squared.
/ [] Ruddon Wood granite
R P M = revolutions per min J 0 Bordon Hill .
HSI = hydraulic horse power per square inch m
o_ 4 ~ " X Croft .
2 J & Swinden Crocoe limestone
AFL = API fluid loss of mud, cc/30 min. , , , , , ~ssm:s :salt
EFS = effective formation strength
a, b, c, e and f are indices. o 5o Io0 zoo 3o0 4o0 50o
( Pressure ) o. aT/(RIHN x Sh.H )o.7~
For the same mud and rock type, equation (4) can be Fig. 2. Application of the empirical equation
simplified to: (Pressure) =
(RIHN x Sh.H)b
R O P = constant (WDI) = (RPM) b (HSI) c (5) to a down-the-holedrill,afterRabia& Brook[8].
42 Technical Note

where 8. Rabia H. & Brook N. The effects of apparatus size and surface
area of chacge on the impact strength of rock. Int. d. Rock Mech.
R I H N = rock impact hardness number Min. Sci & Geomech. Abstr. 18, 211-219 (1981).
9. Wootton D. Aspects of energy requirements for rock drilling.
Sh. H = shore hardness Ph.D. thesis, Leeds Univ. (1974).
10. Duklet C. P. & Bates T. R. Predicting diamond bit drilling rates.
and Wld Oil, pp. 127-135 (April, 1981).
a, b, are indices. 11. Rabia H. & Brook N. An empirical equation for drill perform-
ance prediction. The State of the Art in Rock Mechanics, Proc.
Equation (6) was found to give excellent correlation 21st U.S. Syrup. on Rock Mechanics, Univ. of Missouri-Rolla, pp.
103-111 (1980).
for field data obtained from down-the-hole and drifter
drills. Figure 2 is an example of the application of equa-
tion (6) to a down-the-hole drill using an RD237 ham-
mer type. Derivation o f specific energy equation f o r rotary drilling

Energy, in Joules, at bit in 1 rain is

CONCLUSIONS E = w × 2nR x N (AI)

(1) Specific energy in terms of either unit volume or where

new surface area is not a fundamental intrinsic property w = weight on bit (kg)
of rock. 2nR = distance moved in one revolution (mm)
R = radius of bit (ram)
(2) Rock breakage parameters control the numerical N = revolutions per min
value of specific energy and large variations between
Volume of rock, in m 3, removed in 1 min is
laboratory and field values are observed.
(3) Prediction of drill performance can best be V = n R 2 × PR (A2)
obtained at present using empirical equations, such as where
equation (6). PR = penetration rate (m/hr)
Dividing equation (A1) by (A2) gives specific energy in terms of
volume SEv as
Received 27 3uly 1981 ; revised 24 August 1981. w x 21tR x N 9.81 x 10 -3 J/min
SEv -
nR 2 PR (10- 6/60) m3/min

REFERENCES Simplifying gives equation (3) in the text :

1. Teale R. The concept of specific energy in rock drilling. Int. J. SEv = 2.35 - - ( M J / m 3) (3}
Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 2, 57-73 (1965). d. PR
2. Paithankar A. G. & Misra G. B. A critical appraisal of the Proto-
dyakonov index. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. where
13, 249-251 (1976). d = diameter of bit (mm)
3. Mellor M. Normalization of specific energy (Technical Note). Int.
J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 9, 661-663 (1972). In Imperial units (lb/in3), equation (3) becomes
4. Brook N. The use of irregular specimens for rock strength tests.
Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 14, 193-202 wN
(1977). SEv = 20 - - - -
d. PR
5. Paone J., Madson D. & Bruce W. E. Drillability studies--labora-
tory percussive drilling. U.S. Bureau of Mines, RI 7300 (1969). where
6. Schmidt R. L. Driilability studies--percussive drilling in the field.
U.S. Bureau of Mines, RI 7684 (1974). w = weight on bit (lb)
7. Tandanand S. & Unger H. F. Drillability determination--a dril- N = revolutions per min
lability index of percussive drills. U.S. Bureau of Mines, RI 8073 d = diameter of bit (in)
(1975). PR = penetration rate (ft/hr)

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