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Class Register Number

Candidate Name:




WEDNESDAY 5th December 2018 0830—0915 Hrs

25 Questions
40 Marks

Total Time: 45 minutes


Write your name, class and register number in the spaces provided at the top of this page.

Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Section Marks
A /10
Follow all instructions carefully. B /5
C /5
Answer all questions.
D /12
Write your answers in the spaces provided. E /8
Total /40

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the beginning of each section.

This question paper consists of 9 printed pages.

SETTER: Mdm. Jessie Yong Chui Shan

Y5 Moral Education T1 2018/2019 [Turn Over]


Section A [10 marks]

Instruction: CIRCLE the correct answer.

1. If you break your teacher’s favourite cup, what emotion might you feel?
A. Guilty
B. Happiness
C. Excitement
D. Depression

2. Which of these is not an emotion?

A. Love
B. Hate
C. Breathlessness
D. Happiness

3. When might you experience frustration?

A. When you are looking forward to something.
B. When you can’t get something to work the way you intended.
C. When you learn a new skill.
D. When you win a prize.

4. If you don’t do well on a test, which emotion might you experience?

A. Nervousness
B. Sadness
C. Relief
D. Anger

5. If you are finding something hard and someone asks if they can help, what should
you say?
A. Go away.
B. Yes, please.
C. No.
D. Hurry up.

Y5 Moral Education T1 2018/2019 [Turn Over]


6. If you need to interrupt someone in an emergency, what should you say first?
A. Excuse me.
B. Stop talking.
C. Listen to me.
D. Hurry up.

7. If you want to use something that doesn’t belong to you, what should you do first?
A. Ask the owner.
B. Make sure no one is looking.
C. Help yourself.
D. Get your own.

8. If someone is walking behind you as you go through a doorway, what should you
A. Shut the door before they get through.
B. Run away.
C. Hold the door open for them.
D. Laugh at them.

9. Why should you use your manners?

A. It gets you what you want.
B. You parents told you to.
C. It is polite and shows respect.
D. People will believe you more.

10. If someone does something nice for you, what should you say to the person?
A. Do that again.
B. Please.
C. Nothing.
D. Thank you.

Y5 Moral Education T1 2018/2019 [Turn Over]


Section B [5 marks]

It’s break time and the children come out to play in the school yard.
Read the sentences.
Write Right or Wrong according to the behaviour you read about.
The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. Sara and Katya were playing together. They saw David and Sharon hitting Kyle.
0. Sara and Katya went over to stop them. What they did was
___________. Right

a. The teacher went over to check. Sharon said that Kyle had
been hitting his friends. What Sharon did was

b. The teacher asked Sara and Katya what had happened.

They told her the truth. What Sara and Katya did was

c. As soon as break time was over, David and Sharon went

over to Kyle to say sorry. What they did was ___________.

Y5 Moral Education T1 2018/2019 [Turn Over]


2. In the school yard there were some children sliding down a slide. Jean walks slowly
because of her disability.

a. Her friends let her jump the queue to go first. What her
friends did was ___________.

b. Maria complained because they were giving up their place

in the queue for Jean.What Maria did was ___________.

Section C [5 marks]

Tick (√) the action which shows positive personal quality, and put a cross (X) to the
action which shows negative personal quality.
The first one has been done for you as an example.

0. When my friend Nadir falls, I help him get up and ask how he √
is feeling.

1. When someone chats in class, I tell the teacher.

2. When I play with other children, I don’t share my toys.

3. When my sister Carla looks lonely, I ask her to join me.

4. When Robert forgets his pencil colours, I share mine with


5. When my friend Carl starts crying, I laugh at him.

Y5 Moral Education T1 2018/2019 [Turn Over]


Section D [12 marks]

Read the story.
Then mark (√) the correct sentence and give a reason for your answer.
The first one has been done for you as an example.

0. Lana and Sabrina bought a packet of popcorn with the

money that their grandmother had given them. Lana was
holding the packet. Since she was older than Sabrina,
she decided that she could eat more popcorn than her
sister. Sabrina started crying.

a.  Lana is right. She is the elder and has the right to

eat more.
 Sabrina and Lana should share the popcorn √
between them.
 Sabrina is greedy; she cannot eat as much popcorn
as her sister.

b. Reason:
Grandma had given the money to both of them and so it is not fair that Lana eats
more than her sister. Besides, sharing is important.

1. Robert was playing with his friends and Samuel tripped

him over.

a.  Robert ran after Samuel to beat him up.

 Robert quickly went to tell on him.
 Robert got up, dusted his pants and kept on
playing. Then, he found Samuel and talked to him
about it.

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b. Reason:



2. The head of school says that only children on

wheelchairs can use the lift. Sandra broke her foot
and needed to use the lift to go up to her classroom.

a.  She can’t because it’s against the rules.

 Sandra can use the lift.
 Sandra can ask her friends to lift her up. If she does
so, she won’t be breaking the rules.

b. Reason:



3. David sulked, slammed the door and broke a window

pane. His parents were not happy.

a.  They did not punish David, because every time

they punish him, he makes a scene.
 His punishment was that he had to stay in his
room and missed dinner.
 His parents told him to pick up the broken glass.
David had to save enough money to pay for the
window pane.

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b. Reason:



4. Karl did not study for the exam.

He copied from Kristine.

a.  What Karl did was wrong. He should have studied,

if he had wanted to pass the exam.
 He should not have copied because he could get
 He did the right thing. It is better than failing the

b. Reason:



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Section E [8 marks]
Fill in the blanks with your responsibilities in your family and at school.
The first two have been done for you as examples.

Responsibilities In Family Responsibilities At School

0. Tidying up my bedroom Picking litter





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Y5 Moral Education T1 2018/2019 [Turn Over]

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