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Chemistry Investigatory Project

Name: Swathi Sukesh

Grade: XII-C
Roll Number: 15
I wish to express my deep gratitude and sincere thanks
to my respected principal Dr.Prashant Bukkawar at
NHPS, New Panvel for this encouragement and, for all
the facilities that he provide for this project work
“Chemistry investigatory” which also encouraged me
to do a lot of research work and learn about new
I extend my hearty thanks to my subject teacher Mrs.
Smitha Rajesh. I take this opportunity to express my
deep sense of gratitude, for her invaluable guidance,
constant encouragement which has sustained my
efforts at all stages of this project work.
I cannot forget to offer my sincere thanks to my
parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalising
this project.
This is to certify that Ms. Swathi Sukesh of class XII-C
has successfully completed the chemistry investigatory
project on (date) as prescribed by CBSE for academic
session 2018-19.
Preparation of soyabean milk and its comparison with
the natural milk with respect to curd formation, effect
of temperature and taste.
Pestle and mortar
Measuring cylinder
A spoon
Tripod stand
Muslin cloth
Buffalo milk
Fresh curd
 Distilled water
Natural milk is an opaque white fluid secreted by the
mammary glands of female mammal. The main
constituents of natural milk are proteins, fibres,
carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, fats, and water and
are a complete balanced diet. Fresh milk is sweetish in
taste. However, when it is kept for a long time at
temperature 35°C or more, it becomes sour because of
bacteria present in the air. These bacteria convert
lactose of milk into lactic acid which is sour in taste. In
acidic conditions casein of milk starts separating out as
a precipitate. When the acidity in the milk is sufficient
and temperature is around 36°C, it forms semi solid
mass, called curd.
Soyabean milk is made from soyabeans. It resembles
natural milk. The main constituents of soyabean milk
are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and
vitamins. It is prepared by keeping soyabeans dipped in
water for some time. The swollen soyabeans are then
crushed to a paste which is then mixed with water. The
solution is filtered and filtrate is soyabean milk.
1. Soak about 150g of soyabeans in sufficient amount
of water so that they are completely dipped in it.
Keep them dipped for 24 hours.
2. Take out swollen soyabeans and grind them to a
very fine paste with a pestle mortar.
3. Add about 250ml of water to this paste and filter it
through a muslin cloth. Clear white filtrate is
soyabean milk. Compare its taste with buffalo
4. Take 50ml if buffalo milk in each of the three
beakers (labelled as 1, 2 and 3) and heat the
beakers to 30°C, 40°C and 50°C respectively. Add ¼
spoonful curd to each of the beakers. Mix well
with a spoon and leave the beakers undisturbed
for 8 hours and curd is ready.
5. Similarly, take 50ml of soyabean milk in each of
the three other beakers and heat the beakers to
30°C, 40°C and 50°C respectively. Add ¼ spoonful
curd to each of these beakers. Mix well with a
spoon and leave the beakers undisturbed for 8
hours and the curd is formed.
BUFFALO 1. 30° Good sour in
MILK 2. 40° Better taste.
3. 50° Best
SOYA BEAN 1. 30° Good Not sour
MILK 2. 40° Best in taste.
3. 50° Good

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