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(Pdt. ELLY Sondakh - RUNTUWENE)

I PETER 1: 3-7

Why do we have to live in the power of God?

In the book of Hebrews, it is said that we should take part in the race that is set before us. When
talking taking part in a race that means we should be preparing as well as possible. For in every
race there must be winners and there are losers, who surely only people who live in the power
of God that will come out as winners.Because as humans, whoever we are, we must realize that
our limitations and our strength is not much, so we need to live in God's strength or
ability.That's why when Jesus was going up to heaven, He gave His disciples heritage, people
believe that power - Dunamos - power - the ability of God (Acts of the Apostles 1: 8). The
Apostle Paul was well aware of this, as the words in II Corinthians 4: 7.

When we realize that the power that is in us comes from God then we will fill our lives with

The secret life in the power of God.

1. Living in Faith (I Peter 1: 5)I John 5: 4b taught us about the importance of faith for all of us.
Faith is like an umbrella. Umbrella can not stop the rain but the umbrella could lead us to the
goal. So it is with faith. Faith can not stop the problem but faith can lead us to victory.People
who have faith certainly pleasing to God."But without faith it is impossible to please God"-
Hebrews 11: 6a.Pleasing in Hebrew is "EUARESTEO" meaning fun. We can not please God when
we do not have faith. Even in the end only God find faith (Luke 18: 18b) use the same word used
to describe personal Daub for God (Acts 13: 22b).2. Living in the truth of God (Romans 1: 16-
17)For we can have the power of God, we must live in the truth of God, not self-righteousness.
Because human truth contrary to the truth of God (James 1: 20). Faith and the Word is a chain
that can not be separated. To live in the faith, we must understand God and God's truth
kebenran we see only through the Word of God (Romans 10: 17)

The results of those who live in the power of God

"To receive a part that can not be destroyed, which can not be defiled, and that can not wither,
stored in heaven for you (I Peter 1: 4)". The word "can not be destroyed" using the word
"APHTHARTOS" which means kekelan or immortality (markus 16: 8b). We are in a race to
mendaptkan what can not be destroyed, not just something that we achieve in our lives while
on earth but an eternal crown (I Cor 9: 25). Our good works can not bring us to eternal life, but
at the moment we walked in all the commandments of God then we will have eternal
life.During this life God entrusts to us, God wants us to receive and produce something that is
eternal. "Work, not for the food that will be lost, but for the food are that last up to eternal life,
which the Son of Man will be given unto you: for He is endorsed by the Father, God with His seal
(John 6: 27)". The word "work" in Hebrew is "ERGAZOMI" which means to produce. While the
word "everlasting" used the word "AIONIOS" which means no beginning and no end. Produce a
lasting value in life.In the end, there will be questions what we make during our lives are
entrusted to us? Whether the results are temporary or eternal? Life is only temporary, no one
can determine our steps but we have to take the right decision to live in the power of God and
achieve eternal life. Amen

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