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Any form of ERASURE in the ANSWER SHEET is considered WRONG. -Begin here- I.

MULTIPLE CHOICES. Choose the letter that best describes your answer.

1. It refers to the differences in social behaviors that different cultures exhibit around the
world. Examples of this are nationality, exceptionality and religion.
A. culture B. cultural variation C. social status D. social differences
2. The differences among the individuals on the basis of social characteristics and qualities.
Examples of this are exceptionality, gender and socio-economic status.
A. culture B. cultural variation C. social status D. social differences
3. Which of the following is NOT true about religion?
A. It came from the word religare.
B. It binds together. C. It is a system of beliefs and practices
D. It shows how to govern our society.
4. If cultural variation focuses on social behaviour, social differences in other hand focuses
on _____________.
A. social norm C. social characteristics
B. social stratification D. socially constructed
5. It is known as bribery where there is an influential mediator to speed up processes.
A. padrino system C. food taboos
B. lagay D. Istambay
6. When one family occupies majority of the positions in the government it is said that
__________ is present.
A. padrino system C. political dynasty
B. lagay D. nepotism
7. If grades were to be the basis of Rusty‟s standing in his economics class, he would surely
fail the course. However, he was given a passing grade by his economics teacher, who
happened to be a childhood friend of his mother. Which of the following social phenomena is
A. padrino system C. political dynasty
B. lagay D. Nepotism
8. Iglesia Ni Cristo believers do not eat blood because they believe that blood is life. This is
an example of ___________.
A. padrino system B. lagay C. political dynasty D. food taboo
9. The EDSA People Power Revolution of 2001 that toppled the presidency of Joseph
Estrada is an example of __________.
A. social change C. national change
B. cultural change D. political change
10. Querida system has been a trend ever since. It caused changes in the family landscape
for decades. This shows________.
A. social change C. national change
B. cultural change D. political change
11. Through e-mail exchange of messages had been quick. This shows the evolution of
conventional to traditional way of communication. What type of change is present?
A. social change C. national change
B. cultural change D. political change
12. Game trends. Children before wanted to play outside until video games evolved and from
that time children stayed indoors. For several years video games had also evolved from
conventional video gaming to Farmville, Pokemon Go and now Everwing. Changes with
respect to these is called ______.
A. social change C. national change
B. cultural change D. political change
Shade the circle that corresponds to the letter of the best answer. Shading of two circles
invalidates the answer.  Read the following questions/directions carefully. Understanding
13. It is the scientific study of humanity.
A. sociology B. Anthropology C. political science D. social science
14. It is the scientific study of social behaviour and human groups and focuses on social
A. sociology B. anthropology C. political science D. social science
15. Who is coined as the “Father of Sociology”?
A. Auguste Comte B. Arnold Toynbee C. Ferdinand Tonnies D. Robert Fox 16. It is
the study of politics.
A. sociology B. Anthropology C. political science D. social science
17. This is based on the belief that analyses a living organism where the scientist’s task is to
identify the various parts and determine how they work.
A. sociological view C. conflict
B. structural-functionalist D. symbolic-interactionism
18. It is the clash between two opposing sides.
A. sociological view C. conflict
B. structural-functionalist D. symbolic-interactionism
19. Language, gestures are used to induce interaction among members of society.
A. sociological view C. conflict
B. structural-functionalist D. symbolic-interactionism
20. It studies changes that have taken place in language over time.
A. anthropological linguistics C. physical anthropology
B. ethnology D. cultural anthropology
21. It deals with how and why recent cultures differ and are similar.
A. anthropological linguistics C. physical anthropology
B. ethnology D. cultural anthropology
22. It focuses on humans as biological organism tracing the evolutionary development and
looking at biological variations. . C. physical anthropology
A. anthropological linguistics
B. ethnology D. cultural anthropology
23. Which of the following is NOT an element of the state?
A. territory B. government C. executive D. Sovereignty
24. All of the following describes a society EXCEPT:
A. Composed of interconnected people C. Purpose is for collective survival
B. Same territory, language, culture D. Governs the people in a territory
25. What is the function of culture?
A. determine what is proper to eat
B. establish the appropriate clothes to wear
C. determine whether who will have approved sexual contact with whom
D. all of the above
26. Japanese diet consist largely of fish, seafood and vegetables because Japan is an
archipelago and the sea provided consistent source of food. Which of the following explains
the statement?
A. Climate, society and geography can affect cultural aspects.
B. When people reside in an archipelagic country they eat fish.
C. Japanese have a healthy diet.
D. The resources in the country boosts Japan economy.
27. Which of the following explains the illustration?
A. Culture is the sum of an individual‟s way of life.
B. Culture modifies environment and environment modifies culture as well.
C. Environment is an important aspect of culture.
D. Culture can be modified by the environment.
28. Classical music, opera and ballet are examples of world culture. These belongs to
A. ideal culture B. real culture C. popular culture D. high culture
29. Park Lee Daks (just a pseudonym) is a Filipino teenager who is fond of listening to
Super Junior Band. There isn’t a day that he wouldn’t play „Sorry, Sorry‟ by the said band.
This is an example of _______.
A. ideal culture C. popular culture
B. real culture D. high culture
30. Ideal culture: what should be; real culture: _____.
A. what it is C. why should be
B. how it is D. how it should be
31. A child goes to school to learn knowledge, skills and attitude that he/she can use in his/
her future life. What aspect of culture describes this phenomenon?
A. shared and contested
B. learning through socialization or enculturation
C. dynamic, flexible and adaptive
D. transmitted through socialization or enculturation
32. Tiburcio‟s family owns a furniture shop. Everyday he sees how his father and their
workers create furniture. One time he was tasked by his father to try to create one. He then
easily created one. What aspect of culture describes this phenomenon?
A. shared and contested
B. learning through socialization or enculturation
C. dynamic, flexible and adaptive
D. transmitted through socialization or enculturation
33. It is the most important means of cultural transmission.
A. school B. education C. language D. symbols
34. When an Ifugao went to Manila to apply for a job, he will not wear his bahag and will
wear formal attire. This shows that culture is ____.
A. shared and contested
B. learning through socialization or enculturation
C. dynamic, flexible and adaptive
D. transmitted through socialization or enculturation
35. It is known as the “store house of culture.”
A. symbols B. language C. school D. education
36. It is the study of language.
A. anthropology B. linguistics C. syntax D. morphology
37. Divorce is legal in the United States but is not acceptable in the Philippines. What does it
A. culture is illegal C. culture is relative
B. culture is uniform D. culture is a phenomenon
38. The idea that cultural elements can be understood in the culture in which they are used is
known as _______.
A. cultural universal B. cultural relativism C. cultural trait D. cultural relativism
39. Which of the statements shows ethnocentrism?
A. I do not like jazz.
B. I believe in my religion.
C. My religion is the only religion which embodies truth.
D. I do not like pork.
40. Which of the following is NOT an example of intangible culture?
A. belief in atheism C. the commandment „thou shall not kill
B. belief in God D. crucifix
41. Intangible culture: non-material culture; Tangible culture: _____.
A. high culture C. material culture
B. unmaterial culture D. ideal culture
42. Arrange the following concepts in sequence to complete the Human Taxonomy:
I. Sapiens II. Animalia III. Chordata IV. Homo V. Vertebrata VI. Hominidae
VII. Anthropoidea VIII. Primates IX. Mammalia
43. Which of the following is NOT a species of Hominid?
A. Zinjanthropus C. Australopithecus africanus
B. Ramapithecus D. Australopithecus robustus
44. It was found by Donald Johanson and named as Lucy.
A. Australopithecus africanus C. Australopithecus robustus
B. Australopithecus afarensis D. Ramapithecus
45. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
A. cro-magnon B. tabon man C. callao man D. peking man
46. Peking Man: China; Java Man _______.
A. India B. Africa C. Japan D. Indonesia
47. It is the era where man lived. A. Paleozoic B. Mesozoic C. Cenozoic D. Proterozoic
48. It is known as the age of dinousaurs.
A. Paleozoic B. Mesozoic C. Cenozoic D. Proterozoic
49. It is the lengthiest of the eon and where the earliest life forms started.
A. Proterozoic B. Phanerozoic C. Precambrian D. Hadean
50. It is known as the first plant in the earth.
A. ferns B. Flowers C. conifers D. Algae
51. All of the following are mechanisms of biological evolution EXCEPT:
A. mutilation B. Drift C. migration D. Selection
52. What is the proper sequence of human evolution?
I. Homo Sapiens II. Homo Erectus III. Hominid IV. Homo Habilis
53. Aling taught her daughter how to prepare good and delicious desserts from local fruits
and vegetables. What cultural transmission processes is this?
A. observation B. acculturation C. enculturation D. Indoctrination
54. It was the first day of school. Mrs. Tiburcia prepared activities which will make her Grade
12 students sing, play, talk, learn and introduce themselves to the class. What process did
the teacher emphasize?
A. enculturation B. socialization C. indoctrination D. Acculturation
55. When Chuchay was in Grade 1, everytime she goes home with a perfect score in a test,
her parents gives her extra allowance. Everytime she does something wrong, she is
reprimanded. Now that she is in Grade 2, she tries her best to get perfect scores in tests
because of the reward and avoids doing something wrong because of the punishment. What
does this situation illustrate?
A. cognitive learning C. operant conditioning
B. identity formation D. classical conditioning
56. Kuh Lang Oat is a transferee and feels uneasy with her new school. Her teacher is very
accommodating, warm and caring. Kuh felt comfortable with her teacher‟s display of genuine
warmth. The teacher is consistent in her manner and Kuh began to associate school with the
teacher‟s warmth. Which theory is being illustrated?
A. meaningful learning C. classical conditioning
B. operant conditioning D. identity formation
57. Teresita found a wrist watch in the library. She gave it to the librarian. The librarian was
very appreciative with her deed. What do you think Teresita would most likely do when she
finds anything?
A. Keep the things she finds. C. Give the things she finds to others
B. Do not return the things she finds. . D. Always return the thing whatever she finds.
58. Where does socialization begins?
A. school B. church C. Home D. Peers
59. It is the state of having internalized norms as part of the social expectation.
A. conformity B. deviance C. norms D. obedience
60. These are forms of behaviour that are relatively or distinctly set away from a norm.
A. conformity B. deviance C. norms D. Obedience
61. Vhal vhas Sahrado have this very fond closeness with his friends and his family. During
weekdays, he have time for his friends and during weekends he also have time for his family.
Which type of group surrounds him?
A.. in group B. network group C. out group D. reference group
62. Sir Marlou Huang is currently taking up BSED English. He is now undertaking his
practice teaching at Mataas na Paaralan ng Mababang Lungsod. He always asks for advices
of his cooperating teacher. Every month different teachers handle him. Because of this he
learned many strategies in teaching. Which type of group surrounds him?
A. in group B. network group C. out group D. reference group
63. Which of the following is TRUE about ego?
A. The symbol for ego is a triangle.
B. An ego is neither a male nor a female.
C. Ego refers to the most frequent part of the kinship diagram.
D. Ego has nothing to do with the kinship diagram.
64. Which of the following statements shows ethnocentrism? O
A. I do not like Jazz.
B. I believe in my religion.
C. My religion is the only religion which embodies truth.
D. I do not like pork.
65. What type of groups is identified as the “nursery of human nature”?
A. in group B. network group C. out group D. reference group
66. Primary and secondary group is different from each other. Which of the following
statement BEST describes their difference?
A. Primary group is narrow while secondary group is broad.
B. Primary group is person-oriented while secondary group is goal-oriented.
C. They both inhibit closeness which is needed in the society.
D. Primary group is short term while secondary group is long term.
67. The school tapped the BAYANInitiatives, a community-based organization for a
community outreach program at Sitio Cabuyao, Maloma, San Felipe, Zambales. Based on the
situation, which of the type of group is BAYANInitiatives?
A. in group B. network group C. out group D. reference group
68. In-group is to “we feeling” as to _____ is to “they feeling”.
A. in group B. network group C. out group `D. reference group
69. Based on the kinship diagram, C is ego‟s:
A. mother's father B. father's mother C. brother‟s mother D. sister‟s mother
70. Which of the following best describes the kinship diagram? O
A. The circle symbolizes the women in the kinship.
B. The square symbolizes the men in the kinship.
C. It shows a simple kinship.
D. All of the offspring have their own spouses and children.
71. Based on the diagram, who is the closest elder male kinsmen if we take account
matrilineal decent?
A. L B. J C. H D. F
72. Kinship is the basic feature of the Filipino Society and Culture. Kinship refers to the
system of social relationship based on blood, marriage and ritual. Which social relationship
based on ritual is illustrated in this situation?
A. When your father gets help of his boss to recommend you for employment on a bank.
B. When your father seeks the help of your uncle to work for your migration to USA.
C. When your father requests the mayor whom he helped during election to give you a job.
D. When your father calls up your ninong Jose to facilitate your transfer as a teacher to your
. 73. Which of the following scenarios best describes a neolocal type of residence pattern?
A. Nadine and James decided to live in Nadine‟s mom‟s house.
B. Matteo decided to take Sarah as her wife and lived on his father‟s house.
C. Tito Sotto wanted for his nephew‟s wife and children to live in his mansion.
D. Judy Ann and Ryan bought a million dollar house and decided to live there as soon as
they got married.
74. Family is a basic unit of society. A Filipino family is generally extended such that we
usually find in such family the following:
A. father, mother, children
B. father, mother, grandmother, children
C. father, mother, children, helper
D. father, mother, adopted child, natural child
75. Marvin and Teresa were married for fifteen years. They have two daughters and three
sons. Both of them love each other and remained faithful for years. Which marriage type is
A. polyandry B. polygyny C. Monogamy D. polygamy
76. Abdul Jalani Sukul is a Muslim. Maria is his first and original wife. After five years, she
married Leonora and then the next year married his third wife named Theresa. Which type of
marriage is shown?
A. polyandry B. polygyny C. monogamy O D. Polygamy
77. Consanguineous:_________;Affinal:_________
A. blood : marriage B. marriage : blood C. blood : ritual D. marriage : ritual
78. Which is TRUE among the following statements?
I. Relationship by blood is called consanguineous kinship.
II. Compadrazgo is also called affinal kinship.
III. Godparents is an example of ritual kinship.
A. I only B. II and III only C. III only D. I and III only
79. Power came from the Latin word „potere’ which means______.
A. to hold office B. to be elected C. to be able D. to capacitate
80. Abu Uba, the paramount chief heads the village of Tralala. He serves as the most
powerful having authoritative powers. This is an example of what political organization.
A. band B. chiefdom C. nation D. State
81. Which of the following is the most important element of the state?
A. government B. people C. sovereignty D. Territory
82. Queen Elizabeth is also called as “the Virgin Queen”. She will be passing the
monarchical power to her eldest male heir. What type of authority is shown?
A. bureaucratic authority C. conventional authority
B. charismatic authority D. traditional authority
83. “Brother Jojo Halaya is a pastor in a certain religious sect. Because of his magnificent
way of preaching he influenced majority of people in the locality. He ran as mayor the next
year and fortunately won.” Based on the text, what can you infer?
A. He has charismatic authority.
B. He has bureaucratic authority.
C. He has all types of authority because of his genuine heart and profound intellect.
D. He first obtained charismatic authority then bureaucratic authority when he was elected.
84. Bands and tribes were perceived as “acephalous”. The italicized word means “without
A. well-defined system of science
B. well-defined system of leadership O
C. well-defined system of culture
D. well-defined small system
85. Mike Ardiente is a son of known politician. He ran as governor of the Province of
Sinangag. Which type of authority is performed by Mike?
A. bureaucratic authority C. conventional authority O
B. charismatic authority D. traditional authority
86. It is formed by several families living together based on marriage ties, common
descendants, friendship affiliations, and members usually have a common interest, or
A. bands B. chiefdoms C. state O D. tribe
87. The expansion of chiefdoms was punctuated by their collapse. Which of the following
is/are the reason/s of its collapse? I. Because of its increasing population. II. Because it is
highly unstable. III. Because it is prone to disintegration and reintegration. IV.Because
recession is present.
A. I and IV B. I, II and III C. I and II D. II and III
88. Reciprocity is a type of exchange of goods where there is exchange of goods with same
A. always true B. sometimes true C. never true D. Undefined
89. Which economic system is influenced by Adam Smith‟s belief of Laissez-Faire?
A. traditional economy C. market economy
B. command economy D. mixed economy
90. Which group of decision makers is NOT included in the private sector?
A. households B. firms C. the rest of the world D. Government
91. What type of economy is controlled by the government?
A. traditional economy C. market economy O
B. command economy D. mixed economy
92. Which of the following best illustrates the law of demand?
A. Higher prices of wood products encourage further deforestation.
B. Higher incomes encourage people to spend more on chocolates.
C. Higher tuition fees encourage people to put up more private schools.
D. A decrease in the price of mangoes leads to an increase in the purchases of this
93. The Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) is the oldest extant bank in the Philippines built
in the Philippines under the colonization of Spain. What is its old name?
A. El Banco Español del Filipino Isabel II
B. El Banco Filipino de Español Isabel II
C. El Español Banco Filipino de Isabel II
D. El Banco Español Filipino de Isabel II
94. What is known as the largest trade union in the Philippines?
A. Kilosang Mayo Uno
B. Bukluran ng Mangagawang Pilipino
C. May One Action
D. Trade Union Congress of the Philippines
FOR 35-37: Read the following functions on the box and the nonstate institutions below.
A. It lends money to private and public entities
B. It is autonomous and have voluntary membership C. It protects the rights of
I. Cooperatives II. Trade Unions III. Banks
95. Which of the following nonstate institutions is being described by statement A?
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. II and III
96. Which of the following nonstate institutions is being described by statement B?
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. II and III
97. Which of the following nonstate institutions is being described by statement C?
A. I only O B. II only O C. III only D. II and III
98. Which of the following is NOT a latent function of education?
A. creation of generation gap
B. providing means of social and political integration
C. matchmaking and production of social networks
D. restricting some activities
99. Which of the following is/are the major goal/s and function/s of education?
I. productive citizenry II. promotion of human rights III. self-actualization
A. I only B. II and III C. I and II D. I, II and III
100. Republic Act 7743 states that:
A. the NCEE should be abolished.
B. there should be free public secondary education.
C. there should be libraries on congressional districts, cities, municipalities and barangays,
101. Which is NOT a manifest function of education?
A. social control B. socialization C. restricting of some actions D. an agent of
102. The three Abrahamic religions are as follows: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. In such
order, identify the name of their gods. I. Yehudim II. Holy Trinity III. Al’lah
103. What is known as the oldest extant religion in the world?
A. Buddhism B. Hinduism C. Shintoism D. Taoism
104. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
A. Judaism B. Islam C. Shintoism D. Christianity
105. Marvin is a Muslim. He has a legal means of living. He saved all the time to do his
religious obligation. At the age of 13, through his own efforts he made it to Mecca. What pillar
of Islam is shown? O A. Shahada O B. Sawm O C. Hajj O D. Zakat 106. Which is the most
acceptable statement about religion? O A. Religion postulates magic. O B. The religious
teach people about power. O C. Most religions assume that the world is filled with bad spirits.
O D. Through religion, people create meaning, peace of mind, and social solidarity. 107. As
part of Filipino language regarding culture of health and sickness, which of the following best
describes the statement: “masama ang pakiramdam”? O A. diagnostic in nature O B. about
something bad happening in the body, either inside or outside O C. pertains to actual body
pain O D. supernatural being caused the sickness 108. Which of the following Filipino
theories of illness states that illness happens through ancestors for unfulfilled obligations? O
A. mystic cause B. personalistic cause C. naturalistic cause D.
bacterial/virus cause
109. Which department under the Philippine Government focuses with health? O
A. Department of Agriculture
B. Department of Health
C. Bureau of Health Workers
D. Health Association of the Philippines
110. These are knowledgeable folkloric modalities which use medicinal herbs.
A. albularyo B. medico C. mangluluop D. manghihilot -end- “An
investment in education pays the best interest.”

Tips in answering: 1. Use the CARL method: C – omprehend the question. A – nticipate the
answer. R – emoval of options. L – everage of options. 2. Read the directions/carefully. If
you have questions ask to your proctor. 3. Don‟t rush in answering. 4. If you don‟t know the
answer go to other items then go back after you finishing all items. 5. Make sure to count the
number of your answers. It should equal to the number of items. 6. Pray.

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