Civilian Medical Practitioner Mount Plesant Complex - Terms of REFERENCE (Terms of Reference Are Currently Under Review)

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REFERENCE (Terms of Reference are currently under review)


Grade/Rank: CMP

Issued: Nov 11– Example Dates

Review Date: Nov 12– Example Dates


1. To provide primary and occupational Healthcare in line with GMC Standards to

ensure that the organisational and Principal/Senior Medical Officer's objectives are
achieved to optimise patient care.

2. The Post Holder’s Line Management will reflect the organisational structures of
medical Service and establishment1.

3. Whilst the Post Holder may not have direct Line Manager Responsibilities, they
will participate in the mentoring of junior personnel, helping to ensure that their
training needs, as defined in the Practice Development Plan, are met and that any
shortfalls are identified and addressed.


4. Working within the guidelines of General Medical Council: Good Medical

Practice and all extant Surgeon General and single Service policies and direction the
CMP will:

a. Provide general healthcare to all registered patients during normal practice


b. Maximise the levels of health, wellbeing and employability of Service personnel

to ensure the needs of the single Services are met.

1 Line Management will be either Principal Medical Officer (PMO)/Senior Medical Officer (SMO), Regional Healthcare Director
or Command Medical, HQ Medical Support Command, depending on medical Service
c. Undertake mandatory medical examinations and provide appropriate
occupational healthcare and advice, and all supporting administrative duties.

d. Provide appropriate preventative medical advice to both individuals and Chain

of Command.

e. Appropriately supervise the management of communicable diseases,

including monitoring and reporting through single Service chains.

f. Provide primary care emergency treatment to any patient who may require
this within the Establishment.

g. Have a working knowledge of, and be actively involved in clinical governance.

h. Participate in audit, in accordance with both personal and practice

development plans.

i. Work in collaboration with all members of the primary healthcare team and line

j. Provision of Out of Hours on call service covering Primary Healthcare. On call

provision, not to fall below a 1:2 commitment.

k. Provide Pre-Hospital Emergency Care in locations where Host Nation provision

is either inadequate or non-existent, in order to save life and ensure a patient gets
to appropriate hospital care in a timely fashion. This would be of a level
equivalent to Defence PHEC Level 5 – consistent with basic emergency
procedures, not including pre-hospital sedation or pre-hospital emergency
anaesthesia. Levels of training would be consistent with being a registered
General Practitioner and additionally attending the BASICs Pre-Hospital
Emergency Care Course (PHECC) or the Military Pre-Hospital Emergency Care
Course (M-PHECC).  Equivalent qualifications can be considered and approved
by DCA Pre-Hospital Emergency Care. 


5. In addition, the CMP will:

a. Represent the PMO/SMO on Medical Practice related issues where

necessary, including participation in unit health committees where appropriate.

b. Participate fully in any practice out of hours’ rota, but where applicable the
level of commitment being based on a pro-rata basis for part-time staff. This
should not include providing cover for planned military absences.
c. Provide care for inpatients of any low dependency ward where applicable.

d. Provide emergency treatment and accident reporting for MOD civilian staff.

e. Be familiar with relevant major incident and infectious disease outbreak plans.

f. Liaise with the practice manager on all matters of service administration.

g. In the case of Military Establishment where flying activities take place, CMPs
will participate fully in the provision of Aviation Medicine advice cover as directed
by the SMO. The level of commitment will be based on a pro-rata basis.


6. The Post Holder is primarily accountable to their line manager. The Post
Holder is also administratively accountable2 to the Head of Establishment (HoE) or
Commanding Officer (CO).


7. The Post Holder is authorised to maintain liaison with welfare agencies,

secondary care services and other external agencies as appropriate to ensure
comprehensive patient care. These may include, but not be limited to the following:

a. Ministry of Defence Hospital Units (MDHUs), Regional Rehabilitation Units

(RRUs) and hospitals.

b. Other Medical Practitioners and Allied Medical Services (physiotherapy,

podiatry, audiology, etc) where agreed as appropriate by their line manager.

c. Other Medical and Civilian organisations as appropriate (NPFS, etc).

d. Welfare management services and Chaplains.


8. The Post Holder requires the following Essential Competencies and would
from the Desirable Competences to effectively carry out the duties of the post:

a) Registration with the UK GMC, and on the GP Register.

2 The Head of Establishment (HoE) or Commanding Officer has site responsibilities for issues such as security and health and safety. All
personnel are accountable to the HoE/CO for ensuring they comply with all site related instructions.
b) Holding a current Licence to practice

c) To be proficient in relevant IT systems subject to appropriate training being


d) Aviation medicine

e) Pre-Hospital Emergency Care/BATLS


a) Knowledge of medical IT systems used within the Defence Medical Services

b) Occupational health and in particular military occupational health.

c) Musculoskeletal medicine

d) (where appropriate) Experience of Armed Forces Medicine, relevant to the

single Service environment, i.e. Underwater and Diving Medicine, Aviation


9. The responsibility for implementing the Department’s Equal Opportunities

policies is shared by all staff. The Post Holder has a responsibility to ensure that the
working environment is free from harassment and that the dignity of others is
respected. The Post Holder will ensure that his/her own conduct does not cause
offence and will actively discourage colleagues from harassing others.


10. The Post Holder recognises the requirement to satisfy the Health and Safety
requirements of the establishment in which employed. In this way, they accept that
all staff have a duty to co-operate with line management and to take reasonable care
of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or


11. The Post Holder accepts responsibility for ensuring that the security
implications are considered, that security standards and procedures as laid down in
JSP 440 are applied effectively and that prompt action is taken in the event of any
security incident. See relevant Establishment SOs.


12. The CMP should understand the values and standards of the Armed Forces
and support the Services in their day to day duty.

13. All CMPs must undergo the professional annual appraisal process to contribute
towards revalidation. In addition, all CMPs will participate in the Civil Service
performance appraisal system.


14. The Post Holder is responsible for ensuring that their training and development
needs are identified and agreed with their Line Manager and are reviewed at the mid
year review. The post holder is expected to:

a. Maintain continuing medical education, personal developments plans, and

satisfy the requirements of recertification and revalidation.

b. Actively work towards improving the practice, including participation in the

practice development plan.

c. Participate and contribute to regular practice meetings with these being held
at appropriate times for part-time staff. Time spent in practice meetings should
not form part of CMPs protected study time for CPD.


15. Protected study time will be made available for continuing professional
development during working hours. While the amount of CPD undertake may vary
between individuals, CMPs will be expected to undertake sufficient CPD to ensure
re-validation as laid down by the RCGP and GMC. It is anticipated that personnel
will carry out around 50 hours per year. An understanding of the single Service
working environments is essential for CMPs to make the occupational health
decisions required by their role and all CMPs are to be offered the opportunity to
develop their understanding of the varied working environments.


16. Flexible working will be subject to local arrangements. It is expected that there
will be limited scope for flexible hours due to the working hours of medical centres.


17. The Post Holder is to ensure that he/she understands these Terms of
18. The Post Holder is also to be fully familiar with Establishment Business Plan
and to propose amendments as required to the Line Manager.


19. These Terms of Reference are to be reviewed by the Line Manager with the
Post Holder on commencement of the appointment and at the start of each reporting
year, along with the individual’s job plan.

Line Manager signature:………………… Post Holder signature:………………

Name: …………………………………… Name: …………………………………

Date: …………………………………..

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