Tugas 13 B.inggris

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This memo shows what they will talk about at the meeting T

They will talk about company cars at the meeting. F

If you have something more to talk about at the meeting, you should call Clare. T









That company likes to attract the best. All of its employees are highly skilled.

The election of the new chairperson is tomorrow.

We are going to invest a lot of money in the new project.

He writes well, but his spelling is terrible!

She is not very punctual . She never gets to work on time.

I would like to see an improvement in your punctuality!

The Internet is the best place to find any information you want.

The company is successful because we manage it well.

We have the same discussion at every meeting!

His work is very weak . He needs help.

I made an arrangement to meet everyone from work in a restaurant tonight.

I'm such a fool! It was because of my own stupidity that I didn't take that good job.

George W. Bush won the U.S. presidential election in 2004.

I've made a big investment of time and money in this company.

When I turned out the lights, the room was in total darkness .

He's not very good at his job, but people like him because of his great personality .

We can get all the information we need from the Internet.

I hate driving in bad weather because I'm afraid I'll have an accident.

She doesn't have a big personality. She's very quiet.

What was his reaction to the idea?

Her shyness means it is difficult for her to enjoy parties and social events.

I like the school because the quality of the teaching is so high.

Your driving is terrible — you drive too fast.

"Was there any entertainment at the wedding?" "Yes, there was a jazz band."

I've seen a great improvement in your English.

The government is having discussions about the problems in hospitals.

I didn't vote in the last election .

When the sun went down, we were left in darkness .

I arranged a very important business meeting last week.

If you have any new information , then call me.

It was because of my own stupidity that I lost the keys to my house.

This student's punctuality has not been good. He was late six times this month.

Our company has increased its foreign investment this year.

The restaurant is under new management.

I work for an organization that raises money for charity.

My biggest problem in English is my spelling.

The main attraction of living in Europe is the mixture of cultures.

Your plan has several weaknesses , so we need to change it.

Job interviews


you really want to be successful and powerful


a chance to do something


you use this to describe when a man looks smart and tidy because he wears a suit and has short

clean-cut appeance

the work you have done before for other organizations that helps you in your current job


you can change easily to different situations — in a job, for example


to give other people a good opinion of yourself

make a good impretion

physical actions that tell people what you are like or thinking — no eye contact is an example of

body language

you behave in a way that people can trust you

academic and business diplomas


He always looks clean-cut . His clothes are clean and his hair is nice.

He's very flexible . He will do anything you ask him to.

He has a lot of previous experience. He had the same job at NBG Bank for five years.

He sat with his arms crossed and didn't look at me. This is bad body language .

He told me he wants to be the boss in three years' time! He's very ambitious .

She could be a good manager. I think we should give her a promotion and more money.

He didn't get the job because the other people they interviewed had studied more and had
better qualifications from their colleges.

I trust him to take care of the business while I'm away. He's very responsible .

Even if people meet her for just a short time, they like her. She makes a good impression on people.

Our boss is leaving. This is a great opportunityfor me to get his job.

What are they talking about? A job interview

How does Ann feel at the end of the conversation? Confused

Bill thinks the interviewers didn't like him. T

Bill doesn't have enough qualifications. F

Bill didn't say very much during the interview. F

Bill doesn't have any sales experience. F

Ann thinks all of Bill's answers were fine. T

Bill thinks his body language was bad. F

Bill looked smart at the interview. F

Ann thinks Bill's shoes are okay for a job interview. F

How did the interview go? B

"Why do you want this job?" A

Should we give him a promotion B

Why didn't you like her? A

Do you have any previous experience as a journalist? c

Which is correct? He didn't get the job because he doesn't have a lot of experience.

Which is correct? He had the interview, but doesn't know if he got the job.

Which is correct? Both interviewers like her.

Which is correct? The man thinks he can do the job

What do they talk about? His clothes for tomorrow.

Creating brand awareness

to sell an image or concept to be used on other products


a short song, often in a commercial, that is about a company, its services, or products


a legal registration which indicates that something created belongs to a person or company


the percentage of a specific market that a company sells to or aims to sell to


to pay for an event or party in order to advertise


an event which a company pays for in order to get advertising

pr event

a name or a symbol on a product that identifies the company that made it


a picture or design that a company uses to identify itself


The company is merchandising its name on thousands of hats, jackets, shirts, and backpacks.

We can't use any of these symbols on our products. They are the trademarks of other companies.
The company has a very small market share, but the management is hoping to increase it to 5% in the
next three years.

The company is holding two PR events this month: a singing competition and a street party downtown.

The company, called Peter & Paul, has a logo with a small circle and two connecting Ps inside it.

Everyone is singing the jingle from that new ad on TV.

That American bank sponsors many outdoor sporting events each year.

Artists should always get the copyright on any original artwork put online to protect it from unauthorized

What is the main idea of this article? Ways of creating a strong brand image

What are some of the tips the article suggests about company logos? They should be simple and
represent the company's spirit

What kinds of logos do banks often use? Big and solid logos to represent stability

Why is a logo so important? It's used on many things from clothing to business cards.

Which two examples of PR events does the article mention? Film festivals and banquets.

What is one benefit of a PR event according to the article? PR events help a company target specific

Why is Magda writing this letter? To ask employees for help at PR events.

How long will the PR events last? One is for six days; the other is for one day

Which statement is true? The company will only have a table at the Gala

What will employees get paid? Nothing

How many events can a staff member volunteer for? Two

How can a staff member volunteer? Contact Mary Lou.

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