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Hybrid Acoustic/Optic Communications in

Underwater Swarms
Dr. Claudio Moriconi and Ing. Giacomo Cupertino Prof. Silvello Betti and Dr. Marco Tabacchiera
Robotics Lab Electronic Engineering Department
ENEA University of Rome Tor Vergata
Rome, Italy Rome, Italy

Abstract— The paper presents the first results of a research navigation environment. Because the swarm is a network with
aimed at the use of a combined opto-acoustic approach, allowing an arbitrary 3D nodes distribution, that is also continuously
a large band communication network in a harsh environment changing to self-adapt to the environment, the transducers must
like the underwater. The realisation of a special modem, be characterized by a radiation diagram close to a uniform 4ʌ
optimised for the highly dense swarm is also presented together distribution. The energy requirement, the opposite need for a
with a first realization of an optical transducer suitable for a wide band availability and the geometrical vincula before
wireless 3D networking operation. mentioned imposes severe requests to the network engineering,
to the protocol and to the choice of the transducers.
Keywords—underwater wireless communication network;
acoustic modem; dense swarm; As it is better shown in the following, we addressed our
research on the line of the implementation of a hybrid, multi
I. INTRODUCTION channel network, with a close synergy between the available
physical communication channels. The approach that is
The use of teams or swarms of AUV in the monitoring of currently under investigation is the combined use of acoustical
basins of coasts and continental waters offer huge advantages and opticals signals. Other possibilities could be investigated,
with respect to the exploitation of single, sophisticated but but this combination seems to be the most appropriate to the
expensive robots and pose a number of peculiar problems that characteristics of the dense networked swarms able to operate
are still under investigation. Moreover, the special topic of in the open sea that the object of our study.
dense swarms, where the distance among the vessels is of
meters or tens of meters with respect to the hundreds of meters Another issue that heavily affects the system choices and
that are generally the mean value of distance among the network performances is the cardinality of the nodes in the
cooperating vessels, introduces additional issues. Perhaps the swarm.
most relevant of these issues is in the availability of reliable
The more advanced researches with similar approaches
and fast enough data channels, tailored on the peculiar needs of
(see, for instance, ICT projects and relevant papers produced
these high density systems. The underwater communication is
by CO3AUVs [1], CoCoro [2], Shoal, Noptilus [3]) are
under development since several years, but the set of features
oriented to the study and implementation of communication
that are characteristic of large numbers of communicating
networks able to allow a coordination among several units that
nodes that moves along a tri-dimensional space has not yet
can carry out simultaneous and cooperating monitoring and
discussed in depth. Harness project, a research realised by the
surveillance activities. Shoal project is one of the more recent
team composed by ENEA, Tor Vergata University and Perugia
and interesting works. Results of this project have not been
University and funded by the Italian Institute of Technology,
extensively published yet, but the general approach of the
deals with the aforementioned issues.
project appears to have a philosophy similar to the one of our
work, but with important differences. The cardinality is one of
II. FEATURES OF UNDERWATER SWARM NETWORKING these. In fact current experimental tests of other research labs
According with the preliminary work carried out within have been carried out with few units, quite often adopting a
Harness, the operation of an underwater robotics swarm like point-to point connection. Alternatively, the connection can be
the one ENEA is studying on its VENUS vessel, asks for the considered a broadcast one, but the complexity of messages is
availability of a communication network that is much beyond maintained at very low levels (for instance, in the case of
the usual performances of the current underwater modems. For CoCoRo project) pushing the research more on the issue of
this reason, a specifically designed modem has been local intelligence than on the network intelligence. In CoCoRo
developed, the SWAN-SAR (SWArm Networking - Short approach, based on very small vehicles, the cardinality can be
Acoustic Range), and is currently under testing. Its basic high, but the message complexity is low, the signals very
characteristics are: relatively low power (to cope with short simple and also the perfomances of each single agent/node are
distances data transmission), high modulation frequency (to limited by the physical dimensions so that monitoring of large
enhance the signal abatement and reduce the multipath effect), areas could become a difficult task.
capability to adapt many parameters of the modem to the

978-1-4799-8736-8/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

The complexity of this problem is further increased by the acoustic communication channel [11] and having evaluated the
consideration that in a dense swarm, where the communication transmission capacity [12], a great work has been performed in
distance is deliberately kept low with the use of devices like order to analyse, design and realize underwater networks based
SWAN-SAR, the problem of message passing on large on acoustic communications to evaluate their performance in
distances is also a mandatory problem considering that these terms of throughput [13-18]. In this context, Underwater
swarms, depending on the application needs, can arrive to be Acoustic Sensor Networks (UASNs) are of utmost importance
extended over hundreds of meters or more. since they consist of sensors and vehicles deployed underwater
and networked in order to perform collaborative tasks [19-23].
According to this last issue, the most suitable approach on A new paradigm is offered by the swarm configured
which we are working on, is referred to the development of a underwater acoustic networks SUAN (Swarm Underwater
clustered network where clusters are compatible with the Acoustic Network), which exploit swarm collective
available range of communication (few tens of meters) and intelligence and self-organization [24, 25]. The challenge is
represent unstable groups. The logic of the clusters (UCN – that the performances exhibited by these networks should cope
Unstable Cluster Network) is aimed to allow the individuals to with the needs of general wireless sensor networks [26] and,
subscribe to a new group, adjacent to its previous one, and to specifically, to underwater robot networks [27].
unsubscribe from the old one. The topological and formation-
bounded rules to allow an effective implementation of this As regards the Medium Access Control (MAC), several
organisation are currently under study. protocols have been proposed for acoustic network such as, for
example, Aloha, DACAP, CSMA, and T-Lohi but, in all these
This simplified scheme should substantially increase the cases, acoustical propagation delay of RTS/CTS messages or
overall band pass of the network, also taking into account the retransmissions dramatically reduces the network performance,
need for an intercluster channel and the cluster boundary especially in high content conditions.
interferences that will decrease the maximum theoretical
network capacity. Our expectations are that with this approach A preliminary model taking into account the needs of an
we could demonstrate that the dense swarm can become a underwater swarm network has been introduced in [28]: in this
scalable system, able to operate both on small and on large work the network parameters and the performance of the
scales, without modifying the base communication equipment. acoustic channel have been derived for an efficient
According to our preliminary studies, only the software communication among the robot-nodes. Moreover, the network
configuration should be modified when the scale of the system performance has been evaluated considering two possible
increases substantially. choices for MAC: Aloha and CSMA. It has been shown that
for “low mobility” conditions, Aloha turns out preferable than
Coming back to the implementation of the communication CSMA while the opposite trend is verified when robot speed
channels, it is to mention that the most practical optical increases. That preliminary result points out that the choice of
transducers are represented by LEDs and by communication MAC protocol can notably depend on the application scenario.
Lasers, but the last devices, despite their huge modulation The swarm dynamics and configurations influence on the
capability, show a transmission power lower by three or four underwater acoustic network performance has been evaluated
orders of magnitudes than LEDs so that they are impractical in [29].
for a suitable omnidirectional transmission and could be used
only in special cases that will be discussed in the following. On There are many underwater environment parameters
the contrary, LEDs technology is evolving incredibly fast that affecting the communication channels (acoustical, optical,
brought to increase their efficiency from around ten of lumen etc..) with a strong variability with the space and the time
per watt in the 90’s to beyond 250 lumen/watt of the current caused by the salinity, the turbidity, the presence of dissolved
experimental devices (Cree, 2013). Efficiencies as high as 140- substances, the presence of streams, the temperature gradients
150 lumen/watt are currently available on the consumer market and many others. Depending on the modifications of these
at low cost [4], making these devices an exceptional parameters, the data transmission can take place with different
opportunity to a technology that must combine sophisticated delays, attenuations, angular distributions of the radiated power
approaches and algorithms with very low cost (imposed by the and so forth.
high number of the nodes/vessels contained in a swarm).
Usually, acoustical underwater networks are aimed at
Moreover, it is also available quite a wide range of optical covering few kilometres (maximum) in range and the off-the-
frequencies, entering the possibility to develop a low-cost, shelf devices available on the market are mostly optimized for
rough spectrum analyser of water characteristics on each vessel this kind of operation (carrier frequency generally included in
and therefore to develop a very high speed measurement of the the range 500-10000 Hz). Unfortunately, this implies that only
distance among the nodes, alternative to the classical methods low data-rates can be achieved and in case of networks with a
based on the acoustical time of flight. This is a key issue for the high number of nodes, this limited band must be shared among
formation control of the wireless network and this kind of them with a further decay of the performance. Moreover, the
device is as well under development by our research team. long propagation delays of acoustic signals could become one
of the most severe limits for the network capacity and a more
III. ACOUSTIC COMMUNICATION CHANNEL suitable communication protocol is required to cope with the
communication latency.
The acoustic signal transmission is for a while a well-
established technique for underwater sensing [7, 8] and Nevertheless, the acoustical signals still represent the most
communication [9, 10]. After having modelled the underwater widely used technique to ensure the communication among the
underwater vessels (often including buoys) and among them A( d , f ) = d k ⋅ a d (2)
and the ships. Underwater acoustic communications are
influenced by a number of factors that concur to determine the
where k is the energy spreading factor (k is 1 for cylindrical
temporal and spatial variability of the acoustic channel, and
and 2 for spherical spreading) and
limit the available bandwidth of the underwater acoustic
channels. Long-range systems that operate over several tens of
kilometres have a bandwidth of only some hundreds of Hz α(f )
while a short-range system operating over tens of meters or a = 10 10 (3)
less may have up to a MHz bandwidth.
The factors that influence acoustic communications in order is a frequency-dependent term, depending on the absorption
to state the challenges posed by underwater sensor networking coefficient Į(f). The absorption coefficient for the frequency
typically include: range of interest is calculated according to Thorp’s expression
[28], expressed in dB/km and f in kHz
• path loss, which consists of attenuation and geometric
f2 f2
• noise, which can be divided in man-made noise and α( f ) = 0.11⋅ + 44⋅ + 2.75⋅10−4 f 2 + 0.003 (4)
ambient noise; 1+ f 2 4100+ f 2

• multipath, which depends on propagation and The transmitted signal is correctly detected if the SNR
geometry effects; exceeds a proper threshold, which can be evaluated by
• high delay and delay variance; considering the sensitivity level of the receiver. This value is
obtained by the data sheets specifications of the transducers.
• Doppler spread. Specifically, for a Reson TC4034 transducer, the parameters
are: Receiving Voltage Sensitivity (RVS) of -218 dB
Most of the described factors are caused by the chemical-
re1V/1μPa and Transmit Voltage Response (TVR) exceeding
physical properties of the water medium such as temperature,
140 dB re 1μPa/V@1m.
salinity and density, and by their spatial-temporal variations.
These variations, together with the “waveguide” nature of the
channel, cause the acoustic channel to be temporally and IV. OPTICAL COMMUNICATION CHANNEL
spatially variable. With respect to acoustic signal transmission, optical signals
According with the conditions that have been just discussed have a much larger bandwidth but can propagate some tens or
before, a key parameter to achieve a correct operation of a hundreds of meters in water, depending on the turbidity [30,
mobile sensing network is the inter-node distance. Whereas the 31, 32]. Moreover, at short ranges they offer the possibility of
typical distance among the nodes in static networks or in robot much higher data-rate communications, with almost zero
teams can be in the range of hundreds of meters we are propagation delay.
studying the behaviour of dense SUAN, with typical distance Clear water is modestly transparent in the visible light
among the nodes of just few meters up to few tens of meters. spectrum. Thus, an interesting alternative to acoustic links is in
For such a kind of SUAN, a good trade-off between bandwidth the development of optical links where high data-rates (10-100
and efficiency can be achieved by transducers operating around Mb/s up to 1 Gb/s, if laser is used) are achievable. A fading
400 kHz. This value is higher than those used in traditional rate of about 0.15~0.5dB/m is achievable in the blue-green
UAN, but at the same time implies a less harmful multipath band (wavelength in the range 470~525 nm) in clear water,
effect. A robust modulation format for acoustic shallow water thus the working range of underwater optical modems is on the
channel is M-Frequency Shift Keying (M-FSK) with M=4, 8 order of 100 m in the clearest water.
and 16. This multilevel modulation format is more prone to
contrast the multipath effects and can allow a low cost modem Moreover, the bit-per-Joule energy required for optical data
implementation. transmission is much less than acoustics, allowing a limited
battery usage also for large data transfers.
Generally, the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) per bit can be
evaluated as [18] If limited to short distances, the use of the optical channel
solves the problem of low-speed transmission and low data-
rate of acoustic signals.
PTX ( d ) (1) While absorption depends mainly on the optical signal
SNR ( d , f ) =
A( d , f ) ⋅ N Tot ( f ) wavelength, scattering is due to the suspended sediment or
particles, which diffuse the light in all directions. Scattering
where PTX is the transmitted power, A(d, f) the attenuation over reduces signal levels but also limit the maximum data rate
the link between the transmitting node Tx and the receiving when temporal pulse stretching, due to multipath effects, is
node Rx, assumed at distance d. NTot(f) is the overall ambient comparable to the bit time. It depends on a variety of geometric
noise due to turbulence, shipping, waves and thermal noise. factors in addition to water quality, including source beam
The attenuation is given by divergence, propagation distance, receiver field of view and
source beam misalignment.
Optical underwater communication systems can be BR = BW ⋅ log 2 (1 + SNR ) (7)
designed and realized according to the following
specifications: and, considering OOK (On-Off-Keying) modulation format,
• high data-rate, ranging from Mb/s up to Gb/s, if laser typical for Intensity Modulation–Direct Detection (IM-DD)
exploitation is acceptable; optical communication systems [42], the BER is given by

• relatively low-cost and low-power components and

circuits equipped with LEDs and photodiodes; 1 § Eb ·
BER = ⋅ erfc ¨ ¸ (8)
• collimated laser beam for high directivity field pattern 2 ¨ 2N ¸
© 0 ¹
for high data-rate optical signal transmission;
• LED beam for high angular divergence optical being erfc(x) the complementary error function and the bit
transmission; energy-to-noise density ratio Eb/N0 is defined by SNR, BR and
BW according to the expression
• reduced energy consumption for high-data rate
Performance evaluation has been carried out starting from Eb BW
= SNR ⋅ (9).
the electrical SNR relative to the typical underwater optical link N0 BR
reported in [32]
In recent years, there have been several studies that have
addressed the potential capabilities of optical underwater
ª Pt e − 3 Kr D 2 cos φ º communication systems, and some notable demonstrations at
SNR = « ⋅ ⋅ » (5)
high data-rates have been presented. In Table I some important
¬ tan θ 4 r
2 2
results are reported, which refer to optical underwater
communication systems operating in clear water.
where the three factors in the square brackets are referred
respectively, to the transmitter, the communication channel and Some possible network topologies have been considered in
the receiver, with Pt the transmitted power, ș the half angle [41] and the corresponding performance evaluated with the aim
transmitter beam width, K§c/3 the diffuse attenuation of implementing underwater sensor networks based on optical
coefficient, which typically ranges from ∼0.02 m-1 for the communications. As regards underwater optical networks
cleanest water, to ∼0.8 m-1 for the more turbid coastal water based on mobile node-robots in swarm configuration,
[31, 32], c being the beam attenuation coefficient, r is the performance and routing optimization have been presented in
optical link length, D the receiver aperture diameter, the [42].
angle between the receiver optical axis and the line-of-sight
between transmitter and receiver, NEP is the Noise Equivalent TABLE I. UNDERWATER OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS
Power, given by
Author Range Bit-rate System Ref.
100 m- Blue-Green
Farr ~10 Mb/s [33]
300 m LED
NEP = Pbg2 _ sn + Psig2 _ sn + Pdark
2 2
_ sn + Pamp _ n
(6) CORK
100 m 5 Mb/s Test in Ocean [34]
Small Low
where Feng Lu 10 m 310 b/s Cost Optical [35]
Pbg_sn = solar background shot-noise, depending on solar Modem
background Pbg, photodiode responsivity S, effective noise Aqua Nodes
Vasilescu 8m 300 kb/s sensor [36]
bandwidth BWen=ʌBW/2 and photodiode excess noise factor F; network
Psig_sn = signal shot-noise, depending on received optical power Hanson & Laboratory
2m 1 Gb/s [37]
Psig, photodiode responsivity S, effective noise bandwidth Radic Laser Tunk
BWen=ʌBW/2 and photodiode excess noise factor F; Chancey 5m 10 Mb/s - [38]
Pdark_sn = depending on multiplied dark current Idark, non- Ambalux
Ambalux 40 m 10 Mb/s [39]
multiplied dark current Idc, photodiode current gain Gdet, System
photodiode responsivity S, effective noise bandwidth AquaOptical
Doniec 30 m 2 Mb/s [40]
BWen=ʌBW/2 and photodiode excess noise factor F;
Pamp_n = depending on preamplifier current noise density In_amp, V. HYBRID ACOUSTIC/OPTIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM
photodiode current gain Gdet, responsivity S, and effective
noise bandwidth BWen=ʌBW/2. An approach that faces the constraints in underwater
communications of underwater robot swarms, is based on the
The bit-rate, BR, is related to the SNR and BW by the implementation of hybrid acoustic/optic communication
expression systems [33, 43].
The two techniques can be viewed as complementary and A multibody system like a robot swarm, should react to
this hybrid approach can exploit the peculiarities of mobile environmental modifications in a cognitive mode, both
robot swarms in term of “cognitive” resources management, so modifying the parameters of the transmission "organs" and
to realize the benefits of both kinds of system in hybrid modifying the physical dispersion/geometry of the system
acoustic/optical underwater network. itself. In particular, the network intelligence can take great
advantage by the fact that the slower and less efficient
An important advantage of the proposed hybrid system is acoustical channel is almost unsensitive to water opacity and to
that the two communication “platforms” can operate jointly sunlight conditions, whereas the high speed optical
(dual communication mode), singularly (acoustic or optical communication channel will offer much greater performances
communication mode) or even in a special hybrid mode, using where high acoustical reflections can affect the signal
the peculiar features of the optic signals to ease the acoustic transmission (like in rivers or harbours, for instance). This
protocols operation. The last one is the most easy approach and creates a multilevel connection among the different parts of its
is the first under implementation. In any case the final choice distributed intelligence and communication is a key issue for
among the modes will be the result of a dynamic process the swarm control, the transfer of service data among the
carried out on the basis of conditions set by the swarm control nodes, the transmission of useful data from the swarm
system, according to the cognitive resources management. individual to the outside.
A. Hybrid Performance Evaluation Basically, the swarm can be viewed as a wireless network
At this moment only an approximate quantitative of mobile nodes that is able to adapt itself to different needs
evaluation of the advantages coming from the hybrid depending on the physical arrangement of the nodes geometry.
communication mode can be presented because the other Few examples of opposite needs can be:
modes imply the electronic design of an optical driver of the • the need to transmit low/high speed data along
OTR head (later in this paper) that is still to be done. The basic long/short distances;
advantages in aloha-based protocols are:
• the need to increase the internal (to the swarm)
a) the cut–off of the content times (latency), that can be available band in order to allow processing like data
carried out using sync optical signals instead of the acoustical fusion coming from many sensors concentrated on the
tones; same target;
b) the time saving relevant to the timeguard that could • the need to maintain a disperse swarm order to
be optimized through the use of optical sync signals. accomplish wide area monitoring tasks.
Moreover, a high data-rate optical link can be used to
In the first case, a quantitative evaluation of latency can be transfer data from the area covered by the robot swarm to the
done starting from the distance among the nodes. In a dense outside by a “collector-transponder” node.
swarm it should be typically around few meters (3 to 10)
according to the vessel characteristics, but with the possibility Generally, underwater robot swarm networks can be
to reach about 20 m, depending on the mission requirement: characterized by their “spatial coverage” and by the “density of
this bring to a time-of-flight of about 15 ms. Considering that a nodes”, dynamic parameters that have relevant implications for
typical short message for a swarm stable navigation could the MAC- and network-layer specifications [14].
contain about 100 bits, that is about 8 symbols of our SWAN,
The spatial extent of a network must be compared with the
the latency plus message could ask something more than 20ms
communication range among the nodes: if all nodes are in
and the use of the Hybrid mode could save about 75% of
direct contact, a “single-hop” network can be defined, while a
channel time.
network covering a large area requires “multiple hops” to
Further advantages could be obtained using the optical connect the nodes. Within this framework, basic system
signals as tool to optimize the duration and the positioning of requirements to consider are:
the time guards. An extended discussion of this case is quite
• latency, that is a strict requirement for multi-hop
beyond the scopes of the paper because of the statistical
network topology using acoustic communication
properties of multipath. In case the multipath energy is able to
channel, negligible when using optical communication.
cause intersymbolic interference, the receiver could feed back
Forwarding information hop-by-hop from source to
to the transmitter the arrival of the interference, helping to
destination could impact on the latency. In underwater
redefine in a dynamic way the parameters of time guard (such
acoustic communication, the propagation delay due to
as first delay, sliding time and width the Tg itself) in order to
sound propagation is very high with a severe effect on
minimize as much as possible the interference. This last
the latency threshold;
technique could be strongly effective in practical cases: in
commercial modems, in fact, the real band s by the acoustical • power consumption;
modems can be almost devastated by the multipath effects
going down for more than one order of magnitude. We still do • throughput.
not have experimental tests of this approach because the The MAC protocol in a multi-hop, self-organizing network
SWAN are still in their first phase of tests, but the potential is must achieve two goals. The first one is the creation of the
very high. network infrastructure. If sensor nodes are densely scattered in
a field, the MAC scheme must establish communication links B. SWAN MODEM
for data transfer. This forms the basic infrastructure needed for An acoustic modem has been designed and realized for
communication hop-by-hop and gives the sensor network self- transmitting, receiving and processing M-FSK modulated
organizing ability. The second objective is to fairly and signals that are robust against the severe underwater
efficiently share communication resources between sensor communication channel (Fig. 1).
nodes. Novel protocols and algorithms are needed to
effectively tackle the resource constraints and application The acoustic modem has been realized to be suited to the
requirements of sensor networks. selected omnidirectional electro-acoustic transducer Reson
TC4043. An 8-FSK modulation format has been adopted that
Within this framework, a Knowledge Horizon [6] can be provides 128 tones, of which 8 are used for signaling and 120
defined in relation to: for information transmission.
• the Global Perception limit; This choice leads to a bit-rate value Rb depending on the
• the Cognition Delay, intended as the delay requested to number of useful tones, NT, the symbol time Ts and the guard
pass information and/or cognition to the target node. time Tg according to the relationship

The first constrain is due to the amount of incoming

information for each node when the number of members of the § N · (10).
swarm increases. Each sensing node generates information Rb = ¨ 3 ⋅ T ¸ /(Ts + Tg ) bit/s
© 8 ¹
and, in principle, each information should be distributed to
every other node (at least for the positional and
In the considered context, the guard time Tg is a critical
synchronization information), but because the maximum
parameter since it is constrained by the transducer duty-cycle
available bandwidth for each node is fixed, this limits the
and to the multipath effects in such a way that the effective bit-
information that is possible to obtain in a finite time.
rate can vary from few kbit/s to some tens of kbit/s. The
The second case is related to the transmission delays and modem is thus provided of a certain “intelligence” to
latency times, that are relevant in the case of acoustic signal dynamically select the guard time from environmental and
transmission. Also in this case the Horizon is defined by the network configuration information.
fact that the delays and latencies increase when the node
number increases, thus generating a physical limit to the
information that can be managed to react to external
events/stimuli. Even if a Network Distance concept can be
introduced, it should be not a metrical definition, but a
combination of transmission delays and latency times on the
nodes. To mitigate these constraints by the communication
point of view is the use, when possible, of an optical channel,
by which a great amount of information can be transmitted
with negligible delay within a Physical Horizon which, in this
case, is represented by the operating range of the optical
communication (10-100 m).
Therefore, main steps for the realization of underwater
networks of mobile node-robots in swarm configuration are:

• design and realization of an acoustic communication

system suited to low bandwidth underwater acoustical
transmission, operating on relatively long distances
• design and realization of an optical communication Fig. 1. Two blocks (transmitter and receiver) representing the acoustic
system suited to high bandwidth underwater modem
The transmission system for M-FSK modulated signals
• integration of the two communication systems and uses pre-allocated digital sampled waveform signals stored in
realisation of advanced algorithms that allow the EEPROM Memory, which is used as a Look-Up-Table,
communication on a multi-hopped mobile sensor containing all the sampled M-FSK waveforms. In this manner,
network based on acoustical/optical transmission based on the binary sequences to be transmitted, the
systems; microcontroller selects a specific sampled waveform that is
stored in the EEPROM loaded in FPGA board. The FPGA
• realisation of an adaptive intelligent (cognitive) system, board provides the binary signal to be transmitted by adding
which manages single-mode or double-mode
the guard times and sends the sequence to a DAC converter
communications, according to the requirements set by
the rules for robot swarm control and management.
subsystem that generates the output analog signal, which is PIN diodes, realizing almost a 4ʌ radiation pattern. The optical
then power amplified and feeds the acoustical transducer. technology has been fully characterized at ENEA’s Labs and
additional tests have been carried out to check the transmission
The second section of Fig. 1 shows the receiver block properties.
diagram. It is composed by front-end section and the digital
signal processor. The transducer converts the acoustical signal
and provides an electrical signal that is processed after
amplification. This section is composed by pre-amplifier, filter
and post-amplifier that operate to reduce signal distortions
effects; after that, the ADC subsystem converts the signal in
the digital sequence.
The digital receiver performs a spectral analysis of the M-
FSK signal for symbol decision.
This operation requires a 256 Byte Buffer Memory that
stores the bits in a vector that will be processed by DSP in the
frequency domain. After frequency conversion, the receiver
selects the symbol in according to decision regions and
provides the bits associated.
In Fig.2 are shown analog (Fig. 2.a) and digital (Fig 2.b)
circuit board that have been developed.
Fig. 3. A picture of the “Venus” vessel and the OTR device.

In Fig. 4 we have reported in a log scale the measured

absorption of the blue and solar spectrum (black line) LEDs
used in the transducer using a 50 pool facility available to the
Frascati Labs of ENEA with a medium transparency.

Fig. 4. Measured absorbtion values of blue (blue line) and solar spectrum
(black line) LEDs depending on distance [m].

Fig. 2. A picture of the acoustic modem: a) analog and b) digital circuit It is evident the different behavior of the two sources,
caused by the wavelenght absorption and by the interaction of
the dispersed powders. In the plot the relative intensity has
C. Optical Transducer been equalized at the length of about 4 meters to allow an
Currently the team is carrying out the realization of the easier comparison. Taking into account the upper power limit,
optical transducer. which we reached at the workbench (about the double of the
tests in the pool), the maximum distance allowing an effective
The new Optical Transmitter Receiver (OTR) device data transmission is evaluated about 25 meters in clear waters.
(Fig.3) will be managed by a next version of the SWAN-SAR
to produce an integrated hybrid intelligent device. The device As far as concerns the operation frequency, according to
hosts three diode triplets with different wavelength (red, solar the tests carried out, the device response is still flat within 1dB
spectrum and blu) to exploit at best the propagation at different to 1MHz. Using the On-Off Keying modulation the transient
distances (allowing also an ultrafast distance measurement slew rate reached the maximum value of more than 150A/μs
using the differential attenuation) and three high sensitivity with a corresponding transient of light intensity with a peak
current of about 36A. This could allow, in principle, to
generate pulses as short as 0.5 μs in duration. Currently, we are [11] M. Stojanovic, J. Presig, “Underwater Acoustic Communication
Channels: Propagation Models and Statistical Characterization”, IEEE-
working up to a timing of 1 μs for a more stable behavior. Commun. Mag., January 2009, pp.84-89.
These very high power level are caused by the simultaneous [12] M. Stojanovic, “On the Relationship Between Capacity and Distance in
operation of nine LED sources along the three sides of the an Underwater Acoustic Communication Channel”, ACM SIGMOBILE
OTR for very short times. Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), vol.11, n.4,
October 2007, pp.34-43.
[13] E. Sozer, M. Stojanovic, J. Proakis, “Underwater Acoustic Networks”,
CONCLUSIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IEEE-Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol.25, n.1, January 2000, pp.72-83.
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