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1) 2 Subcontractors for the Subcontracting process, how to deal with it

in SAP

I encounter this scenario, please advise how to design it in SAP system for Subcontracting (SC) as it
involves 1st subcontracting vendor SC-V01 and 2nd subcontracting vendor SC-V02. I am using the
simple example of Colouring Bottom cover and then putting Bottom label done by the above 2 SC
vendors respectively
1. Unlike normal subcontracting, my company places the 1st PO to the SC-V01 by supplying SC-
the Raw Material of bottle.
2. SC-V01 will COLOUR the bottom cover. Once done, SC-V01 will delivery this bottom with
bottom cover to SC-V02.
3. Once the SC-V02 receives it, they will put the label on this bottom. Once done, it is delivered back
my company.
Please advise me how to come out with the soluions on it and the Tcode.
Notes: Due to certain reason, we are not able to make only 1 SC vendor solely responsible for the
whole thing. The business nature involves high volumes of Subcontracting which involves 2 SC

Solutions :
BOM 1 (To SC-V01)
Bottle with coloured bottle cover
- Raw Material of bottle
BOM 2 (To SC-V02)
Bottle with coloured bottle cover + label
- Bottle with coloured bottle cover
Step by step process:
ME21N Subcon Purchase Order to SC-V01
1) Create Subcon Purchase Order to SC-V01.
2) BOM 1 should be included here
3) Indicate SC Vend in Item Detail Delivery tab to SC-V02 (also tick the check box)
4) Enter Net Price (Service Cost)
ME2O Goods Issue to Subcontractor
1) Post Goods Issue (Bom items that is to be provided to SC-V01) according to the Purchase Order
number above.
ME21N Subcon Purchase Order to SC-V02
1) Create Subcon Purchase Order to SC-V02
2) BOM 2 should be included here
3) Enter Net Price (Service Cost)
MIGO Goods Receipt of BOM 1 item (PO should already have been sent to SC-V02)
1) This is done when SC-V01 has sent confirmation of sending the goods to SC-V02
2) After this process is done, it is understood by the system that the BOM 1 Header item is already
delivered to SC-V02. Therefore no need to transfer the material.
MIRO Invoice Verification for first PO
1) Invoice Verification for SC-V01
MIGO Goods Receipt of BOM 2 item
1) This is done when Finished Product is sent to your warehouse
MIRO Invoice Verification for second PO
1) Invoice Verification for SC-V02
If there are any adjustments to be made, it can be done at each Goods Receipt Process whether it is
over consumption or under consumption. If over consumption you will have to provide more
materials, if under consumption, you will have balance with subcontractor.

2) Multi-level sub-contracting involving multiple vendors

Customer is purchaseing materials from vendor1 with an instruction to supply it to vendor2 for further
processinng. Vendor2 returns the materials to customer. Customer needs to create PO to vendor1
and subcontracting PO to vendor2 so that their payment can be settled through IR from vendors.

1-> Your Plant will raise Raw material PO on vendor V1 . This PO must have "SC vendor" ticked
along with the V2 vendor specified in the Delivery Address tab in PO item .
-> 2: Your Plant will raise a Subcontracting PO -item category L , to Vendor V2 . (this PO will have
the Parent component which the V2 vendor is going to give back to you. ) . the BOM of the Parent
component will have the Chile specified as the Raw material you buy from V1.
->3-> When V1 delivers material to V2, you(or someone at V2 location with system access) will do
MIGO against the Raw material PO . this will generate a material document with movement type
101-O , and the raw materials will be avaiable at "Suncontractors stock " with special stock "O"
which can be seen in MBLB .
-> Create jobwork challan against the 101-O material document in J1IF01.
->4-> when the V2 processes the components and sends you the Parent material , you will do MIGO
against the subcontracting PO .
->5-> Reconcile Jobwork challan in j1IFQ against above MIGO Doc number.
Over-consumption and under-consumption in Sucontracting.
How can I manage an over-consumption and under-consumption in subcontracting?
for that you have to do subsequent adjustment in T.Code: MIGO....
For eg.) As per your have sent 10kg. of Grease to your Sc-Vendor useing
M.Type:541....for assembling of your FG...Now after completion of the Assembling,you found that
only 7kg. of Grease only used by Sc-Vendor for your assembling and 3kg of Grease is still lying at
SC-Vendor's Place.......Now you have to do Subsequent adjustment in MIGO and take back the
balance under consumed Grease from SC-Vendor...To Do this,
Goto -
> T.Code: MIGO...choose the transaction "Subsequent Adjustment" and ref. doc. as your SC-PO...
And in Itm View,for the Line item maintain the underconsumed qty( ie. 3kg) and Check
the Under Consumption check box ....
Now if you execute the subsequent Adjustment....this 3kg of Grease will be regenerated in 544 O-
movement type as under consumed component and it will be Lying at Sc-Vendor's place...and you
have to get back this into Company's Stock separately in MB1B useing M.Type:542...
Same this you can do for Over Consumption also....for this you should not Check the Under
Consumption Check Box....Here the Over consumed material will be consumed in 543 O- movement
type...and again you have to issue this Over Consumed qty to SC-Vendor in M.Type:MB1B useing
m.Type: 541...
The same subsequent Adjustment you can do for Scrap generation also....

Subsequent Adjustment
After the subcontractor (as vendor) had delivered the ordered material (end product), you posted the
goods receipt to the subcontract order. The system determined the necessary components for each
purchase order item and created for each component a goods issue item with the quantity that was
determined in the purchase order
If the vendor informs you after these postings that a greater or smaller quantity of the subcontracting
components was actually consumed than planned in the purchase order, you must post a
subsequent adjustment to correct the component consumption.
If the component is a by-product, you must post the corrected by-product receipt (excess receipt) or
by-product issue (short receipt).
"In Simple Words, suppose you have sent xx material 100 kgs to subcontractor for
processing of 100 yy component. The subcontractor has produced 95 yy by using 100 kgs of
xx. That means he has used 5 kgs excess material. But it was not of his fault. It was done on
account of die / mould or some other reason. So you have to post a subsequent adjustment
for 5 kgs of xx material and reconcile using J1IFQ for making subcontracting challan
complete. Similar case can be understand when subcontractor processes 105 yy using 100
kgs of xx. That means 5 kgs of xx short consumed. These types of adjustment can be known
using t-code mb51 and movement type 121.

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