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Have you been properly vaccinated? —_~ @ Get vaccinated; protect yourself, your friends LS ae and family members from deadly diseases ett aen eonind EE To rE ‘BCG VACCINE “BOGVACONE Age for vaccine: After Birth. os For infant: dotesof0S ml each atleit | month pan startng a ea a Sweekeofage. Ferchlren13t0 24 mons: booster dose of 0m From 1015 years: One singe dose, Ferong term potecton 3 booster dos recommended afer 6 months, HEPATITIS A VACCINE (CHILD) ePATIISAVACCINE (ADULT) From 15 years nd above: One singe dose anda booster dot fer to 12 months 1 soe Ary dy doce can not be administered before the age of 6 wee), rdose:1 month rm 1 dose, +98 dose: monthefrom ¥ does dose: Any day. 2°4dose:1 month fom 1 dose, 48 doe: 2 month from Y" dose, 4 dose: 12monthe from Y" dose ‘weeks to 6 months: 3 injections, 1 to 2 months apart and booster 12 months afer lastnjection. {5t0 12 months2injctions | to 2 months apart anda booster 12 months afer lst injection, ‘to Syeas: dose fom year Onesingle dose of 5m every 5 years form 18 months onward 1 ose Any day" dose cannot be administered before the age of 6 week), 12! dose Revacenation after every 3 years HEPATITIS B VACCINE (CHILD) HEPATITIS 8 VACCINE ADULT) HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZA TYPE 8 POLYSACCHARIDE CONUGATE TOTETANUS PROTEIN MENINGOCOCCAL A+€ [MENINGOCOCCAL ACY Early two-dose measles immunization schedule: ‘Smonthsmeases vaccine 15 months 1 dose, school age possblecatch up 2° dose. Lite two: dose meals Imurization sched ‘2-15 months 1 dose, fom 3yers 2% dose Primary vaccination schedule consis of 3 dose within the 1 6 moths of fe. [MMR VACCINE RUBELLA VACCINE Pert ea ‘hie Hepatts Vaccines nat given at bith, the combined vacie an be administered beginning as eary as ‘weeks ofage 3 vane doses must be administered a intel of atleast 4 Weeks. ‘weeks to months: 3 injections, to 2 months apart and a booster 2 months after lst injection. sa {5t0 2 menths:2injctions 1 to2 months apart anda booster 12 months afte last injection. 1 to Syears: I dose fom 1 year. “TYPHOID VACCINE renin Onesnge dose 0S miro: years onward Revaccation after every 36. Chile 8 months to 12 years: Required sinale dose = 13 years Aauts and Adolescents ‘Raqulted we deses wth an Intervalbetween doses oft east to TO weeks [Gece rence ‘bitin no crumstances les than «weeks — 2injectons 1 102 months apart followed by a booster dose 6 to 12 months after 2"4injecton. fee 2 SSuneaquent boomer dose one nection every 10 ears ‘Adu and chilren aged 9 months and over: single dose of 05 ml of econsted vain, YELLOW FEVER VACCINE ‘The vaccine should be gen at as 10 ys before ening an endemic area Re vaccination wth one ose of (05 mis recommended every 10 yeatsn persons considered tobe at isk exposure. PNEUMONIA VACCINE?3 VALENT From 21065 yeas ld: Single dase (BOVE 2 YEARS) From 65 yearsand above: Booster dose ater Soars. Cnn PNEUMONIA VACCINE 13 VALENT (@ELOW 2 YEARS) RABIES VACCINE rap +1PV + Ha DTaP +1PV + Hib + Hepas 8 ROTAVIRUS VACCINE ‘VACCINE AGAINST CHOLERA AND TEC DIARRHOEA HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS VACCINE — mss Room no, 1203 at evel-1 of the hospital. Phons Eo For2 tmonths of age 3 doses t2 months interval fiom each dos and dove atthe age of 12015 months. For7 to! monthsof ape Toa 3 doses 12 doses teas | month part and dose fe the one year thoy Separated fom the 2” dose by at ast? months. For 121923 months of age Tota 2 doses; teas 2 months apa. For> 24 months though yrs of age: 1 dose. ‘Age of Vaccination: ry dy for Adults lary and Chron PreExposure Vacenaion * 3 doses orabies ain injections shoud be administered doe Ary day. 2 dose:7" day fom Pde. 3% dose 210 28" day for 1 dose, Boostar nection after Pre-bxpesure Vaccination ‘Abooster jection ofrabes vaccine willbe administered one yer afer primar vaccination followed bya ‘booster injection every five yrs Post Exposure Vacation! Inpersons known to have adequate prophyleis nthe event of contact with a suspected rabid anima two yer booster doses should be adminseted. ‘ose: On the event day of contact witha suspected raid animal 2°4dose: 3% day from 1" dose. ‘A boosterijectonofrebles vaccine willbe admin stered fv yeas after st vaccination. Inpersons th na, or possibly inadequate, ropes “Total fv doses of ables vacine ection shouldbe admired. The st njection of rabies vaccine sHould be aniseed os S005 possible ate the contact (day 0) dowd dey Seperate 2 dave Sv cay cose, oe: 7 deyfam dose 44 ose: 14 day from 1 doe, dose: 26 day fom F* dose, ‘booster jection ofreies vacclne wl be administered ve yaar as vaccination. ‘weeks 6 months: 3 injections. to 2 months apart and booster 2 months afte lst injection, {6t0 12 months :2 injections, 1 to2 months apart anda booster 12 months after ast econ. 1 to Syears:T dose om year od of vaccination fats and chien 6 weeks 7 yer: of 298. dose: At theageof 2months Pe dose:Atthe age of months 3 dose: Atthe age o6 months ‘booster dose: At the age of15 1020 months, ‘2 booster dose: Ate age 4106 yes. 1 dose: ry day dose can note aemiistered before the age of 6 wees) 2 doae 4 weeks frm 1 dows and must be compet by the age of 24 weeks For chilren 2106 years:'3 doses rally at least 1 week part and I booster dose between 6 months 5 years flat ose, Far ite 6 years and older:2 doses orally at eset week apartanc booster dose between 3 months to Sycasoflast dose “ifmor than week have lapsed between 1 and 2%! doseimore than 5 years have passed without eceving ‘booster dose then the prinary immunization couse shouldbe ese for Yaecination: 10 years to 50 years and only for worn. 1 oe: months rom F* dor. (Clete om 4rmonths to 38 months: Fer ciren who hve nt been previous vacated 8 cod dose sould be gen fer anita ft as wees, ‘ult and clon oer 38marhs' 1 dose of 05m Apollo Vaccination Centre 101661 Ext-1106 * Open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm every day (except Friday)

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