Ecografi A Cu Substanţă de Contrast (CEUS) În Patologia Abdominală

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Book Review Medical Ultrasonography

2009, Vol. 11, no. 3, 95–96

Ecografia cu substanţă de contrast (CEUS) în patologia abdominală

Ioan Sporea, Mirela Dănilă, Alina Popescu, Roxana Şirli

Editura Mirton, Timişoara, Colecţia Medicală, ISBN 978-973-52-0612-3

The volume “Contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) the fact that it was not accurate enough to differentiate
in abdominal pathology” recently published by the medi- focal lesions, due to the fact that, unlike for CT or MRI,
cal team from Timişoara (Prof. Dr. Ioan Sporea, Dr. Mire- contrast agents for sequential evaluation according to
la Dănilă, Dr. Alina Popescu and Dr. Roxana Şirli) deals vascular times were not available. The use of ultrasound
with a very new and important aspect of ultrasonography contrast agents solved that problem, CEUS also having
in daily practice. Even if transabdominal ultrasonogra- the great advantage of being a real-time imaging tech-
phy is an easily available, non-expensive, reproducible nique, just like the standard ultrasound, much less expen-
method of evaluation, until recently it was hampered by sive than CT or MRI.
2 Ioan Sporea et al Ecografia cu substanţă de contrast (CEUS) în patologia abdominală
After the introduction, the second chapter presents a pancreas, kidneys, spleen and lymph nodes are tackled,
brief history of the use of ultrasound contrast agents. The as well as the role of CEUS in the evaluation of Crohn’s
safety features, the examination technique and the physi- Disease in blunt abdominal trauma.
cal principles of ultrasound contrast agents are also de- The final chapter deals with a very new application
scribed. The third chapter presents the EFSUMB guide- of CEUS: Dynamic contrast enhanced ultrasound (DCE-
lines for the use of ultrasound contrast agents. US), used for the evaluation and follow-up of tumor vas-
The fourth chapter, the longest one, deals with the use culature following chemotherapy as a method of treat-
of CEUS in focal liver lesions evaluation. The examina- ment efficacy assessment.
tion technique, the diagnosis criteria for benign lesions
(haemangioma, focal nodular hyperplasia, adenoma, The volume is easy to read, presents recent published
liver abscess, liver hematoma and focal steatosis) as well data regarding the use of CEUS and also has more than
as malignant lesions (hepatocellular carcinoma and me- 120 original photos to illustrate CEUS findings in various
tastases) are presented. diseases.
In the following chapters the main indications and I warmly recommend this book which I consider val-
the diagnosis CEUS criteria for various diseases of the uable material for medical doctors in all specialties.

Prof. Dr. Cristina Cijevschi Prelipcean

2nd Medical-Gastroenterology Clinic
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa”, Iasi

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