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Flexible Packaging
for High Pressure Treatments:
Delamination Onset and Design Criteria
of Multilayer Structures

Giuseppe Mensitieri Massimiliano Fraldi

University of Naples Federico II University of Naples Federico II


Multi-layer flexible polymeric films employed for high pressure treatments of food packaging for
pasteurization and sterilization frequently display delamination phenomena. This problem limits
packaging reliability used for this treatment technology. This contribution is aimed at understanding the
delamination phenomena of packaging structures under high pressures. Development of interlaminar
stress fields, which promote localized delamination events, is here addressed by considering the case
of mechanical failure of bi-layer structures. Analytical models and Finite Element based numerical
simulations are exploited to this purpose. The theoretical and numerical results, that highlight the crucial
role played by the mismatch of Young moduli and Poisson ratios of the laminated film sheets, are in
full agreement with experimental findings on high pressure-treated food multilayer packages realized
coupling different polymeric materials (i.e. polypropylene-polyethyleneterephthalate, polypropylene-cast
polyamide and polypropylene-bioriented polyamide).

1.0 INTRODUCTION safety, quality and shelf-life of foodstuff. In this

framework, mechanical performances and structural
The mechanical behaviour of structures made integrity of multi-layer flexible polymer films used
of polymeric multi-layer thin films has been widely to package food remain a main concern. Among
investigated in recent literature works, the main NPs, High Pressure Processing (HPP) is steadily
attention being focused on the elastic response of gaining as a food preservation method that also pre-
the constituent materials, wrinkling, delamination serves natural sensory and nutritional attributes of
phenomena and interfacial failure [1-5]. A techno- food with minimal quality loss [6,7]. High pressure
logical application where these issues are notably loads are exerted on packaged foodstuff by means of
relevant is that of Novel Processing (NP) treatments a pressurized confining fluid imprisoned in a vessel.
of packaged food, recently introduced to improve The process consists of a preliminary heating of

Flexible Packaging for High Pressure Treatments 55

both confining fluid and packaging, followed by adi- bonding conditions at the layers interfaces. However,
abatic pressurization. if the role of each of these aspects in the delamina-
In particular, HP pasteurization is a non-thermal tion onset is at the beginning still unclear and thus
treatment in which the food is typically subjected to preliminary sensitivity analyses are needed, the
pressures of 400 to 600 MPa at ambient or cooled combination of the above mentioned types of nonlin-
temperature for 1 to 15 min. These conditions inac- earities as well as the strong difference between the
tivate vegetative microorganisms, providing safety characteristic (in-plane) size of the sheets (generally
and prolonged shelf life to chilled or high-acid foods. of the order of centimetres) and film thicknesses (of
Bacterial spores, however, are extremely resistant to the order of tens of microns) could not recommend
commercially attainable pressure levels, and there- the recourse to onerous in silico Finite Element
fore low-acid shelf-stable products can be achieved Method (FEM)-based simulations [10], that might
only combining high pressure with elevated temper- obscure the actual contribution of the single geo-
atures in the so-called HP sterilization treatment. A metrical and mechanical factors in promoting the
typical high-pressure commercial system for steril- failure. For this reason, simpler mechanical models
ization purposes uses initial chamber temperatures and ad hoc analytical solutions can be helpfully used
between 60°C and 90°. Pressures above 600 MPa to gain specific insights and preliminary qualitative
are applied and actually in-process temperatures can information into the key factors causing delamina-
reach 90°C to 130°C due to adiabatic heating associ- tion onset in multilayer structures, this being not
ated to compression of packaged food and pressure a simple task given the limited amount of scien-
transmitting fluid. A suitable choice of a multi-layer tific works dealing with exact solutions to problems
packaging for HPP has to be performed in such a involving the mechanical response of thin multilayer
way the treatment process does not affect package structures [11-15].
integrity as well as its functional properties. Litera- The present paper explores the main mecha-
ture highlights that several types of multilayer films, nisms governing the delamination phenomena
including bi-oriented polyethyleneterephthalate/ experimentally observed in polypropylene based
polypropylene (PET/PP) bilayer films, aluminium bilayer films during HPP (i.e. PP/PET, PP/OPA and
foils and metalized layers, exhibit delamination phe- PP/PA, OPA and PA denoting oriented polyam-
nomena [8,9]. ide and cast polyamide, respectively), performing
From the mechanical standpoint, HPP can both analytical and Finite Element (FE) analyses of
actually kindle interfacial stresses between the dif- pouches containing tap water.
ferent elements of multilayer structures with selected
thermo-mechanical properties as a result of the high 2.0 MATERIALS AND METHODS
pressure loading exerted by the pressure transmit-
ting fluid, thus inviting delamination and extensive
detachment phenomena. In general, the mechanical 2.1 Polymers films
analysis of multilayer systems under severe pres- Capability of multilayer polymer films to with-
sures requires modelling incorporating large dis- stand high pressure pasteurization and sterilization
placements, intrinsic and deformation-induced film treatments was assessed by realizing pouches con-
anisotropy, non linear stress-strain relationships, taining a food simulant (tap water and small solid
visco-elastic and plastic behaviours, as well as carrots) and submitting them to HP treatment similar
selected constitutive assumptions for adhesives and to those performed on industrial scale. In particular,

Journal of Applied Packaging Research 56

bilayer films were obtained by laminating commer-
cial plastic films, i.e. cast PP, bi-oriented PET, bi-
oriented PA (OPA) and cast polyamide. Three types
of bi-layer films were investigated, that is PP/PET,
PP/OPA and PP/PA. In all cases the inner layer of the
pouches, in contact with tap water, was PP, to guaran-
tee the sealability of the package. Due to the produc-
tion process, the four polymer films used to realize
the bilayer structures are oriented, thus exhibiting a
transversely isotropic thermo-mechanical behavior.
As a consequence, in the following, ‘machine direc-
tion’ or ‘longitudinal direction’ (L) and ‘transverse
direction’ (T) are respectively parallel and orthogo-
nal to the main axis of the film reel, all the polymers
used in this study being semicrystalline.

2.2 Realization of Pouches

Pouches were obtained by sealing the three Fig.1. Photographs of pouches after high pressure
sides of a folded bi-layer film with a custom built treatment. a) picture of a PET/PP pouch after HP
heat sealing equipment. Heat sealing was performed sterilization treatment @200MPa (food simulant:
by hot-bar welding, at a heat-seal bar temperature of tap water), arrows indicating regions of delami-
110-120°C, under an applied pressure of 0.4 MPa (a nation; b) detail of a delaminated region in PET/
force of 400N applied on a 150mmx10mm surface) PP pouch with arrows highlighting the delamina-
exerted for 1-2s. Before sealing the fourth side of tion zones; c) picture of a PA/PP pouch after HP
the pouches, they were filled with the selected food sterilization treatment @500MPa (food simulant:
simulant (both tap water and solid carrots were tap water); d) picture of a OPA/PP pouch after HP
used) and air was removed from the head space by sterilization treatment @700MPa (food simulant:
vacuum pumping. solid carrots).
2.3 HP Treatments
In a HP process, pressure is increased up to
The filled pouches were subjected to high the treatment value due to volume reduction using
pressure treatments, performed in a pilot scale high a plunger at the vessel top (plunger system). Typi-
pressure/high temperature unit at Wageningen UR cally, pressure can be built up to 700 MPa in 24 s.
(University and Research centre) - Food & Biobased The temperature of the vessel is controlled by an
Research, in Wageningen, The Netherlands. This electric heating jacket attached to the outer vessel
apparatus was developed by Resato, Solico and wall and a bottom heater to heat up the vessel
Unilever companies in cooperation with Wagenin- wall to a maximal temperature of 90 °C; however,
gen UR Food & Biobased Research and consists of the actual temperature inside the vessel rises well
a single, vertically oriented high pressure vessel of above the wall temperature due to adiabatic heating.
2.5 litre. Both low temperature and high temperature HP
treatments have been performed on pouches using

Flexible Packaging for High Pressure Treatments 57

tap water as pressurizing medium. High temper- 3.0 EXPERIMENTAL
ature treatments were performed by pre-heating
pouches at 90°C into a water bath for ten minutes,
followed by transfer into the HP vessel where hydro- 3.1 Effect of HP Treatments on Pouches
static pressure was applied and maintained for five The performed tests indicate that all the three
minutes. Treatments were performed at three differ- bilayer films are able to withstand the pasteurization
ent pressures, i.e. 200, 500 and 700 MPa (holding treatment without displaying any evident mechani-
the pressure for 5 minutes). Low temperature treat- cal failure. However, PP/PET pouches displayed
ments were instead performed with at the same pres- evidence of localized delamination (see Figures
sures (holding the pressure for 10 minutes) and with 1a and 1b) after HP sterilization, with both food
a similar procedure, but with an initial room temper- simulants used, over the whole investigated pres-
ature. During the HP process, temperature inside the sures range. No delamination after HP sterilization
vessel rises due to the adiabatic heating associated was instead observed, even at 700 MPa, in the case
to compression: typically 3-4 °C increase for 100 of PP/PA (see Figure 1c) and was barely present in
MPa pressure increase in the case of water-based the case of PP/OPA (see Figure 1d), for both food
food. Temperature is not actually uniform inside the simulants.
vessel and temperature gradients are indeed present. Several phenomena occurring during steriliza-
tion treatment might induce delamination observed
in PP/PET structures: difference in the thermal

Table 1. Young moduli [MPa] determined at 25°C for the four films in the three longitudinal (L), transversal
(T) and diagonal (45°) main directions. The values reported in bold in the diagonal cells represent the bi-layer
homogenized moduli estimated for each film coupling, following the (Voigt) rule of mixtures, the values in
parentheses being referred to the corresponding moduli at 100°C. In square brackets are indicated the film
thicknesses coherently with those actually chosen for the pouches

PET [12μm] OPA [15μm] PA [20μm]

45° 45°
L T 45 L T 45 L T 45

2936 2755 2637 2243 2001 2346 664 779 785
(2900) (2700) (1400) (1400) (520) (140) (200) (155) (170)
376 871 807 458
(170) (700) (450) (180)
PP [50μm]

297 773 690 435

(120) (620) (210) (130)
345 789 807 471
(170) (410) (165) (170)

Journal of Applied Packaging Research 58

expansion coefficients of the two materials, differ- ratios are still higher in the case of PP/PET as
ences in the mechanical behaviour of the two films compared to PP/OPA and PP/PA structures.
making up the multilayer structure (i.e. stiffnesses
in the elastic regime) and in their dependence on 4.0 THEORETICAL ANALYSES
temperature and pressure, dependence on tempera-
ture of the mechanical resistance of the interlayer
lamination adhesive and increase of glass transi- 4.1 Onset of Belamination and Failure
tion temperature of the materials determined by Localization in Bi-layer Pouches
pressure increase. In a general case, interfacial stresses responsible
An accurate analysis of such effects leaded us to for delamination may result from the combination
conclude that the main cause of delamination onset of both normal and shear stresses at the films inter-
in food packaging structures under HP can be attrib- face. Nevertheless, given that high pressure applied
uted to the discrepancy of mechanical properties of on the bi-layer structure imprisoning a fluid deter-
the coupled polymeric films and to highlight the mines compressive normal stresses, it is expected
marginality of the other physical phenomena occur- that delamination is dominated by shears.
ring during the sterilization treatment. The complex pouch geometry and the actual
The mechanical behaviour of the single films loads exerted on the real multi-layer package have
was determined at 25 and 100 °C at atmospheric been first analysed by considering two simpler ideal
pressure in the three main directions. Stress-strain problems whose exact solutions are constructed to
curves were obtained for elongation, determining detect the influence of mechanical and geometrical
the values of the Young modulus in the elastic factors on the occurrence of interfacial shear stresses
regime, whose measured values are summarized in and to predict the critical regions where delamina-
Table 1, in which, at 25°C, the values of the moduli tion might start.
for PP are close to those of PA. Differences are In particular, the Problem A focuses the atten-
instead significant when comparing PP with OPA to tion on the pouch welded sides and treats a rectan-
become even more relevant for the case of PET. At gular bi-layer film under self equilibrated and spa-
100°C, the largest differences are still found for the tially varying applied pressures. The closed-form
PP/PET coupling, while both PA and OPA display elastic solution is obtained to establish the influence
values of moduli which are close to those of PP. The of pressure magnitude and spatial gradients – which
analysis of the results reported in Table 1 suggests can locally appear in the transition zone as effect of
that a possible cause for delamination might be the difference between external and fluid pressure
related to differences in mechanical behaviour, as – on the kindling of interfacial shear stresses. In
discussed in the following sections by means of ana- this framework, supported by classical results from
lytical and numerical simulations. literature [16], it is proved that relevant interlami-
One could argue that pressurization, inducing nar shear stresses actually appear and localize near
a change in the glass transition temperature (Tg), the flat sealing regions of the bi-layer structure and
would cause ratios of mechanical moduli that are increase when differences in elastic moduli charac-
different with respect to those reported in table 1. terize the coupled films.
Actually, an analysis base on measurement of the In the Problem B it is investigated how stresses
change of Tg with pressure leads to conclude that, in develop far from the pouch welded sides by idealiz-
the investigated HP processing conditions, moduli ing the folded regions through a bi-layer cylindrical

Flexible Packaging for High Pressure Treatments 59

Fig. 2. Typical food package polymeric bi-layer structure and three-dimensional model used in the FE
simulations. Geometry and details of the mesh for the food package Finite Element model

Journal of Applied Packaging Research 60

envelope containing an incompressible fluid and the commercial code ANSYS® (ANSYS 13,
subjected to high pressure. Sensitivity analyses and 2009) by constructing a three-dimensional model
outcomes from the proposed analytical solution, 110 mm × 100 mm × 20 mm bi-layer pouch with
which also exploit some literature results [17], show geometry and sizes replicating the actual food
that, for the case of interest, bending-driven defor- package used in the HP experiments (see Fig. 2).
mation modes dislocate elastic energy induced by Water inside the package has been modelled using
pressure increases from film interface toward overall the Tait equation for taking into account volume
buckling or local wrinkling phenomena, which sig- change with pressure. Also, according to the charac-
nificantly reduce the interlaminar shear stresses and teristics of the samples used in the experiments, the
limit the onset of delamination far from the pouch FE model considers the bi-layer structure made of
borders. two perfectly bonded polymeric films, whose thick-
Finally, Finite Elements, FE, analyses reproduc- nesses and material properties are those related to
ing the three film couplings actually utilized for real- the three above mentioned types of coupling utilized
izing the polymeric pouches have been performed, for HP tests.
by taking into account geometrical and material The analyses have been performed in the static
nonlinearities in the mechanical response of the food regime, by considering large displacements and finite
packages filled by water, under the action of applied deformations. By exploiting symmetry of the object,
high pressure. The numerical results quantitatively the simulations have been performed with respect to
confirm both the qualitative theoretical outcomes one half of the pouch model, by applying uniform
highlighted by the analytical solutions in terms of pressure on the outer surfaces up to 200 MPa. The
localization of stress peaks and delamination onset results show that the stress regimes at the interface,
and the mechanical failure in PP/PET pouches, also in terms of principal, shear and von Mises stresses,
showing very good agreement with the experimen- attain maximum values in the case of PP/PET
tal observed findings. In particular, Finite Element coupling, intermediate magnitudes in the case of PP/
(FE)-based simulations have been conducted in OPA structures, getting lowest values in the case of
order to take into account the real shape of the food- PP/PA bi-layer films, these stress peaks being located
package and the truthful mechanical features of at the corners as well as along the welded sides. Both
the polymeric bi-layer films. Two simulations have these findings confirm the outcomes from the ana-
been performed. The first one is aimed at determin- lytical solutions found for detecting what happens
ing the distribution of interlaminar stresses for the near and far from the sealing sides (Problems A
three bi-layer polymeric structures, say PP/PET, PP/ and B) and also result in full agreement with the
OPA and PP/PA films, at a treatment pressure up to experimental evidences, which highlight that local
200 MPa. The second analysis is instead devoted to failure phenomena, essentially observed only in the
catch local deformation modes of the food package case of PP/PET structures, prevalently occur close
due to large strain gradients induced by severe pres- to the welded regions. Additionally, as predicted by
sures up to 500 MPa, here obtained for the particular the analytical solution determined to analyse what
case of the PP/PET bi-layer which is the most likely occurs far from the pouch borders (Problem B), the
to exhibit wrinkling and delamination. numerical results confirm that no relevant interlami-
With reference to the determination of the nar stresses take place in the neighbourhood of the
distribution of interlaminar stresses, numeri- folded pouch side, as a consequence of local wrin-
cal simulations have been carried out by using kling phenomena which drive energy from the films

Flexible Packaging for High Pressure Treatments 61

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