Digital Marketing: Training Report

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Digital Marketing


ER. ROHIT KHOSLA Ranjna kumari
WordPress is a free content management system used to build and
maintain websites. Its ease of use and unique blogging features have
helped it become the most popular blogging tool on the web.

WordPress provides a web-based user interface for designing, publishing,

and updating websites. Instead of writing HTML, you can simply choose
one of many different website templates or "themes" that has a design
you like. You can then modify the layout and build a custom navigation
bar. Once the site layout is complete, you can use WordPress' online
interface to create individual pages. Each page may include formatted
text, links, images, and other media. You can publish completed
webpages or blog updates by simply clicking the Publish button.

WordPress Admin Screens

 Go to
 Type in the username and password you previously entered during
the WordPress installation process.
1. Show/Hide Things Using Screen Options

You may have noticed the Screen Options button on some pages of your
WordPress admin area. This Screen Options button allows you to show
and hide items on the WordPress admin screen you are currently viewing.
Many beginner WordPress users are unaware of this feature. It allows you
to simplify your admin pages like post edit screen to meet your workflow.
2. Move, Add, or Delete Dashboard Widgets

By default, users are redirected to the dashboard page in WordPress

admin area when they login. The dashboard page has several handy
shortcuts pointing to different sections of your website.

These sections are divided into different boxes called dashboard widgets.
You can click on the Screen Options button to show or hide these boxes.
You can also drag and drop them to rearrange items on your WordPress
3. Paste URL to Make Links in Visual Editor

WordPress 4.5 introduced inline link editing in the visual editor.

Many users didn’t realize that instead of using a popup to paste a link,
they can just select a text and press CTRL+V (Command+V on mac) to
paste the URL. The visual editor automatically converts it into a link.

4. Accessibility Mode for Widgets

We all like how easy it is to just drag and drop widgets into sidebars.
However, for many users it is not easy to drag and drop things using a
mouse or track pad.
WordPress also comes with a hidden accessibility mode for widgets. This
accessibility mode makes it easier to add widgets without dragging and
dropping the items.
Accessibility mode for WordPress widgets can be activated by clicking on
Screen Options button on the Appearance » Widgets page.
5. Preview Themes Without Activating Them

Many users worry that changing their WordPress theme will have
unwanted consequences for their website. Their concern is genuine,
that’s why we prepared a checklist of things you must do before changing
your WordPress theme.
One of the things you can do is to test the new theme without activating
it. Simply install your new WordPress theme and then go to Appearance »
Themes page.
Take the mouse to the newly installed theme’s thumbnail and then click
on Live Preview button. WordPress will launch the theme customizer
showing preview of your website using the new theme.
6. Edit Images in WordPress

WordPress makes it easy to add images to your posts and pages. What
many beginners don’t know is that WordPress also comes with some
basic image editing features.
Simply visit Media » Library page and then click on any image. From the
image details popup you can click on the Edit Image button.
In the image editing mode, you can crop, rotate, and resize an image. You
can also flip an image in horizontal or vertical directions. These image
editing features come in handy when you need to quickly crop or resize a
large image file directly from WordPress.
For more details, see our guide on how to crop, rotate, scale, and flip
images in WordPress.
7. Split Single Post into Multiple Pages

Want to split a lengthy post into multiple pages? Simply add <!–nextpage–
>tag in your post and WordPress will split it into two pages. Add the tag
again if you want to split it into more pages.
This feature is particularly helpful if you are writing an unusually lengthy
article and don’t want users to scroll to much.
See our guide on how to split WordPress posts into multiple pages for
more details on post pagination.
8. Embed Links, Videos, and Multimedia

WordPress automatically embeds content from some of the most popular

websites like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc. All you need to do is
paste a URL from one of the supported sites and WordPress will
automatically embed it for you.

Since WordPress 4.4, all WordPress sites have become oEmbed service
providers themselves. This means you can paste URL from another
WordPress site into your post and WordPress will embed the post for you.
9. Hidden Secret Options Page in WordPress

WordPress comes with a hidden master page for all your blog options.
This page is hidden because users can easily mess things up here, so we
don’t want you to use it. But you should definitely check it out. You can
access it by visiting this URL:
Replace with your own domain name. You will see a page
with a long list of options. For more details see our guide on the hidden
secret options page in WordPress.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free Web analytics service that provides statistics

and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and
marketing purposes. The service is available to anyone with
a Google account. Google bought Urchin Software Corporation in April
2005 and used that company’s Urchin on Demand product as the basis for
its current service.

Step 1: Sign up for Google Analytics

Here you need to enter your new account information for your website in
the appropriate boxes.
Google Analytics is installed on at least 29 million websites

After you enter the necessary information, you will need to configure your
data sharing settings, the options for which will be right below.
Traffic analysis tools market position
report March 29, 2017

How to read the diagram:

A technology in the lower right-hand side corner is used by many sites,
but mostly by sites with average traffic rank. A technology in the upper
left-hand side corner is used by fewer sites, but mostly by sites with high
traffic. The best position would be the upper right-hand side corner.
After this step, simply click on the blue Get Tracking ID button and the
next thing you need to do is agree to the Google Analytics terms and
conditions, for which you will get a pop up window after clicking on the

Step 2: Add website tracking code to any

Over 55 % of all websites in the world run

Google Analytics

Once you agree to the terms and conditions, you will arrive at the next
page where you will need to click on the Admin tag in order to get to your
tracking code. On the Aintab, you need to go to the ACCOUNT column and
choose your account from the drop-down menu. After that, go to
the PROPERTY column, choose a property from the drop-down menu and
go to Tracking Info > Tracking Code.
Google Analytics is used by 64.7% of the top 1 million domains, as
identified by Alexa

40% Google Analytics

24,7% Google Universal Analytics
4,5% comScore
4,3% Quantcast
3,8% Yandex Metrica
22,7% Other
Your tracking code needs to be installed on every page on your website
that you want to track in order for Google Analytics to be able to measure
and report the activity on your website. The installation of the code
depends on the type of website you have and what CMS platform you are
For instance, if you have a WordPress website, you can
use MonsterInsights, which is the best Google Analytics plugin for
WordPress and it will enable you to easily install your tracking code on
any page that you want.
On the other hand, if your website is built with HTML files, you can add
your tracking code to the source code of your every website page with
the use of an online HTML Editor or a text editor program, such as
Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac). You can install your tracking code
by adding it before the </head> tag on every page you want to track.
Google Analytics Popular
Website Verticals
Business News Shopping Technology Entertainment Education Social

This chart shows the amount of websites within the top 10k, 100k, and 1
million sites groups that are categorized as being in the specific vertical.

After you have edited the code in the text editor program, you need to
upload the coded files to your site’s pages with the use of an FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) program, such as SmartFTP or FileZilla, for instance.
However, you need to know basic HTML in order to be able to use FTP.
Step 3: Add tracking code to a WordPress website

WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world and is used by nearly 75
million websites

Google Analytics code can be installed to your WordPress site by

following one of the next two methods.
Method 1: Adding the Google Analytics Code Manually
Following the next steps requires basic knowledge of WordPress and how
it uses templates in order to manage content.
Step 1
Once you have copied the tracking code supplied by Google Analytics,
you will need to log into your website, through wp-admin, in order to
access the Dashboard.
Mouse over the Appearance tab in the left menu bar and select Editor,
just like in picture below.

According to WordPress, more than 409 million people view more than
23.6 billion pages each month and users produce 69.5 million new posts
and 46.8 million new comments every month

Step 2
Once you have opened the Edit Themes page, you will have to take a look
at the Templates section of the page which is located on the right side of
the screen. You are looking for a file named “header.php”. In order to
speed things up, you can press “CTRL + F” and search for this file name.
Check the picture below. When you find it, click on it.
Step 3
WordPress also powers more than 27.5% of the world’s websites

After you click on “header.php”, the Theme Editor will open it and allow
you to edit it. You need to look for the html tag </head>. In order to
quickly find it press “CTRL + F” and search for “</head>”, just like in the
picture below.

Click in front of this tag, press Enter, and paste the Tracking Code right
above it.
Step 4
After you have pasted the code, click on the “Update File” button, located
just below the file editing area.
Step 5
In order to check that you have done things right, you have to go back to
the Tab where you have Google Analytics opened. Give it a couple of
minutes and then refresh it to see if your Google Analytic account is
receiving data. If there is no data, you can force the test by clicking on
the “Send test traffic” button.
Whether you are brand new to WordPress or you are experienced in
managing your own WordPress site, having Google Analytics tracking
implemented will help you to constantly improve your website’s

In order to see the reports of actual traffic data, you should try accessing
the Reporting tab in Google Analytics once after 12-24 hours have passed,
after you have updated your “header.php” file.

Method 2: Google Analytic WordPress Plugin – The Google Analytics for

Word Press by Monster Insights Plugin
You can add Google Analytics to your website by installing and setting up
the Google Analytics for Word Press by Monster Insights plugin. This
plugin is very easy to configure, and it will allow you to start tracking
website traffic immediately after configuring it.

Step 1
Mouse over the Plugins option in the left menu bar and click on Add New.
There are hundreds of Google Analytics WordPress plugins available.
Some allow you to track more elements of your site than others, some are
easy to set up, and some provide analytics data to you within your
WordPress dashboard

Step 2
In the Search bar, located in the upper right corner, type in Google
Analytics for Word Press by Monster insight. Click on the Install Now
button and then on Activate, just like in the picture below.
Step 3
Now you have to configure the plugin you have just installed and
activated. To do so, you have to access the settings by mousing over
Insights on the left bar and clicking on Settings. Check the picture below.

This will open the plugin settings page.

Google Analytics for WordPress, written by the famous author Joust de
Valk (Yoast). At the moment, this free plug-in has already been
downloaded by almost 8 million WordPress users

Step 4
Now, you need to connect your Google Analytics account to the plugin.
You can do this by automatically authenticating it with your Google
account or by manually entering the US (User account code).
Automatic Authentication. Sign in to your Google Analytics and click on
the “Authenticate with your google account”. You will have to go through
the setup procedure in order to connect your Google Analytic account
with the plugin. We recommend this method since manually entering the
UA code will prevent you from using the dashboard and the reports
features of the plugin.
Enter the UA code manually. Click on the “Click here to authenticate
manually.” Link on the plugin settings page.

Many themes for WordPress (especially “premium”) have their own

section with settings, and often such topics include setting up the Google
Analytics counter. We do not recommend using this option for one simple
reason – your counter will stop working when you change the theme in

You will have to go to your Google Analytics account, and look for
Tracking Code under Property > Tracking Info. Copy the entire code,
including UA, located under the Tracking ID tag. Check the picture below.

Go back to the tab where you have the plugin settings opened, paste the
code and click on the “Save Changes” button. Give it 12-24 hours before
you check the website traffic data.
If you have used automatic Authentication, you will be able to access the
MonsterInsights Dashboard through your wp-admin panel and view all the
data the plugin automatically pulls from your Google Analytics account.
On the other hand, if you have manually entered the tracking ID, you will
need to review the data by logging into your Google Analytics account.

Step 4: Learn about your audience

The plugin for Google Analytics does not affect the performance of your
site, exactly the same as the code of the counter itself.

When you arrive at this step, you will be able to track the data you want,
but it will take a few hours for your account to be up and running (it can
take up to 24 hours). In the meantime, there are several more bits and
pieces you need to tackle and, of course, you need to learn how to
actually use Google Analytics in order to be able to understand the
information it provides you with, so read on to delve deeper into the

Set up Site Search

Setting up site search will help you know what your visitors are looking
for when they are checking out your website. First, you need to sign in to
your Google Analytics account and go to the Admin tab, where you will
see three columns: ACCOUNT, PROPERTY and VIEW. Go to the VIEW
column and click on the View Settings.

Here you will see Site Search Settings, where you will need to set Site
search Tracking to ON.
How much does Google Analytics cost? 0$
After that, you will be provided with the Query Parameter box, where you
will need to enter your site’s search query parameter.
Google Analytics dominates tracking among the Fortune 500, staying
relatively consistent with owning 69% of the market share

Google Analytics is used by 64% of the Top 500 US Retailers

The query parameter is usually “s” or “q”, but you can check yours by
running a search on your website. No matter what you search for in your
site’s search box, you will see your query parameter in your URL placed
right before your query. For instance, if you search for the word “mobile”
on Google, the URL for your search result will look like this:…
Therefore, your query parameter will be “q” (right before “=mobile”).
After that, just click on the Save button and Google Analytics will be able
to track every single search made on your website.

Set up Your Goals

You will need to set up your goals in order for Google Analytics to track
important activity on your website. For instance, if you have an e-
commerce website, you should have a confirmation page for your
customers on which they will land after they have completed a purchase.
Or, if you use a contact information form to generate your leads, you
should create a “Thank You” page for your website visitors to land upon
after they have subscribed to your email list, for instance.
Why is this important? Because when you set up certain goals, Google
Analytics will be able to track your conversions and provide you with
crucial information that will help you determine the effectiveness of your
When you configure certain actions as goals and your website visitors
take those actions, Google Analytics will record that as a conversion and
you will be able to get a clear picture of your every effort. With all the
information you will receive, you will know exactly what does and what
doesn’t bear fruit so that you can implement changes where necessary
and keep improving your website.
You can create up to 20 goals and, whenever a specified activity is
triggered, Google Analytics will measure it and provide you with a
detailed report.
Without further ado, here are the detailed steps for setting up your goals.
How Google Analytics Work
Click on the Admin tab in Google Analytics and go to the VIEW column,
where you need to click on Goals.

Next, click on the red button that reads + NEW GOAL.

After that, you will be provided with three steps that you need to take
before you can create your goal.
Step 1: Goal Setup

This first step includes three options for setting up your goals, and those
are using a template, creating custom goals, or creating Smart Goals.

The option you will choose depends on the type of website you have and
on your business objectives, as you will come to understand soon enough,
so read on.

Option 1: Template

There could only be up to 20 Goals [key performance indicators] which

could be set in Google Analytics per profile/ per reporting view. For
instance, if you have four sets of goals,each goal will have five slots. The
Goals cannot be deleted; they could however, be turned off so the
reporting on those Goals ceases.
Under Template, you will find four goal categories: REVENUE,
ACQUISITION, INQUIRY and ENGAGEMENT. Goal templates can help you
set up goals that will be aligned with your business objectives. You can
create a goal for each of the categories, because it will help you learn a
lot more about how your website visitors are interacting with the content
you provide them with.

Option 2: Custom

If the aforementioned categories are not important for your website

tracking (and if the third option of Smart Goals is either not important to
you or not applicable), you should choose the Custom option, after which
you simply need to click on the Next step button.

Option 3: Smart Goals

Who is Google Analytics for?

Users by industry

24% Internet
10% Information Technology Services
10% Computer Software
6% Marketing and Advertising
50% Other

Users by country

39% United States

9% Spain
7% United Kingdom
6% India
39% Other
Users by company size

34% 1-10
34% 11-50
10% 51-200
7% 201-1000
14% 1001+

Smart Goals can help Ad Words advertisers use the Ad Words

optimization tools in order to track and increase their conversions. When
you choose the option of Smart Goals, Google Analytics will give each of
your website visits a score, which will help you determine which visits
are most likely to lead to a conversion. Therefore, it will translate those
visits into Smart Goals.
If this option is applicable to you website and you want to choose it, all
you need to do is give your Smart Goal a name and proceed to the next

Step 2: Goal description

This step requires that you name your goal and choose its type. There are
four types available: Destination, Duration, and Pages/Screens per
session and Event.
You need to name each and every one of your goals as something
intuitive so that you can clearly understand every piece of information in
Google Analytics reports. Because you can later change your existing
goals (you can never delete them!), you need to make sure their names
are intuitive and you remember the exact point at which you repurposed
them (because there is no historical data), so that you don’t get confused
when inspecting your reports.

Type 1: Destination
If your goal is to measure the success of your subscriptions, for instance,
and you want to treat pageviews as your conversions, choose Destination
as your goal type and click on the Next step button.

Type 2: Duration

Choose Duration as your goal type if you want to treat time on your
particular pages as conversions in order to track the engagement of your
website visitors.

Type 3: Pages/Screens per session

If you want to treat the number of pages per session as a conversion,

then choose Pages/Screens per session as your goal type and proceed to
the next step.
Note: The term “screens” here refers to mobile app screens when you
want to use Google Analytics to measure the performance of a mobile
app, so don’t be confused by it.

Type 4: Events

Choose Event as your goal type if you want to treat the interactions of
your visitors with your website as conversions. For instance, if you want
them to watch a video after they have reached the penultimate step
towards a conversion, create an event goal that you can measure. You
can specify the details of your event goal in the next step so, after you
have chosen the Event type, simply click on the Next Step button.

Step 3: Goal details

Google Analytics works in 40-different languages

If you have chosen Destination as your goal type, you need to enter the
page URL or screen name in the specified field. For instance, if you want
the measured activity to end with a “Thank You” page, enter “/thank-you”
or “/thank-you.html” and select the desired match type from the drop-
down menu.
There are three match types: “Equals to”, “Begins with” and “Regular
There are over 200 books devoted to or that have sections on Google
You can then assign a monetary value to your conversions, which is
completely optional. It can help you compare your conversions, and track
and measure any changes made on your website.
Note: If you have chosen Smart Goals, you cannot assign a monetary
value during the goal setup.
You can also choose to specify a funnel for your goal, which shows the
path that your website visitors will take in order to reach your specified
destination. If you choose to create a funnel, you need to enter a page
name for each step included, just as in the Destination field.
The data stored in Google Analytics is guaranteed to remain accessible
for a minimum period of 25 months on an ongoing basis. That means, you
can have your websites’ traffic history available for about two years at
any given point of time from Google Analytics
If you have chosen Duration as your goal type, you need to specify the
minimum amount of time on particular pages that you want to track that
will indicate your goal conversions. You will be provided with three fields:
Hours, Minutes and Seconds. When your website visitors spend more than
your specified time on your website, it means you will generate a
Popular sites using Google Analytics:
If your chosen goal type is Pages/Screens per session, you need to
specify the number of pages that will indicate a conversion. This means
that you will generate a conversion every time a website visitor views
more pages than you have specified.
LA TIENDA, a renowned online food retailer, with the help of Google
Analytics had increased e-commerce sales by 70% in the critical regions
If you have chosen an Event goal type, you will be provided with the Event
conditions, so that you can configure the components of your every event
(you need to create at least one event in order to measure your Event
If you do not have the analytics code installed on the page, that page will
not be tracked Google Analytics. This is especially an issue with larger
websites, who are predicted to be missing website tracking code on as
much as 20% of their pages. Think of how much traffic is not being
accounted for!
After you have completed all of the aforementioned steps, simply click on
the blue Create Goal button and you are good to go.
Note: You have a 100 accounts limit on Google Analytics so, if you want
to create a new one, all you have to do is go to the Admin tab, click on
the drop-down menu under the ACCOUNT column and then select the
Create new account option.
Google Analytics doesn’t share personally identifiable information. This
fact is a widespread misconception. Because of user privacy concerns,
personally identifiable information, such as IP addresses, is removed from
the end user’s view within the interface and API.
You can also create a new property, that is, add another website under
your existing account. You can add up to 50 websites to your account and
you can easily do so on the Admin tab and under the PROPERTY column,
where you can select the Create new property option from the drop-down
menu. After that, all you need to do is follow the aforementioned steps
again in order to be able to use Google Analytics for your new website.

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