Makalah Bahasa Inggris

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Today of course we have heard the internet and of course many people already know
and use the internet for their needs. However, maybe for some people, they have never
known what internet use and understanding is. In addition, there is also an intranet
network which is certainly for some people who do not understand what intranets are and
what they are.
At present the development of information and communication technology is
increasing rapidly, especially in terms of computer networks. Computer networks are able
to connect one computer to another computer. one example of a computer network is the
internet. Internet is a giant network technology that has become a reality in the
information and communication needs of millions of people in this world.
The internet is very interesting for everyone because the form of information can
communicate with all people in this world not separated by distance and so on. The
internet has advantages as a medium of information and communication compared to
other media is information that is obtained more easily, quickly and cheaply with global


a. What is the internet?
b. What are the benefits and internet services that exist today?
c. What are the positive effects and negative effects of internet usage?

a. Providing understanding to students and the public about the internet
b. Describe the benefits and services available on the internet
c. Describe the positive impacts and negative impacts caused by using internet


Internet (Interconnection Networking) is a computer network that is interconnected
between one computer with another computer using the global Transmission Control
Protocol / Internet Protocol Suite (TCP / IP) standard as an exchange protocol. So that
they can interact, communicate and exchange information. The internet first appeared in
1969 formed by the United States Department of Defense through the ARPA project or
called ARPANET (Advance Research Project Agency Network).
This project was originally built for military purposes. But it turned out that this
project was growing rapidly so that initially only 4 university sites now many universities
from various countries wanted to join. That is why the ARPANET was broken into 2,
namely MILNET for military purposes and ARPANET for non-military purposes.


Seeing its current development, the internet is a basic need for the wider
community. No longer a luxury item, the internet is now easily available /
accessible. Various jobs or needs can be easily completed through the internet. Services
that are on the internet are very helpful, moreover not only one type of service, on the
internet there are many services that are ready to help the needs of netizens. Below are
the types of services on the internet, including:
 E-Mail (Electronic Mail)
Electronic Mail (e-mail), which means that this e-mail serves to send
letters. Historically this service is the first internet service in the world. Even I
read on Wikipedia email was created before the internet was created. With the E-
Mail service, people are facilitated in sending letters. Examples of email services
are Yahoo, Gmail, etc.
 E-Commerce
E-Commerce is an internet service that is used for economic purposes. Online
store is one example of E-Commerce services. With this service, we don't need to
go to the shop to shop, because we can buy goods online. For example at Lazada.
 E-Banking

With E-Banking the process of transferring money that you do can run
quickly. Currently there are many banks that provide this service, so the Bank
users do not need to go to the ATM to make money transfers. Even some banks
have penetrated into the mobile world, so that money transfer activities can be
done anywhere and anytime.
 E-Learning
Is an electronic learning system, where students and teachers do not meet face to
face directly but from a distance. Computers become intermediaries between
teachers and students. With e-learning we can read material repeatedly. But it can
reduce the interaction between teachers and students directly.
 E-Government
E-Government is a form of government service to its people by utilizing
information technology.There are several main delivery models, namely
Government to Citizen / Government to Customer (G2C), Government to
Employee (G2E), Government to Business (G2B), and Government to
Government (G2G). E-Government is expected to improve efficiency, comfort,
and better accessibility of public services.
 Mailing List
Mailing List or Mailing List is a service used to discuss in a community or
organization. Each member of the mailing list can read letters from other
members in the discussion group circle. And each member has the right to reply
to a letter or not. If there is one member who replies to the message, all members
in the discussion group circle will receive the reply. In the mailing list, everyone
can subscribe or unsubscribe.
 IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
IRC or familiarly called chat service is a technology where everyone can interact
with other people who are far away. With this technology we can meet new
people and increase friends or relations. We can also see each other's faces if our
computer / person is equipped with WebCam.
 VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol)

VOIP allows us to talk on the phone for free. VOIP only requires an internet
connection so there is no need to use credit. In Indonesia there is a People VOIP,
you can use this facility for free.
 Social Media
It is an online media, with its users being able to easily participate, share and
create content including blogs, social networks, forum wikis and the virtual
world. Blogs and social networks are the most widely used forms of social media
in communities around the world such as Facebook, Twitter, blogger and


a) Positive impact :
 Internet as a communication medium: is the most widely used internet
function where every internet user can communicate with other users from all
over the world.
 Data exchange media: using e-mail, newsgroups, ftp and www (world wide
web: network of websites) internet users around the world can exchange
information quickly and cheaply.
 Media to look for information or data: rapid internet development, making
www as an important and accurate source of information.
 The ease of obtaining information: the ease of obtaining information on the
internet helps many people so that people know what is happening. In
addition, the internet can also be used as an information area for education,
culture, and others.
 Ease of transacting and doing business in the field of trade: With this
convenience, we do not need to go to the place of offer / sale because it can
be done via the internet.

b) Negative impact :
 Pornography
The presumption that says that the internet is synonymous with pornography
is indeed not wrong. With the ability to deliver information that the internet

has, pornography is rampant. To anticipate this, browser manufacturers
complete their programs with the ability to choose the type of home-page that
can be accessed. On the internet there are pornographic images and violence
that can lead to encouragement to someone to act criminal.
 Violence and Gore
Cruelty and violence are also displayed. Because the business and content
aspects of the internet are unlimited, site owners use all kinds of ways to sell
their sites. One of them is by displaying things that are taboo. Fraud It
infectious all aspects. The internet was not spared from the attack of
fraudsters. The best way is not to heed this or confirm the information you
get at the information provider.
 Carding
Because of its real time (direct), how to shop using credit cards is the most
widely used way in the internet world. Internet criminals have committed the
most crimes in this field. With an open nature, criminals are able to detect
transactions (which use Credit Cards) online and record the code of the Card
used. Henceforth they use the data they get for the benefit of their crimes.
 Gambling
Another effect is the expansion of gambling. With the available network,
gamblers don't need to go to a special place to fulfill their wishes. You only
need to avoid sites like this, because generally gambling sites are not
aggressive and require a lot of approval from visitors.

Broadly speaking, the negative impact of the internet is:

1. Reducing the social nature of humans because they tend to prefer to connect
via the internet rather than meeting directly (face to face).
2. From the changing social characteristics can result in changes in the pattern
of society in interacting.
3. Crimes such as cheating and stealing can be done on the internet (crime also
4. Can make someone addicted, especially those that concern pornography and
can spend money because only to serve the addiction


Students at this time are required to be able to face the modern era of globalization
which is certainly very different from the old days. Some say the internet has many
benefits, but some say the internet has a lot of bad effects. This depends on how we
respond and use the internet.
When someone thinks that the internet is very detrimental and has a bad impact, then
someone will indirectly use the internet for things that are not good. But when someone
thinks that the internet is very useful then someone will indirectly use the internet for
things that are good and useful.

In my opinion, there are a number of things we can do to avoid the adverse effects of
internet use and receive as much as possible from the internet as follows:
 Increase faith and piety towards God Almighty.
 Changing the mindset of the internet, always think positive.
 Open sites that are guaranteed safe and install internet protection software.
 Using the internet according to your needs is not what you want.
 Manage and limit internet usage.
In addition there is a special role for parents to supervise and provide explanations about
the internet.Because the family is the smallest community that shapes the character of the
child. But all of this can be realized if all parties cooperate.

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